Своя игра по теме The English Year (Верещагина, 3 класс). Включает в себя вопросы по темам Seasons, months, holidays, traditions

The English year Колодина Н.Р.МБОУ СОШ № 19 Jeopardy Jeopardy Tenses Traditions Holidays Seasons Months 100 100 200 300 400 500 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Tenses 100 Назовите вспомогательный глагол в будущем времени See Answer Tenses 100 WillI will dance. – Я буду танцевать Tenses 200 Раскройте скобкиHe ……(swim) at the moment Answer Tenses 200 He is swimming at the moment Tenses 300 Задайте вопрос к предложениюMy friend goes to school. Answer Tenses 300 Does my friend go to school? Tenses 400 Сделайте предложение отрицательнымWe decorate the house with flowers. Answer Tenses 400 We don’t decorate the house with flowers. Tenses 500 Раскройте скобкиTed (go) to the museum yesterday. Answer Tenses 500 Ted went to the museum yesterday. Traditions 100 What do the English eat for the Thanksgiving Day? Answer Traditions 100 Roast turkey and pumpkin pie Traditions 200 What do the English eat for Easter? (2) Answer Traditions 200 Chocolate eggs and rabbits. Traditions 300 How do the English decorate their houses for the Thanksgiving Day? Answer Traditions 300 They decorate their houses with flowers and fruit. Traditions 400 What do people do when celebrate April Fool’s Day?  Answer Traditions 400 They play jokes and tricks on other people. Traditions 500 Tell us about traditions for St. Valentine's Day. Answer Traditions 500 People send cards to people they love and do not sign them. You must guess who sent the cards to you. Holidays 100 Guess the holiday. People send cards to their mothers, help them and give presents. Answer Holidays 100 Mother' s Day Holidays 200 Children dress up in funny or scary clothes and go from house to house. Name the holiday. Answer Holidays 200 Halloween Holidays 300 This holiday is in spring. It is a religious festival. Pupils have holidays at school Answer Holidays 300 Easter Holidays 400 Answer Holidays 400 New Year Holidays 500 . On that holiday people wear a shamrock, a plant with three leaves. Answer Holidays 500 St Patrick' s Day Seasons 100 Answer The coldest season of the year Seasons 100 winter Seasons 200 The trees are of different colours. It is a dull season. It often rains. Answer Seasons 200 Autumn. Seasons 300 Leaves are small and green. You can enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. Answer Seasons 300 Spring. Seasons 400 People celebrate Thanksgiving Day. What is the season in England? Answer Seasons 400 Winter Seasons 500 In Great Britain when people celebrate this holiday, big shops are open and people go shopping. Guess the season. Answer Seasons 500 It is summer. " Months 100 It is the month when the English people celebrate Christmas. Answer Months 100 December Months 200 The first winter month in Great Britain. Answer Months 200 November Months 300 Name the summer months in England Answer Months 300 May, June, July, August Months 400 When do the English celebrate Father' s Day? Answer Seasons 400 In June Months 500 When do people in Ireland celebrate St. Patrick' s Day? Name the month. Answer Months 500 In March.