Презентация по английскому языку на тему Прошедшее простое время ( 6 класс)

месяц назадYesterdaythe day before yesterdayten days agoa week agoa month agolast yearlast summerlast nightпозавчерадесять дней тому назадвчерав прошлом годупрошлым летомнеделю тому назадВчера вечером 1.I … in the sea last summer.was were2.The house …. old.was were3.We … in the city.was were4.There … many letters on the table.was were5.Tiny and his friends … in the countrywas wereFill in was/were WatchWalkTalkSaw FinishLookWentRelaxDidWas SkateWantCollectAnswerWashOpenPhoneInventCookRest Verbs Правильные Неправильныеlive – lived go – went- ed 2 формаsawcollected Особые случаи образования Past Simple Listen to the speaker and repeat the verbs Watched Skated Cried Wanted Collected Learned Painted Needed WalkedPlayed Studied FinishedTried Smiled TalkedLookedWrite the verbs in three columns
[t]Глухая согласнаяWatchedWalkedTalkedFinishedLooked[d] Звонкая согласная или гласнаяPlayedLearnedTriedCriedSmiledstudied [id]t, dSkatedWantedCollectedPaintedNeeded Make up sentences edplay badminton dance play with the kitten clean the blackboard walk the dogto talk with the friend watch the TVlisten to music play footballhelp mother at home Let’s relax Many thousand years ago prehistoric men (live) in caves.They (walk ) through forests to find eatable plants. They (hunt) wild animals. They ( jump) , (cry) , and (dance) around a dead animal.They (cook) meat on the fire. They (work) hard to make clothes, axes, spears. prehistoric [,pri:hi'stD:rik] men — доисторические люди Many thousand years ago prehistoric men lived in caves. They walked through forests to find eatable plants. They hunted wild animals. They jumped, cried, and danced around a dead animal. They cooked meat on the fire. They worked hard to make clothes, axes, spears. Yesterday I went to the park. I met my best friend there. It … (be) sunny and cold. We … (ski) in the park. We … (play) snowballs and … (make) a funny snowman. The snowman … (look) at us and said, “Hello!” We …..(like) it very much. When I came home, I … (have) lunch.At home I … (watch) TV and drew a picture of my funny snowman. At 10 pm I … (go) to bed. The snowman … (smile) and said, “Good night!” Yesterday I went to the park. I met my best friend there. It was sunny and cold. We skied in the park. We played snowballs and made a funny snowman. The snowman looked at us and said, “Hello!” We liked it very much. When I came home, I had lunch. At home I watched TV and drew a picture of my funny snowman. At 10 pm I went to bed. The snowman smiled and said, “Good night!” Change the sentences using the Past Simple ( yesterday..)I live in Moscow She works in the an office .They watch TV no Sunday.My brother studies at school .Little Mary plays with a ball and a doll.I wash the floor every day.They clean teeth every day.We jump in gym class .Nelly dresses her doll. Well done☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ex.a page 175 ( workbook page 4-5 ) write What did you do on Sunday