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Сборник докладов " Елина Ирина Алексеевна " МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского языка, г. Череповец, Вологодская область. Москва Образ - Цент р 201 4 С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 2 Редактор сборника: О . В . Анисимова Коллектив авторов сборника Сборник докладов - 201 3 /201 4 . Елина Ирина Алексеевна ‭ Мос к ва, 201 3 . ‭ 100 стр., ил. В первы й выпуск сборника вошли доклады участников конкурса докладов X I V Всероссийског о интернет - педсовета http://1 4 .pedsovet.org Елина Ирина Алексеевна © Авторские права на отдельные произведения сборника сохраняются за их авторами. © ООО «Образ - Центр», составление и оформл е ние сборника. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 3 C одержание Аннотация ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4 Английский язык ................................ ................................ ........................... 5 THE EFFECTIVE WAYS OF TEACHING ENGLISH ................................ ......... 5 es ................................ ................................ ........................ 25 Cognitive games ................................ ................................ ............................ 27 Feeling and grammar ................................ ................................ .................... 29 7 класс ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 50 THE CONCERT « HELLO , SPRING !» ................................ ............................. 56 2 класс ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 62 ПРОЕКТ УРОКА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ В СООТВЕТСТВИИ С ТРЕБОВАНИЯМИ ФГОС ПО ТЕМЕ«СКОЛЬКО ТЕБЕ ЛЕТ?» .................... 62 5 класс ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 79 ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА ................................ ......................... 79 9класс ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 90 ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА В СООТВЕТСТВИИ С ТРЕБОВАНИЯМИ ФГОС ПО ТЕМЕ: «THE FAMILY CONFLICTS» ............. 90 С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 4 Аннотация В сборнике представлена статья об эффективных методах обучения иностранному языку. Статья состоит из шести частей: вст у пления, первой главы, вто рой главы, заключения, библиографии и приложения. В первой главе дается теоретическое обоснование э ф фективных мет о дов обучения иностранному языку. Здесь также можно получить полное предста в ление об основах обучения иностранному языку. Кроме того, в первой части подробно раскрываются эффе к тивные способы и техники обучения иностранному языку: конструкт и вистский подход, коммуникативная технология, использование прое к тов, метод дебатов, игры, ролевая игра. Во второй части раскрывается практический аспект преп о давания ин о странного языка. Для этого предлагается ряд упражнений, на основании которых можно сделать представление о том, как пол ь зоваться различными технологиями в обучении иностранному языку. В заключении говориться, что эта стать я является систе м ным отражением содержания преподавания иностранн о го языка и окажет преподавателю огромную помощь в повышении качества об у чения. В главе “Библиография” можно найти список используемой литературы, как русских, так и английских ав торов, з а нимавшихся вопросом преподавания английского языка и ссылки на использов а ние сайтов. В приложении говориться, что такая методика обучения языку должна вызвать у учащихся осознание необходимости взаимодействия теории и пра к тики при обуч ении иностранному языку. В сборнике также представлены технологические карты уроков, на примере которых показано, как можно реализовать поста в ленные цели развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся. В пр о цессе уроков создаются реальные ситуации ан г л оязычного общения, в которых участники имеют возможность использовать прио б ретенные в процессе уроков языковые знания и коммуникативные умения. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 5 Английский язык THE EFFECTIVE WAYS OF TEACHING ENGLISH Елина Ирина Алексеевна, МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского языка, г. Ч е реповец, Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): Английский язык . Возраст детей: взрослые . Место проведения : класс . Content Introduc tion Chapter I. Theoretical aspect of effe c tive methods of teaching 1.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language 1.2. Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign la n guage 1.2.1 Constructivist teaching strategies 1.2.2 Communicative Teaching Method 1.2.3 Using project method in teaching a foreign language 1.2.4 The method of debates 1.2.5 Games 1.2.6 Role play as a method of teaching Chapter II. Practical aspect of ways of teaching Conclusion Bibliography Appendix С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 6 Introduction Last years the imper ative need of using a foreign language a p- pears in all areas of a science, manufacture and culture. In present practice of teaching foreign languages there are some typical problems forcing the teacher to address to experience of the co l- leagues, to innovati ve ideas, to a science. Among these problems, difficulties and lacks of a traditional tec h- nique of teaching there are the following basic problems:  Low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teac h ing.  Low intensity of pupils ‱ speech activ i ty.  Superficiality in forming of base skills and haste of transition from reproductive to productive kinds of work.  Absence of good practical recommendations on elimination and the prevention of gaps in pupils‱ knowledge and skills.  Weaknes s of existing system of a p preciation of pupils‱ work.  Spontaneity of a choice and application of evident support, their low didactic eff i ciency. Researches of methods of teaching have show, that all named problems will effectively solved, if we apply elabo rations of various innov a- tors for amplification of a trad i tional technique of teaching that can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in pa r ticular English) language. Imperfection of the existing approach to teaching foreign la n- guage in the hi gh school, which is focused only on communicative purpo s- es to the detriment of such kinds of la n guage activity as reading and the writing, that has led to the low level of knowing a foreign language of gra d- uates of secondary school. Importance and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages have caused its topicality, and consequently the choice of a theme for the given course work. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 7 It also has determined the aim of work: to distinguish the most r a- tional techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school. The subject of this course paper is variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign la n guage. The object of research is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process. In this work it is necessary to solve the following primary obje c- tives : 1. Theoretically to comprehend and approve in practice available approaches to teaching a foreign language in high school. 2. To analyze the basic contents of a teaching m aterial and principles of its organ i zation in a rate of foreign language 3. To compare suggested a p proaches and to choose the most compr e hensible. Proceeding from this, the hypothesis of the given research can be formulated as follows: 1. Teaching a foreign lang uage should be complex (para l- lel) with an insignif i cant oral advancing; 2. Teaching should be directed on formation of steady i n- terest to a subject; During the work the following methods of research were applied: 1. The analysis of the scientific literature on a theme of course work; 2. The analysis of programs and textbooks on the English language of various authors and for various types of schools both dome s- tic, and foreign; 3. The analysis of experimental training on the basis of e x- perience of the teachers using inn ovative techniques, results of superv i- sion. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 8 Basis and investigation: school № 3, school № 41, resource ce n- ter. Theoretical value of this course paper is in its results, having r e- ceived which it will be possible to organize effectively teaching process, usi ng in practice methods and ways of teaching which were offered in this work. Practical value of the work is in given methodical recommend a- tions and great number of tasks and exercises which can be applied by teachers of any subjects in prim a ry and secondar y schools. The structure of this course work co n sists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the first chapter “The bases of teaching a foreign la n- guage” different bases and principles of teaching are considered. Analy z- ing publications on a problem of research in the second chapter of theore t- ical part the most e f fective methods and ways of teaching are suggested. The basic part of work is a pract i cal part with exposition of experience of teachers – innovators. In it rod directions of technique of teach ing different age - groups are proved and the analysis of the given approaches is r e- sulted, including a number of methods and the receptions, raising quality of teaching a foreign language. In the conclusion sums up the done work. The bibliography contains the most known and important r e- searches for the given work of teachers - innovators and scientists: ps y- chologists, didactists, methodol o gists. The appendix included some exercises that for any reasons has not come in the basic part of course work С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 9 Chapter I. Theoretical aspect of e f fective methods of teaching 1.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language In the given theoretical part of work it is necessary to pay atte n- tion on those basic statements in which the most essential parts of activity are reflect ed and generalized. That means the methodical principles unde r- lying teaching. Principles of teaching are understood as starting statements which determine the purposes, the contents, methods and the o r ganization of teaching and are shown in inte r relation a nd interconditionality. In our case principles are used to define strategy and ta c tics of teaching English language at all stages practically in each point of educational pr o cess. As far as the result of teaching of pupils foreign language is fo r- mation the ir skills of using language as means of intercourse, the leading principle is the principle of a comm u nicative orientation. Its main function is in creation of all conditions of communic a- tions: motives, pu r poses and problems of intercourse. The communicati ve orientation defines selection and the organization of language material, its situational conditionality, communicative va l ue both speech and training exercises, communicative formulation of educational problems, organiz a- tion and structure of the lesson. This principle assumes creation of cond i- tions for speaking and intellectual activity of pupils during each moment of teaching [1;22 - 23]. Proceeding from the aforesaid teacher should follow the rules: 1) Principle of communicative orie n tation  Rule 1 - Sele ction of situations.  Rule 2 - Recurrence and novelty.  Rule 3 - Participation of everyone in intercourse.  Rule 4 - Favorable conditions for intercourse.  Rule 5 - Communicativeness of tasks. As far as juniors have still insignificant experience of collective i n- tercourse and they are taught not only to associate in English, but also to С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 10 associate in general, teacher should provide the support on pupils' reali z ing the models of intercourse in native la n guage, realizing the communicative function of this or that language unit. Realization of this principle is carried out through system of cognitive problems, solving which children "open" laws of the native language. On the basis of this realizing there is children's acquaintance with the form and functions of corr esponding units of English language. Proceeding from this, it is possible to plan some rules - following which allows realizing this principle in teaching and educatio n al process. 2) Principle of support on the native language:  Rule 1. Display of generali ty between Russian and En g- lish languages.  Rule 2. Formation of the common educational skills.  Rule 3. Use of similarity and di s tinctions in the script.  Rule 4. Use of similarity and distinctions in pronunci a- tion.  Rule 5. Uses of carry and avoidance of inte rference in teaching vocabulary and grammar. It is established, that for each kind of speaking activity "set" of a c- tions and even the lexical and grammatical registration [2; 34]. It has a l- lowed to formulate methodical principle of the differentiated appro ach in teaching a foreign language. Thus the differentiation is carried out as though at different levels of generalization - precise differentiation is conducted in teac h ing:  oral and written speech;  speaking and listening;  reading aloud and reading silen t ly;  script and spelling. In teaching English language process of integration is realized, it shows, first of all, that mastering of various aspects of language, its phone t- С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 11 ics, grammar, lexicon occurs not separately as certain discrete co m ponents of langua ge, but is also integrated. Pupils seize and acquire them during carrying out of speech actions which realization can demand the use of a word, word forms, a word - combination, superphrase unity and, at last, the text, caused by situations of inte r course. C onsidering the given specific principle of teaching the English language it is possible to formulate rules, their observance will help the teacher to realize this principle. 3) Principle of differentiation and i n tegration:  Rule 1. The account of specificit y of each kind of spea k- ing activity.  Rule 2. Use of teacher‱s speech and sound recording for listening.  Rule 3. Teaching monologic speech, proceeding from features of each form.  Rule 4. Teaching reading aloud and silently in view of features of each form.  Rule 5. Mastering of aspects of language in speech units.  Rule 6. Use semi - typed font in teaching writing. In a basis of teaching any subject at school including foreign la n- guage, there are general didactic principles. Such principles are: scientific chara cter, availability, present a tion in teaching, an individual approach in conditions of collective work and others. Specific and general didactic principles express typical, main, e s- sential, that should characterize teaching a foreign language at school and, first of all at the beginning stage where bases of mastering are pawned by this subject. The understanding of action of principles of teaching and d i- rect use of rules will allow the teacher to carry out teaching effe c tively. The learning is the active pro cess which is carried out through i n- volving pupils in a various activities, thus making it active participant in С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 12 reception of education. In this bilateral process it is possible to allocate the basic functions which are carried out by each the parts. The t eacher carries out organiz a tional, teaching and supervising functions. Functions of the pupil include acquaintance with a teaching material, the training which is necessary for formation of language skills and speaking skills, and applic a- tion of investigat ed language in the solving of commun i cative problems [4; 36]. We distinguish three basic functions which are carried out by the pupil, and the teacher is to organize and direct the doctrine of the pupil. Then it is necessary to attribute acquaintance, trai ning and application to the basic methods. Control including correction and an estimation is a c- companying, as it is in each of the basic methods. The organization of acquaintance with "portion" of a teaching m a- terial includes: First, display. I.L.Bim marks , that di s play is addressed to sensual perception of pupils - acoustical, visual, motor [5; 3]. The teacher can a c- company display by some e x planatories; Second, an explanation inducing pupil to reflection is necessary and enough for understanding and reali zing of a perceived m a terial with a view of the subsequent intelligent training and application. The teacher can i n volve various means of presentation. Due to training memory of the pupil is enriched with new units of language and automatism in their use is developed. At appl i cation of new vocabulary organizing function of the teacher is shown most precisely. He should create favorable conditions, benev o lent atmosphere for normal course of the speech act. He should make such conditions in which each pupil would like to participate in work of group, in which children aspired to understand the contents and sense of the text, they have read or listened to, and were not afraid to make a mistake. At application of new vocabulary it is supervised formulation of s peaking skills, it is established, how the pupil can use each of them in the practical pu r poses. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 13 The considered methods reflect essence of pedagogical process in which the teacher and pupils cooperate. These met h ods are used in teaching a foreign language at school, open specificity of a subject and are directed on achievement of the practical, educational and developing pu r- poses. Each of the considered methods is realized in system of the modes used by the teacher in the organization of teaching pupils, ca rried out by the latter through the decision of set of the specific targets which are bound up with cogitative operations and perception by sense organs. Modes as well as methods are structural - functional components of m u tual action of teacher and pupil. B ut if the method names the basic, dominating activity mode is bound up with the concrete action making essence of formed speech activity[1; 52]. It is very important, that modes which are applied by the teacher, let pupils solve tasks, and not just demand simple storing. And also it is necessary, that the pupil not o n ly reproduces speech unit, but also creates his own «speech product ", i.e. he can construct the statement in conne c- tion with a communicative problem facing to him, using units of language. 1. 2 Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language. 1.2.1 Constructivist teaching strat e gies Characteristics of Constructivist Teaching One of the primary goals of using constructivist teaching is that students learn how to learn by giving the m the training to take in i tiative for their own learning experiences. According to Audrey Gray, the characteristics of a constructivist classroom are as follows: * the learners are actively involved * the environment is democratic * the activities are i nteractive and st u dent - centered * the teacher facilitates a process of learning in which students are encouraged to be responsible and autonomous С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 14 Examples of constructivist activities Furthermore, in the constructivist classroom, students work pr i- marily i n groups and learning and knowledge are interactive and dynamic. There is a great focus and emph a sis on social and communication skills, as well as collaboration and exchange of ideas [1]. This is contrary to the traditional clas s room in which students wor k primarily alone, learning is achieved through repetition, and the subjects are strictly adhered to and are guided by a textbook. Some activities encouraged in constructivist classrooms are: * Experimentation: students individually perform an experiment and then come t o gether as a class to discuss the results. * Research projects: students research a topic and can present their findings to the class. * Field trips. This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in class in a real - world con text. Field trips would often be fo l- lowed by class discussions. * Films. These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into the lear n ing experience. * Class discussions. This technique is used in all of the methods described above. It is one of the most important distinctions of constructi v- ist teaching methods. {1} Role of teachers In the constructivist classroom, the teacher‱s role is to prompt and facilitate di s cussion. Thus, the teacher‱s main focus should be on guiding students by asking q uestions that will lead them to develop their own co n- clusions on the subject. David Jonassen identified three major roles for facilitators to su p- port students in constructivist learning environments: * Modeling * Coaching * Scaffolding[6; 45 - 46] С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 15 Jonassen r ecommends making the learning goals engaging and relevant but not overly structured. Learning is driven in CLEs by the problem to be solved; students learn content and theory in order to solve the problem. This is different from traditional objectivist tea ching where the theory would be presented first and problems would be used afterwards to practice theory. Depending on students' prior experiences, related cases and scaffolding may be necessary for support. Instructors also need to provide an authentic co ntext for tasks, plus information resources, cognitive tools, and collaborative tools.[6; 34] Constructivist assessment Traditionally, assessment in the classrooms is based on testing. In this style, it is important for the student to produce the co r rect a nswers. However, in constructivist teaching, the process of gaining knowledge is viewed as being just as important as the product. Thus, assessment is based not only on tests, but also on observation of the student, the st u- dent‱s work, and the student‱s po ints of view {2}. Some assessment strat e- gies include:  Oral discussions. The teacher pr e sents students with a “focus” question and a l lows an open discussion on the topic.  KWL(H) Chart (What we know, What we want to know, What we have learned, How we know it ). This technique can be used throughout the course of study for a particular topic, but is also a good assessment tec h nique as it shows the teacher the progress of the student throughout the course of study. (See Appendix 1 )  Mind Mapping. In this activity , students list and categ o- rize the concepts and ideas relating to a topic.  Hands - on activities. These encourage students to m a- nipulate their environments or a particular learning tool. Teac h ers can use a checklist and observation to assess student success with the particular material. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 16  Pre - testing. This allows a teacher to determine what knowledge students bring to a new topic and thus will be helpful in d i recting the course of study.{1}  Jigsaw and RAFT activities. (See Appendix 2, 3) 1.2.2 Communicative T eaching Method The “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign la n- guages” ‭ also known as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or the “communicative approach” ‭ emph a sizes learning a language through genuine communication. Learning a new language i s easier and more e n- joyable when it is truly meaningful. Communicative teaching is based on the work of sociolinguists who theorized that an effective knowledge of a language is more than merely knowing vocabulary and rules of grammar and pronunciation. Le arners need to be able to use the language appropriately in any bus i- ness or social context. Over the last three decades, theorists have discussed (and co n- tinue to discuss) the exact definition of communicative comp e tence. They do agree, however, that mea n i ngful communication supports language learning and that classroom activities must focus on the learner‱s authentic needs to communicate information and ideas. Grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary are, of course, nece s- sary parts of effe c tive communication . With the communicative method two primary approaches may be ta k en. Some teachers prefer to teach a rule, then follow it with practice. Most, though, feel grammar will be naturally discovered through meaningful communicative interaction. The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously defined set of teaching practices. It can best be d e fined with a list of general principles. In Communicative Language Teaching (1991), expert David Nunan [7] lists these five basic characteristics: 1 . An emphasis on learning to co m municate through interaction in the target language. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 17 2. The introduction of authentic texts i n to the learning situation. 3. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning process itself. 4. An enhancement of the learner‱s own personal experiences as important contri b uting elements to classroom learning. 5. An attempt to link classroom la n guage learning with language activities ou t side the classroom. As these features show, the communicative approach is co n- cerned with the unique individual needs of each learner. By making the language relevant to the world rather than the classroom, learners can acquire the d e sired skills rapidly and agreeably. 1.2.3 Using project methods in teaching a foreign language In the European languages the word "project" is borrowed from Latin: the participle 'projectus' means «thrown out forward ", "striking one's eye". With reference to a lesson of foreign language, the project is sp e cially organiz ed by the teacher and ind e pendently carried out by pupils complex of the actions, finished with creation of a cre a tive product. A method of projects, thus, is the set of educational and cognitive modes which allow to solve this or that problem as a result of independent actions of children with obligatory presentation of results. Let's result some examples how to achieve at once at the lesson with the help of project methods the several purposes - to expand chi l- dren's vocabulary, to fix the inve s tigated lex ical and grammatical material, to create at the lesson an atmosphere of a holiday and to decorate a cab i- net of foreign la n guage with colorful works of children. The work with the projects teacher can realize in groups and ind i- vidually. It is nece s sary to note, that the method of projects helps children to seize such competences as: to be ready to work in collective, to accept the responsibility for a choice, to share the r e sponsibility with members of the team, to analyze results of activity. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 18 1.2.4 The me thod of debates It allows forming also the conscious attitude to consideration of problems, activity in its discussion, speech culture, an orientation on r e- vealing of the reasons of arising pro b lems and installation on their decision further. Here the prin ciple of formation of critical thinking in pupils is rea l- ized. Language, thus, is simultaneously both the purpose and means of teaching. The method of debates helps pupils not only to seize all four kinds of speech activity, but to means of a language situ ation on a bac k- ground of a problem in social and cultural sphere to find out the re a sons of the arisen situations and to try even to solve them. Interest to the ind e- pendent decision of a problem is the stimulus, driving force of process of knowledge. Thus, application of a method of di s cussion allows making active cognitive activ i ty of pupils, their independence, forms culture of creative operative thinking, creates cond i tions for use of personal life experience and received before knowledge for mastering n ew. As discussion and the decision of problems occurs during controlled group dialogue at partic i- pants skill to operate in interests of group is developed, there is an inte r- ested respect for interlocutors and conducts to formation of collective. A p- plicatio n of this met h od in aggregate with a method of projects will allow generating thinking and owning not only the English language {3}, but also the expert understanding in various problems, capable to be guided in quickly varying information streams. Not les s interesting technique of activization of cognitive activity trained is the technique of role game which also can to r e flect a principle of problematical character at its certain organization and allows to solve pro b- lem situations of a various degree of c omplexity. It can be used as ind e- pendently, and in a context of a method of projects, is especial as the sp e- cific form of protection of the project. Trained apply the experience of the saved up knowledge, results of research during work above the project i n realization of socially significant roles growing on the importance with pa s- С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 19 sage of a cycle of occupations. Such modeling of situations of profe s sional - business intercultural dialogue helps pupil to get used to various situ a- tions of the future activity which he can face in a real life. Problematical character of role game is rea l ized through modeling of situations in which this or that problem can find the certain decision. Being in a role, pupil solves problem situations, evidently showing in full comm unicative comp e- tence the practical decision of a problem. Certainly, such way of protection should be adequate to a researched problem. Selection by that and pro b- lems for use of this or that method - a separate research pro b lem. Here it is important, that communicative competence was formed in real acts of i n- tercourse in which the English language is means of formation and a fo r- mulation of idea. Thus, pupil, being based on the skills gene r ated with the help of a debatable method, it is capable to apply and develop these skills in concrete situations of dialogue, carrying out socially significant roles and skill to assert the position in problem situations. 1.2.5 Games The advantages of using games. Many experienced textbook and methodology manuals writers h ave argued that games are not just time - filling activities but have a great educational value. W. R. Lee holds that most language games make learners use the la n guage instead of thinking about learning the correct forms. He also says that games should be t rea t- ed as central not peripheral to the foreign language teaching programme. A similar opinion is expressed by Richard - Amato, who believes games to be fun but warns against overlooking their pedagogical value, particularly in foreign language teac h ing. The re are many advantages of using games. "Games can lower anxiety, thus ma k ing the acquisition of input more likely" (Ric h ard - Amato). They are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and f eelings (Hansen). They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always poss i ble during a typical lesson. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 20 Furthermore, to quote Richard - Amato, they, "add diversion to the regular classroom activities," break th e ice, "[but also] they are used to introduce new ideas". In the easy, relaxed atmosphere which is created by using games, students remember things faster and better (Wierus and Wierus ). Further support comes from Zdybiewska, who believes games to be a go od way of practicing language, for they provide a model of what learners will use the language for in real life in the future. Games encourage, entertain, teach, and promote fluency. If not for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they he lp st u- dents see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems. Choosing appropriate games. There are many factors to consider while discussing games, one of which is appropriacy. Teac h ers should be very careful about choosing games if they want to mak e them profitable for the learning process. If games are to bring desired results, they must co r- respond to either the student's level, or age, or to the m a terial that is to be introduced or practiced. Not all games are appropriate for all students irr e- spec tive of their age. Different age groups require various topics, materials, and modes of games. For example, children benefit most from games which require moving around, imitating a model, competing between groups and the like. Furthermore, structural game s that practice or rei n- force a certain grammatical aspect of language have to relate to st u dents' abilities and prior knowledge. Games become difficult when the task or the topic is unsuitable or outside the student‱s exper i ence. Another factor influencing the choice of a game is its length and the time necessary for its completion. Many games have a time limit, but according to Siek - Piskozub, the teacher can either allocate more or less time depending on the students' level, the number of people in a group , or the knowledge of the rules of a game etc. When to use games. Games are often used as short warm - up a c- tivities or when there is some time left at the end of a lesson. Yet, as Lee observes, a game "should not be regarded as a marginal activity filling i n С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 21 odd moments when the teacher and class have nothing better to do". Games ought to be at the heart of teaching foreign languages. Rixon su g- gests that games be used at all stages of the lesson, provided that they are suitable and carefully chosen. At diffe rent stages of the lesson, the teac h- er's aims co n nected with a game may vary: 1 . Presentation. Provide a good model making its meaning clear; 2. Controlled practice . Elicit good imitation of new la n- guage and appropriate r e sponses; 3. Communicative practi ce . Give students a chance to use the language. Games also lend themselves well to revision exercises helping learners recall material in a pleasant, entertaining way. All a u thors referred to in this article agree that even if games resulted only in noise and ente r- tained students, they are still worth paying a t tention to and implementing in the classroom since they motivate learners, promote communicative co m- petence, and generate flue n cy. 1.2.6 Role play as a method of teac h ing Scholars suggest different steps and various successions in a p- plying role play in teaching. Based on the empirical evidence, we suggest our step - by - step guide to making a successful role play. Step 1 - A Situation for a Role Play To begin with, choose a situation for a role play, k eeping in mind students' needs and interests (Livingstone, 1983). Teachers should select role plays that will give the st u dents an opportunity to practice what they have learned. At the same time, we need a role play that interests the st u- dents. One way to make sure your role play is interesting is to let the st u- dents choose the situation the m selves. They might either suggest themes that intrigue them or select a topic from a list of given situations. To find a situation for a role play, write down situatio ns you encounter in your own С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 22 life, or read a book or watch a movie, because their scenes can provide many different role play situations. You might make up an effective role play based on cu l tural differences. Step 2 - Role Play Design After choosing a con text for a role play, the next step is to come up with ideas on how this situation may develop. Students' level of la n- guage proficiency should be taken into consideration (Livingstone, 1983). If you feel that your role play requires more profound linguisti c competence than the students po s sess, it would probably be better to simplify it or to leave it until appropriate. On low inte r mediate and more advanced levels, role plays with problems or conflicts in them work very well because they motivate the charac ters to talk [8]. To build in these problems let the stan d- ard script go wrong. This will gene r ate tension and make the role play more interesting. For example, in a role play situation at the market the partic i- pants have conflicting role information. One o r two students have their lists of things to buy while another two or three students are salespeople who don't have anything the first group needs, but can offer slightly or absolut e- ly different things. Step 3 - Linguistic Preparation Once you have selecte d a suitable role play, predict the language needed for it. At the beginning level, the language needed is almost co m- pletely predictable. The higher the level of students the more difficult it is to pr e figure accurately what language students will need, bu t some prediction is possible anyway [9]. It is recommended to introduce any new vocabulary before the role play [10]. At the beginning level, you might want to elicit the development of the role play sc e nario from your students and then enrich it. For exa mple, the situation of the role play is returning an item of clothing back to the store. The teacher asks questions, such as, 'In this situation what will you say to the salesperson?', 'What will the salesperson say?' and writes what the students dictate o n the right side of the board. When this is done, on С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 23 the left side of the board the instructor writes down useful expressions, asking the students, 'Can the customer say it in another way?', 'What else can the salesperson say?' This way of introducing new vocabulary makes the students more confident acting out a role play. Step 4 - Factual Preparation This step implies providing the students with concrete information and clear role descriptions so that they could play their roles with conf i- dence. For exampl e, in the situation at a railway station, the person giving the i n formation should have relevant information: the times and destination of the trains, prices of tickets, etc. In a more advanced class and in a more elaborate situation include on a cue card a fictitious name, status, age, personal i ty, and fictitious interests and desires. Describe each role in a manner that will let the students identify with the characters. Use the second person 'you' rather than the third pe r- son 'he' or 'she.' If your role presents a problem, just state the problem without gi v ing any solutions. At the beginning level cue cards might contain detailed instru c- tions (Byrne, 1983). For example, Step 5 - Assigning the Roles Some instructors ask for volunteers to act out a role pla y in front of the class (Matwiejczuk, 1997), though it might be a good idea to plan in advance what roles to assign to which students. At the beginning level the teacher can take one of the roles and act it out as a model. Sometimes, the students have role play exercises for the home task. They learn useful words and e x pressions, think about what they can say and then act out the role play in the next class. There can be one or several role play groups. If the whole class represents one role play group, it is necessary to keep some m i nor roles which can be taken away if there are less people in class than expected [11]. If the teacher runs out of roles, he/she can a s sign one role to two students, in which one speaks secret thoughts of the other (Shaw, Corsin i, С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 24 Blake & Mouton, 1980). With several role play groups, when deciding on their composition, both the abilities and the pe r sonalities of the students should be taken into consideration. For example, a group consis t ing only of the shyest students will not b e a success. Very often, optimum interaction can be reached by letting the students work in one group with their friends (Horner & McGi n ley, 1990). Whether taking any part in the role play or not, the role of the teacher is to be as u n obtrusive as possible (Livingstone, 1983). He or she is listening for students' errors making notes. Mistakes noted during the role play will provide the teacher with feedback for further practice and revision. It is recommended that the instructor avoids intervening in a role play with error corrections not to discourage the students. Step 6 - Follow - up Once the role play is finished, spend some time on debriefing. This does not mean pointing out and correcting mistakes. After the role play, the students are satisfied with the mselves, they feel that they have used their knowledge of the language for som e thing concrete and useful. This feeling of satisfaction will disappear if every mistake is a n alyzed. It might also make the students less confident and less willing to do the ot her role plays (Livingstone, 1983). Follow - up means asking every student's opinion about the role play and we l coming their comments (Milroy, 1982; Horner & McGinley, 1990). The aim is to discuss what has happened in the role play and what they have learned . In addition to group discussion, an evaluation questio n- naire can be used. The methods submitted above are only less part of the whole list of various effective methods of teaching a foreign language. The teacher should remember that each of the submitted methods works more effe c- tively if they are combined and applied together at every lesson. It is i m- possible to allocate the best and most effective of them, every teac h er С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 25 himself chooses for himself what method approaches for each concrete case better. Ch apter II. Practical aspect of ways of teaching In a theoretical part of this course paper it was spoken about va r- ious effective ways of teaching a foreign language. But if teacher wants effectively put them into practice, it is necessary to know how to us e these methods at each separate lesson. Therefore, in a pra c tical part of the given course paper the e x amples of various exercises will be shown for each of the methods, which were listed in a theoretical part. The teacher can adapt and make variations of them for his lessons. GRAMMAR GAMES Competitive games Speed Grammar: Collocations with wide, narrow, and broad. Level: Intermediate to advanced Time: 15 - 20 minutes Materials: Three cards, with wide on one, narrow on the second and broad on the third Preparation Prepare three large cards with wide on one, narrow on the s e c- ond and broad on the third. In class 1. Clear as much space as you can in your classroom so that students have a c cess to all the walls and ask two students to act as С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 26 secretaries at the b oard. Steak each of your card on one of the other three walls of the room. Ask the rest of the students to gather in the middle of the space. 2. Tell the students that you‱re going to read out sentences with a word missing. If they think that the right word f or that se n tence is wide they should rush over and touch the wide card . If they think the word should be narrow or broad they touch the respective card instead. Tell them that in some cases there are two right answers (they choose either). 3. Tell the secreta ries at the board to write down the co r- rect versions of the se n tences in full as the game progresses. 4. Read out the first gapped sentence and have the st u- dents rush to what they think is the appropriate wall. Give the correct ve r- sions and make sure it goes up in the board. Continue with the second se n tence etc. 5. At the end of the strenuous part ask the students to tale down the sentences in their books. A relief from running! ( If the students want a challenge they should get a partner and together write down as many sentences as they remember with their backs to the board before turning round to complete their notes. Or else have their partner to di c tate the sentences with a gap for them to try to complete.) Sentences to read out They used a … angled lens W IDE He looked at her with a … smile BROAD The socialists won by a …. Margin NARROW/BROAD She is very … minded BROAD/NARROW He speaks the language with a … London accent BROAD С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 27 You were wrong what you said was … of the mark WIDE You had a … escape NARR OW Of course they‱re … open to criticism WIDE They went down the canal in a … boat NARROW She opened her eyes … WIDE The news was broadcast nation … WIDE The path was three meters … WIDE The light was so bright that she … her eyes WIDE Variation Yo u can play this game with many sets of grammar exponents:  Forms of the article; a, the and zero article  Prepositions Cognitive games Spot the differences Grammar: Common mistakes Level: Elementary Time: 20 - 30 minutes Mater ials: One copy of Late - comer A and Late - comer B for each student This activity can be adapted for use with all levels In class 1. Pair the students and give them the two texts. Ask them to spot all the diffe r ences they can between them. Tell them that there may С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 28 be more than one pair of diffe r ences per pair of parallel sentences. Tell them one item in each pair of alternatives is correct. 2. They are to choose the correct form from each pair. LATE - COMER A LATE - COMER B This women was often very late This woman was often very late She was late for mee t ings She was late for mee t ing She were late for di n ners She was late for di n ners She was late when she went to the ci n ema She was late as she went to the cinema One day she arrive for a meeting half an hour early One day she arrived for me eting half ah hour early Nobody could unde r stand because she was ea r ly Nobody couldn‱t unde r- stand why she was early ‰Of course,‱ someone said, ‰clocks put back last night.‱ ‰Of course,‱ someone say, ‰the clocks were put back last night.‱ 3. Ask them to di ctate the correct text to you at the board. Write down exactly what they say so students have a chance to correct each other both in terms of grammar and in terms of their pronunciation. If a st u dent pronounces ‰dis voman‱ for ‰this woman‱ then write up th e wrong version. Only write it correctly when the student pronounces it right. Your task in this exercise is to allow the students to try out their hypotheses about sound and grammar without putting them right too soon and so r e- ducing their energy and bloc king their learning. Being too kind can be co g- nitively unkind. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 29 Variation To make this exercise more oral, pair the students and ask them to sit facing each other. Give Later - comer A to one student and Late - comer B to the other in each pair. They then have to do very detailed listening to each other‱s texts. Feeling and grammar Typical questions Grammar: Question formation - varied interrogatives Level: Beginner to elementary Time: 20 - 30 minutes Materials: None In class 1. Ask the students to draw a quick sketch of a four - year - old they know well. Give them these typical questions such a person may ask, e.g. ‰Mummy, does the moon go for a wee - wee?‱ ‰Where did I come from?‱. Ask each student to write half a dozen questions such a person might ask, writing th em in speech bubbles on the drawing. Go round and help with the grammar. 2. Get the students to fill the board with their most interes t- ing four - year - old que s tions. Variations This can be used with various question situations. The following examples work well: С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 30  Ask the students to imagine a court room - the prosec u- tion barrister is que s tioning a defense witness. Tell the students to write a dozen questions the prosecution might ask.  What kind of questions might a woman going to a foreign country want to ask a wom an friend living in this country about the man or the woman in the country? And what might a man want to ask a man?  What kind of questions are you shocked to be asked in an English - speaking country and what questions are you surprised not to be asked? P icture the past Grammar: Past simple, past perfect, future in the past Level: Lower intermediate Time: 20 - 40 minutes Materials: None Class 1. Ask three students to come out and help you demo n- strate the exercise. Draw a picture on the board of something interes t ing you have done. Do not speak about it. Student A then writes a past simple sentence about it. Student B write about what had already happened b e- fore the picture action and student C about something that was going to happen, using the appropriate grammar. I got up at eight a.m. I‱ve just got off the bus I‱m going to work today 2. Put the students in fours. Each draws a picture of a real past action of theirs. They pass their picture silently to a neighbor in the С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 31 foursome who adds a past tense se n tenc e. Pass the picture again and each adds a past perfect sentence. They pass again and each adds a was going to sentence. All this is done in silence with you going round helping and correcting. Umbrella Grammar: Modals and present simple Level: Elementary to intermediate Time: 30 - 40 minutes Materials: One large sheet of paper per student In class Ask a student to draw a picture on the board of a person holding an umbrella. The umbrella looks like this. 1. Explain to the class that this ‰tulip - like‱ umbrel la design is a new, experimental one. 2. Ask the students to work in small groups and brainstorm all the advantages and disadvantages of a new design. Ask them to use these sentence stems: It/you can/can‱t… It/you + present simple… It/you will/won‱t… It/you m ay/may not… 3. For example: ‰It is easy to control in a high wind‱, ‰You can see where you‱re going with this umbrella‱ 4. Give the students large sheets of paper and ask them to list the advantages and disadvantages in two columns. 5. Ask the students to move arou nd the room and read each other‱s papers. Ind i vidually they mark each idea as ‰good‱, ‰bad‱ or ‰intriguing‱. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 32 6. Ask the student how many advantages they came up with and how many disadvantages. Ask the students to divide up into three groups according to whic h stat e ment applies to them: I thought mainly of advantages. I thought of some of both. I thought mainly of disadvantages. 7. Ask the three groups to come up with five to ten adje c- tives to describe their group state of mind and put these up n the board. 8. Round off the exercise by telling the class that when de Bono asked different groups of people to do this kind of exercise, it turned out that primary school children mostly saw advantages, business people had plenty of both while groups of teachers were the mo st negative. Note Advantages the students offered: In a hot country you can collect rain w a ter. It won‱t drip round the edges. You can use it for carrying shopping. It‱s not dangerous in a crowd. It‱s an optimistic umbrella. It‱s easy to hold if two people are wal k ing together. With this umbrella you‱ll look special. It‱ll take less floor space to dry. This umbrella makes people communicate. They can see each other. You can paint this umbrella to look like a flower. You‱ll get a free supply of ice if it hai ls. FAIRY TALE FUN – JIGSAW STYLE! [1] С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 33 Divide students into five equal groups. Each group will get one fairy tale to read. The stories are "The Ugly Duckling," "Snow White," "Ha n- sel and Gretel," "Jack and the Beanstalk," and "The Three Little Pigs." Each group is responsible for collecting the follo w ing information: • Who are the characters in the st o ry? • Where does the story take place? • What are the major events of the story? • Are there any magical or supernatural events? If so, what are they? Af ter the students read, discuss, and record the above info r- mation, split them into jigsaw groups. One person from each fairy tale a s- semble in a new group. In their new groups, students are each given three minutes to tell the other group members about the s tory they had read as well as the information they have collected. After that, the group has to create a poster and give a presentation that addressed two points: 1. What do all five stories have in common? 2. Using what you found in common, write your o wn defin i- tion for a fairy tale. Debate Activities С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 34 INTRO This is a well known theatre exercise which is extremely effective for encouraging controlled but spontaneous interaction in ESL classes. STEP 1 PRESENT Begin by presenting a list of debate exp ressions such as those listed. STEP 2 MODEL Model a discussion. Choose yourself as conductor and 4 other students to be co n ducted. First, the conductor presents a topic. He then selects a student and an expression for the continuation of the discussion. Co nductor: Elephants shouldn't be a l lowed into Bangkok. Student B "Furthermore" Student B: Furthermore, the gover n ment should fine their owners. Conductor: Student A "On the other hand" Student A: On the other hand, people in Bangkok are very gene r- ous when t hey see elephants. Conductor: Student C "For example". Student C: For example, when they see elephants they feel co m- passion and give them food and money. Conductor: Student D "You may have a point". Student D: You may have a point. Ne v ertheless, the pollut ion and traffic are terrible for the elephants' health. STEP 3 WRITING To reinforce the use of these expressions further, follow this acti v- ity by a debate or writing exercise Project method Activity С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 35 №1. My Favourites. Children prepare at home mat e- rial (press - cuttings, pictures) which illustrates their interests, ho b bies. At the lesson on the lists of colour paper they design the album where every pupil tells about his favourite things and pastime (about favourite colour, sport, town, etc.) Р i с.1 №2 . Picture p o- em. Children are sugges t- ed to draw p icture – p o- em, so that its shape is concerned with its mea n- ing. Р i с. 2. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 36 №3. Was h- ing Line. Children draw different kinds of clothes, write the n ames on it and then hang them on the clothes - line with the help of the pegs. Р i с.3 Brainstorming Questioning Authority Divide the class into small groups (4 - 6 students). Have each group make a list of ten unwritten rules that they seem to fo l low each day. Examples might be where they buy the morning, and what television programs they watch. Have the groups di s cuss why they follow these "rules" and what it would take Altern a- tive: Try the sam e sort of activity, this time having students list beliefs New Devices Break students into groups of three. Have each group member draw a picture of someone d o- b- ject will be someone caught mid - movement.) After all the dra w the st u dents study them with the object of creating for each a device that will support the p o sition shown in a steady state. Explain that t he devices the st u dents create can be made С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 37 they accept without question - truisms like "Recessions are bad" or "It takes money to make money." of paper, wood, plastic, or met- al. (What the st u dents will end up with are various forms of furniture, but they will have d e signed their creations without limi t ing themselves to their prior knowledge of furniture. The o b ject of the exercise is to show the value of ambiguity in stim u lating creativity.) Troubleshooters Once again, break the students into groups of three. Name a problem with which everyone is fami l iar ‭ say, how to reduce the number of hom e less people on the streets. Then a s sign each group a f a miliar figure from histo- ry, fiction, or current events, and have them dete r mine how that person would solve the problem. For example, what if Martin Luther King, Jr. were to tackle the hom e less problem? What if th e Ninja Turtles were to try it? Barb a ra Walters? General Schwarzkopf? As a starting point, suggest that the st u dents consider what particular expe r tise the person would bring to the problem and what his or her objectives would be. Not Just for Brea k fast P lace a box of ready - to - eat c e real (like Cheerios or Trix) on a desk or ledge at the front of the room. Ask the students to gene r ate as many uses for the product as they can in two minutes. (Some of the more creative suggestions st u- dents might come up with ‭ using the cereal as fertilizer or a com- p o nent in jewelry.) С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 38 Housemates Roleplay Duration: 20 – 25 min Aim: Oral fluency practice; politely di s agreeing Summary: Two housemates try to resolve their conflicts. Introduction This short roleplay activity req uires no materials apart from a blackboard. The situ a tion is actually roleplayed twice, with some phrases for "politely disagreeing" introduced before the second round. The idea behind this is that the first round will hopefully help the students realise t he importance of being polite in order to avoid arguments, and so they will be more receptive to the new la n guage which helps them achieve this. Preparation Write this on the blackboard before the activity: A * I can't live without music! * I have a bad memory. * I'm a bit short of money right now. B * I can't concentrate on my study. * I'm always tripping over your things. * Didn't we agree to take turns buying food? Procedure Explain only that these sentences are from two different people, A an d B. Ask, "Who are these two people, and what are they talking about?" Give the students a m i nute or two to discuss it with a partner (make it clear that they should only discuss your question, not attempt to roleplay the situation yet!). С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 39 Elicit the fact t hat A and B are hous e mates, and then explain the situation in more detail: they are not close friends, but they are living t o- gether in order to save money. Ho w ever, lately B has been quite annoyed by some of A's habits. Write these habits on the blackboard , explaining them at the same time: A: * plays loud music (all the time!) * leaves his/her things all over the house (books, clothes, bags, etc on chairs, tables, and even the floor) * doesn't pass on messages (if one of B's friends calls and leaves a me ssage, A never remembers to pass it on) * never buys food (when they moved in they agreed that A would buy the food one week, B the next week, and so on) Ask who probably starts the convers a tion. B, of course. Suggest a polite convers a tion starter, such as: "Could I have a word with you please?" Then get the students to roleplay the situation in pairs. Afte r- wards, get some feedback from a few pairs. Was the conflict r e solved, and if so how? Now introduce and drill some phrases for politely disagreeing: * No offense, but... (I don't like your music) * I see your point, but... (I have a bad memory) * I understand your feelings, but... (I can't concentrate) Now get the students to swap roles and repeat the activity, ma k- ing use of the new phrases. It's a g ood idea to get them to swap partners too ‭ this should help keep the momentum up. At the end, get more fee d- back on how their conversations turned out. Notes If you intend to ask the students to swap roles and also swap partners before the second round, you should plan it carefully to avoid wasting time. In most of my classes, the desks are arranged in three co l- umns which are each two desks wide, so here is the way I managed it: for С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 40 the first round, I a s signed roles so that everybody on the left - hand desk was A and the others were B (check that everybody knows their role by getting them to put their hands up). Then for the second round, I simply asked all the "A" students to stand up and move to the desk in front of them. Variations Short Roleplays, each chara cter's three prompt sentences could be written on a roleplay card instead of on the blackboard. In this case, the 4 conflicts still need to be wri t ten on the board. Find the Differences Duration: 10 – 15 min Aim: Oral fluency practice Summary: Students sp eak in order to find the differences between two similar pi c tures. Introduction This is a well - known activity, and a classic example of the princ i- ple of an "information gap" in communicative activities. If you put two pi c- tures in front of a pair of student s and tell them to talk about the diffe r- ences, there is not much to motivate them. But if you arrange the activity so that each student only sees one picture, then an information gap is crea t- ed. Cooperating with their partner to identify the differences be comes an act of genuine communication. Although suitable pairs of pictures are provided in many modern textbooks, this a c tivity is included here to remind teachers that it is not too difficult to create picture pairs by oneself, especially with access to t he inte r net. For example, cartoons can be adapted. A suitable picture can be found to fit with a l most any theme - based lesson. Preparation The first step is to find a suitable pi c ture. These might come from books and magazines, or from the internet. For exa mple, try a search on Google Images (note that the Advanced Image Search allows you to limit С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 41 your results to black and white, or a particular size). There are also several websites which sell cartoons online, such as CartoonStock. In Discussions t hat Work (Cambridge University Press, 1981), Penny Ur writes: "The preparation of such pictures is fairly simple and fun to do. You need a black and white line drawing (not photograph) with a fair amount of detail but without shades of grey (these do not reproduce well). The content of the drawing should not entail vocab u lary beyond the level of the students. You photocopy it and then make the requisite number of a l- terations to the original drawing, using either a black fibre - tip pen (for add i- tions) or whi te type - correcting fluid (for era s ures)." Alternatively, the modifications could be done on a computer u s- ing even the simplest "paint" application. If you create any picture pairs in this way, please send them to us for inclusion on this page. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 42 See the Res ources section for exa m ples. You need to make enough copies so that each student will r e- ceive either one copy of "Version A" or one copy of "Version B". Procedure If the students are already familiar with the concept, then you just need to repeat the "chec k" questions. But the first time you do this activity, it is helpful to explain the concept using the blackboard: draw two simple pi c tures with one or two differences and explain that partners will each receive one version. They must not show their picture s to each other, i n- stead they have to talk to each other and circle the n differences. Check: * Are these pictures the same? (no) * How many differences are there? (n) * Can you show your partner? (no) * What do you do when you find a di f ference? (circle i t) After the activity, you can either provide the answers, or elicit the answers from the students, or simply tell the students to put the pictures side by side so that they can check whether the differences they found really e x ist or not. Conclusion F rom all above - stated it is possible to draw the following concl u- sions. The purpose of this work was to di s cover the most effective ways of teaching a foreign language to children. For achievement of the purpose the works of home and foreign authors on the given problem have been studied. In formation of interest to a subject the huge role is played by the person of the teacher. Therefore a pledge of successful mastering a foreign language by the pupilss is professionalism of the teacher which should in the work not only take into account the methodical principles underlying teaching, but also to be in constant search of new r e ceptions and means of С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 43 teaching which will recover a lesson, will make it fascinating, cognitive and remembered. The most useful for th is purpose are the following receptions and methods: methods of constructivism, communicative methods, methods of projects and discussions, games and role games, etc. In course work have been analysed all these methods and the r e- ceptions raising quality of training to foreign language on the basis of studying of various techniques of teaching, used in work with children. Many of receptions can be applied with success at teaching children of younger and more advanced age. The resulted techniques are i n terest ing from many points of view, simple in application and can add essentially existing operating time of teachers foreign (including English) language. While some of the methods are let be omitted by the teacher (like silent way, sy n thetic or analytic (every teacher choose his own way to work with students) all of these must be included in the learning process. They act like general concepts giving you a full length of techniques to apply within one method. They don‱t give strict directions of how to apply th em but a wide space for cre a tive work. Bibliography 1. Кривобокова И.Я., Лотарева Т.В. Некоторые приемы обуч е ния английскому языку на начальном этапе // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1989. - № 1. - с. 22 - 23; c . 52 2. Негневицкая Е.И., Никитенко З.Н., Артамонова И.А. Книга для учителя. М., Просвещение, 199 7 . 3. Витт Н .В. Эмоциональное воздействие речи учителя ин о странного языка. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - №6. – c . 34 4. Корнаева З.В. Об отборе коммуник а тивного минимума для начального этапа обучения в средней школе. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1989. - № 1. - с. 36. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 44 5. Бим И.Л., Биболетова М.3. Возмо ж ные формы и содержание курсов обучения иностранным языкам в начальной школе. // Ин о странные языки в школе. - 2001. - № 2. - с. 3. 6. Jonassen, D. H. Constructing learning environments on the web: Engaging students in m eaningful learning. EdTech 99: Educational Tec h- nology Conference and Exhibition 1999: Thinking Schools, Learning N a- tion. – 1999 – p. 45 - 46 7. David Nunan. Communicative La n guage Teaching – 2204 8. Shaw, Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980; Horner & McGinley, 1998 9. Brow n, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An attractive a p- proach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman 10. Scott, W. A., & Ytreberg, L. H. (2000). Teaching English to chi l- dren. New York: Longman 11. Rodrieguez, R. J. & White, R. N. (2003) From role play to the re al world. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. 12. Horner & McGinley, 2000 13. Berer, Marge and Frank, Christine and Rinvolucri, Mar- io. Cha l lenge to think. Oxford University Press, 2002 Internet Key http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivist_teaching_methods http://www.sse - franchise.com/soapbox/200703/16/what - is - the - communica tive - teaching - method/ http://www.yanglish.ru/catalog2/englishlanguage.htm http://search.atomz.com/ http://e.usia.gov/forum/vols/vol36/no1/p20.htm - games http://e.usia.gov/forum/vols/vol34/no2/p22.htm - note - taking С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 45 Appendix 1 KWL Strat egy Purpose of the Strategy: Bellanca (1992) explains that the purpose of the KWL strategy is to help students identify prior knowledge and experience as a bridge to a new concept, lesson, or unit (p.10). Teacher‱s Role: In the KWL strategy the teacher s erves as a facilitator of learning in the classroom, utilizing the students to create part of the le s son plan and identifying key concepts that need to be addressed before the lesson ends. Bellanca (1992) stated that it is the teacher‱s role to plan a stra tegy to e n- sure students will have the questions they raised answered before the le s- son ends. Learner‱s Role: In the KWL strategy the learner is asked to construct their lear n- ing experience by identifying what they know, analyze what i n formation they do no t know, and reflect u p on what they learned. The strategy asks that the learner work as part of a small and large group to brainstorm ideas about the concept or topic. This strategy helps students to realize that learning is an ongoing process by asking the m “what I want to know now” (Marzano & Pickering, 1997). Prior Knowledge Needed by the Learner: The process of asking good questions is essential to this educ a- tional strategy. Because of this, it is also important that st u dents are able to ask appropriate questions that help them develop a deeper sense of u n- derstanding about the concept or topic. Howe v er, Bellanca (1992) noted that questioning is not an intuitive process and may be difficult for students who have grown up in “one right a n swer” classroom may lack motivation and/or the know - how to ask questions. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 46 Bellanca (1992) also discusses the importance of using the DOVE guidelines to help students in the brainstorming process. Therefore, students need to have an unde r standing of what the DOVE guidelines a re: D = Defer judgment; accept others‱ id e as; avoid criticism and put - downs O = Originality is OKAY V = Variety and Vastness of ideas; explore many ideas; search for the best ideas E = Expand by piggybacking on others‱ ideas; associate; build on others. S tudents also need to have the ability to recall information (K step), analyze information (W Step, and evaluate what has been learned (L step). With practice and use of this strategy in the clas s room, students may further develop these skills but they are i m portant to have as they begin to work with this strategy. Steps/Parts of the Strategy: There are several easy steps when utilizing the KWL strat e gy. In essence, a teac h er helps students identify what they already know about the topic, what they would lik e to know, and what they have learned (Ogle, 1986 in Marzano & Pickering, 1997). Howe v er, Bellanca (1992) offers a much more detailed list of steps to help teachers use the KWL strategy in the classroom: 1. Draw the KWL chart on the board or on the overhe ad. Topic: ___________________________________ K W L 2. Label each column and explain its use (the K column is for things they already know about the topic, the W column asks them what С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 47 they want to know about it, and the L column is for what they lear ned after they complete the lesson or topic). 3. Invite students to brainstorm all they can recall about the topic from a variety of sources (parents, friends, media, books, movies, and other classes they may have taken). 4. After the brainstorming session, allo w time for students to analyze the K column by eliminating wrong information, clarifying info r- mation, and noting the most i m portant. 5. Begin to focus on the W column, asking the students to identify what they want to know about the topic. *students may need add i- tional coaching and examples during this phase b e cause some students have not been trained at questioning a topic* 6. Ask the students to identify which items they want to know are the most i m portant questions that need to be asked. 7. Design a lesson which covers and all of the answers the students asked. 8. Review the topic by asking the students to complete the L column – what they have learned. 9. If questions still remain from the W column, you should discuss the info r mation with the entire class. 10. Review with the students how to use and set up the KWL chart and ask where they might use a KWL chart or even why brid g- ing information is important. 11. For additional lessons, pair up students in groups of three and have them use the KWL strategy on a sheet of paper, c hoosing a few groups of share their ideas with the class after they have brainstormed ideas, and at the end of each lesson. What is Jigsaw? Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each st u- dent of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a learning unit. St u- dents meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 48 a s pect, and after mastering the material, return to the “home” group and teach the material to their group members. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece -- each studen t's part -- is e s- sential for the completion and full understanding of the final pro d uct. If each student's part is essential, then each student is essential. That is what makes the Jigsaw instructional strategy so effective. What is its purpose? Jigsaw lear ning allows students to be introduced to material and yet maintain a high level of personal responsibility. The purpose of Jigsaw is to develop teamwork and cooperative learning skills within all students. In addition it helps deve l op a depth of knowledge not possible if the students were to try and learn all of the mat e- rial on their own. Finally, because students are required to present their findings to the home group, Jigsaw learning will often di s close a student‱s own understanding of a conce pt as well as reveal any misunderstan d ings. How can I do it? In its simplest form, the Jigsaw instructional strategy is when: 1. Each student receives a portion of the materials to be intr o- duced; 2. Students leave their "home" groups and meet in "expert" g roups; 3. Expert groups discuss the material and brainstorm ways in which to present their understandings to the other members of their “home” group; 4. The experts return to their “home” groups to teach their portion of the materials and to learn from the other members of their “home” group In more detail, and written from a teacher‱s perspective, to co n- duct a Jigsaw in your classroom: 1. Assign students to “home” teams of 4 or 5 students (generally their regular cooperative learning teams). Have students nu m ber off within their teams. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 49 2. Assign study topics to “home” team members by giving them an assignment sheet or by listing their numbers and corr e sponding roles on the board. 3. Have students move to “expert” groups where everyone in the group has the s ame topic as themselves. 4. Students work with members of their “expert” group to read about and/or research their topic. They prepare a short present a tion and decide how they will teach their topic to their “home” team. You may want students to prepare mi ni - posters while in their “expert” Groups. These posters can contain important facts, information, and diagrams related to the study topic. 5. Students return to their “home” teams and take turns teaching their team members the material. I find it helpful to have team members take notes or record the i n formation in their journals in some way. You may want them to complete a graphic organizer or chart with the new info r- mation. 6. Involve the class in a whole - group review of all the content you expect them to master on the assessment. Administer an individual a s- sessment to arrive at individual grades. How could I use, adapt or different i ate it?  This strategy is great for differentiation; teachers (and students) can develop any number of possible RAFT‱s based on the same text that can be adjusted for skill level and rigor.  Paula Rutherford‱s book, Instruction for All Students , o f- fers a comprehensive list of "Products and Perspectives" from which to chose. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 50 7 класс Методическая разр а ботка урока на тему “Talking about Countries and Nationalities” Елина Ирина Алексеевна, МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского яз ы ка, г. Ч е реповец, Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): английский язык . Возраст детей: 7 класс( 14лет) Место проведения: класс. Аннотация. В современном мире люди разных стран имеют возможность о б щаться между собой. Это происходит по разным пр и чинам. Одной из таких причин являются международные олимпиады с реди подр о стков. Участие в таких олимпиадах – это не только возможность состязаться в знаниях на международном уровне, но и шанс познакомиться с н о выми людьми, узнать об их жизни, традициях и культуре. Всвязи с решением этой задачи на уроках английского я зыка д е ти узнают о том, что в мире проходят международные олимпиады среди подростков, и в моделируемых ситуациях они учатся уваж и тельно взаимодействовать с детьми другого цвета кожи и менталит е та. Один из таких уроков - урок на тему “ Talking a bout Coun- tries and National i ties ” адресован решению этой задачи. Это третий урок в разделе “ Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers Compe- tition ” по программе 7 класса учебника английского языка. На этом уроке применяется метод объяснения и рассужд ения для разъяснения необходимости терпимого отношения к другим нар о дам и коммуникативный метод в изучении языка. В качестве домашнего задания детям предложено нап и сать доклад о любой понравившейся всемирно - известной достопр и мечательности, а также придумать и инсценировать в классе свои ди а логи - обмена информацией между детьми из разных стран. Лучшие детские работы высланы вместе с разработкой урока. На первых 2 - х уроках дети знакомились с названиями стран - участниц международной ол импиады и учились представлят ь ся. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 51 На последующих уроках детям дается возможность осо з нать причины необходимости изучения иностранных языков, и в час т ности, английского языка, как языка международного общения. Тема урока : “Talking about Countries and Nationalities.” Цель урока: развитие лексико - грамматических н а выков устной и письменной речи. Задачи урока: 1) продолжение обучению учебным навыкам и умениям (диал о гической и монологической речи, чтению и письму, аудированию, н о вым лексиче ским единицам). 2) развитие психических процессов: памяти, мышления, речи, восприятия, способности к установлению смысловых св я зей. 3)воспитание потребности к познанию культуры своей страны, культуры страны изучаемого языка и других народов. 4) воспитание понимания того, что люди одинаковыми не быв а ют. Каждый н а род со своей культурой достоин уважения и изучения. Ход ур о ка. 1)Постановка целей и задач урока Сегодня на уроке мы будем продолжать обучаться навыкам ус т ной и письменной речи, а также поговорим о важности терпимого о т ношения к другим нар о дам. 2) Речевая зарядка. Дети закрепляют навык произношения названий стран - участниц международной олимпиады среди подростков: Portugal , Belgium , Japan , Finland , Poland , Spain , the UK , New . Zealand , Mexico , Russia , China , Norw ay , Sweden , the Nether- lands , Bulgaria , France , the USA , Canada , India , Egypt , Germany , Denmark , Switzerland , Turkey , Brazil , Ar menia , Georgia , Greece , Hungary , Italy 3) Основная часть урока. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 52 Ребята, на нашей планете существует множество стран, и ка ж дая из них интересна св оим народом, своими достопримечательностями, культурными тр а дициями и своей историей . Упр.№1 . Дети учатся произносить назв а ния некоторых всемирно - известных дост о примечательностей, разбирая слова по транскрипции, и знакомясь со значением этих слов. (Упр. н а преодоление фонетич е ских трудностей восприятия.) The Great Wall of China – Великая Китайская стена, Penguins – пингвины, the Pyramids - п и рамиды, Olympic Games - Олимпийские игры, Kangaroos - кенгуру, Churches - церкви, Skyscrapers - небоскребы, C о llosseum - Коли зей. Упр.№ 2. Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, какими достоприм е чательностями интересны: Египет, Австралия, Антарктика, Греция, Италия, Китай, США и Ро с сия. (Упр. на обучение монологической речи на ситуативной основе. Уровень фразы.) Дети сопоставляют на звания достопримечательностей, изобр а женных на картинках, с названиями стран и говорят: Egypt is famous for the Pyramids. Australia is famous for the kangaroos. Antarctica is famous for the penguins. Greece is famous for Olympic Games. Italy is famous for Colosseum. China is famous for the Great Wall of Ch i na. The USA is famous for the sky scrapes. Russia is famous for the Churches. Посмотрите, как удивительны эти достопримечательности, сколько труда и фантазии было вложено египтянами, чт о бы построить пира миды, или американцами, чтобы создать великолепные неб о скребы, или итальянцами, чтобы постр о ить Колизей, или русскими, чтобы построить прекрасные церкви. Труд людей на благо своей страны достоин уважения. Ребята, Вы знаете, что на международные олимпиады среди подростков собираются дети из разных стран. Это отличная возмо ж ность познакомиться с новыми людьми и замечательно провести вр е мя вместе в интересных беседах о культу р ных традициях и образе жизни детей из разных стран. Всегда интересно узнать, как жи вут л ю ди в других странах. Упр.№3. Послушайте фонозапись и скажите, из каких стран эти дети. Почему Вы так решили .(Listen to what the confe r ence participants С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 53 say about countries. Then to guess which country they are from? Say why you think so).( Упр . для обу чения антиципации , вычленению различных катег о рий смысловой информации ). Alison is from Australia. I think so because, she is from Canberra. Canberra is a capital of Australia. They have kangaroos. Australians love the kangaroos and care of them properly because these wonderful an i mals are endangered nowadays. Sam is from Canada. I think so because there are two official lan- guages in his country, English and French. Canadian English is a bit differ- ent .There is some pronunciation and grammatical differenc es. Melissa is from New Zealand. I think so because she told about two languages which are official in her country. They are English and Maori. English is spoken in a very un u sual way in New Zealand. It is called Kiwi English . Упр.№4. А теперь скажите, чем знаменита Россия? Чем знам е нит Череповец ? (Say what your country is famous for. What is your city f a mous for ?) (Упр. на обучение монологической речи на ситуативной основе. Уровень текста .) I live in Russia. I‱m happy to live i n this country. My country is very large and beaut i ful .A lot of well - known people around the world live in my country: writers, poets, scie n tists. Russian people are very soulful and good hearted people. I‱m from Cherepovets. We are proud of our world fam ous painter Vasily Vereshagin .We have Vereshagin`s museum in Cherepovets. Our city has a beautiful countryside, large forests and deep lakes. Упр№5. Скажите в каких странах люди говорят на английском языке.( Say in which countries people speak English .)Послушай и проч и тай названия языков, на которых г о ворят люди из разных стран. (Упр. на обучение монологической речи на ситуати в ной основе - уровень фразы - и на преодоление фонетических трудностей воспр и ятия.) People speak English in New Zealand, Australia, the USA, the UK, and Canada. Listen to and read the languages people speak in different countries. - Which language do people speak in Ch i na? - People speak Chinese in China. Portuguese,Chinese,Japanese,Dutch,French,Arabic,Greek, Hin- di,Maori,Hungarian,Bulgarian,Italian,Armenian,Norwegian,Georgian,Russia n,German,English,Finnish,Spanish,Swedish,Turkish,Polish,Danish,Irish. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 54 Таким образом, мы видим, что люди, живущие в разных странах, говорят на разных языках. Но человеческая природа устроена так, что люди не могут жить изолированно. Подумайте и скажите, что они б у дут делать? Конечно же, искать пути взаимодейс т вия. Как? Изучая языки друг друга. Thes e are the first most commonly spoken languages in the world: English, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi. Which language do most people speak in the world? Which is the most popular second la n guage in the world? - Most people in the world speak English. - English is the most popular second la n guage in the world. Упр .№6 Imagine that you came from one of the countries. Introduce yourself. Say which languages people speak in your country ( Упр . на об у чение монологической речи - уровень текста ). I‱m from Finland. This coun try is famous for its beautiful nature. In Fin- land people speak Finnish. But they can also speak En g lish. I‱m from Italy. This country is famous for its tasty food. In Italy people speak Italian but they also can speak English. I‱m from Georgia. This count ry is famous for its tasty wine. In Georgia people speak Georgian, but they also can speak English Итак, мы видим, что во многих странах сегодня люди умеют гов о рить на английском языке. Это происходит потому, что люди поним а ют, что английский язык – самый легкий в изучении, и им можно быс т ро овладеть. А потом использовать для плодотво р ной коммуникации с людьми из разных стран, чтобы обмениваться достижениями, а значит обог а щать и развивать народы. Упр .№7.Remember what you know about personal characterist ics of people who live in different countries.( Упр . на обучение мон о логической речи на ситуативной основе - уровень фразы ). I believe the Russians are hospitable and friendly. I believe the Germans are hard - working. I believe the English are conservative. I believe the French are romantic. I believe the Italians are sociable and talkative. Упр .№8. Сравните людей из разных стран .(Compare people from different countries. Write down the sentences .)(Упр. на обучение грамм а тических навыков пис ь ма.) I think the Fren ch are more talkative than the Finnish. I believe the Italians are more romantic than the Germans. I guess the Japanese are more reserved than the Russians. I think the Americans are less conserv a tive than the English. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 55 I believe the Chinese are more creati ve than the Danish. Итак, Вы видите, что у одних людей п о зитивных черт может быть больше, чем у других, но это не значит, что нужно отн о ситься к этим людям пренебрежительно .Наоборот, нужно быть терпимым, и дать возможность им развивать положител ь ные че рты. Упр.№9 А сейчас давайте учиться вежливо разговаривать друг с другом и с представителями разных стран. Инсценируйте диалог.( Listen , read and act out the conversation . George meets a group of foreign participants .)Найдите слова и выраж е ния, которые реб ята используют для вежливого общения:( Excuse , me ; pleased to meet you , I ‱ m afraid , I don ‱ t ; Really ; That ‱ s great .)(Упр. на развитие аудитивной памяти, вним а ния, воображения, логического мышления.) George: Exuse me, where are you from? Mark: I‱m from Hungary. And this is my friend Paula. George: Pleased to meet you, Paula. Paula: Pleased to meet you too, George. Mark: Paula is from Italy. She lives in Rome. Do you speak Italian? George: I‱m afraid, I don‱t. I speak only two foreign languages: French and German. I know it much better than French. Mark: Really? Paula speaks German, too. And her German is quite good. As for me, I don‱t speak German, but I can understand what people say. Paula: That‱s great! We can have a good time practicing our German. Таким обр азом, мы поняли, что люди разные. Нет непохожих людей. Их непохожесть не зависит от того к какой нации они прина д лежат или в какой стране они живут. Люди бывают гостеприимные, тр у долюбивые, общительные, серьезные, романтичные. А бывают разговорчивые, консе рвативные и независимые в любой стране, л ю бой национальности. Чтобы продуктивно взаимодействовать на благо народов, необходимо изучать и уважать культуру и традиции ра з ных народов и самое главное обоюдно терпимо относиться друг к другу. Т.е. учит ься принимать друг друга такими, к а кие они есть. 3) Домашнее задание: Составьте доклад об одной понравивше й ся всемирно - известной достопримечательности с подготовкой к з а щите на уроке. Вывод: Что нового сегодня узнали? Мы узнали, новые слова, обозначающи е названия достоприм е чательностей, названия различных языков и суффи к сальный способ их образования от назв а ний стран, узнали, чтобы добиться успеха в общении нужно учиться принимать л ю дей такими, какие они есть. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 56 Чему учились? Учились понимать иностранну ю речь на слух, говорить разверн у тыми фразами и разыгрывать диалог вежливого общения, запис ы вали предложения со сравнительной степенью сравнения прилаг а тельных. ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ССЫЛКИ 1. М.З.Биболетова » У чебник английского языка для 7 классов ” Титул.2009г. 2. М .З.Биболетова ” П рограмма для 2 - 11 классов общеобразов а тельных учреждений ” Титул.2006 THE CONCERT « HELLO , SPRING ! » Елина Ирина Алексеевна , МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского языка, г. Ч е реповец, Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): английский язык . Возраст детей: от 8 до 11 лет . Место проведения: класс. Hello everybo dy ! Welcome to our concert. We are very glad to see you here. We are sure you `ll like it. We hope you will spend very good time here. You can get grate pleasure from listening to our performance.Let`s begin! 1) At the beginning you can listen a poem abo ut love. Believe me it‱s a great poem about Love. And the girl is so beautiful everybody can fall in love with her. She is Terekhova Dasha, the student of 7B form. English sonnet by William Shakespeare “My mistress eyes are not h- ing like the sun” My m istress eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips are red; С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 57 If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks, And in some perfumes is there more deligh t Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound; I grant I never saw a goddess go: My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground: And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare. 2) Who loves his Motherland, knows that it is a grate feeling, it fills all his heart and it stays forever here.Harchevnicov Igor, the student of 7B tells us about it. Words by C hariton. Russia is my Motherland. Moscow‱s forests always glisten. At dawn. In autumn and in May To Nature‱s song of love I listen, A song of Russia‱s bright new day. When dawn fi rst shines on the horizon, To touch the trees with autumn‱s glow, I hear the birch, as in my childhood, She tells me singing very low. When down the Volga I go boating, And birds are flying high above, I hear a song, and it is flowing To those green trees , the land I love. Now down the Volga River going And seeing much I‱ve seen before, I hear the dear song go flowing That I shall sing for evermore. 3) There are a lot of songs, but it is the best for me .I‱m Zaytseva Sasha, the student of 8A. I will sing the song… “And I love her “by Beatles. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 58 4) Some people love the animals, some love the plants, and there are the people who love joking with each other, like Pavlova Ann, the student of 5B. Do you love me? Or do you not? You told me once, But I forgot. I love coffee, I love tea, I love the girls, And the girls love me. 5) These funny little children also love the animals‱ .The groups of st u dents 2A form will represent us a poem “Three little kittens.” The three little kittens Lost their mittens, And they began to cry. Oh, Mother dear, We very much fear We have lost our mittens! Lost your mittens! You naughty kittens! Then you will have no pie. The three little kittens Found their mittens, And they began to cry. Oh, Mother dear, See here, see here, See we have found our mittens. Oh , you are good kittens! Put on your mittens, And you will have some pie. But I smell a mouse close by. We smell a mouse close by. 6) Somebody has a lot of money, somebody has expensive cars, but Artamonov Igor, the student of 5B will tell you about what he has. Hello, friends! My name is Igor and I‱m fond of exotic animals. One lives in my house. His name is Jerry. He is green and strong. That‱s why he is a bit da n- gerous. He stays in a big aquarium although he is not big yet. He likes to enjo y life that‱s why he always jokes with me. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 59 Once I saw him frozen in one pose and thought that my pet died. I came close to him to study the situation and was shocked to see him full of energy jumping on me, of course through the glass of the aquarium. Thi s is my pet. In spite of his strange jokes I love him and try to study his chara c- ter. And what about you? Did you guess who is he? (A crocodile) 7) The song by the student of 8A Zaytseva Sasha. “Yesterday” by Beatles. 8) Now Tsvetkova July, the student of 5 presents the poem “The Fug i tives”. 9)”Little mouse, little mouse…” is the name of a little play by perfo r- mance of the students of the 3 rd A form. Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? Little, little cat I do not have a flat. Little mouse, little mouse, Come to my house! Little cat, little cat, I can not do that! You will eat me!!!!!! 10) Listen to me, please. I would like to sing a son “Yellow submarine “by Beatles. ………………………………………………………………………………… 11) List en! Tsss! It seems the phone rings .What is the matter? Oh, now I can understand. These are the students of 3A form came to tell a poem about poor hippopotamus. Ting a ling a ling! A telephone ring! Hello! Who are you? I‱m the rhinoceros Please come acro ss to us! Our hippopotamus fell in a bog, The bog is bottomless, Poor old hippo, He will die, С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 60 If you don‱t put on your coat and fly All right, all right, It is late at night. And though I must rest, I promise I shall do my best With the help of the rhino, a bird and a dog I pull poor hippo out of the bog. 12) Oh! How merry these children are! They can play, read, and write in English. Also they sing songs. These are some of them. The groups of 2nd B form. The song “Alphabet” A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N, O,P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W Q, R, S, T, U, V, W X, Y, Z X, Y, Z Now I know my alphabet‱ The rhyme «Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day, Little Johnny wants to play Rain, rain, go to Spain, Never show your face again. The song “One, two, three, four I‱m playing on the floor Five, six, seven, eight, I‱m sorry, I am late. The rhyme “From Wibbleton to Wobble ton is Fifteen miles From Wobbleton to Wibbleton is Fifteen miles From Wibbleton to Wobbleton From Wobbleton to Wibbleton, From Wibbleton to Wobbleton, is Fifteen miles. The song “T he more we get together, together, together, The more we get together, The happier we are. For my friends are your friends, for your friends are my friends С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 61 The more we get together, together, togethe r, The more we get together. The happier we are. 13) What is the strange language that these little children speak so quickly? By all means these children tell the rhymes.Let`s listen the group of 3A form. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers; Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck Of pickled peppers Where‱s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? Jack, be nimble; Jack, be quick; Jack, jump over the candlestick. I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one; But I can tell you, anyhow, I‱d rather see than be one. 14) Well, time goes so quick that we can‱t run after it. And we didn‱t notice how it was over and our concert is over too. All of our participants an d I congratulate you with the beginning of spring, time of new life and love. ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ССЫЛКИ 1. А.И. Смирнова “ Практическая фонетика английского языка ”. Санкт - Петербург 1996г. 2. Б.Б. Здоровова “ Сборник песен на английском языке для уч а щихся средней школы ” Москва ” Просвещение “ 1990 г. 3. К.А.Родкина и Т.А. Соловьева “ Сборник песен и стихов на ан г лийском языке для учащихся 7 - 9 классов средней школы. Москва. Просвещение 1989г. 4. А.Л.Зорин “ Английский сонет 16 - 19 веков » М осква Издател ь ство “ Радуга ” 1990 г С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 62 2 класс ПРОЕКТ УРОКА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ В СООТВЕТСТВИИ С ТРЕБОВАНИЯМ И ФГОС ПО ТЕМЕ «СКОЛЬКО ТЕБЕ ЛЕТ?» Елина Ирина Алексеевна, МБОУ «СОШ № 29 », учитель английского языка, г. Ч е реповец, Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): Английский язык. Возраст дете й: 2 класс . Место проведения: класс. Тема Сколько тебе лет? Цель и з а дачи - создать условия для формирования у учащихся умения составлять предложение с опорой на сх е му, используя чи с лительные 1 .Образовательная : Формировать навыки устного счета с1до10 ,умение вести диалог - расспрос. 2 .Развивающая : Развивать речемыслительные и позн а вательные способности. 3 Воспитательная : Воспитывать культуру общения. Ожида е мый резул ь тат Предметные умения УУД 1. Произносить и разл и чать на слух звуки и звукосочетани я [ i :],[ h ],[ w ],[ ei ], [ b ]. 2. Воспроизводить графически корректно букву Bb . 3. Вести элементарный этикетный диалог в ситуации знакомства, используя числ и тельные до 10. 4. Накапливать багаж н о вого лексического и Личностные: Уметь выбирать о п тимальные формы во взаимоотношениях с одноклас с ник а ми. Коммуникативные : Формировать умения слушать и вступать в диалог для поддерж а ния учебно - деловой беседы, рассказ ы вать о себе с опорой на м о дель. Познавательные: С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 63 грамматического материала и приобр е тать опыт его при менения. Уметь осо з нанно строить речевое высказывание по образцу, формулир о вать ответы на вопросы учителя и одноклассн и ков. Регулятивные: Моделировать ситуации п о ведения в классе, уч а ствовать в распределении ролей для сценки и их импровизационном выр а зительном в о площении. Основн ые понятия Числительные от 1 до10. Лексические единицы и фразы по теме «Знакомство» Организация пространства Межпредме тные св я зи Формы работы Ресурсы Математика, физкул ь тура, Фонетическая и речевая ра з минка ( Stor y- telling ) Работа со сх емами - оп о рами. Фронтальный о п рос. Парная р а бота Индивидуальная работа - Учебник - Рабочие тетради - Книга для учителя - Аудиоприложение на CD MP 3 - Схемы - опоры - Плакат «Английский алф а вит» - Карточки с числ и тельными, картинки с животными - Плакат «Числител ь ные » - ручная кукла - Карточки с буквами Aa , Bb и звуком [ b ] - Мультимедийная презентация с С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 64 изобр а жениями ж и вотных - звездочки для оц е нивания № Этапы работы Содержание этапа 1 . Актуализа ция знаний уч а щихся. Время Используемые ресурсы 1) Орг - момен т (настр ой н а урок) 2 ми ну т ы Ручная кукла Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель – настроить на общение на ан г лийском языке . Приветств ую уч а щихся : “Good morning, chi l dren! I‱m glad to see you .Sit down, please! ” Давайте поздороваемся с нашей г остьей. От лица куклы здороваюсь с классом “ He l lo !”После хорового ответа подхожу к слабым Цель - вкл ю читься в иноязы ч ное общение, о т реагир о вав на реплику учит е ля согласно комм у никати в ной задаче. Отвеча ют на реплики: “ Morning , tea cher ! Glad to see you too.” “Hello” Коммун икативные: слушать, отвечать и реагир о вать на реплику адекватно речевой ситу а ции. Регуляти вные: испол ь зовать речь для р е гуляции своего дейс т вия. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 65 уч а щимся индивидуально. 2) Речева я и фонети ческая зарядк а ) 3 минуты Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - развивать пр о износительны е навыки, настроить артикуляцию учащи х ся на английскую речь. Говорю рассказ об английских звуках., кот о рые учащиеся должны пр а вильно повторить. “ Let ‱ s tell the story together . Трикки реш ил повесить портреты друзей в теа т ре, ударил себя по пальцу моло т ком и закричал[ ai ] - [ ai - [ ai ], [ v ] - [ v ], [ v ]; начал дуть на палец [ h ] - [ h ] - [ h ], [ w ] - [ w ] - [ w ].Но тут собр а лись все его друзья, им так понравились портреты, что он з а был про свой палец.” “Repeat a f- ter me! [h] - hello, Цель - п о вторить за учит е лем фонетич е ски правильно изуче н ные ан г лийские звуки и слова. Повтор яют звуки и слова, ст а раясь копировать артикуляцию уч и теля Регуляти вные: осущ е ствлять самоконтроль пр а вильности пр о изношения. Личност ные: формир о вать этические чу в ства - доброжелатель ность и эм о ционально - нравственную отзывч и вость. Познава тельные: И з влекать необходимую инфо р мацию из прослушанног о. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 66 who, Harry; [w] - what, Wendy; [t] - tiger, el e phant, cat; [d] - dog;” Время Исполь зу е мые ресурсы 3) Опрос по ранее изученн о му материалу ( проверка домашнего задания) 6минут Слайд с животными, картинки с животными, звездочки Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - развивать ум е ния и навыки устной речи, проверить уровень усво е н ия ранее изученного мат е риала. 1.Фронтал ьный о п рос a ) Показываю слайды с изображением живо т ных: “ cat , dog , Fox , elephant, croc o- dile , tiger ”. Прошу учащи х ся н а звать их, напоминая про слово “ the ” c названи я ми конкретных ж и вотных со слайда. b ) Раздаю карти нки и прошу ответить на мои вопросы Цель – п о вторить пройде н ный материал Называ ют ж и вотных на слайдах; Отвеча ют на вопро сы от лица пол у ченного животного с ка р тинки. “Hello! I‱m fox…My name is …” Взаимо де й ств у ют в Познава тельные: Ос у ществлять актуализацию п о лученных знаний Коммун икативные: Форм и ровать умен ие слушать и вступать в диалог Регуляти вные: выб и рать действия в соо т ветствии с поставленной задачей, и с пользовать речь для регул я ции своего действия. Личност ные: Форм и ровать самооценку на основе С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 67 от лица животн о го с картинки: “Hello! Who are you ? What is your name ? (Вспомните имена с пр о шлого урока)" 2.Работа в парах Организую работу в закрытых парах (сильный уч е ник задает вопросы - слабый отвечает) Две лучшие па ры разыгрыв а ют сценку перед классом. 3.Мотивац ия Самые активные п о лучают звездочки. (в конце урока звездочки подсчит ы ваютс я, выбирается лу ч ший ученик ур о ка.) парах. Сильный ученик п о могает более слабому при нео б ходимос ти. успешности учебной деятел ь ности, мот и вацию учебно - познават ельно й деятельн о сти. 2 Этап целеполагания Время Используемые ресурсы Целеполагание и мот и вация 2 минуты Карточки с цифрами на доске Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - поставить п о знавательную Цель – сформ у лиров ать задачу Познава тельные: Пр и нимать С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 68 з а дачу Прием «мозгов ой штурм» Используя вопросы подвожу учащихся к цели урока. «Сколько портр е тов п о весил Трикки, как вы думаете? Сколько у него друзей? А у вас? Что вам помогло отв е тить на мои вопросы? Что сегодня вы научитесь делать? (сч и тать) Что для этого н е обходимо знать ? Зачем еще нам нужны числ и тельные? урока Отвеча я на наводящие вопр о сы, дети сами д е лают выводы о цели ур о ка (числительны е, сч и тать по - английски) участие в беседе, фо р мулироват ь и ставить позн а вательны е задачи . Регуляти вные: Уметь планировать свою деятел ь ность в соответствии с цел е вой устано в кой. Личност ные: Мотив а ция учебной де я тельности (социал ь ная, учебно - позна вательна я) Коммун икативные: Взаимодейству ют с учителем во время фронтальной беседы 3 Открытие новых знаний. Время Используемые ресурсы 10 минут Учебник, карточки с цифрами, аудиозапись на диске, игрушка Деятельно сть уч и теля УУД Цель - сформир овать навыки употребления ан г ли й ских числительных от 1до 10 в речи в Цель - пр и обр е сти речевые навыки употре б ления но вых ЛЕ (числител ь ны Познава тельные: Ос у ществлять актуализацию н о вых ЛЕ, основываясь на уче б ную С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 69 соответс т вии с реч е вой ситуацией» 1) Показыва ю ка р точки с числительными и называю их по - английски: “ Re- peat after me !” (Обр а щаю особое внимание на четкое произношение зв у ков) “ Let ‱ s count boys / girls !” Показываю числительные на плакате. “ Look and repeat !.” 2) Формирование лексических н а выков. Работа с учебником. Упр.1стр.8: - Назвать цифры на карточках артистов. “ All t o gether ” - Посчитать арт и стов на картинке “ Let ‱ s count a c tors ” - Назвать артиста по номеру: “ Nu m ber three - the cat ” - Назвать номер под которым выступает а р тист: “ the tiger - number two ” е от1до10) Повтор яют вслух со зрител ь ной опорой. Сч и тают вслух мал ь чиков/де вочек. Повторяют чи с лительны е с оп о рой на плакат . Выполн яют задание учителя во фронтально м реж и ме. Самые активные получ а ют звездочки. Слушаю т, вычл еняют вопр о сы из диалога. Стараются дог а даться о значении последнего ситуацию и личный опыт. Регуляти вные: Прин и мать и сохранять учебную цель и задачи. Коммун икативные: Слушать учителя и друг друга для воспроизведен ия и во с приятия необходимых свед е ний и поддержания учебно – деловой беседы. Личност ные: формир о вать навыки сотру д ничеств а в разных ситуациях С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 70 - Работа с упр. 2 стр.8 Объявить выход артистов .” Number five – the dog ! (с опорой на пр и мер в учебнике) 3) Аудирование - пр е зентация нового вопро са “ How old are you ?” - Включаю для пр о слушивания упр.3 стр.9, дав задание перечислить вопросы из диалога. Выя с няю понятен ли учащи м ся последний вопрос “ How old are you ?”Если нет - пер е вожу его. - Отрабатываю пр о изношение этой фразы по отдельным словам и ин т о национно. - После повторного прослушивания предлагаю повторить реплики диал о га хором. Беру игрушку и р а зыгрываю вопр о са Повтор яют н о вый вопрос, затем, после п о вторного просл у шиван ия, повт о ряют все реплики диалога хором. Слушаю т беседу, стараю т ся запо м нить вопросы и фо р мы ответов. Отвеч а ют на вопросы от лица понравивш е г ося живо т ного. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 71 беседу с ней: - Who are you? - I am the crocodile. - My name is Alex. - How old are you? - I am three . 4 ) Формирование умения вести диалог - расспрос. Вызываю к доске учащегося, остальные выбирают из упражнения 1 понравившееся живо т ное для диалога. Выбра н ный учащийся расспраш и вает их. Хвалю: “ Fine ! Very good !” 4 . Формиров ание первичных умений на осн о ве самоконтроля. Время Используемые ресурсы 8мину т Учебник, таблица с числительными, схемы - опоры Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - расширение освоения в речи форм зн а комства, развитие Цель - на у читься рассказ ы вать о себе с оп о рой на граммат и ческ Познава тельные: Осознанно и произвол ь но строить речевые С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 72 нав ы ков монологической речи с использованием н о вых ЛЕ 1) Задача - составить предложения по опорным сх е мам. Помещаю на доску опорную схему, напоминаю что означают знаки схемы (разворот учебника с у с ловными обозначениями). Называю несколько пре д лож е ний с опорой на схему. I am Jane . I am 5. I am the cat. Прошу составить по схеме несколько предлож е н ий о возрасте наших а р тистов. 2) Задача - составить монологическое высказ ы вание по опорным сх е мам. Выполнение упр.4 стр.9 в учебнике. Рассказать от им е ни одного из участников спо р тивного праздника о себе: ие м о дели. Повтор яют зн а чение схемы. Состав ляют предложения о ка ж дом артисте из упр.1 стр.8 Выполн яют у п ражнение 4 из учебника, соста в ляя монологич е ск ое высказ ы вани е из 3 предлож е ний . I am the dog. I am Jack. I am 2. высказыв а ния в устной фо р ме . Коммун икативные: Использовать речевые, опо р ные и наглядные средства для выполнения з а дания . Регуляти вные: Осущ е ствлять самоконтроль и ан а лизировать допущенные ошибки. Личност ные : Формир о вать этические чувства, пр е жде всего - доброжелатель ность. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 73 кто он, как его зовут и сколько ему лет. Если учащ иеся з а трудняются наз ы вать возраст или называют только числительные one , two , three , организую п о вторение цифр по плакату с таблицей «Числител ь ные» 3) Задача - задать вопрос ы одн о кл ассник у. Раб о т а в парах W hat is your name? W ho are you? H ow old are you ? С ильны е учащие ся без опоры, слабые пользу Беседа в п а рах. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 74 ются оп о рой в уче б ни ке. 5 Динамичес кая пауза Время Используемые ресурсы 3 минут ы Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - смена учебной деятельности на уроке, повторение числител ь ных. Вызываю всех к до с ке. Прошу сделать круг. Показываю карточку с цифрой 5 (7,3,8,10) Дети медленно кружатся по счету. Они останавл ив а ютс я, когда слышат цифру с карточки. Цель - закрепить числ и тельны е на ан г лийском языке и сделать двиг а тельны й перерыв. Познава тельные : Осознанно и произвол ь но использовать н о вые ЛЕ в речи. Коммун икативные: Понимать и прои з вольно произносить новые ЛЕ. Регуляти вные: Выпо л нять учебные действия в м а териализова нной и громко - речевой фо р мах. 4 Формиров ание первичных умений на осн о ве самоконтроля. (пр о должение) Время Используемые ресурсы 1) Развит 6 минут Карточки с буквами, звуками. Алфавит. Раб о чие С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 75 ие фонем атичес к о го слуха, навык ов чтения ( освоение правил чт е ния буквы Bb и правильного произношения согласн o го звук a [ b ]) тетради Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ность обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель – продолжить работу по ознакомлению учащихся с английским алф а витом. 1)Повторен ие буквы Аа. Давайте вспомним какую букву вы учили на последнем уроке? Она гласная или согласная? Какими звуками может читаться? Повторим слова, в которых есть эта буква.( Name , cat , Kate , Ann , lake , apple , make ) 2)Познаком имся с н о вой гостьей - буквой Bb . На доске карточки с бу к вой и звуком[ b ] Какая она - гла с ная или согласная? Каким звуком будет ч и таться в словах? Цель – п о знак о митьс я с графическим обр а зом и правилом чтения бу к вы Bb Вспоми нают и называют букву Aa , ее звуки и пр а вила чтения. П о вторяют слова Рассма тр и вают букву, опр е деляют, что она согласная, повт о ряют букву и звук вслух. Познава тельные : Ан а лиз и выделение существе н ных призн а ков. Коммун икативные: Проя в лять активность во взаимодейс т ви и для решения познавательны х задач Регулят и вные: В ы полнять учебные дейс т вия 2) Развит ие навык ов Деятел ь ност ь УУД С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 76 письма обуча ю щихс я Цель - познакомить учащихся с гр а фическим образом буквы Bb “ Open your workbook , please .” Объясняю и показ ы ваю на карточках и доске граф и ческий образ буквы. ко р ректирую ошибки при письме. Письмо осущест в ляется под счет. Цел ь - на у читься писать заглавную и строчную буквы Смотря т на образцы, пропис ы ваю т по предл о женны м в рабочей тетради моделям сначала в воздухе, потом в пр о писи с тр.4. Познава тельные: и с польз о вать знаково - символические сре д ства, в том числе модели как обр а зец для письма Регуляти вные: Аде к ватно воспринимать предл о жения учителя по исправл е нию допуще н ных ошибок 7 Рефлексия Время Используемые ресурсы 3минуты Деятельно сть уч и теля Деятел ь ност ь обуча ю щихс я УУД Цель - подведение итогов изученного мат е риала урока, установить соо т ветствие полученного результата поставле н ной цели. “Th ank you for your work! Давайте вместе вспомним, какова была цель урока Цель - ос у ществить конст а тирую щий и пр о гноз и рую щий контроль по р е зульт а ту и способу действия. Отвеча ют на вопросы учит е ля. Делают Познава тельные: Оц е нивать процесс и р е зультат деятельности. Коммун икативные: Формулироват ь со б ственное мнение и позицию. Регуляти вные: Выд е лять и формулироват С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 77 сегодня? Как мы достигли этой цели? Для чего нам пригодятся зн а ния, которые вы сег о дня приобрели? Кто научился сегодня считать по - английски? Подвожу итог соре в нования по количеству звез д о чек. “Let‱s Count your stars. Who is the best pupil today? Let‱s clap! выв о ды. Ж е лающие считают вслух у доски. Дети по д считыва ют зве з дочки наз ы вают по - английски кол и чество вслух. Аплодируют поб е дителю. ь то, осущес твлять пошаговый контроль по резул ь тату. Личност ные : Формир о вать адекватную мотивацию учебной деятельности, пон и мать значение знаний для человека. 8 Выбор домашнего задания. Время Используемые ресурсы Домашнее задание 2 минуты Учебник, рабочая тетрадь Деятельно сть уч и теля Де я тельност ь об у чающихс я УУД Цель – развитие н а выков письма во время выполнения письменного дома ш него задания. Объяснить, что они должны сделать в процессе домашнего задания. Цель – о с мыслить и зап и сать д о машнее задание. Записы вают д о машнее задание, задают вопр о сы, если что - то не п о нимают. Познава тельные: Ос у ществлять анализ информ а ции. Коммун икативные: Ставить вопросы, о б ращаться за по мощью, формулироват ь свои з а труднения. Регуляти вные : С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 78 Д о машнее задание выполн я ется по в ы бору.(3 уровня сложности) 1) выучить счет до 10, прописать б у кву Bb 2) составить монолог - представление из 3 - х пре д ложений, прописать букву Bb . 3) составить и прои г рать диалог - знакомство, проп и сать букву Bb . “The lesson is over. Good- bye!” Прощаются на английском языке. Испол ь зовать речь для р е гуляции своего дейс т вия. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 79 5 класс ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА ПО ТЕМЕ: « SCHOOLS IN BRITAIN » Елина Ирина Алексеевна, МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского языка, г. Ч е реповец, Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): Английский язык. . Возраст детей: 5 класс . Место проведения: класс . Цель урока: формирование ключевых языковых компетенций в условиях р е шения учебных задач. ( систематизация р а нее изученного учебного материала) Задачи урока: 1) развивать умение решать коммуникативные задачи с разли ч ной степенью сложности. 2)Активизиро вать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас учащихся. 3) развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности в достижении ц е ли. 4) активизировать познавательную инициативу учащихся и фо р мировать их социальную компетентность 5) содействовать уста новлению в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и пра к тической деятельности. 6) формировать и развивать учебно - организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, самостоятельная работа, коллективная де я тельность) . 7) развивать способность к рефлексии, как важнейшей соста в ляющей умения учиться. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 80 Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний с использованием эле к тронно - образовательных ресурсов. Необходимое оборудование: компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, дидакт ический раздаточный материал. Структура и ход урока. Этап урока Деятель ность учит е ля. Деятельн ость ученика. Форм и ру емые УУД. 1 Орган и за ционный момент. Учитель пр и ветствует учеников, в ы ясняет, как их дела. Спрашивает о сезоне года, мес я це, дне н е дели, д ате, погоде на с е годня ш ний день и погоде в Бр и тании. How do you do? - How do you do? I hope you are well! We hope you are too. What season is it now? What month is it now? What day is it t o- day? What date is it t o- day? What is the weather like t o day? Ученики отв е чают на вопросы, с о общают как у них дела. Говорят, что погода сейчас дождливая. В Бр и тании погода дож д ливая тоже, п о тому что морской климат пр и сутствует там. The weather in Brit- ain is rainy and gloomy now b e cause it has the sea cl i mate. Личнос т н ые, Коммуник ати в ные. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 81 What is t he weather in Britain now? 2 Пост а нов ка цели урока. Учитель пре д лагает просмо т реть серию сла й дов, на которых изобр а жена жизнь брита н ских школ ь ников. Now look at the pi c tures and say what the topic of our le s son is today? Ученики д ол ж ны определить т е му урока, пр о смотрев ка р тинки. Регул я ти вные. Учитель по д водит к теме урока” Schools in Britain ” наводящими вопр о сами по содерж а нию картинок. Предполагае мые в о просы : The flag of which country can you see in the pi c ture? Who can you see in the pi c tures? What are they doing? How do they look? What kind of cloths do they have on? Where are Ученики, отв е чая на вопросы, описывают соде р жание ка р тинок и гов о рят, что I can see a Bri t ish flag in the pi c ture. It belongs to Great Britain. I can see many schoo l- children in the picture. They are stud y ing and having fun t o- gether. They look happy. They have a un i form on. They are from Britain. Коммуник ати в ные. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 82 they from ? Затем учитель просит сформул и ров ать цель и зад а чи урока. Ученики наз ы вают предполага е м ую тему : Scho o l chil- dren‱s life, Bri t- ish ed u cation. British school educ a tion . Ученики пыт а ются обозн а чить цель и задачи сам о сто я тельн о. Цель урока: сист е матизаци я ранее изуче н ного матери а ла. Задачи урока: Актив и зи ровать ле к сику по теме; обучать ознаком и тел ь н ому чтению и монологическ о му высказыв а нию . Учитель пыт а ется отв е тить на вопрос What is a British educ a tion ? British people are С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 83 proud of their e d ucation. Children get knowledge activ e ly. The children find the info r- mation by themselves from diff erent official we b- sites and books and then they use it to solve the tasks. On ed u- cation at sec- on d ary school people use the critical point of view. They try to teach the st u dents to be able to make their own presentation and to proof their own id e- as in fron t of other pe o ple. 3 Актуал и з ация знаний. Дети повтор я ют слова, необх о димые для бес е ды, составления мон о логов и выпо л нения упра ж нений. (слайд № 4).1)Записыва я слова с этого сла й да в тетрадь и Познават ел ь ные, коммуникати в ные С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 84 по д ставляя пропуще н ные буквы. 2)Затем они составляют предложения с по д черкнутым и сл ов а ми. 3)Затем читают вед у щие вопросы урока на слайде. (слайд № 12). 4) Затем дети выполняют крос с ворд на нах о ждение слов по теме “ Schools ” c о сла й да № 5. 4 Первичн ое восприятие и усво е ние нового теоретическ о г о учебного м а териала. Учитель выр а жает готовность продолжить и у з нать, как учатся дети в Брит а нии. Учитель разб и вает класс на 4 группы по количес т ву частей те к ста. Он предл а гает проч и тать текст про с е бя “ Schools in Britain ”. Каждая группа пол у чает свой текст. Каждый ученик в гру п пе имеет один и тот же текст. Учен и ки в 4 группах ка ж дый читают свой о т рывок из текста “ Schools in Bri t- ain ” самосто я тельн о в теч е ние 5 мин. Познават ел ь ные. 5 Примене ние теоретических Познават ел ь ные, коммуникати в С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 85 п о ложений в условиях выполнения у п ражнений и решения з а дач.( Jigsaw reading ) метод “Ажурная п и ла” ные, регуляти в ные. Ка ж дый ученик становится экспе р том по данному в о просу. Затем каждая группа внутри обс у ждает, как они могут преподнести соде р жание те к ста другим группам. Р абот а ют 10 мин. Затем учащи е ся из разных групп встр е чаются вместе и о б мениваются полученной инфо р мацией. (Встреча эк с пертов). Уч и тель просит представ и тел я от каждой группы сд е лать соо б щение. В ходе соо б щений ребят Затем все с о бираются в перв о начальн ые гру п пы и в необходимом п о рядке препо д носят все, что изучили С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 86 поя в ляются слайды, отража ю щие со де р жание текста. самосто я тельн о и в эк с пертной группе 1) Затем уч и тель просит отв е тить на вопрос What types of schools are there in Great Bri t ain? 2) За тем уч и тель проводит о п рос, чтобы выя с нить, как у с воен учебный м а териал. Он задает вопрос любому учас т нику о с о держании текста по слайду № 12) 1)Ученики о т вечают на вопрос учителя, затем ч и тают инфо р мацию со слайда № 11. 2) Затем учен и ки отвечают на в о пр осы слайда № 12). 6 Самосто ятельное творческое использовани е сформ и рован ных умений и н а выков. Каждой группе предлагается нап и сать си н квейн о школе. Now each of group should make a cinquain about school . Primary school Infant, junior. Start, lasts, b e gins. Here I start my educ a- tion. Fun. .Secondar y school advanced , ord i nary Study, Познават ел ь ные, коммуникати в ные, регуляти в ные. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 87 teach, take. Here I get GCSE. Fun. Higher educ a tion Universi- ties, co l leges, Ends, stay, lasts. Fun. State schools Modern, gra m mar, com- pr e hensive. Give, pre- pare, and give gene ral e d uc a- tion. Fun. Учитель пре д лагает прочитать четыре си н квейна вслух одному из каждой гру п пы. Ученики читают си н квейны вслух. 7 Динам и ч еская пауза . Учитель пре д лагает спеть песню “ Yellow su b- marine ” Ученики поют ее хором, энерги ч но, р а достно. Коммуник ати в ные. 8 Обобщен ие усвоенного и вкл ю чение его в систему ранее у с военных ЗУНов и УУД. Учитель выр а жает восторг от успешности выпо л нения детьми си н кве й нов. I ‱ m very happy you have su c- Один предст а витель от каждой группы делает с о общение на основ а нии своего си н квейна. Регул я ти вные, познав а тельн ые, личн о стные. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 88 ceeded in making ci n- quains . Thank you .Затем предл а гает сумм и ровать усвое н ное в кратких монол о гах о разных типах школ Велик о брит а нии. В ходе соо б щений появл я ются слайды, отража ю щие содержание те к ста. 9 Дома ш не е задание. Учитель выр а жает увере н ность в том, что теперь уч е ники справятся с выполнением д о машнего задания. Учитель предл а гает выпо л нить дома одно из 3х з а даний по уровню сложн о сти:1) Сост а вить устный ра с сказ об одной из школ В е ликобрита нии и с пользуя си н квейн, 2) заполнить таблицу “Сравн и тельн ая характер и сти ка школ в Познават ел ь ные, ли ч ностные. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 89 Брит а нии и Ро с сии”. 3) Написать эссе или сделать презентацию о шк о лах Великобрит а нии. 1 0 Рефлекс ия де ятел ь ности. Учитель инт е ресуется , пом о жет ли этот урок выпо л нить дома ш нюю работу. Что Вы у з нали сегодня? Р а ботали ли Вы усердно или лен и лись ? Ученики запо л няют рефле к сивную таблицу: Моя раб о та (имя), слова, гамматические пр а вила я повт о рял, что было интере сным, какие трудн о сти возникали в проце с се выполнения з а даний, как оцениваю р а боту класса, как оц е ниваю работу учит е ля. Личностн ые, познавательн ые, регул я тивные. Затем учитель подводит итог ур о ка. ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ССЫЛКИ 1. Базовый учебник: М.З.Биболетов а “Английский с удовольс т вием для 5 класса ”, Титул 2009 г. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 90 9класс ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА В СООТВЕ Т СТВИИ С ТРЕБОВАНИЯМИ ФГОС ПО ТЕМЕ : « THE FAMILY CONFLICTS » Елина Ирина Алексеевна, МБОУ «СОШ №29», учитель английского языка, г. Ч е реповец , Вологодская область. Предмет (направленность): английский язык . Возраст детей : 9 класс. Место проведения: класс . Цель урока: формирование ключевых языковых компетенций в условиях р е шения учебных задач. Задачи урока: 1) развивать умение решать коммуникативные задачи с разли ч ной степенью сложности. 2)Активизировать и совершенствов ать актуальный словарный запас обучающи х ся. 3)Развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности в достижении цели. 4)Активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетен т ность. 5)содействовать установлению в созна нии ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и пра к тической деятельности. 6)Формировать и развивать учебно - организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, самостоятельная работа, коллективная де я тельность) 7)Развивать спо собность к рефлексии, как важнейшей соста в ляющей умения учиться. Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний с использованием эле к тронно - образовательных ресурсов. С борник докладов Елина Ирина Алексеевна 91 Необходимое оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска. СТРУКТУРА И ХОД УРОКА. № Этап урока Деятел ь но сть учит е ля Деятель ность уч е ника Форм и ру емые УУД 1 Организ ацио н ный момент. Учитель приветствует учеников, выясняет, хор о шее ли настроение у них, сообщает, что это означ а ет покой в их семьях или н а личие неприятн о сте й. Ученики о т вечают на вопросы, сообщ а ют, какое у них н а строение, и как оно отражает микр о климат в их с е мье. Личност ные ко м муник а тив ные 2 Пост а но вка цели урока. Учитель предлагает просмотреть фрагмент америка н ского фильма “Мачеха”. Ученики должны без звука, по повед е нию героев опред е лить, тему урока. регул я ти вные Учитель подводит к теме урока” The family co n flicts ” наводящими вопр о сами по содержанию о т рывка из фильма. Предп о лага е мы е вопросы :who is taking part in the di a logue? How are they tal k ing? W hat are children d o ing? Are they happy or frigh t ened? Учен и ки, отвечая на вопросы, опис ы вают ситуацию отрывка и называют предпол а гае мую т е му: Family pro b lems, Relatio n- shi ps in the family, Co n- flicts. Учащиес я пыт а ются коммуни к а тивные Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 92 Why are they quarre l ing? Затем уч и тель просит сформулир о ват ь цель и задачи урока. об о значить цель и задачи урока самосто я тель но. Учитель пытается о т ветить на вопрос What is a conflict ? 3 Актуали зация знаний. Дети повторяют слова, необх о димые для беседы, составл е ния д иалогов и выпо л нения упра ж нений. Затем они составл я ют пре д ложения с этими сл о вами. (Слайд 4) Дети задают возни к шие вопросы в ходе выпо л нения зад а ний, затем читают ведущие в о просы этого урока на слайде 5. Познава тельные, коммуник а тив ные 4 Первичн ое во с при ятие и у с воение нового теорет и ческо го учебного матери а ла. Учитель выражает г о товность продолжить и у з нать причины конфликтов в семье. Он зад а ет вопрос: Дети выражают свое мнение, отвечая на в о прос. Познава тел ь ные, Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 93 Каково ваше мн е ние, какая причина конфликтов в с е мье стоит на пе р вом месте согласно мировой статист и ке? Учитель предлагает сравнить ответы детей с содержанием ди а граммы, демо н стрирующ ей мировую статист и ку. (Слайд 6) Дети зачитывают содержание диагра м мы, устанавливая , н а сколько они были пр а вы. Познава тельные, регул я тивные Учитель предлагает ответить на в о просы :Do you have the conflicts in your fam i lies? Who usually starts them? What are their reasons? Do you try to avoid them? How? Who suf- fers more ha v ing rows in your families? What is your own beha v- ior? Дети дают ответы на вопросы, высказ ы ваясь о характере ко н фликтов в их с е мье и их повед е нии во время ко н фликта? Коммуни к а тивные, личн о стные 5 Примен ение те о ретически х пол о жений в условиях выполн е ния упражнений и р е шения з а дач. Учитель предла гает детям обобщить сказа н ное. Дети г о ворят : “The rows can be b e tween the parents, chi l- dren and mothers, f a- thers. The main reason of Познава тельные, коммуникатив ные, рег у лятивные Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 94 the co n flicts is misunder- stan d ing.” Учитель предлагает послушать диалог на стр.103 упр.2(приложен ие 1) и ответить на вопрос: Why do th e se people disagree with each other ? Учитель обращает вним а ние на выр а жения :the family r e union, beauty is as beauty does.( слайд 7). Дети слушают диалог и д а ют ответы. Учитель выслушив а ет ответ ы и предлагает в ы полнить упр.№6,использ уя текст упр.2(приложен ие 1,2) Дети отвеч а ют на вопрос :Will Carrie‱s moth er manage to change the sit u ation? Дети слушают вторую часть истории (слайд 7). И выполняют упр.№19 ,20 (прилож е ние 1 , 2). Затем высказ ы ва ют свое мнение об изменении Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 95 п о ведения мамы и доч е ри. Дети отвеч а ют на вопрос :Will Ca r rie wear the black ve l- vet dress? Why? Учитель предлагает просмотреть картинку сч а стливого воссоед и нения семьи (Слайд 7) и дог а даться, что пр о исходит. Дети про сматр и ва ют картинку и выск а зывают свое мнение. Учитель предлагает спрогнозироват ь оконч а ние ист о рии. Дети высказыв а ют ся. Затем дети сл у шают окончание ист о рии, ( прил о жение 2) чтобы п о нять, правы ли они. Затем отвеч а ют на вопрос Why did the mother find the mir a- cle of the pin? Учитель просит обр а тить внимание на выраж е ния :to fa s ten the rose pin, to get a kick out, to fly swifter. Дети отвеч а ют на вопросы How did the mother succeed in the preventing the row? What could the co n- Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 96 flict lead to if A n g ela hadn‱t told her daughter about great - gran d mother‱s pin? Do you like this st o ry? Why? What does it teach? Is it i m portant to avoid or pr e vent the conflict in the family? ( слайд 8)What can di f ferent co n- flicts lead to? 6 Сам о сто ятельное творческое испол ьз о ван ие сформирова н ных умений и нав ы ков. Учитель предлагает составить и проиграть н е сколько диалогов по ко н кретным ситуациям. З а дача учеников перевести ко н кретные ситуации конфли к тов в мирное русло. Уч и тель предлагает 3 ситу а ции:1) The father spends much time with the computer .(слайд 9).2) The daugh- ter has dyed her hair .(слайд 10.)3) Two brot h- ers have got only one bike , and Дети составляют диалоги, р а ботая в 3 - х группах. Ученики обдум ы вают ситуацию 2 - 3 ми н., предполагают реплики партн е ров, затем инсц е нируют неподготовле нный диалог, иници а тором которого может выст у пить любой из партн е ров. Послушав диал о ги, ученики о б суждают поведение учас т ников Познава тельные, коммуникатив ные, рег у лятивные Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 97 their pa r ents can ‱ t allow the second one .(слайд 11). диалогов, их умение разрешения конфли к тов мирным сп о собом или п ричину продолж е ния спора. Пример о д ного из ди а логов . - Why are you ta k ing the bike? It‱s my turn today. - You see, I have pro m ised my friend… - What? Again? Im fed up with it. - Firstly, Im ol d- er.Secondly, Im making money to buy another bike. And you do not h ing. - I t‱s unfair. You know I help the mother every day. - So do I. But I think the mo n- ey is worth earning not to quarrel so often because of the bike. - I find your ar- g u ment quite convin c ing. May I go with you? - Ok. Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 98 У читель предлагает прокомментиров ать диал о ги. Дети комментир у ю т диалоги . Пример одного коммент а рия : ”In spite of the fact that the younger brother is too i r ritated, his elder one is absolutely right. Som e- body has to solve the prob- lem as soon as po s sible and fort u nately they both are able to unde r- stand it.” 7 Динами ческая пауза. Учитель предлагает спеть песню ”The more we get together, the happ i er we are.” Ученики поют ее хором энергично, рад о стно. Коммуни к а тивные, 8 Обобще ние усв о енного и включение его в с истему ранее усв о енных ЗУНов и УУД. Учитель выражает восторг от успешности в ы полнения детьми диал о гов. I ‱ m very ha p py you have succeeded in acting the di a- logues . Thank you .Затем предлагает суммировать усвоенное в попытке дать совет Ученики заполн я ют таблицу в тетради и затем обм е ниваютс я своими предложени я ми, после чего учитель предлагает просмо т реть на слайде (слайд 12) отдельные слов о сочет а н ия с целью Регуляти вные, п о знавательн ы е, личнос т ные Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 99 участникам ко н фликтных сит уаций как их и з бежать. (слайд 12). допо л нения записи. 9 Домашн ее зад а ние. Учитель выражает уверенность в том, что т е перь уч е ники приложат все во з можные усилия, чтобы избежать любые конфли к ты в с е мье. ( слайд 13).Let‱s have a friendly and un- de r standing fam i- ly. It depends on us, doesn‱t it? Учител ь предлагает выполнить дома одно из трех заданий по уровню сложн о сти:1)нап исать эссе или сделать презент а цию или составить устный ра с сказ о том как избежать конфликтов в с е мье.2)написат ь краткое эссе по слайду 14 начав предл о жения словами:” If I had some co n flicts ( problems ) with my ( family Познава тел ь ные, Личн о ст ные, Сборник докладов МБОУ СОШ № 9 г Хабаровска 100 , friends ) I would …3)подел иться своим опытом, как вы выходите из сложных семейных ситу а ций. 1 0 Рефлек сия де я тельн о ст и. Учитель интересуе т ся, поможет ли этот урок в ы полнить домашнюю р а боту. Что вы узнали сегодня? Понравился ли Вам урок? Р а ботали ли Вы усердно, с удовольствием или лен и лись? Ученики заполн я ют рефлексивну ю та б лицу :my work(name):w ords, grammar rules I learnt,manage d to do,smth interes t ing to learn, any diff i culties I had; my classma tes` work; my teacher‱s work. Личност ные, п о знавательн ые, регул я тивные . Затем учитель подв о дит итог ур о ка. ЛИТЕРАТУРА И ССЫЛКИ 2. Базовый учебник: М.З.Биболетова “Английский с удовольс т вием для 5 класса ”, Титул 2009 г.