Подборка стихотворений и рифмовок на английском языке для начальной школы

The world is full of animals
Some are big and tallSome are strong and dangerous
Some are cute and small
All creatures are amazing
Just like me and you
Help protect the animals
This is their world too
Animals are wonderfullThey’re beautiful to see
Help them live a happy life
Help them to be free
My dog
A dog can’t talk
But he can bark
When I take my dog
To the park,
I throw him a stick
And he run a race.
Then he comes back and licks my face.
Harry’s dog
Harry has a little dog
Such a funny fellow.But his dog is made of wood
Painted white and yellow.The Cow
The friendly cow all red and white,
I love with all my heart;
She gives me cream with all her might,
To eat with apple tart.My Teddy bear
My teddy’s fur is soft and brown,
his legs are short and fat;
He walks with me around the town
And never wears a hat.
My Teddy keeps me warm in bed,
I like his furry toes;
I like his darling little head,
His pretty little nose.Lion
Lion, lion, lazy-bones
Lion had two telephones.
Lion rings the lioness up
And invites her to hunt.My Pretty Doll
My Pretty Doll
Is very small
I love my pretty
Little doll.My Ball
It is blue
And green and red,
It bounced higher
Than my head
It does not want
To stop at all
What is it?
It is my … ball.
The Week
We dance on Sunday,
We work on Monday,
We read on Tuesday,
We write on Wednesday,
We count on Thursday,
We speak on Friday,
We play on Saturday.
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Tom and Mary want to play
On a sunny lovely day.Seasons
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
Yellow, red, green and brown
See the little leaves come down
Dancing, dancing in the breeze
Falling, falling from the trees.Winter
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and all night.Spring
Spring is coming
Spring is coming,
Birdies, build you nest;
Weave together straw and feather
Doing each your best.Spring is coming,
Spring is coming
Flowers are coming too.
Pansies, lilies, daffodillies
Now are coming through.
Spring is coming,
Spring is coming,
All around is fair;
Shimmer and quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere.
In summer children swim,
Play, jump and run.
They have sun bath,
And a lot of fun.Подборка стихотворений и рифмовок для начальной школы на английском языке
(подготовила Подольская Л.А., учитель английского языка 1 кв. категории)