Открытый урок в 11 классе на тему: What helps you to enjoy yourselves?

Открытый урок в 11 классе
Тема: What helps you to enjoy yourselves?
Цель урока: развитие собственно речевых умений учащихся.
Познавательный аспект:
способствовать расширению общего кругозора школьников в области культуры англоязычных стран;
ознакомить их с результатами творческой и спортивной деятельности одноклассников (на уровне восприятия, наблюдения, анализа, сравнения и обобщения);
стимулировать деятельность учащихся путём обращения к таким дополнительным источникам информации, включая ресурсы Интернета.
Учебный аспект:
учить школьников
выражать своё мнение об увиденном и прочитанном;
задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;
описывать картины;
выполнять творческую работу (проекты);
самостоятельно определять виды деятельности для их самовыражения и самоактуализации в учебном процессе.
Развивающий аспект:
развивать у школьников речевые способности к наблюдению, анализу, сравнению и обобщению;
развивать у них психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;
развивать положительные эмоции и чувства школьников;
формировать у них потребность и способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект:
развитию у школьников настойчивости в достижении поставленных целей;
формированию позитивного отношения к культуре англоязычных стран;
а также
формированию у них потребности в самовыражении и самоактуализации.
Оснащение: 1) телевизор; 2) компьютер; 3) магнитофон; 4) гитара; 5) аудиокассета с песней “О, Сюзанна”; 6) листы-распечатки песни “Let It Be” (для гостей); 7) фильм “Наша школа” на CD; 8) видеокассета – к/ф “Титаник”; 9) таблички по истории кинематографа “Братья Люмьеры”, “Первые фильмы Люмьеров”; 10) альбом “Великие английские художники”, авт. К.О. Апель. Изд. “ОЛМА-ПРЕСС Образование”. 2005; 11) листы-опросники учащихся; 12) диаграмма “Наши любимые занятия”; 13) творческие проекты: а) “Фотовыставка А. Чистяковой”, б) “Галерея фотографий наших туристов”, в) “Фильм “Титаник” и отзывы зрителей о нём”; 14) подсвечник; 15) белая скатерть.
I. Организация класса и речевая подготовка.
1. Оргмомент
T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? How do you feel, Andrei? And you, Sveta? I’m glad to hear you are all right.
2. Речевая зарядка
T: And now, boys and girls, tell me please, what we need when we have time for leisure.
P1: We usually need something that can amuse and interest us, for example, to listen to music.
T: What can people do to have a good rest? (What are the ways of doing
II. Основной этап
1. Сообщение задач урока
T: So today, boys and girls, the theme of our lesson is What helps you to enjoy yourselves?’ You’ll speak about your spare time, about your favourite activities. Be attentive during the lesson. There will be some new information for you. Today we’ll sum up your work on this theme during the term.
2. Монологические высказывания:
T: Поговорим о наших любимых занятиях.
1. Мы и наши хобби.
P1: I am sure to enjoy yourselves people should have hobbies. Such people are
·ell us about her collection.
2. Моя коллекция медвежат.
P2: I’d like to tell you about my teddy bear collection. I have been collecting these toys for 7 years already. My first teddy bear is the oldest one. It is nearly 46 years old. My grandfather gave i
·Фильм о нашей школе.
P3: And now we are going to show you the film about our school. In our spare time my friend Ksyusha and I write articles for our local newspaper Express-week. Taking interviews, making films, and preparing materials about famous peopl
·Начинается презентация фильма о школе с комментариями ученицы о том, что происходит на экране. Фильм снят с помощью цифрового фотоаппарата и подготовлен с помощью компьютера.
(Сюжет I – на мониторе компьютера – парадный вход в школу)
P4: Our school was fou
·Сюжет II – в библиотеке)
– Our library is situated on the 1st floor. It is the quietest place in our school. There are different book displays in it, such as Our Motherland’, Primorky krai’, In the World of Animals’. Here you can find any book you need for your lessons.
(Сюжет III – у стенда со спортивными наградами и затем в спортзале)
– These cups and certificates were won at different competitions by our sportsmen. Now you can see a gymnasium. Our pupils have their physical training lessons and various sports events here.
(Сюжет IV – в столовой)
– Would you like to know what the fastest place in our school is? It is our canteen. Every day almost 400 rolls are eaten and 500 glasses of tea are drunk here. Our schoolchildren get fatter and fatter. Just look at this boy.
(Сюжет V – в вестибюле)
– It is our hall. If you want to enter our school, you’ll have to meet our security, one of the most serious persons in our school. Here you can see the timetables of lessons and out-of-class activities, school rules and newspapers. Thank you.
3. Экскурсия в картинную галерею – Д. Констебль
P5: Now we are at the art gallery. Its first hall is devoted to John Constable.
P6: John Constable was one of the greatest painters in the world. He was born in Suffolk where hi
·(Ученица сопровождает комментариями показ картин.) The picture “A cart for hay” was not noticed in England first, but at the art saloon in Paris it caused public’s greatest delight. In his pictures John Constable showed things and places that were around him, such as cathedrals, mills, fields, castles, and churches. As for me, I like this cathedral in Salisbury. This picture shows Constable’s great talent, and the sight is really catching.
4. Монологические высказывания об искусстве кино
P7: It happened so that we have no cinema in our township but we like movies very much. Let’s remember how cinema-tography began.
1. Немного истории.
P8: I think by right cinematography is called the art of the 20th century. Its history is not long. The exact birthday of cin
·pped shooting films. In 1946, 2 years before his death, Louis gave nearly 1,800 films to the French cinematography. Here, in these pictures, you can see some scenes from their first films.
2. Мой любимый фильм.
P9: For some 7 or 8 years the most favourite
·rs, 4 Golden Globes, and 2 MTV prizes. I think those people who have seen Titanic will never forget it.
Просмотр наиболее понравившейся учащимся сцены из к/ф “Титаник”.
5. Экскурсия в картинную галерею – Т. Гейнсборо
P4: Now we’re going to visit the secon
· the Duchess de Bofore and Mary Graham, The Lady in Blue and Miss Sparrow. As for me, I like The Portrait of Sarah Siddons. Sarah was a famous English actress who had her best roles in Shakespeare’s plays.
6.  Мой любимый писатель – В. Шекспир
Чтение наизу
·сть монолога Гамлета на английском языке
P5: Most of my classmates are fond of reading books: some like adventures or historical books, others like science fiction or classical books.
P11: My favourite author is William Shakespeare. I like to read his Othello’, Romeo and Juliet’, Macbeth’ and Hamlet’. Now I’d like to tell you an extract from Hamlet’s monologue.
Учащийся декламирует начало монолога Гамлета.
7. Беседа о турклубе
P7: Some pupils of our class are busy doing sports; they go to the sports clubs or to the tourist club.
P12: I’d like to tell you a few words about our tourist club. I think it is a place where boys and girls come in search of extremes. I also came there for this reason some years ago. Practice began from the first days. We trained very hard.
P8: And did you take part in competitions, Sveta?
P12: Yes, of course. Then there came time for competitions in Vladivostok, Arseniev, Lukianovka. We always won prizes there.
P9: How often do you compete?
P12: Usually major competitions – district and regional – start in summer. A week’s living in the so-called field conditions. Every day’s competitions. To my mind, one learns to survive when there is constant struggle. As a result, boys and girls take their different problems easier. I think a tourist club is a real school of life.
P13: Sveta is right. I have also been a member of this tourist club for some years. I’d like to add tourism gives people necessary skills, for example, in medicine, cooking, orientating in the country. It develops physical abilities as well.
P12: And here, on this poster you can see our tourists’ photo. (Показывает на плакат с фотографиями.)
8. Экскурсия в картинную галерею – В. Тёрнер
P4: And now we are in the last hall of our gallery. It is devoted to William Turner.
P7: William Turner was one of the most successful painters in the history of art. He was born into the barber’s family in 1775. When a boy, he liked to paint pictures on the banks of the river Thames. At the age of 15 he exhibited his first picture. He travelled much in England, Wales, and abroad. He thought studying an Italian art is necessary for every artist. Turner was famous for the wonderful colours of his pictures. Most of them were landscapes – paintings of the countryside and sea pictures. Just let’s have a look at these pictures (pages 104–105). They are called The fishermen at sea’. Here, on this page, you can see the French port of Kale in stormy weather. This picture suited public’s tastes well and was a brilliant success. Let’s have a look at this picture of Venice. The beauty of that Italian city struck the painter greatly. This cathedral looks like a wonderful architectural vision. This picture is in the British Museum, London. And here you can see the Parliament on fire in October, 1834. The artist saw this fire from the boat on the river Thames. Turner was interested in fire from the artist’s point of view. It was the anarchy (стихия) of fire and light.
9. Исполнение песни “О, Сюзанна”
P5: It’s high time for us to sing a song.
Учащиеся под аккомпанемент гитары исполняют песню “О, Сюзанна".
10. Учим стихи на английском и пишем их сами
1. Декламация стихотворения “Нарциссы” (Г. Лонгфелло);
P7: At school we learn poems and write them too. (Ученица P14 – декламирует стихотворение “Нарциссы” Г. Лонгфелло.)
2. Чтение составленных учащимися стихотворений
T: And now there are some poems for you in haiku’ style and cinquaines. (Учитель зачитывает несколько стихотворений стиля “хайку” и синквейны.)

1. Films (Elena)
Funny, joyful Watch, enjoy, laugh As for me I prefer comedies. Cool
2. Music (Kristina)
Classical, modern Listen, sing, dance I listen to music every day. Guitar
3. Books (Elena)
Clever, interesting Write, read, collect I love reading books. Excellent

4. Theatre (Inna)
Talented, splendid Learn, visit, admire The play was wonderful. Fascinating
5. Sport (Inna)
Healthy, courageous Train, compete, keep fit I do morning exercises. Well
6. Music (Bella)
Impressive, marvellous Inspires, reminds, calms Music is a great pleasure. Magic


1. I like to read books. (Alexandra)
I read them every evening. It’s a great pleasure.
2. Classical and modern (Bella)
Music is around us now. Catchy and unforgettable.

11. Мини-высказывания по теме “Компьютер в свободное время”
P15: In my spare time I like to listen to music and watch films using a computer. I couldn’t imagine my life without my computer at home. It’s a brilliant source of information for people’s cultural development. There are many websites devoted to poetry, painting, music and sports. You don’t have to go to the library. Everything can be found with the help of the computer.
P16: Yes, Oleg, you are right. Besides, some websites are packed with quizzes, games, and competitions. It’s all you need to have hours of fun. As for me I like to play computer games. They are not only shooting and car races. Sometimes I play games in history and geography, biology and English. And today we invite you to try to play English games with us, too.
12. Сообщение результатов проведённого в классе опроса по теме “Твой досуг”
Во время рассказа обе ученицы используют диаграмму на доске.
P17: Everybody in our class is fond of listening to music. 87% of our classmates like watching TV and 83%, collecting. 74% of them enjoy each of these activities: hiking, doing sports, and going to the cinema, theatre, and concert.
P18: Least of all, our classmates like making models (9%); only 13% of them enjoy growing flowers, playing a musical instrument and playing chess. Maybe the pupils of our class are very tired of working in the garden and kitchen-garden. Only 17% of them like that work. And at last only 22% of our classmates like going by car, sewing, knitting, and photography.
13. Интервью
Ученица задаёт вопросы гостям на тему “Ваш досуг”.
Вопросы для интервью:
What is your favourite TV programme?
How often do you watch TV?
What is your hobby?
Are you fond of reading?
What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
Who is you favourite writer/ poet?
Do you go in for sports?
14. Исполнение песни “Пусть будет так”
T: And now let’s have a little rest. Let’s sing a song. (Песню поют все учащиеся и учителя.)
III. Завершаюший этап
1. Подведение итогов
T: So our lesson is coming to an end. Now we know that all of you are busy with useful and interesting activities in your spare time. I can say and I know this exactly, almost all of you have healthy habits, have a healthy way of life. I mean smoking and drinking alcohol. They say those people who can’t organize their spare time can’t work well. But you really can rest well and work well. The result of this is your knowledge and success in different competitions. Thank for your work today. It was a real pleasure to work with you. All of you have got fives and you, Sveta, please next time mind your grammar and pronunciation.
2. Задание на дом
T: Please, look at the board. Here is your home task. Write it down. You are to write a review about materials you saw and listened to during our today’s lesson.
3. Рефлексия
T: And now I want you to fill in these sheets of paper. Finish the sentence “To enjoy yourselves, you should “. Write as many endings as you can.
Учащиеся и учителя заполняют листы с предложением “Чтобы хорошо провести время, вам следует ”. Юноши, работавшие на компьютере во время урока, приглашают гостей поиграть в игры на английском языке.