Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме «In the World of Books»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
по английскому языку
«In the World of Books»
I. Introduction.

Host1: Books play a very important part in our life.
Host2: There is practically no family that doesn’t have books.
Host 1: We can learn many things from boo
· mothers read books to us.

II. Our first books.
(Сценка: мама накрывает на стол, дочь играет рядом)

Mother: It’s time to go to bed, Mary.
Daughter: Will you read to me a little, please.
Mother: What fairy tale would you like to listen to?
Daughter: “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs” It’s my favourite.
Mother: Ok Listen

(Мама начинает читать, дочка постепенно засыпает)

Everything inside the cottage was small and neat and clean. A white cloth was spread on the table. The table was laid with seven little plates, seven little knives, forks, spoons and seven little glasses, all set out in proper order. Against the wall stood seven little beds, each neatly made up and covered with a white bedspread.

(Мама встает, продолжает читать, дочка незаметно уходит. На сцене появляется Белоснежка, она подходит к столу, «пробует» из каждой тарелки, затем присаживается на каждую «кровать» и на последней засыпает)

Snow White was both hungry and thirsty but she did not want to take anyone’s supper. So she ate a little of
(Под музыку появляются гномы, они дважды обходят стол, останавливаются и начинают говорить)

Dwarf1: Who has been sitting on my chair?
Dwarf2: Who has been eating from my plate?
Dwarf3: Who has been eating my bread?
Dwarf4: Who has been eating my vegetables?
Dwarf5: Who has been using my knife?
Dwarf6: Who has been using my fork?
Dwarf7: Who has been drinking out of my glass?

(Затем они замечают свои кроватки и вскрикивают по очереди):

Dwarf1: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf2: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf3: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf4: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf5: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf6: Who has been lying in my bed?
Dwarf7: Look! Who is in my bed?

Dwarf4: What a beautiful child?
(Белоснежка просыпается)
Гномы хором: Bye, then! (Уходят под музыку)

III. Cinderella

Host 1:When we became older, we began to read ourselves.
Host2: But fairy –tales were still our favourite.


Reader1: Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella
·s go.
(Уходят. Золушка садится и плачет. появляется фея)

Fairy: Why are you crying my child?
C: I cannot go to the ball. I have neither a beautiful dress nor glass slippers.
Fairy: My dear, I’ll help you and you will go to the ball. Here is a white dress and here are glass slippers for you. But remember: you must go home at 12 o’clock.
C: Thank you very very much.


Reader 1: When Cinderella arrived to the ball, the Ptince hurried to greet her. He gave her his hand and led her into the great hall.

Queen: Who is that young girl? How beautiful she is!
Prince: May I dance with you?
C: With great pleasure.

(Начинают танцевать. Часы бьют 12)
C: Oh, it’s 12 o’clock! I am sorry, but I must go. Good-bye!
(Золушка убегает и теряет туфельку)


Reader 1:
Next day a proclamation was issued the the prince himself would be visiting every house in the town to find the owner of the missing glass slipper.

(Золушка подметает пол. Мачеха и сестры разговаривают)

1Stepsister: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful lady at the king’s ball.
Stepmother: She ran home and lost her glass slipper.
2Stepsister: The Prince wants to marry her. He is looking for her.

(Появляется принц с туфелькой)

Prince: (первой сестре) Try on this glass slipper, please!
1 Stepsister: (меряет) It’s too small for me
2 Stepsister: Let me try it on! Oh, it’s so small
Stepmother: Let me try it on! It’s too small for me!
Prince: Who is that girl?
Stepmother: Oh, it’s our Cinderella. She hasn’t been to the ball.
C: But I want to try it on!
(одевает одну туфельку, другую достает и одевает тоже)
1 and2 Stepsisters: Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon!
C: I pardon you. Good bye!

IV. “Tom Sawyer”

Reader 2:
I like reading. One of my favourite books is “The Adventu
·(Начинает читать «Приключения Тома Cойера» )

The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them (На сцене появляется Тетя Поли) about the room, then she put them up and looked out under them.

AP- Tom!..Tom! Where is the boy? Tom!
Tom: H
·(Тетя Поли оборачивается назад, Том убегает)

Reader 2:
Saturday morning came and all the summer world was bright and fresh and brimming with life.

- Tom, go and whitewash the fence.
- Oh, Antie, I can’t. I’lldo it tomorrow.
- White wash the fence, I say.
(Том начинает красить, появляется Бен. он держит яблоко в руке)
Ben- What are you doing?
Tom- I am whitewashing the fence.
Ben-Do you want to say you like it?
Tom- Of course, I do. Does a boy whitewash a fence every day?
(Том продолжает красить
·, не смотрит на Бена)
Ben- Tom, let me whitewash a little.
Tom- No, I can’t. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly did not let him.
Ben- Tom, do let me. I’ll give you my apple.
Tom- All right.
(Том берет яблоко садится и начинает есть. Бен красит забор. Появляется Билли)

Billy – Hello! What are doing?
Ben – Tom and I white washing the fence.
Billy – You don’t think it is interesting, do you?
Ben – We do. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.
Billy – Let me white wash a little.
Ben – No, I won’t.

(Начинают драться)
Tom – Stop that ! Now it’s your turn to white wash, Billy.

(Билли работает)
Tom – Now, it’s your turn to whitewash , Ben.
(Бен работает)
Aunt Polly – Oh, it’s all done! You are a good boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you may go and play.
Tom- Hurrah! Let’s run to the river.
All the boys: Hurrah! ( убегают)

Sunday morning found Tom Sawyer miserable. Monday morning always found him so – because it began another week’s slow suffering in school.
It is morning and time to get up. But Tom doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be ill. Then he could stay at home.


Tom – I don’t want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh! My tooth is loose. That’s wonderful!..No, it won’t do. Aunt Polly will pull it out. Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me! (Снова ложится и начинает плакать. Сид не слышит, продолжает спать. Том кричит громче) Sid! Sid!
Sid- What has happened?
(Том не отвечает. Продолжает плакать.Сид поднимается .смотрит на Тома)
Sid – Tom! Say, Tom! What has happened to you?
Tom- Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.
Sid- Oh , Tom! You are not dying, Don’t!
Tom- I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with one eye to the new girl at school and tell her
(Сид берет свои вещи и выбегает из комнаты с криком)
Sid- Oh, Aunt Polly! Come! Tom is dying!
AP- Dying!
Sid- Yes, come quickly!
AP- Don’t say so! (Подбегает к Тому) You, Tom! What has happened to you, my boy!
Tom- Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand. It is re and hot.
AP- Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and get up!
Tom- But Auntie, it is so hot, that I’ve forgotten about my tooth.
AP- Your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?
Tom- It’s loose.
AP- Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.
Tom- Oh , please, dear Auntie, don’t pull it out. It’s all right now.

(Сид приносит веревку. Тетя Поли привязывает один конец к зубу, другой к ровати. Затем она хлопает перед лицом Тома. Том падает назад. На веревке висит зуб)

Tom- Oh,Oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn’t want to go to school.
AP- Oh, Tom, so all this because you don’t want to go to school. You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly and youNow get up quickly and get ready to go to school!

V. Poetry

Host2: There are different kinds of books.
Host1: We love poetry too.
Host2: Lermontov is one of our favourite poet.
Host1: Listen!

The Sail.
The sail is whitening alone
In a blue obscurity of sea
What did it leave in country own?
What does it want so far to see?

The wind is strong, the mast is creaking
The wave is playing with the wave
But not a fortune is it seeking
Nor from this fortune is its way.

By it a stream is bright as azure,
by beams of sun it’s warmed and blessed
But it is seeking gales as treasure
As if the tempests give a rest.

VI. The Flower Meeting

Host2: The Flower Meeting is a legend.
Host1: In the Queen-Rose’s palace all the flowers gathered to decide their turn to come on the earth.
Host2: The Queen –Rose is sitting on her Throne.
Host1: The flowers come up to her one by one and present themselves.

Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no smell.
Q-R: Your name will be Snowdrop. You will be the first flower in spring.
People will see you on the places where the snow becomes water in the sun. they will like you very much.
Violet: I am a spring flower too. My dress is violet. I am very nice as you see.
Q-R: Your name is Violet. You will come after the Snowdrop, a little later. when there is no snow in the fields, the days are longer and it is warmer.
Buttercup: I am a little flower. I am dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun, I like it when it is warm.
Q-R: Then you must come in summer, when it is warm and the sun shines all day long. Your name will be Buttercup.
Bluebell: I am blue like the sky and my dress is like a bell. I like the sun too.
Q-R: Oh, I know your name will be Bluebell. People will see you in the grass. You will make the fields beautiful.
Sunflower: Look at me! I am like the sun.
Q-R: Yes you look like the sun, so your name will be Sunflower. People will see you in the country in August and you will look at the sun every day.

Well, my dear flowers. Now you know that you are spring and summer flowers. You are not garden flowers. People can see you only in the fields. Spring and summer will come soon, and you must be ready to come together with them: first the Snowdrop, then the Violet, after them Buttercup and Bluebell and then the Sunflower. Now, let’s dance.

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