План урока к курсу Страноведение Великобритании в 10 классе по теме Обычный день жителей Великобритании

Lesson Plan
Teacher Irina Labukova Grade Level 10
Course Country study of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Unit Title “Great Britain: Everyday Life”
Lesson Title “Everyday Life in the UK: Cuisine, Holidays, Spending Free Time”
Projected Time for Lesson(s) 45 minutes
Lesson Purpose:
1. Students will be able to present the results of their research work on the web quest projects “Everyday Life in the UK: Cuisine”, “Everyday Life in the UK: Holidays”, “Everyday Life in the UK: Spending Free Time” expressing their thoughts in prepared and spontaneous speech using active vocabulary on the theme “Everyday life in the UK”.
Learn new facts on the theme of the web quest “Everyday Life in the UK”;
2. The students will be able to listen and understand oral speech with new information on the topic of the lesson containing active vocabulary.
3. The students will be able to compare the peculiarities of everyday life in Great Britain and Kazakhstan; analyze the new information and assess the results of other students’ research.
Lesson Objectives for Students:
Consolidation of active vocabulary on the theme “Everyday life in the UK” in oral (prepared and spontaneous) and written speech.
Developing the students’ listening comprehension skill watching video, the students’ presentations.
Developing the students’ ability to analyze the got information and assess other students’ results of the research.
After this lesson the students should be able to finish their web quests on the theme “Everyday Life in the UK” according to the recommendations they’ll receive during their presentations and discussion of the web quest projects; they should be able to speak fluently about the way the British and the citizens of Kazakhstan spend their free time.
Materials Needed During Lesson:
Lap tops for group work with students’ web quest projects on the themes: “Everyday Life in the UK: Cuisine”, “Everyday Life in the UK: Holidays”, “Everyday Life in the UK: Spending free time”; students’ evaluation tables made in XL, the students’ presentations of their projects; teacher’s presentation of the lesson; markers, papers, “Praising sandwiches”; a projector.
1.Greeting T asks the students to greet each other with a smile and saying it with different intonation. Ss greet each other saying “Good morning” with various intonations. 2. Defining the topic, problem and tasks of the lesson.
T: “Watch the video and define the topics of the web projects you will present today.
Problem of the lesson comes from the saying:
“So many countries, so many customs”
Write down your expectations from today’s meeting on the flowers that are on your tables.”
Make up recommendations necessary for making the last additions for the web quest projects “Everyday life in the UK: Spending free time; Holidays; Cuisine”. You already know the content of the web quests as it is not the first lesson when we work on them. Assess the class mates’ web quests according to the criteria given in your lap tops; “A praising sandwich” method will help you to define recommendations to the projects.(application 1, 2) Ss watch the video and enumerate the topics:
“Everyday Life in the UK: Cuisine, Holidays, Spending Free Time”
Ss define the problem they have to solve by the end of the lesson: define the similarities of the two countries: the UK and Kazakhstan and the things that make the countries unique.
Each S writes down expectations from the lesson on the prepared flower.
Ss listen to the teacher’s explanations of their work at the lesson; study the criteria; prepare papers and pens for making notes. 4. Presenting the block of the web quest
“Everyday Life in the UK: Spending Free Time” Watch the presentation of the web quest “Everyday Life in the UK: Spending Free Time” and fill in the conceptual table “Free time in the UK and Kazakhstan”; define the main ways of spending free time by the British and compare that with the way people in Kazakhstan do this. (Cinema, theatre, sports, music) (application 3) Ss listen to the presentation “Everyday Life in the UK: Spending Free Time”; fill in the conceptual table “Free time in the UK and Kazakhstan”.
Define the similarities and differences. 5. Group assessing of the web quest. Assess the group mates’ projects according to the criteria for web quest assessing. Make notes to prepare recommendations for the project.
Ss discuss the project and assess it in the XL tables on their lap tops. 6. Presenting the block of the web quest
“Everyday Life in the UK: Cuisine” Role-play project “In the Tea Club” (“TEAching English” “Английский за чашкой чая” Watch the role-play project “In the Tea Club” and write down the idioms containing the word tea. Ss watch the role-play project “In the Tea Club” and write down new tea idioms:
Ss listen to the S’s presentation and define that tea ceremony unites people of the two countries. 7. Group assessing of the web quest. Assess the group mates’ projects according to the criteria for web quest assessing. Make notes to prepare recommendations for the project. Ss discuss the project and assess it in the XL tables on their lap tops. 8.Presenting the block of the web quest
“Everyday Life in the UK: Holidays” Watch the presentation of the last web quest project “Everyday Life in the UK: Holidays”, study the “Holidays in the UK and Kazakhstan”. Name the most important holiday in the life of our people and those that are very popular in the UK. Ss listen to the results of the research work made by the last group, study their collage “Holidays in the UK and Kazakhstan” and define Victory Day as the most important for Kazakhstani people. They also enumerate Memory Day, Christmas, Easter as the most popular among the British. 9. Group assessing of the web quest. Assess the group mates’ projects according to the criteria for web quest assessing. Make notes to prepare recommendations for the project. Ss discuss the project and assess it in the XL tables on their lap tops. 10. Solving the lesson problem. “To solve the main problem of the lesson fill in Vienna diagrams.” Within 1, 5 minutes the Ss fill in Vienna diagrams defining similarities and peculiarities in Everyday life of the UK and Kazakhstan. Then they pass their diagram to another group, study what other students’ have written and add their writing. And then pass it to another group. (“Karusel” “Merry-go-round” technology). After that they get their work back and study the additions made by the group mates. Ss solve the problem of the lesson using the notes from the diagrams. 10. Making recommendations to the groups Make recommendations to the groups’ web quests (Strategy “Praising sandwich”) Ss write recommendations, put them on the blackboard for studying. They also see the results of their mutual assessing in the XL tables. 11.Feed back Put the flowers either in the basket or near it according to the level of the students’ expectations from the lesson realization. Each S takes a flower and puts it in the basket or near it (on the blackboard) according to the level of their realization. 12. Homework. Finish the blocks of the web quest “Everyday life in the UK” taking into consideration the recommendations got at the lesson and load the web quest on the School web site. Application 1. Web quest assessment criteria.Application 2. “Praising sandwich” (“Pohvalnii buterbrod”)
Application 3. Conceptual Table “Spending free time in the UK and Kazakhstan”
Name of the student _________________________________
Kinds of spending free time The UK