Сценарий английской сказки Johnny-Cake, Joseph Jacobs

Сценарий английской сказки Johnny- Cake

(By Joseph Jacobs: writer of children’s literature)

Автор: Учитель английского языка
РК г.Элиста п.Аршан


Сценарий английской сказки Johnny- Cake

Музыка начало сказки:
An Author(автор Надя): Once upon a time, an old woman, an old man, and a little boy lived in a big farmhouse. They liked to work.

Grandfather(Давид) : Sweaty, can you bake some cake for us? Grandmother(Айтана): Of course, I can.

The Author(Надя): So, the old woman made a very special cake. It was called a Johnny-Cake.

Музыка Happy Birthday:
(Бабушка ведет колобка и обращается к деду)

Grandmother(Айтана): Honey, look, how wonderful our cake is!

Grandfather(Давид): Oh, It’s very lovely. (Адьян показывает, какой он славный)

Johnny Cake: I’m Johnny Cake, lovely and delicious! Grandmother(Айтана): But it’s too hot, let’s leave it to cool. (ведет колобка сажает на стул) Grandmother(Айтана): Now, you be a good boy and watch the cake while we work in the garden.

The boy(Цецен): OK, my dear mummy, I will.

The Author(Надя): But the little boy didn't watch it all the time. In fact he forgot about the cake for a few minutes and started playing with his pet dog.

Leo (Цецен): You boy, come here, come here!

The Author(Надя): Then all of a sudden he heard a loud noise.
(стук громкий , топает)

Leo(мальчик Цецен): “Oh, my! Come back Johnny-Cake!” (кричит)

Музыка лепешка убегает:
Leo(мальчик Цецен): “ Come back, Johnny-Cake! Where are you going? Stop him, somebody!»

Бабушка, дедушка и Лео: “ Come back, Johnny-Cake!”

Дедушка: “ If you don’t stop rolling, we won’t have anything to eat for our tea!”( убегают вслед за колобком за кулисы)

Author: On went Johnny-cake, and by and by he came to two well-dig
·Музыка лепешка убегает:

Johnny-Cake: “Come on! Come on! Catch me if you can! “

Well diggers (выдохлись, запыхались, устали): “It’s impossible well, well, well. This is a thirsty work.” (работа, вызывающая жажду)

Автор: But Johnny-Cake didn’t need a rest. On went Johnny-cake, and by and by he rolled into the forest. ( на сцене медведи делают зарядку.)

Музыка выход медведей:

Arms up! Arms down!
Jump to the right! Jump to the left!
Kick to the right! Kick to the left!
Hands on hips! Bend right! Bend left!
And rest! (присели отдохнуть,кроме Миши)

A BEAR(Миша): R-r-r, hi, round crunchy bread, We are going to eat you. Johnny-Cake: I am not simply bread; I am a Johnny-Cake. (с гордостью заявляет) A BEAR: It's so nice to meet you, Johnny-
·Cake. Where are you going?

Johnny-Cake: I may be travelling to the moon. But if you want to find out, you’ll have to catch me, first.

I’ve outrun an old man,
I’ve outrun an old woman,
I’ve outrun a little boy,
I’ve outrun two well diggers,
And I can outrun you, too!
Hey! I’m a clever Johnny Cake! Hooray! Ha! Ha! Hoo-hoo! Hoba! (колесо делает и убегает)
(медведи оглядываются,а колобка нет)

Музыка лепешка убегает:

A BEAR: : R-r-r-r! He cheated us!? We are silly; We are fool! And We are still hungry! Well, little cheater, don't meet us again; otherwise We will swallow you without saying anything, just "um, um"!!! And that's it! AN AUTHOR: The angry bears went to the deep forest and disappeared. Johnny-Cake is rolling proud of himself, thinking how smart and clever he is and everybody around is so fool. Eventually( [ i’vent
·li ]в конце концов) Johnny Cake came across a fierce-looking wolf.[fi

A WOLF (Арслан): Woo-woo! Hi, tasty сake, where are you going?

Johnny-Cake(Адьян):I could be going to the sun, but if you really want to find out, you’ll have to catch me first.

I am a Johnny-Cake.
I’m the best, lovely, clever and delicious. I’ve outrun an old man,
I’ve outrun an old woman
I’ve outrun a little boy,
I’ve outrun two well diggers,
The bears,
And I can outrun you, too!

A WOLF(Арслан):
You can? Can you? We’ll see about that!

Johnny Cake: Come on! Catch me, if you can!

Музыка лепешка убегает A WOLF(Арслан):
(Облизывается, оглядывается) Unbelievable! I didn't bite even a small piece of that tasty cake. U-u-u-u he is very smart! Next time I'm not going to listen to any stupid words; I will bite and eat, eat and eat.
AN AUTHOR: On went Johnny-cake, and by and by he came to a sly fox.

A FOX: Hello, dear! I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect!!! You are adorable!!! I like you so much!!! ( Облизывается, хватает колобка за ноги ) Where are you going, Johnny Cake?

Johnny-Cake: I’ve outrun an old man,
an old woman,
and a little boy,
I’ve outrun two well diggers, the bears, and a wolf,
And I can outrun you, too-o-o!

A FOX(Деля): I can’t quite hear you.
Come a little closer closer. И подставляет руку к уху.

Johnny-Cake: (колобок подходит ближе и кричит изо всех сил на ухо) OK! And I can outrun you, too-o-o! (изо всех сил)
A fox(Деля): Oh! I can not hear you, please, sing it once again?

Johnny-Cake: (колобок подходит ближе и кричит изо всех сил) And I can outrun you, too-o-o!

Музыка лиса ест лепешку
A fox(Деля): A-ah!"um"! um! Um! Um! Um! (Лиса хватает лепешку- шляпку колобка и делает вид, что кусает и ест, а Адьян кричит и корчится, изображает,что ему больно)

Johnny Cake: Ah! Oh!

An Author (Надя): And the fox snapped up the Johnny-Cake in her sharp teeth in the twinkling of an eye.
Музыка лепешка убегает
Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!