Семестровая контрольная работа за 2 семестр

6 form 2 sem writing V-1
The place where you can buy meat
the butcher’s b) the dairy c) the bakery
You can buy caramels at the…
toys for boys b) confectionary c) grocer’s
There…many different departments
Is b) are
Ukrainian money
Hryvnia b)dollar c) pound 2 балиCan you help me? I… … for the butcher’s now
am watching b) am look c) am looking
6. To keep
a) Good b) fit c) sport
7. Messages over the Internet
a) Letter b) e-mail c) meeting
8… you ever … tennis in your life? a) Have…play b) Has… played c) Have… played 4 бали 9. What school are you studying at?
specialized language school b) secondary school c) lyceum
.During the Math lesson we
sing a song b) do the sums c) listen to a dialogue
11.Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra is a …
Monastery b) palace c) cave 3 бали 12.написати листа з подякою (англійською мовою) або описати одне із цікавих
місць Києва та одне із місць Лондона(українською мовою) 3 бали