Исследовательская работа по теме: «Английский язык в нашей повседневной жизни»

Municipal autonomous educational institution
Secondary school № 26
Saratov region BalakovoResearch
topic: "English in our daily lives"
Scientific adviser:
Elena DozmorovaVeshkina Tatiana G.
English teacher
Part one.
Introduction ........................................................................ .p.3-4Theoretical part
     2.1. "Evolution" of English inscriptions ................................. .p.5
     2.3. Inscriptions in English - a fad or something else? ............... p.5-6
     2.4. We are responsible for what is written on our subject ...... p.6
The practical part
  3.1. The methodology of the research ................................. .p.7
  3.2. The results of the survey of respondents .................................... ..p.8
3.3. The conclusions. Analysis of the collected material .............................. p. 8
  Conclusion ..................................................................... .p.9
  References ............................................................ p.10
   Application .................................................................. p.11
Nowadays, young people like to stand out. This also applies to adolescents. One of the features of are inscriptions on clothes. Now young people are trying to buy things with bright large foreign words. Scientists, psychologists have found that we evaluate a person or a thing in first 40 seconds and then, from the prevailing opinion, we are reluctant to retreat. We save our impression. The strongest is the impression of an object, provided with all sorts of trendy labels in a foreign language. Our attention was attracted to the English-language inscriptions on clothes, food, household appliances, signs, instructions.
The idea of studying the socio-linguistic problems of English inscriptions on the material of inscriptions is the result of personal experience, communication with contemporaries, observations on the streets and in school.
The problem is that not everyone knows what kind of meaning have labels on the clothes, household appliances, in shop windows, in the instructions to this or that technique.
Our work is devoted to the content English inscriptions and texts.
The relevance of the chosen theme is that subjects with English labels have become an integral part of the modern man.
The novelty of this research work is determined by the study and identification of the content of the English labels on items we use in everyday life.
Object of study - food, clothing and household appliances.
The subject of research is the information carried by the label.
Purpose - to establish the relationship between the inscription’s meaning and the level of English proficiency.
The objectives to achieve this purpose:
1. To study the scientific literature on the subject.
2. Carry out a social survey among students to learn the most popular inscriptions.
3. Make a translation of the English labels on used items in Russian.
4. Identify the degree of understanding of inscriptions at different ages.
5. Analyze the collected verbal material and reach a conclusion.
Hypothesis - this work is useful for the school students and their parents. After the study of the English labels they will select more carefully clothes with inscriptions, purchasing products, technology.
The work was carried out in stages:
1. Preparation of basic information for work.
2. Analysis and comparison of the collected inscriptions.
3. Key findings and results.
When writing a research work the following methods were used:
search for the material;
use of computer technology;
consultation (with the teachers of Russian and English);
analysis and comparison;
generalizationOur work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the second part we examined the elements such as the history of the appearance of labels, the people’s need to purchase items with foreign labels.
Theoretical part
2.1 "Evolution" of inscriptions.Young people do not believe, but those who are older, confirm that two decades ago, before the appearance of a person with incomprehensible inscription in English meant nothing in the public eye, as a provocation and a challenge. Nevertheless, all secretly were jealous of the owner of imported items, who was not afraid to stand out among the masses. Another thing - today! We are surrounded by a large set of English words, that often the majority does not know.
Inscriptions on clothes and household items took place many centuries ago. And the earliest familiar to us were from ancient Greece. Then they can be seen on a variety of Italian and German portraits of the late XV and XVI centuries, the inscriptions were usually written in Latin mottos and displayed a noble family, or the names of the owners of these portraits or dresses. If we talk about the latest period the inscriptions decorated the form of the workers, pointing to their status in the workplace. Then they began to show a designer or a company, and after that they carried meaning.
Inscriptions are different and change as a person grows up. The child has just some funny word, the teenager - quotes, replica movie heroes, loud and pretentious slogans, sometimes even bordering on obscenity. Adults are people, knowing that on the subject and clothing can be written something that is not for their age or something indecent. So they try to choose clothes without inscriptions. It is the right decision, as opposed to teens which are just looking at the beautiful style and fun characters. Well, let us bear with teenagers: - any means for their self-assertion! Over the years, we all make a choice more seriously, and we want to express the words of our true beliefs or hint at something lurking.
2.2 Inscriptions in English - a fad or something else?
A lot of people seek to buy something with the words only in a foreign language. What they want to say? If nothing else, then it is really a tribute to fashion. Only the inscriptions on English subjects should be treated with caution, because a smart idea sounds absurd, if it is properly formulated in a foreign language. The same can be said about the standard ready-made phrases - mismatched become nothing more than a casus. Especially popular in Europe and America among young people are t-shirts with funny slogans that everyone chooses according to the nature and perception of the world. In Russia, the "subject" t-shirt is less popular. This can be explained by the fact that still a large category of young Russians are not very well aware of foreign (in particular - English) so incidents with slogans on clothing found in our time. In general, young people choose T-shirts with slogans the meaning of which can be understood only by initiates, those who really knows English. Decent inscriptions on youth shirts look like this: «Getthe 1$ Diamond», «Beautiful stranger», «Shiningstar»... There are, of course, more fun: «Callnow! I will save you! Russian secret agent» or «Mrs.Justine Timberlake».
Most adults who buy, food and items with unknown inscriptions are trapped. Buying home appliances the instruction in a foreign language is difficult to use.
 2.3 We are responsible for what is written on our subject.
   Inscriptions on clothes, food and a variety of subjects should be treated cautiously. Surrounding often perceive them as words spoken aloud, the host of fashion, food can have dangerous content. If you are not supported the words written on your clothes, why do you pinned it on yourself? Not long ago, on this occasion an international scandal between Germany and China took place. Over the past couple of years, it recorded nearly two dozen cases, when a strange inscriptions on T-shirts, made in Arabic, or understandable, in English, but with "jokes" about the bomb. Security did not allow them to fly on a plane. So, to paraphrase a famous phrase, we can say - we are responsible for what is written in our clothes.
The practical part
We built our study by the following way:
We found students wearing clothes with inscriptions in English.
We searched the house and food items with inscriptions in English.
We rewrote or took pictures of the most interesting labels and ask questions along the following lines:
* age* understanding of the meaning of written
* translation of the text
* reason that they have acquired this thing
* information about possible grammatical and spelling errors in the captions.
We have recorded and analyzed the responses of about 30 respondents, which reflected graphically in the table.
In the third part of the paper the results of processing of the received questionnaires, linguistic expertise inscriptions are presented.
The results of the survey of respondents
№ The subject Age of holderNumber of respondentsKnow the meaning Do not know the meaning
1 Inscriptions on clothes10-15 30 10 20
35 - 45 30 7 23
2 Inscriptions on food10 - 15 30 5 25
35-45 30 2 28
3 Inscriptions on household appliances10-15 30 3 27
35-45 30 0 30
4 Instructions for Use10-15 30 4 26
35-45 30 0 30

As a result of the study, we found that one of ten has at least two things with foreign labels. Of all respondents 62% do not know what information the inscriptions include, while the remaining 38% understand the meaning of the inscriptions. 20% are those who misunderstand what kind of information they have on the clothing, and the remaining 18% do not try to understand it. The percentage difference between knowing and not knowing is big.

When asked why you purchased this item respondents answered differently. Most said that liked the color and the large letters, while others were specifically looking for things with foreign labels. These respondents constitute a percentage ignorant. Only 5% were looking for clothes with certain inscriptions and found. After testing they were asked about if they would pay attention to the meaning of the text. Respondents said that they would pay more attention to phrases and letters on clothes, on food products and other items.
During the study, errors were found in the inscriptions.
Answering the question posed in the introduction if adolescents consider the meaning of inscriptions in English, which is on their clothing, it can be stated that, following the fashion young people tends to keep it.
The study found that only 62% of respondents buying things paid attention to the translation of English phrases. However, some have indicated that the difficulties in translation stopped them from purchasing clothing. 18% of respondents did not pay attention to the translation of text and perceived them as an ornament of their clothes that is a kind of tribute to modern fashion teens, a kind of "dress code". Analysis of collected data has shown that the level of proficiency in English, which was determined by the age of the respondent school student, allows to navigate in the inscriptions and use written information correctly. The study also showed the inextricable link with the culture of the language level of the individual.
During the work on the topic "Analysis of the content of the inscriptions on T-shirts British teenagers" we have successfully solved the problem posed by the study:
  - Examined the various sources of information;
- Considered the problem of the widespread use of English in the design of modern clothes;
- Analyzed features of English labels on clothes.
Undoubtedly, a private matter of each person is how to be dressed. However, the fact is that the vast majority of people who prefer the label on the clothes, do not suspect, what texts they have. It seems abnormal. Many are at odds with foreign languages and shy to seek the assistance of knowledgeable people. To study English is not as heavy as it sometimes seems. Nowadays, English is everywhere: on goods and signboards of shops, on the electrical, clothing, on the Internet.
The majority of respondents do not attach much importance to inscriptions on their clothes, which can contain obscene and offensive meaning, grammar and spelling errors. In the wardrobe each of us has not even one thing that contains the inscription in English. Sometimes, it may contain just a set of meaningless words and phrases, sometimes insulting and obscene language, and sometimes actually filled with a sense of humor and a good phrase.
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Electronic sources:
5.HYPERLINK "http://nsportal.ru/ap/drugoe/library/analiz-soderzhaniya-angliiskikh-nadpisei-na-odezhde-podrostkov"http://nsportal.ru/ap/drugoe/library/analiz-soderzhaniya-angliiskikh-nadpisei-na-odezhde-podrostkov
6.HYPERLINK "http://katalog-futbolki.ru/nadpisi-na-futbolkax-na-anglijskom/"http://katalog-futbolki.ru/nadpisi-na-futbolkax-na-anglijskom/
7.http://www.bloxa.ru/4320/« Inscriptions on clothes». Site «Dni.ru»