План урока Я хочу быть здоровым 2 урок

The aim:
Org. moment:
The main part:
resultcompletionMy health
I want to be healthy. Food.
Цель:Знакомство с долгим звуком [ u:] [ju]:буква Uu .
1)Научить учащихся находить на слух звуки[ u:] [ju]:
2) Развивать произносительные навыки у учащихся.
3) Содействовать формированию у учащихся интереса к изучаемому предмету.
Blue, glue, student, uniform, costume, music.

plan of the lesson:
T: Hello, children! Sit down! I’m glad to see you!
S: We are glad to see you!
! Who is on duty today?
What date is it today? Who is absent today?
Who can tell me, what day is it today?
Ok, you are right!
How are you?
Are you ready for this lesson?
That’s great!
Today we will get acquainted with a new sound[ u:] [ju]: letter Uu;
Students repeat after me in chorus and individually new words.
T: Blue, glue, student, uniform, costume, music.
Class: Blue, glue, student, uniform, costume, music.
3.Read.Ex.2 P.40
4. warm-up
“Clap your hands”
5. Read and choose the words with a long u sound. Ex.3P.30
Use, but, Tuesday, bug, June, brash, blue, Sue, music, bus, mug, cup cucumber, jump, umbrella, glue, duck, sun, uniform, costume.
6. Learn the new words.
Bread, sandwich meat, pickles, cheese, tomato, lettuce.
7Answer the questions. Then listen and read. Ex5.P41.
“A super big sandwich”
7.Ex.6P.43 check and learn new words
What new words you remember?
What sound we met today?
The lesson is over! Good-bye!