Тема Sport in our life

Тема: «Sport in our life»
7 «В» класс (16.12.2015)Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель урока: Подготовить учащихся к монологическому высказыванию на тему «Спорт»
-Создавать условия для развития навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
- Способствовать развития умения работать в парах, группе;
- Содействовать воспитания терпимого отношения к ошибкам других учащихся
Оборудование: телевизор, ноутбук, раздаточный материал, доска, учебники, рабочие тетради
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
-Hello! Sit down, please! How are you?
- I’ll give some circles. You should write your expectations about what we are going to do at the lesson. (examples: read, translate, learn something new, sing …..). I’ll put them on the board and read at the end of the lesson.
II. Говорение
- I’ll say some words: horse riding, tennis, gymnastics, karate, yoga, kip fit. So, what our lesson is about? – Yes, Sport.
-Let’s look at these pictures and say what kind of sport they are and what people need for this kind of sport.
III. Диалогическая речь
-Do you like sport?
- Your task will be to take a sheet of paper and walk around the class and find the person who likes the same kind of sport that you do. Then say the results.
IV. I’ll give you some letters and you should name the kind of sport beginning with these letters . ( b, k, w, s, c, h, b, f, y, g)
ФизминуткаV. Аудирование- Let’s listen to the text and try to understand what kinds of sport are discussed in it.
VI. Работа в группах
-Look at the back of your letters, where you can find numbers 1 and 2. Who has got number 1 sit at this table, who has got number 2, sit at that table.
-At home you’ve read the text about sports in Britain. (p.76-77).
-Are there any unknown words in this text?
-Look at the slides of the presentation and say what kinds of sports are they. (rugby, cricket, squash)
- Do people do these sports in our country?
-We won’t read and translate the text. In your groups you’ll discuss the questions and try to retell the text. (p. 77, ex. 2b)
- Then one by one come to another group and do the same.
VII. Рефлексия
- Let’s read what you’ve written on the circles and say if we have done it at the lesson or not. Did you get any useful information at the lesson?
VIII. Заключительный этап
-Decide in your groups what marks each of you deserves.
- Your home task will be to retell the text, using the questions that you’ve discussed at the lesson.
- The lesson is over. Bye!