План урока на тему Internet Addiction

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Internet Addiction
Сабақтың мақсаты:
а) білімділік: Ғаламтор желісінің пайдасы мен зияны, интернетке тәуелділік туралы жан-жақты мәліметтерді ала отыра, студенттердің білімдері кеңейеді
ә) тәрбиелік: Білім алушылар өз беттерінше жұмыс істеп, шығармашылығын дамытады, өз ойларын еркін айтып, қорытынды жасай білуге дағдыланады.
б) дамытушылық: Білім алушылар интеллектуалды жетіледі, оқу мен білімге қызығушылығын артып, ақпараттық құзіреттілігі қалыптасады.
Сабақтың түрі: Жаңа сабақ.
Сабақтың әдісі: Түсіндіру, СТО технологияларының әдістері.
Сабақтың көрнекілігі: тақырыпқа байланысты интернет желісінен алынған деректер, суреттер, стикер
Пайдаланылған әдебиет: «Ағылшын тілі», 2010 жыл; Ғаламтор желісі.
Пәнаралық байланыс: информатика.
Сабақтың жүру тәртібі:
І. Ұйымдастыру \Organisation moment: Білім алушылармен амандасу, түгендеу. Greeting, short conversation with students on duty.T: Good morning, students! I’m glad to see you!
S-s: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
T: Thank you, sit down. Let’s begin our lesson. Who is on duty today?
S1: I’m on duty.
T: Who is absent?
What date/day is it today?
ІІ. Қызығушылықты ояту\Warming up:
Teacher: At first, I would like you to guess the theme of our today’s lesson. Now, I want you to describe the picture on the screen. Look for a minute and start.
Picture description
In the picture I can see a boy about fifteen. May be he is sitting in his room, or in the library because we can see a lot of books or DVDs in the background. The boy typing something. He is very involved in some process. May be he is searching sthon the Internet or checking his mail. May be he is communicating his friends in the social networks. He is wearing his headphone that’s why he must be away from his real life, in his virtual world.

As you can guess the theme of our lesson today is… (студенттердің жауаптары) Yes? You are right. Today we are going to speak about one of a problem that many of us have. It’s Internet addiction.
At the beginning, I’d like you to answer my questions.
Have you come to college in time today?
Have you taken your mobiles with you today?
How long can you live without your mobile phone?
Now, will you switch them off and take them away?
ІII. Мағынаны тану.
New words:
T: Read aloud some new words after me.
problem –мәселе
addictions -тәуелділік
being online – онлайн болып табылатын
forgetfulness –ұмытшақтық
chat rooms – чат бөлмелері
psychologists- психолог
experts –сарапшылар
technology – технология
family & friends –отбасы мен достар
being unhappy-бақытсыз болу
 «Өзім үшін жазу»-әдісі арқылы студенттер өзіне керекті мәліметті жазып алады

Internet addiction- A growing problem
The newspaper “Atyrau” has reported on a problem that many of us have but are not aware of –Internet addiction. According to reporter Muldir Serikkyzy, millions of us are addicted to being online. She says this is a growing problem that is making us more forgetful and impatient. Ms Muldir Serikkyzy writes about various reports highlighting how technology is changing people.
In one, she quotes cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias Aboujaode who says: “More and more, life is resembling the chat room.” He said we are living in “virtual lifestyles” which is negatively affecting our real-life relationships. Nicki Dowling, a clinical psychologist from Melbourne University in Australia, concluded in a recent study that ten per cent of young people had what she called “Internet dependence”.
Muldir Serikkyzy quizzed experts in this field on what the signs are of being overly absorbed in technology. She came up with seven indicators of “tech overload”. The first is whether you check your e-mail before doing other things. Another telltale sign is if you always anticipate and look forward to your next online visit – a sure sign of dependence and addiction. The third point is if you say, "just a few more minutes" when someone wants you. Muldir Serikkyzy found your interaction with others also says a lot about how important the Internet is compared with family and friends; do you lie about how much time you spend online or choose to surf the Net instead of go out with others? Other giveaways include the “online lift” that stops you being unhappy, and when others complain about you always being online.
IV. Ой толғау.
Teacher: Are you dependent on the Internet? Complete this table and show what you wrote to your partner(s). Change partners and share what you heard.
How often do you… AnswerIs this a problem?
check your e-mail before doing other things?    
really want to get online?    
say “just a few more minutes” when online?    
lie about how long you spend online?    
choose the Net to going out with friends?    
feel much happier after logging on?    
«Баламалы тест \ True-False Test». Read the headline. Guess if  a-h  below are true (T) or false (F).
a. Most people know about the problem of being addicted to the Internet. T / F
b. A reporter said there are thousands of online addicts. T / F
c. A cyber-psychologist said life is getting to become like a chat room. T / F
d. A researcher found 10% of youngsters are addicted to the Web. T / F
e. The reporter found seven giveaway signs of Internet addiction. T / F
f. One sign is asking for an extra few hours online. T / F
g. Lying about how much time you spend online suggests you’re addicted. T / F
h. Another sign is when you feel the need to lift up your laptop. T / F
«Сәйкесін тап»- әдісі. Match the following synonyms from the article.
-3106701615061. addiction a. different
2 forgetful b. expect
3. various c. impacting
4. resembling d. immersed
5. affecting e. obsession
6. quizzedf. communication7. absorbedg. looking like8. anticipateh. absent-minded9. interactioni. moan10. complainj. questioned
3771901355600«Бес жол өлең / Cinquain» - әдісі бойынша студенттердің қаншалықты тақырыпты меңгергендігін анықтауға болады. Студенттер тәуелділік және интернет сөздері туралы алған ақпаратты түйіндеп айтуға, өздерінің ойларын аз сөзбен, бірақ нақты жеткізуге жұмыстанады.
uncontrollable, dangerous
to treat, to rise, to solve
we shouldn’t waste time in the Net
Fun, useful
To surf, to communicate, to educate
We can’t live without it today
«Аяқталмаған сөйлем» -әдісі. Sometimes more than one choice is possible.
1. a problem that many of us have a. and impatient2 millions of us are addicted b. you being unhappy3. making us more forgetfulc. called “Internet dependence”
4. He said we are living in d. always being online5. young people had what she e. to being online6. being overly absorbedf. sign7. Another telltaleg. of dependence8. a sure signh. but are not aware of
9. the “online lift” that stops i. “virtual lifestyles”
10. others complain about youj. in technology «Сұрақ қоя білу»-әдісі. Студенттер мәтінді оқиды, ізденеді керектісін өзіне табады. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper.
Teacher: Write five GOOD questions about the Internet in the table. Do this in pairs.
V. Hometask. Your home task is to write a letter to an Internet addict. Ask him/her three questions about the Internet. Give him/her three pieces of advice on how he/she can overcome his/her addiction. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.
VІ. Бағалау.
Now, let’s give marks for your work today. Look at the criteria list and put yourself a mark
Criteria “Very good”
I am very pleased with my work today “Good”
In general I am pleased with my work today, but… “Satisfactory”
I am satisfied with my work, but wasn’t very active
I have filled in all the columns with examples I have asked correct questions I have created a cinquainI have Now, all of you stand up. The lesson is over. You are free. Good-Bye!