Конспект урока по теме: «Экологические проблемы и защита окружающей среды».

Тема: «Экологические проблемы и защита окружающей среды».
Цели урока: развитие речевых умений, систематизация знаний по изученной теме.
Образовательная цель:
Систематизация знаний по теме «Защита окружающей среды», формирование у учащихся коммуникативных умений и навыков с целью вести беседу по данной теме.
Развивающая цель:
Развитие логического мышления, языковой догадки, коммуникативной интуиции, умения выделять главное.
Воспитательная цель:
Воспитание бережного отношения у окружающей среде, укрепление личной ответственности учащихся за сохранение целостности окружающего мира.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: мультимедийные презентации, ноутбук, видеозапись, раздаточный материал, анкета.
ЭПИГРАФ:The 22nd of April Earth Day,
The 26th of April Chernobyl Disaster.
For whom the bell tolls?
E. Hemingway.
When a man wants to murder a tiger, we call it sports,
But when a tiger wants to murder a man, we call it ferocity.
V. Foster.
Этапы урока Цель урока Пед. модель Время Содержание этапа
1 2 3 4 5
1.Организационный момент Постановка целей и задач урока.
2 мин. Good morning, I am glad to see you all in good health and ready for the lesson. I just want to remind you: remember to switch off your mobiles if they are still on. Thank you.
Today, as you see, we are going to speak about ecological problems, environmental pollution and protection of the environment. We've read a number of texts and have been studying this topic for some weeks, so the aim of our lesson is to i revise what you've learnt on the topic and develop your speaking skills.
2. Речевая зарядка. Формировать навыки; самостоятельного употребления лексики
в новых фразах.
5мин. T: The problem of nature protection is of vital importance for mankind and maybe it's especially acute in April. Please, could you tell me why? Look at the two dates on the blackboard. What do pupils of our school usually do on this day?
Now, look at the quotations on the blackboard and tell me how you understand them.
3.Контроль усвоения лексики Определить уровень усвоения лексики
5мин. All right. Thank you very much. I see that you understand the importance of the problem you are going to discuss. Now let's see how well you remember the words to the topic. We'll do a couple of exercises to practice the use of the words in different situations.
Приложение 1.
4. Контроль усвоения темы.
а) Развивать навыки монологической речи по теме, умения задавать и отвечать на вопросы. Р-Class
15мин. And let's pass on to our projects. We are going to present them in the form of a press-conference. I'll introduce the participants: Mr. B, a famous traveler and journalist, Mr. S, a forester; Mr. К. and Mrs. N, scientists who have been studying ecological problems, members of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences; Mr. D, the editor of the Red Book; Mr. M, the Chairman of the state Committee on Ecology; Miss F, a member of Belarusian Parliament. The journalists will introduce themselves.
Учащиеся, исполняющие роли журналистов, Представляют себя. Например: My name is Miss В. I'm from London. I represent "The Daily Telegraph".
Примерные темы, по которым учащиеся готовили мини-проекты.
1. When and why environmental problems become extremely serious. What kinds of pollution affect human beings.
2. Problems in the animal world. Belarusian animals included into Red Book.
3. The problem of deforestation.
4.Ecological problems in Belarus.
The journalists listen & ask questions.
Well done, thank you. I see you know a lot about ecological problems.
5.Физкультминутка Снять физическое напряжение глаз и эмоциональное напряжение. T-Class
2мин. Now let's have a rest. Listen to music, watch some beautiful places of our planet & relax.
6. Контроль усвоения темы. Развивать навыки неподготовленной устной речи, навыки использования изученного материала в новой ситуации P-P 10мин Now you'll get a card each and you must make up a dialogue or a short report on the problem.
Примерные ситуации:
You see a lady in a beautiful fur coat made of mink and you try to persuade her not to wear leather and fur coats and the lady gives her reasons for wearing them.
You are making a programme for local radio on global warming & interviewing an ecologist, who has done research on the problem.
3. Think over and suggest your ideas for improving the environmental situation.
4. You are making a report for an international conference about deforestation and the problem of rainforests.
7. Анкетирование Проверить насколько глубоко учащиеся озабочены проблемой сохранения окружающей среды T-Class
2мин. Thank you very much for your work. Now I want you to fill in the questionnaire "Ecology and You". Answer the questions and count your points.
Учащиеся работают с анкетой. Now let's read the commentary and see how deeply you are concerned with the problem of environmental protection.
Приложение 2
Проверить уровень усвоения темы урока T-Class
2мин. Учащиеся должны написать свои предложения о том, какие практические шаги могут сделать школьники, чтобы территория вокруг школы была чистой и приятной.
Pupils must write their suggestions on what practical steps the schoolchildren can take to make the school environment clean, tidy and pleasant (1 sentence).
9. Подведение итогов а)Разъяснить учащимся порядок выполнения домашнего задания.
б)Оценить ответы
учащихся. T-Class
2мин. Учитель оценивает ответы учащихcя,
объясняет домашнее задание.
Д/з: написать 8-10 предложений о мерах по защите окружающей среды.
Приложение 1
Exercise 1.
57785330170Environmental, species, organization, recycling, greenhouse
00Environmental, species, organization, recycling, greenhouse
Put each of the following sentences in its place in the sentences below.
1. Greenhouse is an _______________ that fights to protect the environment.
2. The earth’s atmosphere is growing warmer partly because of the so-called “____________ effect”.
3. The chimpanzee is one of many _____________ which will soon be found only in zoos.
4. We can help to reserve natural resources by _____________ things made of glass, plastic & paper.
5. In recent years, the number of ______________ problems has increased dangerously.
Exercise 2.
333995316850(1)Pollute (3) Destroy (5) Nature
(2)Extinct (4) Protect (6) Starve
00(1)Pollute (3) Destroy (5) Nature
(2)Extinct (4) Protect (6) Starve
Fill in the blanks using suitable derivatives of the words given in the box.
1. What can you do to reduce the___________ of the atmosphere?
2. Many rare species are threatened with _____________.
3. The _______________of the rainforest in Brazil is everyone’s problem.
4. The _______________ of the environment is the responsibility of all nations.
5. Some people think ______________ resources will go on forever.
6. The ______________ which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too.
Приложение 2
Questionary1. The programme on animals in danger is on
You are not interested in it. There are still a lot of wild animals (1 point).
You are interested in the problem but the- music show on the other channel is more amusing (2 points).
c) You are very much interested in the problem. You are a member of an organization concerned with the protection of animals (3 points).
2. There is a great ecological accident in the neighbouring country.
a) You give your pocket money to help the victims (3 points).
You hope that there won't be any danger for the country you live in (2 points).
You are indifferent because it doesn’t concern you (1 point).
3. The street you live in is not very clean in spite of the fact it is cleaned every day.
a) Really? I haven’t taken any notice (1 point).
b) You've decided not to throw litter оn the ground (2 points).
c) You help to clean the street or organize a subbotnik to clean it (3 points).
4 You have won much money in lottery.
a) You give part of your money to ecological /organizations (3 points).
b) You'll give them a little if they turn to your for help (2 points).
c) You spend all your money on you (1 point).
5. They want to ruin a historical building which has become old and dangerous.
a) Hurray! It's not too late! (1 point).
b) You organize a protest meeting for strongand restoring this historical building (3points).
c) It's very sad but the building has become very dangerous (2 points).
6. Many young people nowadays are not interested in the protection of the environment.
a) It's normal. When you are young there are a lot of other things to be interested in (1 point).
b) Young people must be interested in the problem because it is a matter of everybody's concern (2 points).
c) You are a member of the environmental club that deals with the problem (3 points).
More than 14 points: Our congratulations! You are deeply concerned with the problem of environmental protection because you understand its importance.
Between 9 and 14 points: You understand the importance of the problem but you are very passive and don't want to be involved into the problem.
Less than 9 points: You are not interested in the ecological problems so far. This is very sad because nature doesn't play dice with man.
What have you learnt?
What task was the most interesting for you?
What activity caused you more (many) problems?