Тестирование по английскому языку по теме «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии – страна изучаемого языка» ( 7 — 9 кл.)

Тестирование по английскому языку по теме «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии – страна изучаемого языка» ( 7 - 9 кл.)

Выберите лишнее слово или словосочетание.

1. Theatre. 2. River.
3. Art gallery. 4. Museum.
1. To see the sights. 2. To go sightseeing.
3. To do sightseeing . 4. To lose sight of.
1. English. 2. Scottish.
3. French. 4. Welsh.

Выберите верный вариант из предложенных.

№4. The place where the Queen lives.
1. The Tower of London.
2. Buckingham Palace.
3. Westminster Abbey.
№5. It was a fortress, a palace, and a prison in the past.
1. The Tower of London.
2. Buckingham Palace.
3. Westminster Abbey.
№6. It's a place, where crowds of people may be seen in the "Speaker's Corner".
1. Downing Street. 2. Hyde Park.
3. Regent's Park.
№7. London Zoo is situated in .
1. Downing Street. 2. Hyde Park.
3. Regent's Park.

Выберите верный вариант из предложенных.

№8. Great Britain a monarchy.
1. To be. 2. Is. 3. Are.
№9. There much rain and fog in England.
1. Are. 2. Am. 3. Is.
№10. There many public parks in London.
1. Are. 2. Am. 3. Is.
№11. Britain ... the great part of the British Isles.
1. Constitute. 2. Constitutes. 3. Constituted.
№12. In 1666 the Great Fire place in London.
1. Took. 2. Takes. 3. Taken.
№13. Scotland no Parliament of its own.
1. Have. 2. Hase. 3. Has.
№14. The thistle has an important meaning the people of Scotland.
1. Of. 2. For. 3. By.
№15. The Welsh still proudly wear national dress on festive occasions.
1. Its. 2. Their. 3. Them.
№16. London, Britain's colourful capital, is full things to see and do.
1. Of. 2. At. 3. To.
№17. The British Museum contains the ... collections in Britain.
1. More important. 2. Importantest.
3. Most important.
№18. Great Britain is the ninth largest island ... the world.
1. In. 2. At. 3. On.
№19. Winston Churchill became the first person to appear ... a British coin other than a monarch.
1. At. 2. On. 3. In.
№20. Since 1911 the big red motor bus ... London's 'king of the road'.
1. Has been.
2. Had been.
3. Was.
№21. The Ceremony of the Keys at The Tower of London is a 700 year old tradition takes place every night.
1. Who. 2. That. 3. What.
№22. The tradition of celebrating Halloween has been handed in Britain for many years.
In. 2. Down. 3. Out.

·23. Look the text and find information about London Zoo.
1. After. 2. Forward to. 3. Through.
№24. The red cross on the flag of England stands on the blue background.
1. Up for. 2. Out. 3. Around.
№25. The capital of Great Britain is London.
1. A. 2. The. 3. No article.
№26. The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street.
1. A. 2. The. 3. No article.
№27. The biggest museum of London is British Museum.
1. A. 2. The. 3. No article.
№28. Cambridge is ... second oldest university in Britain.
1. A. 2. The. 3. No article.
№29. Now Tower is a museum.
1. A. 2. The. 3. No article.

Выберите верный вариант из предложенных.

№30. Sightseer ...
1. Someone who has a good eye-sight.
2. Someone, who is visiting a famous or
interesting place.
3. Someone who can't see well.
№31. To be rich in ...
1. To give something.
2. To have no anything.
3. Containing a lot of something.
№32. To be worth doing ...
1. To be useful and helpful if you do it.
2. To be difficult to understand.
3. To be unpleasant to do.

Выберите верный эквивалент английских пословиц.

№33. It takes all sorts to make the world.
1. На вкус и цвет товарища нет.
2. В чужой монастырь со своим укладом
не ходят.
3. Люди бывают разные.
№34. Habit cures habit.
1. Привычка – вторая натура.
2. Клин клином вышибают.
3. У всякой пташки свои замашки.
№35. There is no accounting for tastes.
1. О вкусах не спорят.
2. Привычка делает человека.
3. В каком народе живешь, того обычая и
№36. Custom is a second nature.
1. Привычка вторая натура.
2. Традиция всегда на втором месте.
3. Обычай старше закона.
№37. Live with wolves, and you learn to howl.
1. Волков бояться в лес не ходить.
2. И волки сыты, и овцы целы.
3. С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
№38. So many men, so many minds.
1. Где ум там и толк.
2. Сколько людей, столько мнений.
3. Людей слушай, а свой ум имей.