Презентация урока по профилактике гриппа

What is he complaining of? headacheHe has a ..

feverHe has a ..
coughHe has a ..

style.rotation a running noseHe has a ..

a sore throatHe has a ..
Give synonyms to the word “pain” - …
a sore throathead+achesoreache

headachetemperatureshiveringPain in musclesweaknessWhat symptoms has he?

What disease has he?He has an influenza
The theme of our lesson is …Influenza. Prophylaxis of influenza
(итал. influenza — “influence”-«воздействие»)
Remember synonyms of the word “Influenza” – flugrippe
Are there any difference between Influenza and ARD?
ARD (ОРЗ) – acute respiratory disease
Put these signs in proper places:+++ severe symptoms – сильные симптомы ++ moderate symptoms - умеренные симптомы +/- mild symptoms – слабые симптомы - no symptoms – нет никаких симптомов SymptomsInfluenzaARDCommon symptomsa high temperature  headache, general pains  +++ photophobia +++ Local symptomsa running nose, sneezing+++ a sore throat +++a cough ++Distinction Influenza from ARD at first 2 – 3 days from the beginning of the disease. +++++++++++++++++\-+\-+++\-+\--

Influenza is caused by… the virus
it passes by…the air through the mouth and nose
ppt_yppt_yppt_y Influenza has no borders.Influenza is one of the socially significant disease Mutation of VirusA/H1N1H5N1The virus

Swine influenza(Свиной грипп) A/H1N1In 2009 it took 2627 lives

In 2013 it took 175 lives

The main terrible influenza pandemic in the whole history of humanity was Spain influenza «Испанка» (фр. La Grippe Espagnole, или исп. La Pesadilla)/ It tooks about 50-100 million lives in 1918 - 1919.
What is the main method of prophylaxis?Vaccination
“Vaccination: for and against”
For vaccinationAgainst vaccinationIt prevents from influenzaIt is not a painful injectionIt is free of charge ..It doesn’t useful ..It is painful injectionIt causes allergyto be agree with, to be disagree with, to take medicines to strengthen immunity, a painful injection, to be afraid of, to be ill, to lead healthy lifestyle, medicinal plants, to recommend, to wear a mask, to take vitamins …

Home task
Home task:Make a report, choose one of the themes:1. “Prophylaxis of Influenza”2. “Mutation of virus of influenza”3. “Influenza is one of the socially significant disease”