Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 6 класса УМК Английский в фокусе

Административный контроль
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 6
УМК: «Английский в фокусе» авт. Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова
Контроль: итоговый
Форма проведения: тест
Время проведения: 45 мин.
Задание 1. Соотнеси утверждения с текстом. Ты услышишь текст о знаменитом гонщике. Сначала прочитай предложения. Послушай текст и определи, какие из предложений 1-9 верны (TRUE), а какие – нет (FALSE). Поставь знак «Х» в выбранную тобой колонку. Прослушай текст еще раз, проверь свои ответы.
1 2 3 4 5 6 The Battle of Flowers happens in the third week in August.
The Battle of Flowers isn’t very popular.
Local people wear colorful clothes.
Lots of people watch the parade.
People in the parade throw floats at the spectators.
The visitors say that it is never rainy on “Battle Day”.
_________/ 6 points
Задание 2. Составь мини-диалоги. Прочитай фразы 1- 4. Подбери к каждой фразе подходящую ответную реплику a) – е) из рамки. Впиши букву ответа в пропуск. Один ответ является лишним.
a) The waiter’s bringing it now, look.
b) “Hamlet”, on Friday the 21st .c) No, thanks.
d) Sure, it’s 5698477
e) I’ll come over and have a look.
Which play would you like to see?
Where’s the menu? I’m really hungry.
Could I also have a contact number.
Why don’t you take my raincoat.
1 2 3 4
_________/ 4 points
Задание 3. Прочитай текст. Дополни предложения после текста, выбрав правильный вариант и занеси его в бланк ответов.
A strange thing happened to me a month ago. I am a member of the “Flamenco” dancing company. A month ago the “Flamenco” was giving a performance in a beautiful castle, old Earl Grey and his family were the owners. The castle was built in the 17th century. During the dance my shoe slipped off and went five metres away. I saw it at the staircase. The dance was over and I ran quickly after my shoe. But the shoe fell downstairs and got into the cellar. I followed it jumping over two steps but could not catch it. The cellar was used for keeping old things. There were old costumes, a big lamp and other things. It was clear that people seldom used that room. The shoe was behind the wardrobe. I tried to get it, moved the wardrobe and a vase fell down and broke the pieces. Suddenly I saw a figure of an old man with a great beard in front of me. “I’m the patron of art”, he said. I was ready to ask him about career when I heard Mrs Black: “Dear Mary, is everything OK? It’s your turn to dance.” The wizard gave me my shoe and disappeared.
The young girl is … .a singer
a dancer
an actress
The performance was given in … .a beautiful place
an old estate
an old castle
The castle belonged to… .a noble family
the dancing company
a peasant
Mary lost her shoe … .climbing the staircase
dancing on the stage
jumping in the hall
Mary couldn’t get the shoe because … .
she couldn’t see it
it ran away from her
it got behind the wardrobe
When Mary broke the vase……appeared.
the owner
a magician
the head of the company
The magician didn’t fulfil Mary’s wish because……
he wasn’t strong
he didn’t like her
it was a dream
Mary wanted to ask the magician about….. .
Mrs Black
Her future
The castle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
_________/ 8 points
Задание 4. Прочитай предложения. Выбери из вариантов a), b) и c) верный и обведи его.
How _____ apples did you buy.
much b) many c) any
I am ______ buy some new clothes at the weekend.
going to b) go c) goes
She is ______ lunch at school today.
have b) has c) having
His parents_______ at a bank .work b) are working c) works
When ______ she taking her driving exam.
has b) is c) can
6. I_______ like coffee. I prefer tea.
a) doesn’t b) do c) don’t
7. Nick always ______ to bad at ten o’clock.
a) go b) goes c) don’t go
8. He doesn’t______ golf.
a) liking b)like c) likes
9. ______you like football.
a) Does b)Doing c) Do
10. This is a picture of __________ family.
a) my b) me c) us
_________/ 10 point
-539115345440Задание 6. Прочитай письмо от нового друга по переписке и напиши ответ.
11th of May
Dear friend,
I’m happy we will be pen friends. My name is Ann. I am twelve. I live in Oxford, Great Btitain. My family is big. I have a brother and a sister. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
This summer, my family and I go to the seaside. I often go to the seaside with my family. There are so beautiful places there! Do you like to swim? What kind of sports do you like?
At school, I really like jogging and tennis. I join a tennis club! Have you got any favourite clubs?
Well, that’s all about me. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

-481965-36195 _________________(1)
_________________ (2)
Dear ___________________________________________________________(3)
Thank you for your letter.
My name is _____________________________________________________ (4)
I am ___________________________________________________________ (5)
My family is ____________________________________________________ (6)
I have got ______________________________________________________ (7)
We live in _______________________________________________________(8)
I like to visit______________________________________________________(9)
I enjoy ______________________________________________________ (10)
My favourite clubs are _________________________________________ (11)
Please write back.
Best wishes,
_________/ 12 point
35 - 40 28 - 34 20 - 27 Менее 20
Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again!
«5» «4» «3» «2»
Инструкция по проверке и оценке заданий итогового контрольного тестирования по английскому языку для учащихся 6 классов.
После выполнения учащимися работы преподаватель проверяет их ответы. За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает один балл. За пропуск или за неверный ответ выставляется ноль баллов. Все баллы суммируются, и выводится общая оценка. Максимальное количество баллов – 40.
Критерии проверки Английский язык, 6 класс
№ правильные ответы балл критерии
Аудирование1- False
2- False
3- True
4- True
5- True
6- True 6 Все утверждения верно соотнесены с текстом.
Чтение 1- b
2- а
3- d
4- c 4 По одному баллу за каждый верный ответ. К каждой фразе найдена верная ответная реплика.
Чтение 1- b
2- c
3- a
4- b
5- b
6- b
7- c
8-b 8 По одному баллу за каждый верный ответ.
1- b
2- a
3- c
4- a
5- b
6- c
7- b
8- b
9- c
10- a 10 По одному баллу за верный ответ
Письмо (Название населенного пункта)
(дата написания письма)
Dear (Ann)
Thank you for your letter.
My name is (имя учащегося)
I am (возраст учащегося).
My family is (большая или небольшая).
I have got (члены семьи).
We live in (название населенного пункта, возможно, название страны или тип дома) .
I like to visit (место или родственники).
I enjoy (чем любит заниматься).
My favourite clubs are (любимые предметы в школе).
Please write back.
Best wishes,
(имя учащегося) 1
=12 Допустимое количество орфографических ошибок – не более 3х. За каждое правильно вставленное слово/выражение засчитывается 1 балл. Если предложение полностью повторяется, в конце должно быть too.
Максимальное количество баллов за работу 40 35 - 40 28 - 34 20 - 27 Менее 20
Very good! Good! Not bad! Try again!
«5» «4» «3» «2»
Текст для аудирования (задание 1)
The Battle of Flowers.The Battle of Flowers is a great parade which is lots of fun. It takes place every year on the second Thursday in August on Jersey Island in the English Channel. It is a flowers festival famous round the world. Local people wear colorful costumes. There are flower floats and music bands playing happy music. Lots of visitors come to watch the parade every year because it is different from the other festivals. People in the parade throw flowers at the spectators and the spectators throw the flowers back at the people in the parade. That’s why the festival’s name is “The Battle of Flowers”. The local people think it is a lucky festival because it is always sunny and never rainy on “Battle Day”. So, see you in Jersey!