Урок в 5 классе на тему: Что мы любим смотреть. 1-я часть

Тема: «What do we like to watch?».
Цель: Совершенствовать лексику по теме «Телевидение».
Сопутствующие задачи:
Образовательная: Обучение устной иноязычной речи, практическому применению изученного лексического материала.
Развивающая: Развитие и совершенствование навыков и умений свободного владения иностранным языком, техники изучающего и поискового чтения, перевода.
Воспитательная: Воспитание стремления к самообразованию, любви к иностранному языку, коммуникабельности.
Оборудование: Учебник, доска, раздаточный и наглядный материал, диск с аудиозаписями к учебнику.
Ход урока.
1.Начало урока.
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.
б)речевая зарядка:
I want to ask you some questions. Dima, what films do you like watching? About what is this film? And what about the members of your family? What does your mum like watching?
в)фонетическая зарядка:
Ex.1,p.59WB,Ex.2,p.59(окончание –s/-es, [s], [z], [ɪz].
2.Основная часть.
а)актуализация ЗУН:
Let’s check up your homework. (раздаю некоторым ученикам индивидуальные задания).
б)совершенствование ЗУН:
Today we’ll speak about TELEVISION. And I want you to guess some riddles, which I’ll read to you. These riddles are connected with different types of films.
1.They are mainly for children. They are very colorful and funny. Here even animals and plants can speak.(cartoons)
2.These films are exciting. They are full of adventures. You never know what will happen next.(adventure films)
3.These films are very amusing. Something funny always happens with the characters.(comedies)
4.These films are about American wild west, about cowboys, Indians and gunfights.(westerns)
5.Film which sets out to make the audience laugh.(comedies)
6.Film set in the Future and often to do with space, travel, robots etc.(science-fiction films)
7.Film where the characters or situations could not exist in real life. Often deals with magic and mystery fantastic voyages.(fantasy films)
8.A very dramatic film where tension and suspense is deliberately maintained.(thrillers, horror films)
9.A film where the emphasis is on music.(musicals)
10.It is also called an animated film. Here the film made by photographing drawings rather than using live actors.(cartoons)