План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку
с применением Сингапурской системы и информационных технологий на тему
«Конфликты. Пути предотвращения и решения конфликтов. Повторение». 9 класс
Учитель английского языка: Галиева Наталья Алексеевна.
Разделы: Преподавание иностранных языков.
Урок разработан для 9 класса общеобразовательной средней школы, 8 год обучения английскому языку по учебнику “EnjoyEnglish”, автор данного учебного пособия: Биболетова М.З. и др. Урок представляет собой комбинированное промежуточное занятие 3 раздела “Можем ли мы жить в мире?” с повторением грамматического материала по теммам инфинитив и косвенная речь, закрепление лексического материала.
Тема раздела: Conflicts and how to prevent them
Тип урока урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков
Вид урока: урок закрепления изучаемого материала
практические: формирование практических умений в говорении, чтении и письме;
воспитательные: воспитание интереса учащихся к такой проблеме как конфликт и способах его разрешения, улаживания;
образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся, изучение причин возникновения конфликтов;
развивающие: развитие логического мышления, скорости мышления, коммуникативных умений и применение их на практике;
Задачи урока:
образовательная: закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Конфликты»; закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: « Условные предложения 1 типа»
развивающая: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи учащихся; способствовать развитию умения анализировать и обобщать знания;
воспитательная: воспитывать умения сотрудничать и работать в команде; воспитывать личностные качества ответственность, самостоятельность, способствовать воспитанию у учащихся культурных ценностей;
здоровьесберегающая: предупреждать переутомление у учащихся путем смены деятельности;
Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация), сотрудничество, игровая.
Формы работы – фронтальная, групповая.
Приемы работы – классификация знаний, обобщение знаний, перенос знаний в новую ситуацию, проблемные ситуации, использование ТСО.
Оснащение урока: учебник EnjoyEnglish – 9, М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко и др., дидактический раздаточный материал по теме, ноутбук, мультимедиа.
I. Ход урока
1. Организационный момент:
Good morning, dear students! (Good morning, teacher!)
I’m very glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too)
How are you today? (Fine, thanks. And you?)
I am great.
Well, sit down, please.
I think you are ready for the lesson today. And I want you to Greet your face partners. Now your shoulder partners. All right! Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.
P: (Adelia, you are great, you are fine, you are sociable, you are kind, you are helpful, creative, beautiful, friendly etc.) "Well done!"
"Congratulations!" "Well done!" "I'm so proud of you!"
2. Фонетическая зарядка. Активизация лексических навыков.
I want to start our lesson with a poem “Leisure” by William Henry Davies listen and read it yourselves.
LeisureWhat is this life if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad day light, Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at beauty’s glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
What do you think about the poem?
Good for you! Well done.
T.-The theme of our lesson is «Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them » (слайд 1)
Today we continue speaking about conflicts.
Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме «Разрешение конфликтов» (cлайд 3)
It’s time to practice today’s vocabulary, listen and repeat please.
Prevent prevention preventing
Lead leader leadership
Relate relation relationship
Solve solution resolution
Respect respective respectfully
Agree disagree disagreement
Unite union reunion
Differ different difference
Peace peaceful peacefully
Violent violence violently
Well done.
Read this words and translate into Russian.
3. Речевая разминка
The theme of our lesson is «Conflicts in our life and how to prevent them » (слайд 1)
T. - Today we continue speaking about conflicts. Look at the pictures and tell me what kinds of conflicts do you know?
Students answers:
S. – Family conflicts, conflicts can happen between parents and their children, students and teachers, conflicts can be between people and the environment, between parties or states.
T. – Why do conflicts happen?
S1. - Conflicts happen because people are different.
S2. – They want different things and have different ideas.
S3. – Very often people have conflicts because they don’t listen to each other well.
T. – What can different conflicts lead to?
S1. - Conflicts can lead to fights, bad relations and violence.
S2. – If conflicts happen between parties or states, they can lead to war.
That’s why people should try to prevent conflicts …
Vova, What do you usually do to prevent a quarrel?
Is it possible to prevent all conflicts?Why?
4. Проверка домашнего задания.
At home you have done exercise 89, page129 “How to resolve a conflict.” Who want to check your homework?
Well done.
5 Формирование лексических навыков по теме конфликты, используя Сингапурскую систему.
Use Rally Robin.
1. - Take your exercise-books and write down the meaning of the word «conflict». Well, you’ve got some seconds to think over. Now share with your face partners the meaning of the word «conflict».(using Rally Robin. Now share with your shoulder partners. Use Rally Robin.
Let’s try to find out the meaning of the word «conflict».(ученики читают предложения и переводят)
Варианты карточек для обучающихся: (In my opinion…,I think…,to my mind… my idea is that)
Conflict means angry disagreement between people or group
Conflict means a situation in which something that is good for one person is bad for another person
Conflict means- a situation in which it is difficult for 2 things to exist together
Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want 2 different things at the same time
Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two persons to exist together peacefully.
Conflict means bad relations
T: Thank you for your answers. Let’s remember some sayings and quotations of famous people (p.116 ex.450) (слайд № 5) Look at the screen. Read the sentence
Think-Write-Round Robin.Take you sheets of paper and write some rules of resolving and preventing conflicts using Think-Write-Round Robin. Share your opinion in your group. Be ready to share your group opinion. Start please. Adelay, you can help your shoulder partner. Well, you’ve got some seconds to think over.
Are you ready to answer?
Pupils answer…(in my (our) opinion, …I think…)
We should follow the next rules…
1-Try to control what you do and say.-Observe the law of co-existence.
-Respect other people's rights.
-You should follow the rules of behavior at home, at school, in public places.
-You should ask for psychological help.
-Ask grown-ups for help and follow their advice.
-You shouldn't quarrel with other people.
-We shouldn't shout at each other.
- Listen to the other person.
-Tell the other person what's bothering you - but do it nicely.
-Don't let your emotions take control.
-Try to understand how the other person is feeling.
- Look for a compromise.
-Be attentive and polite.
I am sure you'll be able to find a way from a difficult situation.
6. Закрепление грамматических навыков и навыков перевода.
It is necessary to remember what people should and shouldn’t do to prevent or resolve conflicts. Let’s read and translate the statement from exercise 90, p.130.Who is ready to start?
7. Физкультминутка.
Good for you! That’s nice. It’s time to have a rest, sing a song and do some exercises. And our guest can do them with us.
Wake up!
Look at the screen read and
Rephrase the sentencing using reported speech
8) Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Решение конфликтов» (слайд 6)
The next task for you is ex.92. Let’s work as members of a conflict resolution center.
You should read the dialogue, and discuss it. Take cards with the dialogue. There are two characters S. T. and N. Who want to be…
S. - Excuse me. May I come in?T.- Yes, you may. You are late for five minutes. Why?S. - The bus in which I was travelling, broke down.Narrator- The teacher begin to feel that the student was telling a lie.- The student felt upset.- The teacher began to check the homework. He asked about it the late student.
T. - Now, could you come to the blackboard and tell us something about Pushkin’s biography.
S.- Sorry, but I am not ready. Yesterday I took part in a sport competition and didn’t have time for the homework.
T.- Oh, it sounds interesting. In which sport? Did you win anything?
S.- In running. Unfortunately, I didn’t win. I was the last in the race.
N.- The student was worried. He began to feel that the teacher didn’t believe him.
The teacher gave the student a bad mark. The student began to say that it was not right, but the teacher was uncompromising.

OK! Let’s discuss this situation, what do you think about it? I give you 2 minutes to think and write down your answers.
Представители от каждой группы высказывают свое мнение:
S₁ : I think the student should have told the truth. Many teachers excuse those who don’t lie. If I were the student, I would be worried about the situation because everybody knows about teachers being angry when students are late and not ready for the lesson.

6. Учитель комментирует сказанное и подводит итог дискуссии:
T : It’s true. The main thing is surely that teachers and students should try to understand each other.
T: “Дерево толерантности” (Подготовить листочки и разложить их на парты ученики должны написать правила на каждом листочке прочитать их )
The word tolerance comes from Latin. It means patience.
Tolerance is the ability of a man for understanding another person.
T: Let`s make up rules of a tolerant communication. Look at this tree. It has no leaves.
On your desks you can see some leaves. Write rules of a tolerant, take them, come to the tree, read the rules and hang the leaves on the tree.
Respect the person.
Try to understand the people.
Stand upon your opinion tactful.
Find the best arguments.
Be fair.
Be noble
T: Oh! Our tree is so beautiful. What kind of tree is it?
P: The Tree of Tolerance.
T: Yes. It is the Tree of Tolerance.
T: What would you like to wish each other? Let’s give some advice to each other using Inside – Outside Circle
Now stand up please make a Circle and count to 5, Liliya name 5 animals, 5 colors…
1 Be kind and polite,. 2 be not rude or greedy.
3 Be friendly.
4 Be gentle.
5 Be noble, decent.
6 Be not wicked.
7 Be not selfish.
8 Be not cruel to other people.
9 Help people, who need it.
10 be generous,
11 Be positive!
12 Be tolerant!.
I thank you for your creative work. Your marks are" good" and "excellent".III Заключительная часть урока
Open your diaries and write down your homework. Ex.91 p.130
All is well that ends well!(слайд 8)
My advice is…
try to avoid conflicts! Be kindhearted & fair!
Thank you and let’s check your work.(слайд с правильными вариантами)
II.Основная часть урока
1.Развитие умения монологической речи на примере презентации (презентация ученика)
2. Free practice. Brainstorm. Do you know what does the word «conflict» mean? Is it difficult for you? So I will help you. I’ll give you this beautiful flower, take one of the leaves, read and translate it.
Let’s try to find out the meaning of the word «conflict».(ученики читают предложения и переводят)
Варианты карточек для обучающихся:
1. Conflict means angry disagreement between people or group
2. Conflict means a situation in which something that is good for one person is bad for another person
3. Conflict means- a situation in which it is difficult for 2 things to exist together
4. Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want 2 different things at the same time
5. Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two persons to exist together peacefully.
3. OK, thank you. Now look at the screen. This is a poem. Let’s read and translate it.(слайд 5)
4. There are different kinds of conflicts in the world. Now think what kinds of conflicts can we see in our everyday life? What kinds of conflicts do you know? Can you name them?
(слайд 6 с видами конфликтов)
5. Now it’s the time for grammar rules. First of all English tenses. How many tenses are there in the English language? (Students answer…)
6. Let’s watch video. About what has this handsome young man told us? (Students answer…)
7.Today we shall start the new section in our books which is headlined «Be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts»”(слайд 7). Translate. Do you agree? So, what do you know about human rights? Not much, as I see. Now, let’s continue our lesson. Open your books at page …. And find Ex. . To do it we shall work with our computers. Take you books and sit at the computers. Listen to the text. Mark the human rights you’ll hear about. Then tick in your sheets which ones were not mentioned in the text. You should do your work and then give sheets to me. You have 3 minutes for doing this task. Thank you for you work. Give me the results of you work . I will check them for the next lesson and we shall discuss it.
8. Now Ex. P. We shall listen, repeat and translate into Russian.
9. Pay attention to the Ex. P. It will be the text of your home assignment for the next lesson. You will learn more about the Declaration of human rights and do the grammar task.
10. November,16 1995. The United Nations Organization adopted the Declaration of Tolerance Principles. This day was declared the Day of Tolerance. In my opinion, most conflicts happen because of lack of tolerance. Is it true? How to be tolerant? What does the word “tolerance” mean?
The word tolerance comes from Latin. It means patience.
Tolerance is the ability of a man for understanding another person.
T: “Дерево толерантности” (Подготовить листочки и разложить их на парты ученики должны написать правила на каждом листочке прочитать их )
Let`s make up rules of a tolerant communication. Look at this tree. It has no leaves.
On your desks you can see some leaves. Write rules, Take them, come to the tree, read the rules and hang the leaves on the tree.
1Respect the person.2Try to understand the people.3Stand upon your opinion tactful.4.Find the best arguments.
5. Be fair,
6.Try to take into consideration the interests of other people.
T: Oh! Our tree is so beautiful. What kind of tree is it?
P: The Tree of Tolerance.
T: Yes. It is the Tree of Tolerance.
T: What would you like to wish each other?
1. Be kind, polite, good – natured,
2. be not rude or greedy.
3.Be friendly, generous, gentle, noble, decent.
4. Be not wicked, selfish and cruel to other people.
5. Help people who need it.
6.Be positive! Be tolerant!.
III Заключительная часть урока
All is well that ends well!(слайд 8)
My advice is…
try to avoid conflicts! Be kindhearted & fair!
2. Open your books on page 119 ex. 55, please.
I liked your work today. Remember, very often the resolution of the conflict depends on our behavior, our kindness and love. We can do not great things, only small things with great love. Open your diaries and write down your marks and your home task:
Setting Homework : p.120 ex56. Read the letter and answer the questions
T-What have we done at the lesson and what have we learned?
S-s- We have learned some facts about conflicts . We have developed our speaking skills . We had a very active lesson today.
Комментирование и выставление оценок.
T- The active students were involved in the work and got top marks for English. Thank you for your work . It was very interesting to find out your opinion.
I thank you for your creative work. Your marks are" good" and "excellent".Фрагмент открытого урока для 9-го класса по теме «Что такое конфликт?»
Good morning, dear children!
Now let’s start our lesson.
Today we are going to discuss the topic “What is the conflict. Can we learn to live in peace?”
Look at the first slide and read the definition of the word “Conflict”….Do you understand the meaning of this word?
Now I’d like you to watch an episode from “Shrek” movie, and answer my questions.
What has happened between two friends?
How can you prove that it was a conflict?
Have they resolved this conflict situation?
What is your attitude to conflict situations? Do you like them? Of course, nobody does. But we often collide with them in our everyday life.
In a transport…..In school….In the family….Why do they often happen? What are the reasons ? (disagreement, lie, betrayal, envy, etc.)
The consequences of conflicts can be terrible for us. They may lead us to: (bad relations, stress, quarrels, divorces etc.) even to wars, international conflicts and nature disasters.
Have you ever had conflicts? No doubt, sometimes you have. Unfortunately it’s a natural thing to happen.
I wonder if we can resolve conflicts peacefully. How to cope with them?
We should remember that we are different and everybody has the right to disagree with other people’s point of view.
To use sense of humor, do not let your emotions to get out of your hands.
We must respect each other’s opinion.
Not to be afraid to say “Sorry” and ask for somebody’s advice.
Do not use words that may hurt other people.
How clever of you!
Remember that being out of control will keep us from solving the problem and sometimes discussing two contrary ideas may lead us to a better solution or way out.
In case you lost your temper to cool off you can try to do the following:
Slide 1………….
What is your usual way of avoiding conflicts?
Slide 2………
I ‘ve  absolutely forgotten that some our students  shot episodes from their real life. Let’s invite them.
At home:
Mum:         Don’t you know it’s 11 sharp! I ‘ve told you not to be late!
Son:        I didn’t hear it! Besides, I’m a grown –up already and I have the right to come home whenever I want.
Isn’t it a familiar situation? This situation wouldn’t happen if the participants behaved in a different manner. Now let’s rewind this film and watch it once again.
Mum:         Why have you come so late? I am worrying. It’s time to be at home. Couldn’t you call me?
Son:        Sorry, Mum, but I missed the bus and my phone battery is flat and I couldn’t call you!
Mum: OK.
Son:        Next time I’ll be in time, Mum.
Do you feel the difference?
At school:
Teacher: Give me your record book, Petrov. I’ll give you a bad mark! You never do your homework! You always forget it.
Student: If you give me a bad mark, I’ll go away…
After rewinding
Teacher: I wonder why you haven’t done your homework? What’s the reason?
Student: I’m sorry, but I was ill yesterday and I couldn’t get the task from my friends.
Teacher: OK, next time let your parents or you inform me in advance.
You see that it’s not so difficult to prevent conflicts. You should try to observe the laws of coexistence. Please remember that we should be tolerant and do not allow the hard feelings, hostility, anger to come over you as they are very harmful for your health.
Thank you for your time and cooperation. Bye!
2. Речевая зарядка.
- Look at the screen. Read the sentence (Everyone who has a happy family background can consider themselves to be in luck) and try to guess the topic of our lesson, what we are going to speak about. You should discuss it in your groups. You have 15 seconds.
- Don’t forget to show that you’ve finished discussion.
- What is the topic of our lesson? (…)
- (…), do you agree with her?
3. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
- You are quite right. Family is a topic of primary importance and though everyone sees things differently, we all want to have good families. So we are going to speak about an ideal family.
II. Центральная часть урока.
1. - Take your sheets of paper with the Fryer Model and write down in the middle of the paper our today’s topic – An ideal family.
- How do you think what are the features of an ideal family. Well, you’ve got some seconds to think over. Now share with your face partners the features of an ideal family using Rally Robin. Now share with your shoulder partners only the features which are the most important for you in your future family. Use Rally Robin.
- Now take your sheets of paper with the Frier Model and fill in the box – the features of an ideal family. Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. While listening to your partners you should add the features which you haven’t written. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, what have you written in the first box? (… – friendly, supportive, loving, always do something together)
- …, and what about you? (… – polite, honest, hospitable)
- Now, let’s try to fill in the box – the examples of an ideal family. First think a little bit and write down the examples in the Frier Model .- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, What examples of an ideal family can you name? (… – As we learn the English language we can’t but say about the Queen’s family. I think this family is an ideal, because they are always together, they have a lot of traditions and they are famous)
2. - Now I want you to stand up and have a rest.
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- Using Timed Pair Share answer the questions. You have 20 seconds.
- The first question is – What’s the best age for getting married in order to have an ideal family? First think a little. A person who is taller begins. Well, the time is up. Second partners your turn. Don’t forget to thank each other for answers.
- …, What is the best age for getting married? (To my mind the best age for getting married is 25 because if you want to have your own family it is important to have good education, to have a house to live in and of course to have a good job).
- (…, what does … think is the best age for getting married?)
- …, is it so? (… отвечает – Yes, she is right).
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The second question – Is it important for people to be legally married or can they just live together to have an ideal family? A person who has longer hair begins.
- … Is it important for people to be legally married or can they just live together ( … – As for me I think if people are legally married they can make closer and stronger family and it is better to upbring children in legally married family.
(…, what does … think is better – to be legally married or just live together to have an ideal family?)
- …, is it so? ( … – Yes, it’s true)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The third question – How many children should a family ideally have? A person who’s name is shorter begins.
- …, How many children should a family ideally have ( … – I think 3 or even more. In a big family children can help each other, support in difficult situations, make their duties together and of course can help their parents when they become old)
- (…, how many children does … think should be in an ideal family?)
( … – she thinks there should be 3 children as in her family. She has a younger sister and brother)
- …, is it so? (… – Yes, she is right)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The fourth question – Can a big difference in people’s age be an obstacle to marriage? A person who’s eyes are brighter begins.
- …, Can a big difference in people’s age be an obstacle to marriage? ( … – I think yes. People of different ages have different interests. For example a person in a couple who is younger wants to go to the cinema and who is older wants to spend calm evening and that’s why there can be different quarrels. I think it is better not to have long difference in age.)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The last question – Why do you think there are so many divorces in the modern world? A person who wants to begin will be the first.
- …, Why there are so many divorces? (… – there are many divorces in the modern society because people in a family are impatient to each other, they can’t listen to each other’s problems)
3. - Now take your seats and tell me please, can a divorce be in an ideal family? Is it an example of an ideal family?
- And what is it? ( … – Maybe Non-example)
- Now your task is to fill in the third box of the Frier Model and write down non-examples of an ideal family. First think. (widow, widower, when children or somebody in the family is ill, when there isn’t any traditions in the family, when they don’t support each other, selfish, greedy, lazy)
- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, What non-examples of an ideal family can you name?
- So what is an ideal family for you? Let’s complete the Frier Model and fill in the last box – the definition of an ideal family. While writing the definition you may use the features, examples, non-examples. First think.
- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, what is an ideal family for your group?
- …, What about your group?
- … and your group?III. Завершающая часть урока.
1. - Now we know what an ideal family should be. So what about your own future families? What in your view will you future family be? Try to answer this question, but first think. Share your opinion with your shoulder partner using Timed Pair Share. Let’s begin.
- At what age will … get married?
- How many children will … have?
- What will your future family be?
2. - You will think over this guestion in detail at home. How do you think your hometask will be? You are to share your opinion about your future family with me in written form. You may use the information in the model of Frier.
3. Exit ticket.
- Take two stickers. On the first write down everything what you would like to tell you classmates who are absent today about an ideal family. On the second write a question or a problem you would like to discuss the next lesson.
4. - So I’d like to finish our lesson with the words – Everyone who has a happy family background can consider themselves to be in luck.)
   We all have our own beliefs and perspectives about many issues that surround our lives. Whether it is about social upbringings, religious views, political beliefs, cultural differences, etc, the way we each view, interpret and react to anything is based on the belief system we have acquired over our lifetimes. Sadly, some are not as tolerant to others who they feel are different from themselves. Over and over again, we witness a lack of tolerance amongst us and see those with similar views group together and act against others. They may verbally or even physically attack others who live differently from them, creating an environment of hate, judgment and war. I have come to realize that it is so important to live and let live so to speak and to be more tolerant of individual differences. Doing this has brought much peace to my own life. So here are some of the ways that I have learned to gain more social tolerance of others views, beliefs and cultural differences. If you don't agree with me on this topic, that's okay, I will tolerate that by respecting it. I just ask that you please show tolerance and respect in return! Become tolerant by becoming more interested in others and their perspectives. Even if you don't agree with them, you can express tolerance and respect by openly listening to them. If you do disagree on something that you feel you must share on the issue, do so in a non-attacking way; maybe ask more questions about their views, differences or cultural beliefs and respectfully share back what you know. Telling others that they are wrong shows a lack of individualistic and social tolerance. It is ineffective, demeaning, and will result in either a shut-down or defensive response in return. No one likes to be treated without tolerance in this manner, so share you're own knowledge in a respectful manner that participates to the conversation rather than creates conflict. Learn to be more tolerant by being open to learning more facts about the beliefs or cultural differences of others. Seek information on the topic that goes beyond your own beliefs about it. There are many various portions of facts and information on any given topic. What many of us believe about others tends to be based on bias opinions rather than factual information. Practice social tolerance by being open to seek as many different views as possible. You may find there's more to it than you originally thought and you may also find a common belief that is shared with your own. But even if you don't, you're more the wiser for the information! Even if you disagree, sometimes you must agree that it works for them, yet disagree that it will work for you, and let it go. I hear people constantly express themselves about topics I may not agree with, but that doesn't mean I have to let it ruin my day or automatically go into an attack mode to prove them wrong. Tolerance is about a choice to let others talk their talk and to remove yourself from, or not participate in their discussion as if it's a personal attack. Sometimes it can be better to be the one who is strong enough to just let it go and be tolerant enough to let them be who they are and let them believe what they believe. Hopefully they will show the same social tolerance to you in return. Unless the behaviors of others directly affects your life or puts the lives of others at harm, learn to not let the beliefs, views or cultural differences bother you so much. Being tolerant is about letting go of the judging and the criticizing of how others choose to live their lives. When you live your life without criticizing how others live theirs, you will find that such social tolerance will bring more peace and happiness in to your own life.
В 9-х  классах 171 школы г. МосквыУчитель – Девицкая Мария Викторовна

"Be Tolerant and You Will Prevent Conflicts"
«Будь толерантен и ты избежишь конфликтов» Февраль 2012 года Задачи урока:
Обучающая: Активизировать лексику по теме "Что такое конфликт", развивать навык монологической и диалогической речи.  Учить умению вести дискуссию и воспринимать речь на слух. Максимально активизировать пройденный языковой материал,  в связных высказываниях, с личной оценкой. Развитие навыков аудирования.
Образовательная: Знакомство с правами человека, закрепленными во Всемирной декларации прав человека, использовать возможности Интернета.
Воспитательная: Воспитание умения выслушать другого человека с должным вниманием.
Технические средства: компьютеры, аудиозапись.
Цели урока:
Семантизация лексики по теме “Conflict”;
Формирование устной речи (диалогической и монологической  по теме урока);
Систематизировать правила чтения лексики по теме "Что такое конфликт?";
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.
Hello, class! We've got a lot of things to show and discuss.The theme of our lesson is "Be Tolerant and You Will Prevent Conflicts ".
II. Разминка. 5 мин. 
Let us revise international words, connected with our theme: Do ex 129 page 141
Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Compare them with corresponding Russian words.
'racismde'mocracysoli'darity'militarismdi'versity  natio'nality'terrorisme'qualitydis,crimi'nation'dialoguehos'tility   coope'ration'tolerancere'ligionexploi'tation'summitin'human   confron'tation'conflictal'temativedecla'ration'soldierin'tolerantdemon'stration'missionpro'hibitreso'lution'separatistrelationshipsepa'ration 
Now answer the questions: 
Which English words are similar to Russian?
Which of these words are related to “tolerance”?
Which are opposite of “tolerance”?
Комментарий к уроку
В связи с обсуждаемой проблематикой в раздел 3 включено большое количество терминов-понятий, которые во всем мире, в том числе англоязычном, являются предметом активного обсуждения ("конфликт", "разрешение конфликта", "стереотип", "предрассудок", "дискриминация", "права человека", "Декларация прав человека", "политическая корректность", "толерантность"). Без усвоения этих слов и словосочетаний кросс-культурная коммуникация вряд ли возможна в современных условиях. Многие из этих единиц имеют параллели в русском и других языках, то есть являются интернациональными. При выполнении соответствующих упражнений следует обратить внимание учащихся на то, что, с одной стороны, интернациональные слова просты, потому что об их значениях можно догадаться, с другой стороны, они провоцируют ошибки. Например, у слова velvet наиболее частотное употребление — в значении "бархат", instructor — не только инструктор, но и преподаватель.
III. Основной этап урока. 30 мин.
Let us discuss the main reason of conflicts. It is a stereotype in people`s relations? Who are different from us. These  stereotypes come across the normal friendly relations between the representatives of different ethnic, cultural social groups of people. But they appear towards our nearest neighbours. Now listen to the story  told by Wolfgang Langer from Ex. 134. Wolfgang Langer is a teacher at the Ludwigsburg Pedagogical Institute in Germany. He has worked on a number of projects related to tolerance and the culture of peace and is a true friend to Russia. Once he was asked to share an episode from his life to illustrate his idea of tolerance.
The script of the story.
When I was a little boy of about five, I used to live in Austria. It was in a part of Austria which was occupied by the Russians at that time, in 1949 or 1950. And as you can imagine, I'd been warned not to go near any Russian, especially a Russian soldier, because they were believed to be very dangerous. So, of course, being a little boy, I was really afraid of Russian soldiers and, indeed, stayed away from them or left as soon as I saw one of them.
One day — I think it was the first of May — there was a big market in our little town, and so, of course, I went. But, as the times were hard, I didn't have any money. And I ended up near a man who sold ice cream. I couldn't afford to buy any ice cream, nor could my grandparents whom I was living with. So there was no chance of getting any ice cream.
While I was standing there looking at the people enjoying their ice cream, I felt a very hard grip on my shoulder. When I turned round to see who it was, I saw an enormously big Russian soldier behind me. I tried to run away, but it was impossible because he didn't let me go. But then he took me to the man selling ice cream, bought me a big ice cream and then let me go.
I never forgot this little episode in my life. And I am still very grateful to this Russian soldier because he taught me not to believe only what people tell me but to see for myself. It was the best lesson on tolerance in my life.
Now think a bit. Which of the titles is the best for it?
-          A WAR STORY
-          ICE CREAM
-          MAY DAY
Let us do Ex 135 Page 143. Read the questions. Listen to the story again and answer the questions.
1. What opinion did people in Austria have of Russian soldiers?
What word can be used here instead of "opinion"?
2. How did the boy discover that the opinion was not true?
3. Why did the boy remember this episode?
4. What did the boy learn?
Ex 136  Page 143. Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions on her / his lesson on tolerance. Where and when did it happen? What made her / him think that the episode was important for her / him?
Комментарий к уроку
Одна из основных причин конфликтов — стереотипы в отношении людей, которые отличаются от нас. Эти стереотипы мешают нормальным, дружеским отношениям между представителями разных этнических, культурных, общественно-социальных сообществ, но проявляются они уже в отношении нашего ближайшего окружения. Поэтому и понятие стереотипа раскрывается на материале привычных ситуаций. Это понятие лежит в основе базового текста в секции 1: описываемый там конфликт возникает именно из-за стереотипов. Оно будет центральным и в тексте из упр. 134: реальная, действительно имевшая место история времен Второй мировой войны, которая рассказана ее героем. Ситуация, в которую был поставлен немецкий мальчик, научила его впредь судить о людях (в данном случае о русских) не на основании стереотипов, сформированных другими людьми, а на основании реальных жизненных фактов. Материалы, освещающие факты истории нашей страны с позиции человека, свободного от стереотипов, очень важны в связи с задачей, которая сейчас приобретает особую актуальность — воспитание толерантного отношения к истории Родины. Достаточно распространенная позиция — давать нашему прошлому крайне негативную, сопровождаемую значительной долей агрессии оценку — негативно влияет на формирование сознания в духе культуры мира. Человек, не уважающий историко-культурное наследие своей страны, в принципе не может действительно принять культуру другой.
IV. Заключительный этап урока
Ex 132 Page 142. Read and translate the following quotations. Use a dictionary when necessary. Which of them do you like? Why? Can you think of a situation in which it could be used?
There never was a good war and a bad peace.
(Benjamin Franklin)
The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.
(George Bernard Shaw)
Though all society is founded on intolerance, all improvement is founded on tolerance.
(George Bernard Show)
And now open your books on page 45 and find ex. 13.
Read and translate the task, please.
We’ll work in group. You will ask the members of your group what kind of people they like or don’t like and fill the table. Then you’ll answer my questions. Begin working. I’ll give you 5 minute.
Are you ready? Very good. Answer my questions.
Who likes kind people in your group? (Mary does.)
What kind of people does Sveta like? (She likes polite and responsible people.)
Does Kate like creative people? (Yes, she does.)
What kind of people doesn’t Nick like? (He doesn’t like noisy people. )Perfect, thank you!
As for me, I think to be tolerant means …
Tolerance can also mean …
I’m sure that …. / I’m absolutely positive that …
A tolerant person is a person who …
In my opinion tolerance is when …
How do you think, is it possible to prevent conflicts between nations and countries?
If yes, what should we do? Discuss in groups, express your opinions.
You can use: political leaders ordinary people conferences meetings forums
to prohibit to learn to respect to observe It is necessary
- What did the student say?S. - Excuse me. May I come in?- What did the teacher reply?T.- Yes, you may. You are late for five minutes. Why?- What did the student answer?S. - The bus in which I was travelling, broke down.- What did the teacher begin to feel? Narrator- The teacher begin to feel that the student was telling a lie.- How did the student feel himself?- The student felt upset.- The teacher began to check the homework. He asked about it the late student. What did he say?
T. - Now, could you come to the blackboard and tell us something about Pushkin’s biography. - What did the student reply?S.- Sorry, but I am not ready. Yesterday I took part in a sport competition and didn’t have time for the homework.- What did the teacher say then?T.- Oh, it sounds interesting. In which sport? Did you win anything? - What did the student answer?S.- In running. Unfortunately, I didn’t win. I was the last in the race.- Was the student worried, angry or bored?N.- The student was worried. He began to feel that the teacher didn’t believe him.- How did the situation end? - The teacher gave the student a bad mark. The student began to say that it was not right, but the teacher was uncompromising.*
4. Класс делится на группы и учитель предлагает обсудить следующие вопросы:
Would it be better if the student told the truth from the beginning? What would you feel if you were the student? What would you feel if you were the teacher? What kind of advice can you give to the student? To the teacher?
5. Представители от каждой группы высказывают свое мнение:
S₁ : I think the student should have told the truth. Many teachers excuse those who don’t lie. If I were the student, I would be worried about the situation because everybody knows about teachers being angry when students are late and not ready for the lesson. If I were the teacher, I wouldn’t worry about the student. Being late is not such a big fault as well as not being ready for the lesson. But the advice is – the student should plan his time and the teacher should follow the rules.
S₂ : In my opinion Everybody lies from time to time. It really helps to avoid many problems. So the student did right. If I were the student, I would be calm, because every student has such problems. If I were the teacher, I would do the same. There are the rules and everybody must remember them. As for advice, I would recommend the student not to do such a thing next time. And the teacher should follow the rules.
S₃ : It doesn’t matter if the student told the truth or not. Usually teachers think only about rules and don’t take into account students’ reasons. If I were the student, I would feel OK. The students who always follow the rules are quite boring. If I were the teacher, I would excuse the student and ask him to be ready for the next lesson. To be a good student one should study enough, but not so much. To be a good teacher one should be not so strict and try to understand his or her students.
6. Учитель комментирует сказанное и подводит итог дискуссии:
T : You see this usual situation at school is not so clear and each side of the conflict can have its point of view. The main thing is surely that teachers and students should try to understand each other and take into consideration their opponents’ reasons.