Урок на тему:Kazakh national food

Grade: 6
Theme: Kazak national food
Цель:Закрепление лексики по теме “ Еда”.
воспитывать уважение к традициям национальной кухни. 
воспитание вежливости, дружелюбия и отзывчивости; 
Развивающая:развитие навыка аудирования;  монологической речи; развитие навыка письма; 
развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление;
развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать,
развивать умения сравнивать, анализировать, воображать
Образовательная:знакомство с местоимениями some/any; тренировка фонетических и грамматических навыков;  расширение кругозора детей – знакомство с кухней своей страны;  повторить активную лексику; обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме “Еда“;
знакомить учащихся с различными пословицами и поговорками о еде, сравнить их с русскими эквивалентами,
закрепление и проверка грамматической темы исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. Ход урока I. Организационный момент Приветствие, диалог учитель-ученик, сообщение даты урока, погоды. Сообщение целей урока Учитель: Good morning children.  I'm glad to see you. How are you today? Well, what date is it today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent? What's the weather like today? You are right. The theme of our lesson is “Food” Today I shell be a master chef and we are chefs. Today we shell cook the dish. I introduce you to solve crossword.
II. Контроль д.з- проверка знаний неправильных глаголов а-сIII. Основная часть
A. This is proverbs. What is the English for… 1. The appetite comes with eating. 2. Every vegetable has its season. 3. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near. 4. A hungry man is an angry man. 5. Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge. 6. Tastes differ. 1. Кашу маслом не испортишь. 2. Дорога ложка к обеду 3. Аппетит приходит во время еды. 4. Вкусы разные. 5. Каждому овощу свое время. 6. Голодный человек злой человек. Our meat is ready! (учөся сопоставляют англ. Пословицы с русс. эквивалентом)
B. Reading, Speaking
Ex. 3- the students read and act out dialogue.
На партах лежит описание каждого этапа приготовления нашего блюда. Ваша задача- составить последовательность приготовления данного блюда (работа в группах)
We must complete whole recipe. To make it you need 3-4 kg of meat- sheep, beef or horse – and five or six large potatoes. Boil the meat slowly for one and a half to tow hours. At the same time, mix the flour, egg, salt and water together to make the dough. Roll the dough out until it’s about 1 mm thick. Then cut into 10 cm squares. Add black pepper and sliced onions to 200 ml of the broth. When it is ready, everyone can sit down at the dastarkhan (the Kazakh low table) and enjoy their meal!
C. работа с текстом
Немного истории. Учащиеся читают предложения, знакомятся с нац.блюдами.

He or she is first treated to  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "kumys" kumys (fermented mare's milk),  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "shubat" shubat (fermented camel's milk) or  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "airan" airan (fermented cow's milk), then to tea with milk or cream, baursaks (fried dough balls), raisins, irimshik (dried cheese balls), and  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "kurt" kurt (dried cheese and whey).
Appetizers of horse or mutton meat follow (  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "kazy" kazy, shuzhuk,  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "zhal" zhal,  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "zhaya" zhaya, sur-yet,  HYPERLINK "http://www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/kazakhstan_culture6.shtml" \l "karta" karta, kabyrga) always served with flat bread.
Kazakhs eat at a low table called a "dastarkhan" and the most popular dish has always been the national meat dish, "beshparmak" ("five fingers" because of the manner in which it is eaten).

It is made of large chunks of boiled meat, which the host cuts and serves to each guest according to their importance: the pelvic bones and shin to the elderly guests of honor, the brisket to the son or daughter-in-law, the cervical vertebra to girls and so on.
The highest ranking guest is served a sheep's head cooked in a special way and distributes it to other guests according to local tradition (old men, children, close and distant relatives).

The meat is eaten with a boiled pasta sheet and a meat broth called shorpa, usually served in traditional Kazakh bowls called "pialas". At the end of the meal kumys is served, then tea.
Today, around the dastarkhan gather Kazakhs, as well as many other nationalities: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Uigurs, Dungalts and Koreans.
These people who have lived peacefully with the Kazakhs have influenced their cuisine, everyday life and culture and adopted some Kazakh traditions.
Today's Kazakh cuisine includes traditional Kazakh dishes as well as Uzbek, Uigur, Russian, Tatar, and Korean dishes, which Kazakhs enjoy.
Today, the range of ingredients available locally has considerably widened and influenced the national cuisine accordingly.
Traditionally Kazakh cuisine was mostly based on meat and milk products. But more recently vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, baked dishes and sweets have been added to the list of delights Kazakhs offer to their guests.
IV. Conclusion. Home work: Выучить пословицы .Выставление оценок.