Презентация на английском языке на тему: Памяти павших будем достойны

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen. Подготовила:Акопян Вероника –10 «А» классПреподаватель: Чернякова Татьяна МихайловнаМБОУ Одинцовская СОШ №3 World War Two affected almost every continent, claiming the lives of 17 million soldiers and twice as many civilians. The Soviet people did the impossible to protect themselves and many European nations from extermination by the Nazis. Those terrible years go farther away from us, the years of the cruellest, the most inhuman war on Earth. Therefore it is very painful to hear about the destruction of monuments of war-liberators. "Remember all their names" this precept of Robert Rozhdestvenski shouldn’t be forgotten... Everyone stood up to defend their homeland. Not only adults, but also 16-year-old school graduates stepped into the hell of war. Valya Kotik (1930-1944) - pioneer-hero, the young Partizan scout, the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). This list with names of the heroes can continue endlessly: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Oleg Koshevoy, Peter Barbashev, Ulyana Gromova, Alexander Matrosov... Many people had been deported to Germany to be prisoners and serve as slaves in concentration camps. It consists of only 9 pages, 6 of which list the dates of death of her loved ones. Speaking about the great Patriotic war it is impossible to not mention the siege of Leningrad. During the great Patriotic war the Soviet Union lost around 27 million people. Everything needed to be rebuild and reinstalled. Children and elderly are dying daily under massive shelling from their own army and uncontrolled groups of neo-Nazis. We are the heirs of the winners. Our forefathers, the generation of liberators whose names had become legendary, and forgetting them would be a crime against history.