Сценарий спектакля Робин Гуд

Robin Hood

Акт первый, сцена первая
На площади:
6 класс (крестьяне) Танец с овощами.
1 крестьянин: Sheriff is hunting in the forest.
2 крестьянин: For a bear or for a deer? 3 крестьянин: He is hunting for Robin Hood.4 крестьянин: Robin Hood gives everything to peasant.5 крестьянин: Look! It’s Robin Hood here!(Робин Гуд и Джон встречаются с Гаем Гис Борном в лесу)
Сцена вторая:Robin Hood: Who are you?Gay Gisbourne: I am a servant of my King.Robin Hood: And I’m Sheriff’s chief.Gay Gisbourne: I’m sent to catch Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.Robin Hood: Oh, you are in great danger.Gay Gisbourne: Danger?Robin Hood: You see, the forest is dark and mysterious. Robin Hood is the king in the forest.John: Robin Hood said:” If I meet Knight Gay Gisbourne, I’ll hang him or boil him in the pot. Gay Gisbourne: What? Robin Hood: Your clothes are very bright. John, give him my raincoat.
(звуки надвегающихся рыцарей)Gay Gisbourne: What’s this? Robin Hood: We must be ready for attack. Hurry up! (убегает)
Сцена 3 (Рыцари, Гай Гисборн, шеф, джон)
Knight 1: He is here.Knight 2: Look! It’s a green raincoat.Knight 3: Here he is!Knight 4: It’s Robin Hood!Knight 5: It is Robin Hood!Chief: Take him to prison (Забирают Гая Гисбора и Джона. Выходит Робин Гуд)Robin Hood: John! John! I think he is in captivity! Poor, John. Don’t worry, Robin Hood is free.
Акт второй. Сцена 1
В замке.
(Сессил вышивает, поёт песню. I like you, I like you,I really like you.I like you, I like you,I really do.
Служанка: Lady! Robin Hood is caught! Sessil: I think I’ve met Robin Hood. It was in a dark, dark forest. I was far from my friends. A bear went out and wanted to kill me. Suddenly I saw a man in a mask and a green raincoat. He saved me and gave me the fragment of his arrow. I think it was Robin Hood himself. Will he recognize this arrow?
(Входит Клоринда, поёт песню.)I like the way that I look,The things from my parents I took.I like the way that II like the way that II like the way that I look.I like my nose and my face,I take them with me every place.
Clorinda: The knights are so brave and good-looking. Sessil: No, your knights are stupid and ugly. They are worse then the robbers. Clorinda: Don’t call the knights like this! I’ll tell my father everything. He will punish you.Sessil: Telltale! Telltale!Clorinda: You are a stupid girl.
Сцена 2.
(Входит Шериф и Гай Гисбор (переодетый Робин Гуд).)Sheriff: What’s this?Clorinda: Hang Robin Hood at once!Sessil: Don’t hang Robin Hood, please!Clorinda: Hang! Hang! Hang!Sheriff: Don’t quarrel, girls! Let me introduce our noble guest. This is Gay Gisbourne, the king’s knight. These are my daughters Clorinda and Sessil.Clorinda: Nice to meet you.Sessil: I think you are glad that the roads are safe and you visit us.Robin Hood: Sheriff, here is the letter of my king. He ordered to catch the famous robber Robin Hood!Sheriff: He is caught and he is in prison.Robin Hood: Great! I’ll be happy to tell it to the king.Sheriff: It was difficult. Would you like to have dinner with me and my daughters, brave knight? And would you like to join the ball.
Robin Hood: With pleasure.
Акт третий. Сцена 1.
Robin Hood: Why aren’t you with the guests?Sessil: I am very sorry when somebody is caught.Robin Hood: It is strange for the sheriff’s daughter. What’s the matter?Sessil: Save the robbers.Robin Hood: What?Sessil: Please ask my father not to hang them. One day a robber saved my life.Robin Hood: Really?
Сессил показывает стрелу.
Сцена 2.
(Робин гуд пишет письмо. Разбойник Вили крадётся, осматривается.)Willy: I am here, ataman.Robin Hood: Did anybody notice you?Willy: Nobody.Robin Hood: Take this envelope. Run to prison and give it to the chief. Do you understand?Willy: Yes, I do. I must run to prison and give this letter to the chief.Robin Hood: Hurry up!
Сцена 3.
(Робин гуд возвращается к шерифу с дочерьми.)
Robin Hood: I must leave your castle. The king ordered me to go to London. I can’t tell you why. It is a secret.Sheriff: Goodbye!Sessil: Goodbye!Clorinda: Goodbye!
Танец “Тарантелла” – 5-й класс.
Scene Four.
Chief: Sir Teerwood wants to see Gay Gisbourne.Sheriff: I think he met him. Let him come in.Chief: Robin Hood doesn’t want to go. He says that he is not Robin.Sheriff: What?Chief: Then I let all prisoners go away.Sheriff: What prisoners?Chief: According to your order.Sheriff: Are you healthy?Chief: Only Robin Hood doesn’t want to go away.Sheriff: What about Little John?Chief: He was the first.Sheriff: What did you do?Chief: Here is your order.Sheriff: What? “Let all prisoners go away…”
Scene Five.
Teerwood: Nottingham! A man by the gate said that Gay Gisbourne is in your prison and you are going to hang him.Sheriff: It isn’t true.Teerwood: The knights can’t lie.Sheriff: But it was Gay Gisbourne by the gate.Teerwood: I know Gay. It wasn’t him.
Scene Six.
Собирается народ.
Gay Gisbourne: I will complain to the king. Noble knights! Save me please.Sheriff: Robin Hood.Teerwood: Gay Gisbourne.Sheriff: What?Gay Gisbourne: He put me to prison.Sheriff: But who was that knight by the gates?Sessil: It was Robin Hood.Sheriff: Robin Hood?!
(Музыка. Все выходят. Финальная песня.)Have a good day,Make it worthwhile,Go out and laugh,Go out and sing,Go out and smile.Go out and do,All you should.Go out and do something good.Have a good dayGo out and live,Go out and work,Go out and love,Go out and give.And when you do,Then you can say,You’ve had a fine,You’ve had a great,You’ve had a good day.