Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме: Традиции английского и русского чаепития.

Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме:
Традиции английского и русского чаепития.
Подготовка и проведение:
учитель англ. яз. I категории
Сысоева О.А.
-знакомство с традициями и историей английского и русского чаепития ;- формирование этических норм поведения в обществе и общения друг с другом ;
-развитие эмоционально ценностной сферы обучающихся и культуры общения.
Задачи :
-формировать у обучающихся этические представления об английском и русском чаепитии , культуре сервировки ;
- обобщить и систематизировать знания о застольном этикете;
-развитие умений применять знания по английскому языку, истории и литературе;
-формировать умение совместно работать в группе ;
-способствовать процессу самопознания и самовыражения через создание условий для подготовки и показа презентаций , участия в сценках и диалогах;
-вовлечение в подготовку к празднику пассивных и малоактивних ребят.
- 2 стола , для угощения гостей ;
- чайные сервизы , самовар , ложечки;
- демонстрационный стол чайних атрибутов;
- поисковые (сбор и обработка материала);
- моделирование жизненно – важных ситуаций в сценках и английских диалогах.
TEA PARTY.Pupil 1: Good afternoon , dear guests ! We are glad to see everybody.
Pupil2:Welcome to our creative party .Today we are going to talk about Tea Traditions in England and Russia .We want you to learn more information about these interesting Tea Ceremonies .
P1: The love for tea unites all the nations in the world. Tea is the most famous and wide – spread among the different drinks .It is drunk in all corners of the Earth.Its popularity is great.
P2:Specialits add tea-extract into the parfumes, face creams, shampoos, tooth pastes.In Ancient times tea was used for medical purposes .Tea was also considered to cure headaches , pains .Country has its own traditions and customs .We propose you to speak about English Tea Ceremony and Tea Traditions in Russia. It`s common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea.They like to have a nice cup of tea from 6 to 8 times a day.
P1: And now I want to invite the brightest representative of the UK –Lord Thomas Weddlow, who tells us about Tea Ceremony in his Motherland .Lord Weddlow : Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.Firstly, I want to introduce myself : I am a representative of English aristocracy Lord Thomas Weddlow. Today, we `ll speak about tea .Tea is one of the most important parts of English life .Dear friends , ( обращаясь к ведущим) may I propose you to watch a short clip about my native
country , to understand how beautiful and magnificent is it?
(Clip about England )
You see, my dear friends, this is my Motherland . We are proud of our country ,our Queen and our traditions .
We , Englishmen , think that Tea is the most delicious and useful beverage in the world . We know everything about Tea .
In the 17 century, the English became interested in this drink. In the 18 century, tea “traditions” started to appear and tea was the most part, enjoyed by the wealthier members of society . By the 19 century, tea was drunk at all levels of society .And in the 20 century Tea became a usual and integral part of our life. Paradoxically, the first tea served in public places was sold in coffee houses .Coffee houses first appeared in the 1650 in Oxford than in London .
The English think that tea is:
a drink for the whole family, a drink for quiet people and a ceremonial drink . And now I propose you a short presentation about Tea Ceremony in England .
Презентация : Английское чаепитие.
1slide :You see , we joke : “It`s easy to imagine Great Britain without the Queen , but not without Tea”.
2S.: Tea in England is more than “ simple Tea “. The Queen and ordinary British people follow the traditions of tea drinking . It`s special culture –from brewing taking tea,it has many supporters far away the Ireland .
3S.: The British drink 165 mln. of tea cups every day, and 98% of them drink tea with milk, but only 30% add sugar into tea. The British drink 86% of all consumed tea at home .4S.: In England Tea can be:
Early morning cup – at 6-7 o`clock in the morning .
English Breakfast - at 8 o`clock in the morning .
Lunch Tea .Tea Break –in the middle of the working day.
Five o`clock Tea –at 5 o`clock .High Tea –at 7-8 o`clock in the afternoon .The table is served in such a way that the person can enjoy tea process in the drawing room by the fireplace covered with the White ,Blue or Beige table cloth.
5S.: In any situation million of the British people drink tea with milk and cream at 5 o`clock. Firstly, ”Five o`clock Tea” appeared in 1840, when the Duchess Ann Bedfordskaya the 7-th proposed to satisfy hunger between breakfast and English dinner with a cup of tea and light snacks.
6S.: Traditionally 5 o`clock Tea was served with : bread, butter, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, hard –boiled eggs, toasts with cinnamon, almond biscuits, cakes, jam, hot buns, jelly,sweets .
7S.: The British don`t drink tea with lemon, they call it “Russian Tea” .But they like “White Tea “ With milk . Firstly you pour cream or milk into the cup and only then strong fresh boiled tea.
8S.: People , living in the county of Kornuol , like to have “Five o`clock Tea”with local clotted cream.It`s something between butter and ice-cream. It`s very tasty but very humpful for the leaver.
9S.:The British traditionally serve abundant treats for the Classical Tea Ceremony: triangle and rectangular sandwiches with butter and cucumber, with cream cheese and smoked salmon with crushed boiled egg, majonese and shrimps in sauce .
10S.:There is a big choice of fresh cakes on the satisfying Tea Table , which traditionally are served or the special shelves for cakes. The range of cakes usually includes: fruit cake , Victorian cake , chocolate cake , ginger bread , short bread – finger, baskets with fresh fruits.You can see also carrots pie, cheese cakes, on modern tea Ceremonies .
So my dear friends, it`s in short form everything about English Tea Time Ceremonies. But I `ve got a surprise for you .My little friends come with me today, they help me to make my story brightly .
Выступление детей.P1: Good afternoon , dear guests , I`m a little Teapot .
If you are cold , tea will warm you ,
If you are too heated , tea will cool you .
If you are too depressed , tea will cheer you.
If you are too exhausted tea will calm you.
Песня о чайнике.
I`m a Little Teapot.I`m a Little Teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle , here is my spout,
When I get all steamed up,
Here me shout ,Tip me over and pour me out!
I`m a clever teapot,
Yes, it`s true ,Here `s an example of what I can do,
I can change my handle into a spout,
Tip me over and pour me out !(Инсценировка песни)
P2: Thanks dear children for your humorous song.
Lord: Of course , today the classic English Tea Ceremony is made not very often. But traditions are traditions. London `s restaurants and rich hotels continue to make Tea Evenings and Tea Ceremonies .
(Презентация чаепития в отелях)
And ending my story about English Tea Ceremony I would like to say that in spite of modern speed of our life it`s difficult to imagine wet and cold England without excellent cup of tea .
P1: Thank you very much, Sir Thomas for your useful and interesting lesson about English Tea Ceremony .P2.: Of course English Tea Drinking is important with its useful attributes, baking , dishes, traditions. The art of Tea conversation it is a tradition of communication and pleasure of this communication.
And in Russian Tea Drinking first of all a company is very important. It`s not very important what kind of tea they will drink and what baking they will eat .
And of course it`s not important what manners will be and what jokes will be.
People are the most important part in Russian Tea Drinking .
P2.: Oh , I think it`s time to speak about the Russian Tea Dinking and our guests will tell us about it with great pleasure .
(Песня о русском чае)
Русская Девочка1: Добрый День, гости дорогие! Мы рады приветствовать вас! Прежде, чем мы расскажем вам о традициях русского чаепития, нам бы хотелось показать вам всю красоту нашей великой и могучей страны- России. Мы гордимся нашей Державой!!! (Клип о России)
Русское чаепитие отличается от английского. Оно связано с шумом кипящего самовара.
Русская девочка 2: In Russia tea is served in teapot and boiling water in the samovar. Abroad this Russian invention is called a Russian Tea Machine . The most famous samovars were made in Tula. One of the most important qualities of samovar was the fact that it allowed to catch the moment of such temperature which is suitable for brewing tea. As it is known it`s forbidden to brew a lot of kinds of tea with a hard boiling water. Usually there were a lot of different sweets on the Russian Tea Table .
РД.1: Чай – это один из немногих напитков, которые прочно вошли в нашу жизнь .РД.2: We drink tea in the morning, the reason is to cheer up, in the evening for relaxation, a cup of tea can make us hot in severe cold, and we drink ice tea in hot summer
РД.1: На Руси – один зарок, кроме всякой пищи : утром – чай, в обед – чаёк, вечером – чаище!
РД.2: The Russian get acquainted with tea in 1638.Moscow Ambassador Vasiliy Starkov was presented with first tea for the Russian Tsar Michail Fedorovich from Mongolian Khan Altan, in gratitude for the presents giving to him .РД.1: Сначала подарок не произвел впечатления, но потом напиток распробовали во время торжественной дегустации. В Россию попадали даже очень редкие китайские чаи : желтый, китайский, императорский, чай который китайцы продавали только русским и только за меха.
РД.2: In the early 19-th century tea became very available and quickly come into our Russian life .Tea Drinking was full of its own philosophy in Russ. And to the end of the 19-th century Russian Empire, as England , became tea drinking state.
P1.: What is the real Russian Tea Drinking ?
РД2.: Russian Tea Ceremony is directed to unite the spiritual world of people , opening each individual soul before the society, the family, the friend , receiving new knowledge .
РД.1: Чаепитие создает условия для задушевного разговора. За чашкой чая решались все семейные дела, заключались торговые сделки, велись дружеские беседы, возникали новые знакомства. Сердечность и простота – характерная черта русского чаепития. Атмосфера русского чайного действа всегда душевно и приятно. Было замечено долгим жизненным опытом , что чай приводит человека в мирное , благодушное настроения. Чай идеально вписался в нашу ментальность: добра, теплоты, близости, - все это создало свою национальную традицию чаепития.
РД2.: In Russia people appreciate not only the quality of tea , but baking and sweets which are served for tea . Biscuits , buns , syshki ,strawberry jam, raspberry jam , honey , sugar, pies, fruit, berries, candies –are the main attributes of Russian Tea Drinking .
РД1.: Для дворянской культуры чаепитие было характерно употреблением чая на английский манер, создавая целое красивое представление с умными беседами и обменном любезностями.
РД2: Speaking about our modern life our Russian people honour these traditions and many Modern tea Ceremonies are alike in old Russian traditions. I think tea does not know social differences. It is loved everywhere.
РД1: Да, он любим и в великосветских салонах Петербурга и в деревенской избе. Его пьют в трактирах мещанской слободы, и в фешенебельных ресторанах. Чаепитие в России – нечто большее, чем просто застольная традиция – это образ жизни, черта национального характера, символ хлебосольности и гостеприимства у нашего русского народа. Именно поэтому мы начали свой рассказ с нашей русской песни и с представления нашей Родины.
В1,: Thank you very much, dear girls. We thank’s both our guests, the representatives of the UK and Russia, for your interesting and bright speeches about your native countries and Tea Ceremonies in Britain and Russian Federation.
B2.: And now we can make a conclusion of our party. The Englishmen are concedered to be the most teadrinking nation in the world. Nowadays in Russia tea is one of the most consumed drinks. Each country has its own interesting and nice Tea Traditions.
B1.: It has become very famous nowadays to congratulate guests with souvenirs. Take please little souvenirs and do not forget our Tea Party.
В1.: Подарок наш обычен, но незаменим,
Без чая ведь и утро не начнется.
Пирожные вкуснее только с ним.
Чай выпьете и оптимизм вернется!
Зимним утром перед сбором в школу выпейте чашку свежего чая и вспомните наше веселое англо-русское чаепитие! Пусть согревает вас ароматный чай, но самые теплые воспоминания будут у вас в сердце.