Презентация к уроку Настоящее вологодское качество

Презентация к уроку английского языка, посвященному юбилею города Вологды Разработчик: Кучерова О.Л.Учитель английского языка МОУ « средняя общеобразовательная школа №39» ВОЛОГДА2012 V o l o g d a 4 8 6 9 2 7 10 3 5 1 According to Alexei Zasetsky Vologda started with this monastery.The founder of Vologda.The second ancient name of Vologda.The 1st stone building was St. Sophia`s…The tsar who wanted to make Vologda a new capital city was Ivan the…The oldest theatre in Vologda.The most famous monastery in Vologda.Since the 15th century Vologda was a political exile destination and got the name of “… close to the capital”. One of Vologda`s twin sister cities.Vologda`s age-mate in Russia. V o l o g d a 4 8 6 9 2 7 10 3 5 1 T r a d e m a r k s EXPOSITION BOBBIN TO WEAVE (WOVE, WOVEN) LACE A WEAVER FLAXEN PRODUCTS LOOM SPINNING MACHINE DAIRY PRODUCTS CREAMERY КРУЖЕВНИЦА КОКЛЮШКА ВЫСТАВКА МАСЛОБОЙНЯ ПЛЕСТИ КРУЖЕВО ПРЯДИЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА ТКАЦКИЙ СТАНОК ЛЬНЯНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ МОЛОЧНЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ WALNUTTY TASTE ОРЕХОВЫЙ ВКУС AFTERTASTE ПОСЛЕВКУСИЕ WALNUTTY TASTE EXPOSITION BOBBIN TO WEAVE (WOVE, WOVEN) LACE A WEAVER FLAXEN PRODUCTS LOOM SPINNING MACHINE DAIRY PRODUCTS CREAMERY AFTERTASTE ОРЕХОВЫЙ ВКУС ВЫСТАВКА ПЛЕСТИ КРУЖЕВО КОКЛЮШКА КРУЖЕВНИЦА ЛЬНЯНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ ТКАЦКИЙ СТАНОК ПРЯДИЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА МОЛОЧНЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ ПОСЛЕВКУСИЕ МАСЛОБОЙНЯ butter lace flax The history of this trademark. What is special about it? What can you say about the museum/ exhibition of this trademark? Read the text and fill in the table: I want to see the best of Vologda, but I`m short of time. What sights should I see first of all? What museums should I visit? What souvenirs should I buy? I think you should see … first … because… … is an absolutely unique product. You can buy it nowhere but here. Yes, it is really interesting, but only in Vologda you can… I couldn`t agree more, but only Vologda is world-famous for its… You have the only chance to see… Don`t miss the chance to buy… Use these phrases in the discussion: Cinquain Vologda lace Marvelous, wonderful To weave, to make, to astonish Delight, amaze, surprise Admiration Thank you for your attention!