Игра по английскому языку в 9 классе Самое слабое звено

ГБОУ ВПО Саратовский ГМУ им. В.И. Разумовского Минздрава РФ
Медицинский лицей
Методическая разработка
урока-игры по английскому языку
в 9 классе
«Самое слабое звено»
преподаватель английского языка
Евстигнеева К.А.
Цели урока:
Воспитательная – развитие познавательного интереса, логического мышления.
Учебная – совершенствование, обобщение и закрепление знаний учащихся.
Развивающая – развитие мышления, памяти, внимательности.
Задачи урока:
Повторение и обобщение знаний.
Формирование системно-информационного подхода к анализу окружающего мира.
Формирование общеучебных и общекультурных навыков работы с информацией.
Формирование умений и навыков, которые носят в современных условиях общенаучный, общеинтеллектуальный характер.
Ход мероприятия
Good morning, dear teachers and pupils. I am pleased to meet you. Welcome to our game «The weakest link». I am sure you like this game and,of course, you know its rules.
We will have 10 rounds, the first one will last for two and thirty minutes, and others will be shorter for ten seconds. Today we will find out who is the strongest weak.
Before we start let the pupils introduce themselves.
Round 1
Give the plural of the following nouns:
Goose-geese, tooth-teeth, boy-boys, knife-knives, man-men, book-books, tomato-tomatoes, passer-by-passers-by, foot-feet, sheep-sheep, hotel-keeper-hotel-keepers, tooth-teeth,
To do or to make?
an exercise - to do
a good impression - to rnake
the shopping - to do
well - to do
an effort - to make
harm - to do
a mistake - to make
a cup of tea - to make
progress' -to make
a speech - to make
homework - to do
a bed - to make
a good breakfast - to make
money - to make
a good job - to do
Round 2
1. Make. nouns from adjectives:
Dark-darkness, different – difference, weak - weakness sad – sadness, special – speciality, independent – independence, popular - popularity ill – illness, present – presence, equal – equality, kind- kindness, real – reality, foolish – foolishness, silent – silence, intelligent – intelligence, frequent – frequency, confident - confidence
2. Make adjectives from nouns:
metal – metallic, fame - famous
week – weekly, friend - friendly
glory – glorious, humour - humorous
poison – poisonous, democracy - democratic
climate – climatic, danger - dangerous
industry – industrious, poet - poetic
Round 3
Add question tags to the following statements:
It isn't cold, is it?
The police caught him, didn't they?
You stole it, didn't you?
They won't tell anyone, will they?
It's Friday today, isn't it?
There is no proof, is there?
You didn't say that, did you?
They should be late, shouldn't they?
You’ve got two sisters, haven't you?
He has spoken to her, hasn't he?
They aren't French, are they?
Please help me, can you?
They are working hard, aren't they?
He loves you, isn’t he?
We are late, aren't we?
You were lying, weren’t you?
There were not any spots there, were there?
He wasn't at home, was he?
She used to walk to work, didn't she?
You will do it, will you?
There are a few peaches, aren't there?
It has happened before, hasn't it?
Nothing can stop us, can it?
Somebody took my coat yesterday, didn't they?
Round 4
Irregular verbs
Break, write, cut, drink, bite, bear, understand, fight, sing, teach, put, build, take, learn, begin, come, be, read, say, think, catch, eat, drive, forget, grow, make, can, speak, win, throw, spell, set, keep, give, get, meet, hear, grow, fall
Round 5
Give Russian equivalents to English proverbs:
No wisdom like silence. – Молчание-золото
All is not gold that glitters. – Не все то золото, что блестит
Clothes do not make a man. – По одежде встречают, по уму провожают
Can the leopard change his spots?- Горбатого могила исправит
Rome was not built in a day. – Москва не сразу строилась
Business before pleasure. - Делу время-потехе час
Like priest, like people. – Каков поп, таков и приход
Strike the iron while it is hot.– Куй железо, пока горячо
East or West, home is best. – В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше
Tastes differ. – На вкус и цвет товарищей нет
Out of sight, out of mind. – С глаз долой, из сердца вон
He laughs best who laughs last. - Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним
Success is never blamed. Победителей не судят
Penny and penny laid up will - be many. Копейка-рубль бережет
Little and sweet. Мал золотник, да дорого
He who pays the piper, calls - the tune. - Кто платит, тот и заказывает музыку
Life is not a bed of roses. Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти
Round 6
Add the right Preposition:
Does he agree with
The book belongs to
Congratulations on
She is crazy about
They are famous for
I'm fond of
She is friendly with
She insisted on
It's bad to laugh at
Last year he got married to
How much did he pay for
She's very proud of
They saved him from
I feel sorry for
I'm tired of
I believe in
This is characteristic of
My family consists of
Excuse me for
I'm fed up with
We forgot about
There is no hope of
She is always kind to
I'm interested in
What's the matter with
She's very popular with
What is the result of'
I'm sick of
She succeeded in
What's the trouble with
Round 7
Numbers in words:
13, 5, 27, 86, 75, 654, 324, 543, 907, 2765, 10, 1978, 265, 85, 451, 871, 7841, 43. 971, 52, 279, 619, 712, 570, 432, 861, 532, 95, 2750, 5419, 8175, 1287, 7542, 86.
Round 8
How is your spelling?
Education, mother, computer, love, break, science, since, Australia, Russia, passion, phone, brain, like, miss, lonely, bottle, angry, empty, glass, air, book, their, cut
Round 9
Add an article, where necessary
as ... result - as a result
to tell ... truth - to tell the truth
to go to ... bed - to go to bed
to be in ... bed - to be in bed
in ... country - in the country
at ... dinner - at dinner
to have ... good time - to have a good time
by ... chance –by chance
in ... fact'- in fact
in .;. night - in the night
in ... time - in time
on ... sale - on sale
at ... first sight - at first sight
to go for ... walk - to go for a walk
for ... short time - for a short time
toplay… Piano - to play the piano
on ... whole - on the whole
to pass ... time - to pass the time
tobe in ... hospital - to be in hospital
tokeep ... house - to keephouse
by ... mistake -- by mistake
to have ... headache - to have a headache
to have ... cold - to have a cold
What is ... time? - What is the time?
to go to ... theatre - to go to the theatre
to take ... seat - to take a seat
on ... credit - on credit
to be in .'. hurry - to be in a hurry


Player 1
1. Give Russian equivalent:
Don’t' teach your grandmother
tosuckeggs. – Яйца курицу не учат
2. To do or to make?
A profit - to do or to make? - To make.
3. Add the right preposition.
He is not accustomed ... - to.
4. Finish the statement:
The capital of Wales. is ... -
5. Put an article if necessary:
in ... loud voice - in a loud
6. Put the right preposition:
What is the use ... - of.
7. Give the plural.
Phenomenon – phenomena
8. Choose the right variant:
Darts is or are my favourite game?-Is
Player 2
Don't change horses in
midstream. –Коней на переправе не меняют
A favour - to do or to
make? - To do.
What's the advantage ... - of.
The capital of Northern Ireland
is … - Belfast.
to be at ... loss - to be at a loss.
What's wrong... - with
Datum –data
The Netherlands is or are a small country ? - Is
Thanks for your work. Our game is over. _____________ you are the strongest link in your class.