Урок по амереканской литературе

Урок № 1
Тема: Экскурс в историю английской литературы
Задачи: Развитие слуховой памяти и речевой догадки, расширение общего кругозора учащегося, развитие воображения, культуры »пения и способности сконцентрировать внимание на главном.
Оснащение: учебник English Reader. Compiled by M.A.Borovik.Ход урокаОрганизационный момент.
Введение в клыковую среду.
The first half of the 19th century
That was the beginning of the creative activity of many writers and poets. James Fenimore Cooper’s novels and Washington Irving’s stories showed the influence of the Romantic movement. In about 1830-1860 New England was the centre of intellectual life. One of its groups, the Concord group, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson. Other writers and poets of thedJ>criod were Henry Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe.
American literature of the first half of the 19th century was under the influence of abolitionist ideas. Slavery was discussed everywhere. It was at this time that the famous novel “Uncle Tom's Cabin’’ appeared, though the author, Harriet Beecher Stowe, herself did not belong to the Society of Abolitionists.
Alter the War of Independence ( 1776 - 1783) and the proclamation of the constitution of the USA many bourgeois liberals in Europe considered the USA the most democratic country in the world.
When Dickens started out for America in 1841 he also thought that Americans enjoyed greater liberties than people did in England, but he was greatly disappointed.
He made notes of his impressions and later published them under the title of “American Notes”. After this book he published a novel “Martin Chuzzlevit” where he told us of the adventures of a young Englishman, who went to America, hoping to make his fortune there. Gradually the difference in economic interests between the agrarian South and the industrial North brought on an open conflict and civil war.
The civil war between the North and the South lasted from 1861 to 1865. At first it seemed that the South would win the war. But in the end the North proved stronger, its army was numerous, its idea was up to date and its head stood an able man, Abraham Lincoln ( who became the President in 1860).
In 1863 Lincoln proclaimed the abolition of slavery and in 1865 the war came to a close with the victory of the North.
Answer the questions:
Who considered the USA the most democratic country in the world?
Why was Dickens greatly disappointed?
Where did he express his impression?
WTiat can you say about his work “Martin Chuzzlevit”? Do you want to say something about it? What is your impression?
What do you know about the civil war between the North and the South?
Who was Abraham Lincoln? Say a few words about him.
What did A.Lincoln proclaim in 1863?
Reading of the (exl and work.
Учащимся предлагается найти в тексте и прочитать предложения, в которых выражается наивная вера в демократию.
What is democracy?
Is it easy to reach democracy? Why?
What do you think: what is necessary to do to separate democracy from anarchy in every day life?
Если ученик сам не находит в тексте проблем для обсуждения, учитель предлагает ему опорные вопросы проблемного характера. Например, что радует тебя в окружающей жизни, а что огорчает?
С какими трудностями мы сталкиваемся и почему?
В дополнение к беседе в связи с прочитанным текстом ученику можно предложить один или несколько фрагментов ситуаций типа «Что бы ты сказал, если бы хотел...( что люди обычно говорят, когда им нужно...) или коммуникативные задачи типа «Привлеки внимание другого человека, который в это время читает, объясни важность сообщаемой тобой информации».
Домашнее задание:
Express your opinion of what is written and substantiate it.
Explain the role of democracy in the literature.