Разработка сценария English concert

“Welcome to the big English concert”

Ціль заходу: 1)удосконалювати фонетичні та лексичні навички ; 2) формувати навички усного монологічного мовлення;
3) підвищувати [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ] кругозір учнів;
4) прищеплювати любов до англійської мови.

Christie: Hello everybody! My name is Christie! How are you? I hope you are fin
·w! Listen to the song and you’ ll understand. Children, help us, please! Clap your hands!
(виступ учнів 5 класу. Пісня «Bobby-Bingo»)
There was a farmer had a dog His name was Boby-Bingo
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O His name was Boby-Bingo  
There was a farmer had a dog His name was Boby-Bingo
B-I-N-G-(хлопок), B-I-N-G-(хлопок), B-I-N-G-(хлопок) His name was Boby-Bingo  
There was a farmer had a dog His name was Boby-Bingo
B-I-N-(хлопок),(хлопок), B-I-N-(хлопок), (хлопок), B-I-N-(хлопок),(хлопок) His name was Boby-Bingo

Julia: Thank you very much. It was great!
Christie: Yes, it was really great. To have a dog is well. Dogs are good friends. But I know that pupils from the 6th form can dramatize the fork tale “The turnip”
Julia: Really? Let’s see!    
   (Виступ учнів 6 класу. Казка «Ріпка»)

The turnip
Zhuchka, the Dog

Narrator: There lived a Grandfather and a Grandmoth
·he city.
Christie: And I live in the country.
Julia and Christie (together): Where would you rather live?

(учениця 5 класу. Вірш “A question”).
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small,
Some people live in the city
Where the hou
·Учні 5 класу співають «Old MacDonald»).

“Late again”
P1.; Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready to go?
P2.; Not quiet,  Not quiet . Just a minute. Don’t rush me.
P1.; Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry
·Учні 7 класу танцюють “Irish Step”

Julia: Thanks. It was very beautiful. But to love or not to love? What is  the questions!
Christie: What do you say? There is no doubt to love! And now meet the 8th form!

P1.: You never listen to me!
P2.: What did yo
·und and watches TV.
P2.: She just sits around.

Christie: Thank very much. In my opinion the quarrel is a bad thing. Why do people quarrel with each other? I do not know. Julia, answer my question, please.

Учениця 11 класу співає“Hurt”

Christie: You sing very nicely! But the pupil of the 5th form knows the poem about quarrel.

( Учениця 7 класу читає вірш “The Quarrel”)

“The Quarrel”.
I quarreled with my brother, I don t know what about,
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out.
The start of it was slight,
The end of it was strong,
He said that he was right
I knew that he was wrong.  
We hated one another. The afternoon turned black.
Then suddenly my brother
Thumped me on the back,

And said, “Oh, come along!
We can’t go on, all right –
I was in the wrong.”
So he was in the right.
Christie: There are many talented children at our school. Julia, do you play the guitar?
Julia: Unfortunately, no, I don’t. But I know the man who plays the guitar.
Together: Meet Anton, the pupil of the 11th form!

Christie: It was not bad. Thanks, children. .Oh, my God! To tell the truth, I am very hungry! I d like to eat banana or ice-cream with pleasure. Let, go to the cafй!

Julia: OK! And you, my dear friends, meet the pupils of the 9 th form.

( Учні 9 класу інсенізууть «Запрошення в кафе»)

Christie: Good for you! You are very clever! На прошлой неделе Светлана Николаевна задала нам выучить неправильные глаголы.
Julia: Но, одному ученику из нашего класса никак не удавалось их запомнить.
Christie: Он нашел выход из положения. Каждое слово он с чем-нибудь ассоциировал.
Julia: Смотрите, что получилось.
Christie: "Я в буфете buy-bought-bought первоклассный бутерброд за него я pay-paid-paid в классе в парту lay-laid-laid и совсем не think-thought-thought, что сосед его умнет" Julia: "drink-drank-drunk ужасно много наш соседний дядя Вова он forget-forgot-forgotten про семью и про работу потому-что have-had-had он ужасно много бед он такое do-did-done когда очень сильно пьян"

Christie: Very, very talented children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye.
Julia: Thank you very much! We’ll meet next year. See you!

(Учні 11 классу разом з вчителем виконують пісню Happy new year )

Happy New Year

Виховний захід

to the big English concert”

В 5- 11 классах

Донської ЗОШ I - III ступенів