Конспект урока по английскому языку A cooking meal

Lesson plan: English
Form: 6a
Date : 15.10.2016 year
The theme of the lesson: A cooking mealThe objectives of the lesson :Educational : introduce the new words and expressions concerning the theme ;
Developing: to develop communicative skills and habits ;
Up – brining : tp bring up pupils to attentive , to write neatly and correctly;
The type of the lesson : getting new information
The visual aids : pictures , cards
Organization moment :
Good morning children ?Who is on duty today ?Who is absent ?What day is it today ?What date is it today ?The aim of the lesson :
Today we have new theme . the theme of the lesson A cooking mael:Today you will be introduced with the new words and expressions concerning the theme.
Presentation :
Countable and Uncountable nouns
Countable Uncountable
Oranges coffee
Grapes bread
Carrots milk
Read and remember
Ii : [ai]- in Mike , hi , nine
[a]- in Bill , Lill, SimNg [ŋ] in morning , evening
Nk [ŋk] in thank
Ex 3 at page 43. Completer the chart using the words in ex 1.Fruit Vegetables Drinks Other foods
Ex 3 at page 43. Look at the lists of food and drink . talk to your partner
What do you like ? What don’t you like ?Example:
I like tea, But I don’t like coffee.
Consolidation :
Ex 4 at page 44. Jennifer and Asel want to make something .
What is it ? Can they make it ? What can they make ?Pancaces . You need :
2 cups of flour
1 cups of milk
1 cup of water
1 egg
You need:
350g of flour
225g of butter
120 g sugar
Some salt
Now, next task four you read the dialogue . Listen and practice . Who is read ?Ex 5 at page 44. A grammar puzzle
When do you say “ some”?
When do you say “any”?
Look at the sentences below.
Production :
Ex7 at page 46. Here are the ingredients for the Apple Cake. Use your dictionary to check any words you don’t know.
Work in pairs . look at fridge and cupboard . ask and answer questions about the indgredients in the recipe

Is there any/much/…../…?
Are there any/many………?
Have they got any/many/much?
Do they needEx 8 at page 47 . now write the conversation between Jennifer and Asel . Begin like this.
Jennifer : Have we got everything for the Apple Cake ?
Asel : Well, let’s see……..
Home task. Write down your home task. Ex 9,1o at page 47. Our lesson is over. Good buy , children.