Контрольная работа для 6 класса к учебнику О. В. Афанасьева 6 класс Rainbow English

Контрольная работа для 6 класса
Unit 4. The country across the ocean
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.
Welcome to the USA
Tour America invites you on a tour of the USA. The USA is a big country - more than  9 and a half million square kilometres. There is a lot you can do and see! And there are a lot of friendly people you can meet. The population is approximately 264,5 million people! There are many nationalities including English, German, Spanish. The capital of the USA is Washington. Visit Washington and see the President's home and office - the White House.
If you like swimming, sailing or fishing, you are lucky. To the east of the USA is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. And there are many big rivers in the USA: the Mississippi, the Colorado and the Saint Lawrence, for example. If you want to relax you can visit the Great Lakes in the north. If you are fit, you can go climbing in the Rocky Mountains. They are more than 4,000 metres high! You can take a tent and cook your meals on a camp-fire. And if you want more, the USA has borders with Canada to the north and with Mexico to the south. Don't delay. Phone us today for a dream holiday. See you soon in the USA!
Переведите на русский язык выделенный жирным шрифтом абзац.
Верно или неверно утверждение по тексту. (TRUE/FALSE)
The USA is not a big country.
The population is approximately 5000 million people.
There are many nationalities including English, German, Spanish.
The capital of the USA is Washington.
There are many small rivers in the USA: the Mississippi, the Colorado and the Saint Lawrence.
The highest mountain is the Rocky Mountains.
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2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский.
Открывать Америку
Золотая медаль
Богатая земля
Иностранная земля
Круглый мяч
Круглый стол
Морское путешествие
Прибывать в Лондон
Охотиться на животных
Помнить страну
Далеко от дома
Принадлежать стране
Прекрасный луг
Скалистые горы
Берег реки
Высокий небоскреб
Космическое пространство
Прекрасная церемония
Зеленая планета
Статуя Свободы
Город Нью Йорк