Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 6 классе Школьная форма:за и против

Тема: School uniform : yes or no
Тип урока : открытие нового знания
Цель урока: сформировать умения составлять диалогическое высказывание с аргументацией.
Планируемый результат:
Личностные умения : проявления отношения к проблеме школьной формы.
Предметные : умение строить монологическое высказывание с аргументацией.
Метапредметные :
Познавательные :-читать и слушать, извлекая нужную информацию;
-умение участвовать в общей беседе;
-умение формулировать высказывание;
-умение выполнять действия в соответствии с планом.
Ход урока
Орг.моментT: Good morning, children!
P: Good morning, Good morning, Good morning to you,
Good morning, dear O.Yu., We are glad to see you!
Постановка учебной цели. Знакомство с темой урока.
T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.
Children, look at the picture (слайд 1). What are they wearing?
P: Girls are wearing a blouse, a skirt, a jacket, shoes. Boys are wearing a shirt, a tie, a jacket, trousers, shoes.
T: Let’s repeat this words with the help solving a crossword puzzle. Let’s fill it.(кроссворд)
It’s footwear. (shoes)
It’s the upper part of the classic men’s suit. (jacket)
The lower part of the school uniform for boys. (trousers)
2.It’s the upper part of the uniform for boys (shirt)
4.The lower part of the school uniform for girls.(skirt)
6.Part of the uniform for boys which is possible to call an accessory.
7.It’s the upper part of the uniform for girls. (blouse)
T: All right! How do you think, what are we going to speak about?
P: I think we are going to speak about clothes.
T: It’s wrong. Let’s watch a video and answer the question: “ what kind of clothes is video about?”
(видео дети разных стран в школьной форме)
P: It’s about school uniform.
T: Do you know a meaning of the word “uniform”? I have found it in the Internet. (слайд 3)
And now, how do you think what the theme of our lesson?
P: I think the theme of our lesson is “school uniform”
T: That’s all right. (слайд 4)
Open your copybooks, write down the date and the theme of the lesson.
Цель нашего урока : сформировать умения составлять монологическое высказывание с аргументацией.
Ребята, может вы помните, что, когда листали старые школьные альбомы своих родителей или родственников ,то видели в какой красивой школьной форме они на фото. Школьная форма была повседневная и парадная. Сегодня мы тоже возвращаемся к ней. В каждой школе ученики должны носить форму. И вы сегодня очень красивые в своей школьной форме.(фото)
3.Актуализация и первичное усвоение знаний.
T: Do you like to wear school uniform?
P: answers
T: So, we have different opinions about this type of clothes and students from your textbook have different opinions too. Open your books on page 36 ex.14. Read the task. Now, listen and answer the question.
P: answers
T: Let’s do the task #15. Read the task.
P: answers
T: let’s do ex.16 in pairs.
Let’ check.
P: answers
4.ФизминуткаT: I suggest you to relax. Stand up and let’s repeat after me:
Every day I have to wear
Uniform an go to school.
It’s my skirt, a blouse, a tie.
Oh, I have forgotten shoes!
Take a bag and say “good-bye”!
5.Первичная проверка понимания и закрепление.
T: Now I suggest you to work with texts. We have texts in your desks with different opinions about uniform. Your task is read and define your text for or against it.
P: read and answers
T: Сhildren, as we learn English, I think to you it will be interesting to look at what uniform children at the British schools wear. (видео)
T: All right. So, we had a home task:Think up and draw a school uniform, which we want to see in school.
T: Now, show us your pictures and answer “Why have we chosen this type of uniform?”
P: answers
I have chosen this type of uniform, because I think…
-It’s standard.
- It’s comfortable.
-It’s not expensive.
- I like the sport style.
6.Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.
T: You have tried out as the artist, and now I want that you have stayed journalists. Journalists are people who obtain information and write about it articles.
Now, let’s speak about your home task. It’s ex.17 p.36. read and translate it.
P: read and translate it.
T: You already have had pictures of your uniform. I suggest doing your home task as follows (слайд 5).
In the article you have to write heading, describe a form and reason the choice.
Do you understand the home task?
7.Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия).T:I want to ask you about our lesson.
Do you like it? Do you extract any information from the lesson?
-I repeat some words.
I learn that different countries have different unifom.
I learn that students like or dislike uniform.
Выставление оценок с аргументацией.
T: Our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. Say “good-bye” to our guests and you can be free.