Итоговый тест к учебнику Happy English-6

Итоговый тест к учебнику «Happy English.ru» для 6 класса

1. Find the odd word (найди лишнее слово). Выберите один ответ.

1) a. excursion b. architect c. scientist d. politician
2) a. body b. snack c. tail d. leg
3) a. flu b. aspirin c. headache d. cough
4) a. pepper b. honey c. cucumber d. onion
5) a. reading b. beginning c. travelling d. gardening

2. Fill in the gap with the correct verb (заполни пропуск подходящим глаголом). Выберите один ответ:

1) My mother always very early in the morning.
a. will get up b. gets up d. got up d. is getting up
2) I hope they me tomorrow.
a. phone b. are phoning c. will phone d. phoned
3) Animals our best friends and members of t
·(заполни пропуск подходящим словом). Выберите один ответ.

1) He is not hungry. He doesn’t want .
a. nobody b. anybody c. nothing d. anything
2) Listen! is singing!
a. anybody b. something c. anything d. somebody
3) liked this concert. It was fun!
a. everybody b. nobody c. nothing d. everything

4. Choose the correct ending (выбери правильное окончание предложения). Выберите один ответ.

1) You use the computer without asking your father.
a. have b. mustn’t c. haven’t d. must
2) I don’t like milk but sometimes I to drink it.
a. mustn’t b. must c. haven’t d. have
3) My sister make vary tasty cakes. She’ll make one for Mum’s birthday.
a. can b. mustn’t c. must d. can’t
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