А?ылшын тілі п?нінен саба? жоспары Living plants 5 сынып

УаKыты/ Дата/ Date 11.03.2016 СабаK/ Урок/ Lesson

Сынып/ Класс/ Grade

СабаK таKырыбы/
Тема урока/ Theme of the lesson
Living plants

Цели/ Learning objectives (s) that this lesson is contributing to
Ss will be able to use new words in expressing their thoughts about different types of flowers.

Міндеттері \
\Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to: remember the new words and try to make sentences with them
Most learners will be able to: to use new words and make sentences with them
Some learners will be able to: use new words and express their thought about them.

Т_рі/Тип/ Type

К_тілетін н‰тиже/ Ожидаемые результаты/ Expected results
To the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use new words and express thoughts about their favourite flower.

Табыс критериялары/
Критерии успеха
Success criteria
Ss will learn the lesson by helping and teaching one another

Методы и приемы
Methods and techniques
1) The strategy of studying the material together
2) Brainstorming.
3)A poster
4) comparing
5) Working in groups and pairs

Дерек к™здері/
Ресурсы/ Resources
Lap top, flipchart, textbooks, tables, worksheets, posters

Procedure of the lesson

Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity

`йымдастыру кезеSі/Организационный момент / Organization moment

Good morning dear children and guests I’m glad to see you here!
Greeting one another in a circle (hello, how are you? Give a five, etc.) wishing good luck to one another

JызыCушылыKтарын ояту/Вызов/ Warm- up
Ph. Drill
I have got a question. W
·(СабаK барысында не талKылаймыз деп ойлайсыздар?) Open your books at page 176. Look, what must we know by the end of our lesson? (СабаKтыS соSына дейін біз нені біліп шыCуымыз керек деп ойлайсыздар)
Look what’s it? Yes, it’s an apple tree (shows on
·^й жaмысын тексеру/ Проверка д/з / Checking of the h/w
What was your homework?
Make two circles inner and outer. Read to one pupil then to another.
Did you remember the names of trees?
What are they?
Ex.14. 175
Ss present their work to one another.



For Dias to draw the flowers and write the names of them

Let’s have a rest!
Бекіту/Закрепление / Consolidation
СабаK Kорытындысы/Итоги урока, выводы / Summary of the lesson, conclusion

Ой толCаныс/Рефлексия/

Кері байланыс/ Обратная связь / Feedback

БаCалау\ Оценивание\Assessment

^й тап./Дом. Зд./ Homework

Look at your books. You can see many flowers. Can you match them? (1 min to think)Now write the names of the flowers.
Listen and
For.ex. Daniyar likes flowers.
His favourite flower is_____

Draw a smile on the corner of your copybooks
I like the lesson\ I don’t like the lesson

Partner’s name__________
Used new words
(жаSа с™здерді Kолдана алды )
·ke up own sentences
( С™йлемдер Kaрастыра алды )
Can answer the questions
(СaраKтарCа жауап бере алды)

Everything is correct
3 points

Have some mistakes
2 points

Have a lot of mistakes
1 point

9-7 points-“5”, 6-4 points –“4”, 3-2 –points-“3”

Partner’s name__________
Used new words
(жаSа с™здерді Kолдана алды )
Make up own sentences
( С™йлемдер Kaрастыра алды )
Can answer the questions
(СaраKтарCа жауап бере алды)

Everything is correct
3 points

Have some mistakes
2 points

Have a lot of mistakes
1 point

9-7 points-“5”, 6-4 points –“4”, 3-2 –points-“3”

Partner’s name__________
Used new words
(жаSа с™здерді Kолдана алды )
Make up own sentences
( С™йлемдер Kaрастыра алды )
Can answer the questions
(СaраKтарCа жауап бере алды)

Everything is correct
3 points

Have some mistakes
2 points

Have a lot of mistakes
1 point

9-7 points-“5”, 6-4 points –“4”, 3-2 –points-“3”

+\- белгілерімен баCала
Жaмысты уаKытында аяKтады
ТоптыS ‰р м_шесі тапсырманы орындауда белсенділік танытты
Топтар бір-бірін тыSдай білді
ТыныштыKты саKтады

+\- белгілерімен баCала
Жaмысты уаKытында аяKтады
ТоптыS ‰р м_шесі тапсырманы орындауда белсенділік танытты
Топтар бір-бірін тыSдай білді
ТыныштыKты саKтады



[ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть картинку ] _____________________________ [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть картинку ]__________________________________

[ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть картинку ] _____________________ [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть картинку ] ___________________________________
[ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть картинку ] _____________________

Tulips, My Favorite Flowers
Many people like roses, but tulips are my favorite flowers.
The tulip is a beautiful flower. I would love to visit Tulip gardens in Holland one day.
But they say the birthplace of wild tulips is Central Asia. The Karatau mountains in southern Kazakhstan are home to some of the most beautiful flowers.
36 types of tulips are growing in Kazakhstan today. Half of them are listed in the Red Book.

2)Many people like roses, but tulips are my favorite flowers.
3)The tulip is a beautiful flower. I would love to visit Tulip gardens in Holland one day.
4)But they say the birthplace of wild tulips is Central Asia.
5)The Karatau mountains in southern Kazakhstan are home to some of the most beautiful flowers.
6) 36 types of tulips are growing in Kazakhstan today. Half of them are listed in the Red Book.