Разработка по английскому языку по теме Случаи употребления инфинитива и герундия.

Для выражения цели 1. в роли подлежащего
После глаголов: agree, appear, decide, 2. После глаголов: admit, appreciate, avoid,
expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, wantconsider, continue, deny, fancy, go,
-I expect him to be here.imagine, mind, miss, practice,
-I want you to come. quit, save, suggest, prevent,
-You should avoid eating junk food.
3. после would love, would like, would prefer 3. После love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate
для выражения особого предпочтения:для выражения общего предпочтения:
I would love to come to your party. – I prefer walking on foot.
После прилагательных, описывающих чувства, 4. После выражений: be busy, it`s no use,
эмоции, готовность/неготовность, черты it`s no good, it`s worth, what`s the use of,
характера человека, прилагательных can`t help, there`s no point in, can`t
lucky, fortunate по отношению к какому-либо stand, have difficulty in, have trouble
действию: 5. после глаголов spend, waste, lose
I was sad to hear you were not feeling well. (time, money)
после too/enough He spends an hour playing the guitar.
She is old enough to watch the film.6. с такими глаголами и выражениями:
после be+ the first/the second/the next/ the last think of, apologise for, object to, look
She was the first person to call me on my birthday. forward to, be used to, in addition to
после глаголов ask, decide, explain, find out, learn, She is looking forward to receiving a letter
want, want to know +вопросительное слово:from him.
She asked me when to get the tickets.I was thinking of calling John.
в устойчивых выражениях : He apologized for being late.
To tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up,7. после глагола prefer
to begin withShe prefers walking to driving on the
после некоторых существительных: way to work.
honour, goal, way 8. после глаголов hear, listen to,
It`s an honour to take part in this festival. notice, see, watch, feel
10. So+ adjective+as для обозначения незавершенного
Would you be so kind as to help me with the door? действия:
11. с only выражающим неудовлетворительный I saw Paul waiting for the bus.
результат11. be/get used to + ing-form
She drove all the way to the mall only to find I`m used to working very hard.
It was closed.
12. в выражениях for + noun/pronoun+to-inf:
It was very unusual for John to speak so rudely.

Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется после модальных глаголов ,
В глагольных выражениях let, make, see, hear, notice, feel, + smb+ инфинитив без частицы to
после had better, would rather
1. Sally can speak Portuguese fluently.
2. They let him travel on his own.
3. You had better put your jacket on.
To+infinitive ing-form
Forget+to forget+ingЗабыть, не помнить не помнить о
событиив прошломI forgot to phone himWe`ll never forget and he was upset. driving in that terrible snowstorm
Remember +to remember+ingПомнить, не забыватьпомнить о событии в прошломChris always remembers to lock He didn`t remember lending
the door when he leaves. me his pen.
Mean+to mean+ingНамереваться подразумевать
Собираться предполагать
He meant to check your report Growing up means new
but he was too busy. Responsibility.Regret+to regret+ingСожалеть о предстоящем сожалеть о чем-либо
неприятном разговореWe regret to inform you that… He has never regretted leaving England forever
Try +to try+ingстараться делать все экспериментировать возможное
She tried to carry her suitcase Try making a shopping list
but it was too heavy. so you don`t forget
Stop +ing stop+ to
Остановиться на время прекратить делать
с целью сделать что-л.что-либо
We stopped to admire the view. Stop eating sweets.
Go on +to go on +ingЗакончить действие продолжать делать что-либо
и приступить к новому
After he finished his speech The student went on
he went on to answer the reporters` writing even after the
questions. bell rang.
8.Hate+to hate+ingНеудовольствие по не любить то, что
поводу предстоящего приходится делать
I hate to tell you this, but… John hates waking up early