Визитная карточка команды к интеллектуальной игре по английскому языку Поезд в Британию

The Train to Britain
Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку.

Визитная карточка

(Звучат звуки вокзала и толпы)

Голос за сценой:
Ladies and gentlemen! The train to Britain leaves in 5 minutes.

(На сцене появляются 2 девушки, которые знакомы друг с другом, но пока друг друга не видят, одна из них присела и что-то достаёт из сумки)

Girl 1:
Excuse me, could you tell me what platform the train to Britain leaves from?
Girl 2:
Just a minute! Oh, Alexandra! I haven’t seen you for ages! You look wo
·(Поют песню на мотив “Don’t worry, be happy”):

We like to travel to other lands,
To Spain, to Britain, Netherlands,
It’s very useful and we are truthful!
We like to be impressed by sights,
Picturesque nature, lovely nights,
We look fantastic, enthusiastic.
· Internet. Listen to me! (зачитывает)
“Boys and girls! If you are good at English and want to practice in speaking, reading and listening, take part in the intellectual competition “The train to Britain”!”
Girls 1 & 2:
Girl 3:
They need a team o
·f three active, confident and clever students! It seems we look exactly like them.
Girl 2:
It’s a brilliant idea! Agreed! (хлопают ладошками)
Girl 3:
And what will be the name of our team?
Girl 1:
Maybe “Happy travellers”!
Girl 2:
I think “Lucky trave

(Поют песню на мотив “Yellow Submarine”):

In the country
We’ll go to by train
It’s a very foggy day.
But we don’t mind the rain,
We are happy and OK.
We all go to
Britain, the UK.-3 times
What a pity it’s
Only a game.-3 times

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