Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Fashion (8 класс)

Тема «This glamorous world of Fashion»

(Урок с применением технологии развивающего обучения)
8 класс


Гаврилова Нина Федоровна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «Центр образования»
г. Певек

2015 г.
Lesson 1

Тема: «This glamorous world of Fashion»
Цели урока:
Учебная: формирование умений и навыков использовать изученную лексику и речевые образцы в устных высказываниях монологического и диалогического говорения.
Развивающая: развитие информационной культуры учащихся средствами английского языка; развитие логического мышления, познавательной активности.
Воспитательная: воспитание культуры внешнего вида.

Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент. (Warm up).
It’s a lovely day, isn’t?
What is your favorite color?
What are your favorite clothes?
What is your attitude to school uniform?
2. Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Dear friends, let’s
·this topic as much as possible, to memorize the words, to learn some idioms and some facts from the history of clothes.
(Отработка лексического материала по теме). Игра «Вначале было слово». Учитель произносит слово, например Clothes», а учащиеся высказываются какая бывает одежда).
Pupils: Original, fashionable, traditional, suitable, warm, light, clean, dirty, neat, conservative
(Глаголы): to buy clothes, to wear clothes, to choose
Teacher: The next word is «Fashion».
Pupils: The latest fashion, to be out of fashion, a fashion designer, to design fashion, fashion of youth (adults), old-fashioned
Teacher: What are your feelings about Fashion?
(Даны опоры и разговорные клише: I’m glad to wear, it’s nice that, I hope that, on the one hand, on the other
·(Идёт беседа).
The task of discussion
Clothes items

1. The clothes usually worn by Russian teenagers when they are at school:

2. The clothes usually worn by Russian teenagers when they go out:

3. The clothes usually worn by their parents:
a). mothers
· (Высказывания учащихся своей точки зрения).
Teacher: (Учитель предлагает составить рекламу одежды на разные случаи жизни). Discuss some items of clothing one needs if she or he is going to:
- A disco party
- A friend’s birthday party
- The pop concert
·The fashion show
- A school party
- The picnic
Let’s make 3 groups:
1). The first group is for every one to follow.
2). The second group is for young ladies.
3). The third one is for a young gentleman. (Discussion).
Teacher: Everyone usually has got his own style in choosing clothes. What is your style this year (2012)? Describe your style.
Даны видео опоры:
to feel very comfortable, to keep warm, to look very beautiful in, the necessary thing in.., the lovely thing of my friend, my mother suggests me
In my opinion, to my mind, frankly speaking, it goes without saying, it can’t be denied, moreover, it doesn’t matter, I can’t help mentioningI prefer, I believe that, I suppose

P1- I prefer shirts for my birthday because

P2 – I like to wear T-shirt because





Cocktail dress






Teacher: Now let’s speak about the origin of some clothes’ name. Some of them are from the English language.
Рубрика «It’s interesting to know». (Аудирование мини текстов). Далее пересказ текстов с использованием речевых клише. E.g.
P1: It was interesting to know that blazer came from the English verb «светиться». It is a long jacket of classical design with patch pockets. The buttons are of metal and blazing. Nowadays sportsmen in Russia wear blazers for special occasions.
P2: Frankly speaking I didn’t know that the word jumper came from the verb «прыгать».At first it was an item of sport and looked like a knitted jacket with a short fastening at the throat.
P3: From the text I have known that pullover came from the verb «to sweat» (потеть). It is a warm knitted jacket without a fastening and cut with a high collar.
P4: Jeans are my favorite clothes for picnic, school. As far as I heard the name came from the name of the American manufacture Levi Strauss, who bought a lot of cloth to sew strong, comfortable and practical trousers. They were very popular with the French people. In 1914 year the First World War began. General John French was the commander of the English troops. Designers made a special full-dress for him. Since that time jeans became very popular.

Teacher: To sum up our lesson, I’d like to say, that Clothes are symbols, subject to loose the vitality under the wrong circumstances and to increase the value under the right ones.
Our lesson is over. You were active, attentive, creative and bright.
The homework will be to make up the story about teachers’ and pupils’ clothes at school.

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