Презентация к методическому семинару Обучение аудированию

Teaching listeningInteractive skills development The outcomesDuring today’s session we’ll:give reasons for listening analyze how to adapt tasks to teach listening skillsidentify listening subskillsdiscuss monitoring and giving feedback techniques Reasons for listeningInteractional listeningTransactional and pleasurable listening Reasons for listeningAIMS:Transactional listening – communication to transfer informationInteractional listening – communication for successful socializationhttp://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-1-episode-5-fadi-rescue Listen to David Crystal. Identify the major challenges that EFL teachers face:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItODnX5geCMKeep up with the paceMaking students ready for differenceThe difference between philosophy in the classroom and examination requirementsHow to manage the challenges of language teachers