Презентация на английском языке Я — дизайнер 8 класс

I am a designerПроект выполнила: Баянгина Викторияученица 8 классаМБОУ «Корниловская СОШ» Томского районаРуководитель проекта:Мухортова Е.А. Historical informationThe first designer in the fashion’s world was Charles Frederick Worth (1826-1895). Worth combined the talents of a tailor and merchant. Every year he introduced a new collection that contributed to the rapid changing fashion. Worth was a great success. He had to make dresses for the nine Royal yards, for the richest people of Europe.ЧарльзФредерик Ворт ДОМ МОДЫ ВОРТ. During the early 20th century, practically all high fashion originated and were concentrated in Paris and, to a lesser extent, in London. At the turn of the century Paul Poiret, Madeleine Vionne, Gabrielle Chanel, Nadezhda Lamanova, and others start to work . Women-fashion designers, designers 10 great names in the history of fashion XX centuryThe Incomparable Jeanne Paken (1869 — 1936)Gorgeous Jeanne Lanvin (1867 – 1946)Incredible Elsa Schiaparelli (1890 – 1973)The Delightful MadeleineVienna (1876-1975)Unique Madame GRES (1903-1993)Brilliant and miniature Carmen de Tommaso (1909)Unsurpassed Coco Chanel(1883 – 1971)Striking Vivienne Westwood(1941)Amazing Nina Ricci (1883-1970)Amazing Sonia Rykiel (1930) This year I graduate the 8th form and I have the exam on technology and I should do the project. I visit the theatre of fashion “BUM”. This year we create a new collection. I want to try myself in the role of a designer. I decided that one dress will not look like a finished image, because I want to make a bag and a bezel. Before I had started to sew my dress, bag and headband, I was looking through a number of different techniques of manufacture and models of the products that I had chosen! There were very many varieties of beautiful models. I liked many of them. But I decided to come up with their products! The process of producing Criteria applicable to the productElegant, modern trend of fashion;Quality made with modern materials and methods of processing, occurring defects must be eliminated in the process of product’s development;Fits good on my figure, emphasizing advantages and hiding flaws;Available at cost;Included in the collection of models of school’s fashion theatre. Thank you for your attention!!! Literaturehttp://viktorianna.ru/retrospektiva/zenschini-modeljerihttp://lifestar.ru/15_the_history_of_design_clothes.htmlhttp://www.livemaster.ru/topic/776049-pervyj-dizajner-odezhdy-chast-7https://www.google.com/search?q=уорт+чарльз&biw=1366&bih=666&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj06Mn8tevLAhVlj3IKHXxpAccQ_AUIBygChttp://burdastyle.ru/zhurnaly/2015/http://burdastyle.ru/zhurnaly/2014/http://burdastyle.ru/zhurnaly/2013/