“Are the British and US system of education is similar”

“Are the British and US system of education is similar?”
Цель: обобщение и сравнение информации об образовательных системах Англии и США
Учебно-практическая: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме «Образование», развитие навыков устной речи, формирование навыков высказывания по теме, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух, развитие навыков чтения и письменной речи.
Познавательная: расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, повышение общей культуры общения.
Развивающая: развитие языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, восприятия и инициативы.
Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка, умения активно работать в коллективе.
Оборудование: 1. Учебник В.П. Кузовлев «English 9»
2. Проектор, компьютер
3. Раздаточный материал для закрепления лексики и грамматики
4. Раздаточный материал с таблицей для заполнения
5. Доска
Ход урока:
- Good morning! Sit down. I`m glad to see you. You see some guests at our lesson, but I think you won`t be afraid of them and show your good knowledge.
- The theme of our lesson is “Are the British and US system of education is similar?” (на экране)
- To answer this question we`ll have to review the system of education in the UK and USA. It`s the task of our lesson and the answer will be given at the end of our lesson.
- At the lesson we`ll do some drills in phonetics, we`ll revise the words, connected with education, we`ll do some exercises, we`ll listen to the information about the US system of education, some of you will tell us about the system of education in the UK.
- So let`s start/
Фонетическая разминка
- Look at the screen
1. Studies such as ancient and modern literature, history are called…
a. humanity
b. humanities
c. humanitarians
2. Children with mental problems study in… schools.
a. Special
b. public
c. specialized
3. Do you …school?
a. visit
b. attend
c. go to
4. He looks so happy. He`s just…the exams.
a. falledb. sat for
c. passed
5. She works and studies. She is a … student.
a. full-time
b. graduate
c. part-time
- Thank you for your work.
Работа с лексикой
- To speak about the theme of our lesson you should know words. I want to see how you remember theme.
- You`ll take some cards, read and give the meaning of theme…
- Well, now I want to check the spelling of the words. Open the exercise-books, write down the date and look at the screen, here is the translation of these words. I`ll give you 2 minutes to do this task.
- Pass me your works, please.
Аудирование- It`s high time to listen to the information about the US system of education. First of all open your books p.102ex.3), read the task aloud. You`ll listen to the information twice. Then I`ll give you 2 minutes to choose the correct answer.
Well, your time is over.
Монологическая речь
- You have listened to the information about the US system of education and some of you will tell us about the UK system of education. And then we`ll compare these two system.
- Lets deal with ex.1p.102 to sum up the information about the British system of education. You have 5 minutes to do this exercise.
- Let`s check from the screen and read the sentences.
The British system of education The US system of education
Free schools are called
State schools Public schools
The education is compulsory between the ages of
5-16 6-18
At elementary school a student spends
6 5-8
High school provide
Higher education Secondary education
How many percent of the pupils attend private schools
7 10
Students and exams
Have national exams Don`t take national exams
Universities and colleges accept
Those who has good a level results Those who has good SAT results
- Well, thank you. We`ll return to this information at the end of our lesson.Грамматика
- While taken part in exchange programmers some children are interested in educational system and they speak with each other about them. And now let`s do exercise on the cards paying attention to the reported speech.
- Look at the screen. Pay attention to the order of words in the reported questions.
Вопросы в косвенной речи
Общий вопрос: Кто+want(s) to know/ to be interested in /wonder(s) +if+П+глагол+о.ч.п.
Ann asked: “What school do you go to?”
Ann wondered what school I went to.
Специальный вопрос: Кто+want(s) to know/to be interested in/ wonder(s)+вoпросительное слово+П+глагол+о.ч.п.
- Pass me your cards.
- We have done a lot of interesting tasks at the lesson, haven`t we? And now I want you to answer the question Are the British and US system of education is similar? (ответы учащихся)
- You are right. Look at the screen. Here is the main point of comparing of two educational systems. In Britain and in the US.The names of schools and the period of studing in Britain and in the US is quite different.
- Write down it to your cards with the table.
- I think we have answered the main question of our lesson and during the following lesson we`ll continue to discuss these systems and also will look through the educational system of Russia.
- Thank you for your work. You were active at the lesson and your marks are…
Hometask: revise words, the rule by heart, p.104-105ex.3, p.106