Урок — проект Мы создаем Веб-сайт

Открытый урок. 6 класс Егизарова Е.Г. февраль 2014 г.Тема: Мы создаем веб-сайт. Урок- проект.
Цель: Развивать навыки устной речи по теме «Соединенное Королевство»
Учить логически излагать мысли по теме.
Развивать кругозор и прививать интерес к стране изучаемого языка и желание
лучше знать английский.
Ход урока:
1.Оргмомент. Задачи урока:
Hello, boys and girls! Today we are going to do an interesting project. It says, we should pick up
Interesting facts about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and post them on the site. Have you any ideas? How should we call the website?
Look at a few variants and try to choose the best one.
--- I think, The UK… is the best
2. What should the website tell about? Choose the necessary points and put them in logical order.
Official language
National symbols
The UK flag
Customs and traditions
Big cities
3. Let’s start from the very beginning and create
the website. You may use all the materials you need
4. ---You would like to speak about… (рассказывают и прикрепляют картинки)
5. What a beautiful collage we have made! Looking at it almost everybody can speak about this wonderful country.
Do you know that we have a small presentation. Let’s try to soundtrack it.
6. You know, that Lera works in a travel agency in London.
L: Sorry, I have a call … (диалог упр 65стр 91)
7. What new information about Britain have you learned from the dialogue?
8. Really, there are a lot of interesting places in Britain. So your h.t will be ex 69 p 93 to read, translate and find information about them in the Internet.
9. Итог урока. Оценки.10. Let’s sing a song “Jingle bells”