Урок английского яыка в 8 классе по теме:Hobby

План - конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме:
Trying to Become a Successful Person
Who is a successful person? Портрет успешного человека.
Цели урока:
1)Образовательные :
обучение умению вести диалог - расспрос: учить запрашивать и
сообщать информацию в соответствии с поставленной
коммуникативной задачей. Практиковать в умении делать краткие
сообщения о людях, достигших многого путем собственных усилий.
Развивать умение выражать свою точку зрения.
развитие коммуникативных умений у учащихся творческого
мышления, воображения. Познакомить с интересными людьми,
достигшими определенного успеха.
воспитание у учащихся культуры общения и мышления,
эстетического вкуса.
Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок.
Оборудование: учебник, доска, дидактический материал (карточки).
Форма взаимодействия: групповая, индивидуальная, фронтальная.
Учебник: М.З. Биболетова и др. «Enjoy English- 8»
Ход урока
I.Организация класса.
Сообщение целей, задач и плана работы на уроке.
II. Обучение лексической стороне речи.
Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков, грамматических навыков.
a) Translate from English into Russian
b) Translate from Russian into English
c) Make up 2-3 own sentences using these word combination:
To take different factors into account
To have a highly paid job
To get a good salary
To have a high income
To get a lot of money
To be ambitious/energetic/creative
To be satisfied with
To make a right choice
To have an aptitude for
To be interested in working with
III. Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям.
1. Обучение чтению и говорению.
1) Divide in groups and then discuss: a) Do you think Walt Disney, Mother Teresa and Slava Polunin were successful persons?
 I think / I believe / I guess…
 It goes without saying that…
 First / Second / Then…
 I should say that…
 To work hard; to be persistent / hardworking / industrious /
creative / strong- willed aim
 To set oneself the aim
 To achieve / attain one’s object (достичь своей цели)
 To aim (at) (иметь целью)
b) Is there anything in the text that surprised you?
 I was greatly impressed / startled by the fact that…
 The impression was…
 It made a great impression on me.
 How great was my surprise, when…
c) Did you learn anything from the next? What?
 I have never heard that…
 I didn’t know that…
 I can (could) hardly imagine that (how)…
 I didn’t realize that…
 I have found out that…
 The information was very useful and interesting.
2) In groups :
a) Write down five comprehension questions on the text you’ve just read.
b) Give your questions to another group.
c) Read another group’s text and answer their questions.
 What country is Walt Disney ( Mother Teresa, Slava Polunin) from?
 Where (How) did he / she spend his / her childhood?
 Was his / her family rich?
 What did he / she like to do?
 Did he / she have artistic or creative abilities?
 Was he / she interested in working with plants or animals?
 What attitude did he / she have?
 What did he / she decide to be?
 Were he / she hardworking / persistent / Strong-willed?
 What was his / her principal goal?, etc.
2. Развитие лексических умений.
Цель: Отработка лексики с помощью речевого
подстановочного упражнения.
Индивидуальная работа с карточками.
Fill in the blanks with the information from the text about Walt Disney.
Walt Disney was a famous American producer. He was born in 1901. On a farm, where
he spent his childhood he learned to watch nature and animals. Young Walter worked hard
helping his father. He always had clear ideas of what he wanted. His studio continued producing
movies even after his death.
3. Обучение говорению (устному монологическому высказыванию).
Контроль выполнения домашнего задания.
1) Tell your classmates about a successful person who’ve you respect.
He / she can be a world – famous (outstanding) writer, actor, painter,
sportsman, politician etc.)
2)Would you like to become a successful person? Why? Think about it and say
what traits of your character you should develop to become a successful person.
What traits of your character would you like to get rid of?
 I would like to improve / to change some trails of my character / my
 I’m such a daudler / lazy-bones / a sleepyhead / a slacker…
 I’m sorry to confess that I am…
 I have to confess that I am…
 Nobody is perfect.
 …to be easy/ hard to deal with/ hard to get along with
Absent -minded Bright
Awkward Bold
Envious Brave
Hot-tempered Cheerful
Irritable Clever
Jealous Communicative
Light-minded Conscientious
Sluggish Cute
Obstinate Creative
Shy Diligent
Touchy Punctual
Wear-willed Strong-willed
Подведение итогов урока (домашнее задание, выставление оценок с комментарием)