Рабочая программа по английскому языку для 5-9 классов к УМК Кузовлева

Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение
«Барятинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Руководитель ШМО учителей _______________________
МКОУ «Барятинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
__________/_____Лебедь Н.И.__/
 Протокол от «__» __08._2016 г
№ ___ Согласовано.
Заместитель директора по УВР МКОУ «Барятинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
__________/___Сухова Е.В._/
 «__30_» _______08.____2016 г Утверждено.
Директор МКОУ «Барятинская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
 ________/___Комарова О.В./
   Приказ от «30» 08. 2016 г
Принято на заседании
педагогического совета
Протокол от 30. 08. 2016 №1
Бурдо И.Г.
Мандрико Е.Н.  
2016 год1.Пояснительная записка.
Данная программа предназначена для организации процесса обучения английскому языку в образовательных учреждениях основного общего образования на основе линии УМК «Английский язык» (5-9 классы) авторов В.П.Кузовлева, Н.П.Лапа и др. издательства «Просвещение». В процессе разработки программы авторы исходили из требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС) и Примерной программы по иностранному языку для 5-9 классов.
Программа адресована общеобразовательным учреждениям, в которых обучение английскому языку начинается со второго класса, при этом на изучение предмета в соответствии с базисным образовательным планом отводит 510 часов, в том числе в 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 классах по 3 часа в неделю, 102 часа в год.
Основной целью обучения английскому языку на ступени основного общего образования является развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих: речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной:
- речевая компетенция – развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме);
- языковая компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами (фонетическими, орфографическими, лексическими, грамматическими) в соответствии с темами, сферами и ситуациями общения; освоение знаний о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в родном и изучаемом языке;
- социокультурная компетенция – приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям страны изучаемого языка в рамках тем, сфер и ситуаций общения, отвечающих опыту, интересам, психологическим особенностям учащихся 7 класса; формирование умения представлять свою страну, ее культуру в условиях иноязычного межкультурного общения;
- компенсаторная компетенция – развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче информации;
- учебно-познавательная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие общих и специальных умений; ознакомление с доступными учащимся способами и приемами самостоятельного изучения языков и культур, в том числе с использованием новых информационных технологий;
- развитие и воспитание у школьников понимания важности изучения иностранного языка в современном мире и потребности пользоваться им как средством общения, познания, самореализации и социальной адаптации; воспитание качеств гражданина, патриота; развитие национального самосознания, стремления к взаимопониманию между людьми разных сообществ, толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры.
2.Планируемые результаты освоения учебного предмета.
Метапредметные результаты
Метапредметные результаты в данном курсе развиваются главным образом благодаря развивающему аспекту иноязычного образования.
У учащихся основной школы будут развиты:
1. Положительное отношение к предмету и мотивация к дальнейшему овладению ИЯ;
- представление о ИЯ как средстве познания мира и других культур;
- осознание роли ИЯ в жизни современного общества и личности;
- осознание личностного смысла в изучении ИЯ, понимание роли и значимости ИЯ для будущей профессии;
2. Языковые способности:
к слуховой и зрительной дифференциации, к имитации, к догадке, смысловой антиципации, к выявлению языковых закономерностей, к выявлению главного и к логическому изложению.
3. Универсальные учебные действия:
самостоятельно ставить цели, планировать пути их достижения, умение выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач;
соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами, осуществлять контроль своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата, корректировать свои действия в соответствии с изменяющейся ситуацией;
оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности её решения;
владеть основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности;
использовать знаково-символические средства представления информации для решения учебных и практических задач;
пользоваться логическими действиями сравнения, анализа, синтеза, обобщения, классификации по различным признакам, установления аналогий и причинно-следственных связей,
строить логическое рассуждение, умозаключение (индуктивное, дедуктивное и по аналогии) и делать выводы;
работать с прослушанным/прочитанным текстом: определять тему, прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку/по ключевым словам, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов;
осуществлять информационный поиск; в том числе с помощью компьютерных средств;
выделять, обобщать и фиксировать нужную информацию;
осознанно строить свое высказывание в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей, а также в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами языка;
решать проблемы творческого и поискового характера;
самостоятельно работать, рационально организовывая свой труд в классе и дома;
контролировать и оценивать результаты своей деятельности.
планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;
работать индивидуально, в парах и группе;
сотрудничать со взрослыми и сверстниками в разных социальных ситуациях, находить выходы из спорных ситуаций;
определять общие цели и пути их достижения;
формулировать, аргументировать и отстаивать своё мнение;
осуществлять взаимный контроль в совместной деятельности;
адекватно оценивать собственное поведение и поведение окружающих.
Специальные учебные умения:
читать на английском языке с целью поиска конкретной информации;
читать на английском языке с целью детального понимания содержания;
читать на английском языке с целью понимания основного содержания;
понимать английскую речь на слух с целью полного понимания содержания;
понимать общее содержание воспринимаемой на слух информации на английском языке;
понимать английскую речь на слух с целью извлечения конкретной информации;
работать с лексическими таблицами;
понимать отношения между словами и предложениями внутри текста;
работать с функциональными опорами при овладении диалогической речью;
кратко излагать содержание прочитанного или услышанного текста;
догадываться о значении новых слов по словообразовательным элементам, контексту;
иллюстрировать речь примерами, сопоставлять и противопоставлять факты;
использовать речевые средства для объяснения причины, результата действия;
использовать речевые средства для аргументации своей точки зрения;
организовывать работу по выполнению и защите творческого проекта;
работать с англо-русским словарем: находить значение многозначных слов, фразовых глаголов;
пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником;
переводить с русского языка на английский;
использовать различные способы запоминания слов на ИЯ;
выполнять тесты в форматах “Multiple choice”, True/False/Unstated”, “Matching”, “Fill in” и др.
Предметные результаты
В процессе овладения познавательным (социокультурным) аспектом:
выпускник получит представление:
– о государственной символике стран изучаемого языка;
– о ценностях материальной и духовной культуры, которые широко известны и являются предметом национальной гордости в странах изучаемого языка и в родной стране;
– об особенностях образа жизни своих зарубежных сверстников;
выпускник научится:
– сопоставлять реалии стран изучаемого языка и родной страны;
– представлять собственную культуру;
– передавать реалии родной культуры средствами английского языка;
– выражать отношение к фактам культуры и событиям;
– ориентироваться в реалиях культуры стран изучаемого языка;
– описывать события, памятники материальной и духовной культуры стран изучаемого языка и родной страны;
– систематизировать страноведческую информацию об англоязычных странах и родной стране;
– рассказывать о символике и эмблемах своей страны, города, края;
– сообщать сведения о столице, её истории и достопримечательностях, истории и достопримечательностях родного края;
– находить сходства и различия в географическом положении англоязычных стран и родной страны;
– подтверждать или опровергать стереотипы о родной стране;
– представлять достижения своей страны в различных областях культуры и спорта;
– рассказывать о выдающихся людях своей страны;
– распознавать культурологический фон произведений и извлекать социокультурную информацию из них.
Выпускник получит возможность приобрести знания о:
– достопримечательностях стран изучаемого языка/родной страны;
– национальных праздниках стран изучаемого языка/родной страны, традициях, связанных с этими праздниками;
– людях, известных в странах изучаемого языка/России, и их вкладе в мировую науку и культуру;
– известных писателях и их произведениях;
– музыкальных стилях, распространённых в странах изучаемого языка;
– исполнителях или композиторах, наиболее популярных в странах изучаемого языка/в родной стране;
– современных средствах массовой информации Великобритании, США и России;
– международных экологических организациях и их деятельности;
– известных благотворительных организациях и их деятельности;
– различиях в системах образования в Англии, США, Австралии, Канаде и России;
– особенностях сферы профессионального образования в странах изучаемого языка и профессиях;
– британских национальных видах спорта, спортсменах, известных в своей стране и за рубежом;
– известных спортивных сооружениях, соревнованиях, спортивных организациях;
– формах проведения досуга/видах путешествий, которые наиболее популярны в странах изучаемого языка;
– основных типах магазинов, наиболее популярных торговых марках/торговых центрах и магазинах;
– типах жилья, наиболее распространённых в странах изучаемого языка;
–традиционных предметах национальной одежды, предметах повседневной одежды.
Коммуникативные умения по видам речевой деятельности
ГоворениеВыпускник научится:
вести диалог-расспрос, диалог этикетного характера, диалог – обмен мнениями, диалог – побуждение к действию, комбинированный диалог:
– начинать, поддерживать и заканчивать разговор;
– выражать основные речевые функции: поздравлять, выражать пожелания и реагировать на них, приносить извинение/отвечать на извинение, выражать согласие/несогласие, делать комплимент/отвечать на комплимент, предлагать помощь, выяснять значение незнакомого слова, объяснять значение слова, вежливо переспрашивать, выражать сочувствие, давать совет, выражать благодарность, успокаивать/подбадривать кого-либо, просить собеседника повторить сказанное, приглашать к совместному времяпрепровождению, соглашаться/не соглашаться на совместное времяпрепровождение, спрашивать мнение собеседника, выражать согласие/несогласие с мнением собеседника, выражать сомнение, выражать свое мнение и обосновывать его;
– расспрашивать собеседника и отвечать на его вопросы;
– переходить с позиции спрашивающего на позицию отвечающего и наоборот;
– соблюдать правила речевого этикета (приветствовать, поздравлять, благодарить, просить о помощи, выражать готовность помочь, давать советы, принимать/не принимать советы);
-использовать основные коммуникативные типы речи: описание, сообщение, рассказ, рассуждение:
– кратко высказываться на заданную тему, используя изученный речевой материал в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей;
– делать сообщения на заданную тему на основе прочитанного/услышанного;
- делать сообщения по результатам выполнения проектной работы;
– говорить в нормальном темпе;
– говорить логично и связно;
- говорить выразительно (соблюдать синтагматичность речи, логическое ударение, правильную интонацию).
Выпускник получит возможность научиться:
– выражать свою точку зрения и обосновывать её;
– давать эмоциональную оценку (удивление, радость, восхищение, огорчение, одобрение и т. д.);- говорить логично и связно;
– говорить выразительно (соблюдать синтагматичность речи, логическое ударение, правильную интонацию);
– делать сообщения по результатам выполнения проектной работы.
Аудированиепонимать на слух:
– речь учителя по ведению урока;
– связные высказывания учителя, построенные на знакомом материале и/или содержащие некоторые незнакомые слова;
– высказывания одноклассников;
– тексты и сообщения, построенные на изученном речевом материале, как при непосредственном общении, так и при восприятии аудиозаписи (время звучания – 2 минуты);
– содержание текста на уровне значения (отвечать на вопросы по содержанию текста);
понимать основную информацию услышанного;
извлекать конкретную информацию из услышанного;
понимать детали текста;
понимать на слух разные типы текста, соответствующие возрасту и интересам учащихся, время звучания – 2 минуты (сообщения, описания, диалоги, телефонные разговоры, интервью, аудиоэкскурсии, аудиореклама, инструкции, прогноз погоды, объявления, сообщения в аэропорту, самолёте, стихотворения, песни);использовать контекстуальную или языковую догадку;
не обращать внимания на незнакомые слова, не мешающие понимать основное содержание текста;
использовать услышанную информацию для построения собственного высказывания;
выражать собственное мнение по поводу услышанного;
делать выводы по содержанию услышанного;
соотносить содержание услышанного с личным опытом.
Выпускник получит возможность научиться:
антиципировать содержание текста по внешним признакам (опорные слова, иллюстрации и т. д.);
критически осмысливать услышанное:
выражать собственное мнение по поводу услышанного;
делать выводы из услышанного;
соотносить услышанное с личным опытом;
реагировать на услышанное с помощью невербальных средств.
ЧтениеВыпускник научится:
читать с целью понимания основного содержания:
– игнорировать незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основного содержания текста;
– прогнозировать содержание текста по вербальным опорам (заголовкам) и иллюстративным опорам;
– предвосхищать содержание внутри текста;
– определять основную идею/мысль текста;
– выявлять главные факты в тексте, не обращая внимания на второстепенные;
– распознавать тексты различных жанров (прагматические, публицистические, научно-популярные и художественные) и типов (статья, рассказ, реклама и т. д.);читать с целью извлечения конкретной (запрашиваемой или интересующей) информации:
использовать соответствующие ориентиры (заглавные буквы, цифры и т. д.) для поиска запрашиваемой или интересующей информации;
читать с целью полного понимания содержания на уровне значения:
- догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по знакомым словообразовательным элементам (приставки, суффиксы, составляющие элементы сложных слов), аналогии с родным языком, конверсии, по наличию смысловых связей в контексте, иллюстративной наглядности;
– понимать значение и взаимоотношения между членами простых предложений: уметь ответить на вопросы, кто, что, где, когда, почему и т. д.);
– понимать внутреннюю организацию текста и определять:
- главное предложение в абзаце (тексте) и предложения, подчинённые главному предложению;
- хронологический/логический порядок событий в тексте;
- причинно-следственные и другие смысловые связи текста с помощью лексических и грамматических средств (местоимений, слов-заместителей, союзов, союзных слов);
– пользоваться справочными материалами (англо-русским словарём, лингвострановедческим справочником) с применением знания алфавита и транскрипции;
– предвосхищать элементы знакомых грамматических структур;
читать с целью полного понимания на уровне смысла и критического осмысления содержания:
– определять главную идею текста, не выраженную эксплицитно;
– отличать факты от мнений;
– интерпретировать информацию, представленную в графиках, таблицах, иллюстрациях и т. д.;
– извлекать культурологические сведения из аутентичных текстов;
– делать выборочный перевод с английского языка на русский;
– выражать собственное мнение по поводу прочитанного;
– выражать суждение относительно поступков героев;
– соотносить события в тексте с личным опытом.
Выпускник научится:
– правильно записывать изученные лексические единицы;
– соблюдать правила орфографии при написании окончаний глаголов, прилагательных,
при написании числительных;
– соблюдать правила орфографии и пунктуации при написании даты;
– выполнять (письменно) лексико-грамматические упражнения;
– делать записи (выписки из текста);
– отвечать письменно на вопросы;
– фиксировать устные высказывания в письменной форме;
– заполнять бланки и формуляры анкет;
– заполнять таблицы, делая выписки из текста;
– оформлять конверт (адрес отправителя и получателя);
– писать открытки – поздравления с праздниками (объём 30–40 слов);
– писать личные письма в рамках изучаемой тематики (объём не менее 80–90 слов);
– сообщать (письменно) краткие сведения о себе;
– запрашивать (письменно) информацию;
– выражать в письменной форме различные речевые функции (выражать благодарность, извинения, просьбу, совет и т. д.);
– писать электронные (интернет-) сообщения;
– писать записки родным, друзьям;
– писать сочинения (в рамках тематики средней ступени не менее 100–120 слов);
– выполнять письменные проекты (индивидуально и в группе) по тематике общения, кратко излагать результаты проектной деятельности;
– при организации письменного высказывания соблюдать правила внутренней организации абзаца: перечисление фактов, хронологическая последовательность, сравнение/контраст, причинно-следственная связь;
– использовать некоторые лексические и грамматические средства связи частей текста;
– излагать собственную точку зрения;
- составлять план, тезисы устного или письменного сообщения;
- использовать адекватный стиль изложения (формальный / неформальный).
Объём лексического запаса учащихся, подлежащий усвоению в основной общеобразовательной школе
ЛексикаОсновная общеобразовательная школаУМК
“English-9”ВсегоПродуктивная108 202 205 223 223 961
Рецептивная88 86 126 113 121 534
Общий лексический запас196 288 331 336
344 1495
Грамматические явления, подлежащие усвоению в основной общеобразовательной школе
5 класс1. Имя существительноепритяжательный падеж имён существительных (Philip and Alice’s farm).
2. Артикльартикли с устойчивыми выражениями (to have dinner, to play the piano).
3. Имя числительноесоставные числительные (three hundred and seventy-five, etc.);
числительные для обозначения дат и больших чисел.
4. Местоимениенеопределённые местоимения (some/any/every) и их производные.
5. Глаголвидовременная форма Present Simple с глаголами to see, to hear, to know, to understand, to think и др., которые не употребляются в Present Progressive);
видо-временная форма Present Progressive для описания будущих действий (We are going to Spain in summer.);
видо-временная форма Past Progressive (I was reading a book all evening yesterday.) в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях;
видо-временная форма Present Perfect (с this week, this year, etc., ever, just, already, yet, never, since, for) в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях;
модальные глаголы (can/could, have to, may/might, must).
6. Наречиевыражения частотности (once a week, three times a day, etc.).
7. Предлогпредлоги места и направления (behind, under, opposite, between, in front of, next to, through, over, past);
предлоги времени (at, in, on, for, since, during).
8. Простое предложениераспространённые простые предложения;
порядок слов в повествовательном предложении (In summer many people often have picnics in picnic areas.);
9. Сложное предложениесложноподчинённые предложения с союзами while/when, since.
6 класс1. Имя существительноеисчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные;
особые случаи образования множественного числа (goose – geese, woman – women, etc.);
притяжательный падеж имён существительных (the baker’s).
2. Артикльнеопределённый, определённый, нулевой артикли с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными, с существительными, обозначающими профессии.
3. Имя прилагательноестепени сравнения прилагательных (as … as, not so … as, a bit larger, much more interesting).
4. Имя числительноечислительные для обозначения дат и больших чисел.
5. Местоимениеуказательные местоимения (this/that, these/those);
неопределённые местоимения (some/any/no/every) и их производные;
количественные местоимения (a few, few, a little, little, a lot of, lots of, much, many);
местоимения one/ones для замены ранее упомянутых существительных.
6. Глаголоборот there was/there were;
видовременная форма Past Perfect (We had left the city before our friends arrived there.) в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
7. Простое предложениевопросительные предложения (специальные вопросы (вопросы к подлежащему).8. Сложное предложениесложноподчинённые предложения с союзами when, while, before, since, for, as soon as, after, till, until, if;
условные предложения: I’ll go to the countryside if it doesn’t rain. (Conditional I).
7 класс1. Имя существительноесуществительное в качестве определения (a school uniform).
2. Артикльнеопределённый, определённый, нулевой артикли: с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными, с существительными, обозначающими профессии; с именами собственными (с названиями общественных зданий, мест отдыха, фестивалей, конкурсов, соревнований, театров, музеев); с географическими названиями (городов, стран, рек, океанов, морей, гор и т.д); с уникальными предметами/вещами/объектами (the Moon, the Sun, etc), после слов a type of, a kind of, a sort of.
3. Имя прилагательноеобразование сравнительной и превосходной степеней сравнения прилагательных не по правилам (far – farther – farthest);
прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ed (interested), -ing (interesting);
прилагательные после глаголов to feel, to smell, to look и т. д.
4. Имя числительноеколичественные числительные (hundred, thousand, million (hundreds of schools).
5. Местоимениеместоимения most/most of, both;
возвратные местоимения.
6. Глаголглаголы в страдательном залоге: в Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple;
форма глагола c окончанием -ing (like swimming, go on reading, thank you for helping, be worth seeing, take part in planting, etc.);
неопределённая форма глагола в конструкциях:
сложное дополнение после глаголов to want, to make, to let (I want you to come home at 5.);
прилагательное + неопределённая форма глагола (interesting to play with);
-инфинитив в качестве определения (the first/the last/the only to do sth);
страдательный залог с неопределённой формой глагола (They are allowed to visit the zoo once a week.);
неопределённая форма глагола в функции обстоятельства цели;
глагольные идиомы (get up, get on with, etc.);
вспомогательные и модальные глаголы в оборотах типа So do I, Neither can I.
7. Наречиенаречия, образованные с помощью суффикса -ly (quickly);
наречия, совпадающие по форме с прилагательными (fast, high);
наречия high/highly, hard/hardly, late/lately;
степени сравнения наречий, включая исключения;
место наречий неопределённой (always, often, seldom, never, usually, sometimes) и определённой (every day, every week, once a week, twice a week, three times a month) частотности в предложении.
8. Сложное предложениепрямая и косвенная речь;
сложноподчинённые предложения с придаточными:
определительными с союзными словами who/that/which/whose;дополнительными с союзом that.
8 класс1. Артикльартикли с названиями национальностей и языков.
2. Глаголвидо-временная форма Present Perfect Progressive (I have been living here for two years.) в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях;
глаголы в страдательном залоге в Present Perfect (Football has been played for hundreds of years.);
модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (can, could, ought to, need, be able to);
глаголы в Present Perfect после модальных глаголов (should have + V3; could have + V3);
конструкция «подлежащее + глагол в страдательном залоге + неопределённая форма глагола» (The British are considered to be conservative.);
конструкция I wish (I wish I spent summer holidays at the seaside.);
глагольные идиомы.
3. Предлогпредлог by.
4. Союзсоюзы (however, (al)though).
5. Простое предложениевопросительные предложения (разделительные вопросы (It’s nice, isn’t it?).6. Сложное предложениесложноподчинённые предложения:
с придаточными условия с союзом if: I would do tests better if I took lessons seriously. (Conditional II);
с придаточными дополнительными с глаголом to wish в главном предложении.
9 класс1. Местоимениеместоимения (all, every, each).
2. Глаголвидо-временная форма Present Simple для выражения будущего действия, когда речь идёт о расписании, графике, заведённом порядке (The performance begins at 8 p. m.);
оборот to be going to, когда обстоятельства подсказывают, что обязательно, неизбежно произойдёт в будущем (The orchestra is perfect, the singers are wonderful. The concert is going to be a success.);
«объектный падеж с причастием настоящего времени» (I saw him playing with his pet.);
словосочетания с формами на -ing, -ed (The children organised a charity concert, raising $1,000. Comic Relief explains the causes of problems faced by people in Africa.).
3. Союзсоюзы сочинительные (or, both … and, either … or, neither … nor, etc.);
союзы подчинительные (although, however, as soon as, so that, since, for, until, when, if, etc.).
4. Простое предложениевопросительные предложения (альтернативные вопросы (Is it big or small?).5. Сложное предложение:
согласование времён при обращении в косвенную речь повествовательных, вопросительных, повелительных предложений;
сложноподчинённые предложения с придаточными:
условия с союзом if: If he hadn’t done well at the exam, he wouldn’t have got a certificate. (Conditional III);
цели с союзами so that, so;
уступительными с союзами though, although, however;
подлежащими (Who wrote that story remained unknown.).
2. Содержание учебного предмета
Предметное содержание5 класс6 класс7 класс8 класс9 классЯ, моя семья и мои друзья. Межличностные отношения. (94 часа) Взаимоотношения в семье. Занятия семьи в свободное время. Работа по дому. Распорядок дня в семье. Совместное проведение досуга. Покупки в магазине игрушек. Мои друзья и совместное времяпрепровождение. Внешность. Одежда. Черты характера. Взаимоотношения.Разновидности домов. Комната, предметы мебели, предметы интерьера. Работа по дому. Магазины. Продукты питания. Покупка подарков. Выбор сувениров в магазине. Черты характера. Проблемы с друзьями. Друг по переписке.
Работа по дому: помощь родителям.
Модные тенденции. Предметы одежды/детали одежды. Покупка одежды. Школьная форма. Досуг и увлечения. (104 часа) Семейные путешествия. Морское путешествие. Путешествие по различным частям Великобритании. Посещение различных городов Великобритании, России и городов мира. Экскурсия по Лондону.
Занятия в выходные дни. Летние каникулы. Выходные дни в семье зарубежного друга. Поход в парк/зоопарк. Посещение музеев.
Занятия в свободное время.
Любимые занятия в свободное время. Хобби. Летние каникулы.
Посещение музея.
Путешествия в каникулы. Планирование путешествия. Способы путешествия по Британии.
Знаменитые писатели и их произведения. Литературная карта страны. Литературные жанры. Предпочтения подростков в чтении. Любимые писатели, произведения. Выбор книги в качестве подарка.
Музыкальные стили и композиторы, их произведения. Музыкальная карта страны. История рок- и поп-музыки, наиболее известные исполнители, их произведения. Музыкальные предпочтения. Променад-концерты.
Здоровый образ жизни. Спорт.
(50 часов)
Здоровье детей. Посещение врача. Здоровые и нездоровые привычки. Внешность и здоровье. Правильное питание. Факты и мифы о здоровом образе жизни.
Забота о здоровье. Здоровые привычки/здоровая пища. Советы тем, кто заботится о здоровье.
Виды спорта. Любимый вид спорта. Занятия спортом в школе и во внеурочное время. История некоторых видов спорта. Олимпийские игры. Паралимпийские игры. Школьное образование (62 часа)
Школьные предметы. Распорядок дня в школе. Внеклассные мероприятия. Правила безопасности школьников. Школьные благотворительные концерты.
Мой класс, одноклассники. Занятия в школе.
Школьные предметы. Любимый предмет. Отношение к школе. Какой должна быть прогрессивная школа. Международные школьные проекты и международный обмен. Достижения в школе и во внеклассной деятельности. Типы школ в Британии, США и России, сходства и различия в системах образования. Лучшие школы. Моя школа. Мой класс.
Мир профессий. (28 часов)
Профессии, работа, которую выполняют люди разных профессий. Выбор будущей профессии.
Популярные и перспективные профессии.
Умения и качества, необходимые для определённой профессии. Выбор и поиск работы. Трудоустройство подростков. Работа и обучение за рубежом. Необычные профессии.
Человек и окружающий мир.
(44 часа)
Защита окружающей среды. Участие в экологических мероприятиях. Помощь инвалидам и пожилым людям.
Погода: занятия детей в хорошую и плохую погоду. Описание погоды. Любимое время года.
Защита окружающей среды: экологические проблемы в стране/городе. Национальные парки и заповедники. Благотворительные организации и их деятельность. Памятные дни, связанные с благотворительностью. Участие в благотворительных ярмарках. Помощь школьников пожилым людям и инвалидам. Благотворительные организации и мероприятия.
Средства массовой информации.
(22 часа)
Правила безопасности при пользовании Интернетом.
Радио, телевидение: каналы, фильмы и программы. Любимые передачи. Пресса: виды периодических изданий. Периодика для подростков. Интернет.
Роль и влияние средств массовой информации на жизнь человека.
Страны изучаемого языка и родная страна.(106 часов)
Достопримечательности Великобритании, США, России, городов мира.
Известные люди.
Любимые праздники. Местные праздники.
Достопримечательности. Исторические факты. Чем мы гордимся. Мой город: его прошлое, настоящее и будущее. Семь чудес света.
Знаменитые люди и их достижения. Мои герои.
Географическое положение, население.
Праздники. Обычаи и традиции. Подарки. Поздравительные открытки. Рождественские/новогодние традиции. Королевские традиции.
Представления людей из различных стран о Британии и британцах.
Особенности повседневной жизни в разных странах, правила поведения в стране изучаемого языка и в родной стране.
Место страны в мире, достижения мирового уровня.
Выдающиеся личности, лауреаты Нобелевской премии. Языки, роль английского/русского языка в мире. Изучение иностранных языков.
3.Тематическое планирование с указанием количества часов,
отводимых на освоение каждой темы.
5 класс (102 часа)
1. Давайте знакомиться. (14часов)
2. Правила безопасности. (14часов)
3. Помогать людям здорово! (11часов)
4. В будни и в выходные. (10часов)
5. Мои любимые праздники. (12часов)
6. Путешествие по Англии. (12часов)
7.Мой любимый праздник. (13 часов)
8. Мои лучшие впечатления. (15 часов)
6 класс (102 часа)
1. Как ты выглядишь? (16часов)
2. Какой ты? (12часов)
3. Дом, милый дом. (10часов)
4. Ты любишь шопинг? (11 часов)
5. Здоровье. (17 часов)
6.Погода. (14часов)
7.Кем ты собираешься быть. (17 часа)
7 класс (102 часа)
1.Ты счастлив в школе? (11 часов)
2. Каковы твои достижения? (12 часов)
3.Могут ли окружающие обойтись без тебя? (11 часов)
4.Ты друг планеты? Экологи. (12 часов)
5.Ты счастлив со своими друзьями? (11часов)
6. Что самое лучшее в твоей стране? (10 часов)
7. У тебя есть пример для подражания? (10 часов)
8. Как ты проводишь свое свободное время? (12 часов)
9. Самые известные достопримечательности твоей страны. (10 часов)
10. Мы разные или похожие? (3 часа)
8 класс (102 часа)
1. Моя страна с первого взгляда. (14 часов)
2. Твоя страна – страна традиций? (13 часов)
3.Ты любишь путешествовать? (21 час)
4.Ты занимаешься спортом? (15 часов)
5. Ты ведешь здоровый образ жизни? (16 часов)
6. Меняются времена – меняются стили. (23 часа)
9 класс (102 часа)
1.Чтение..? Почему бы и нет? (14 часов)
2.Пусть музыка начинается. (13 часов)
3.Какие новости? (21 час)
4.В какую школу ты ходишь? (15 часов)
5.Школа… Что дальше? (17 часов)
6.Моя страна в мире. (16 часов)
7. Наш школьный ежегодник. (6 часов)
Оценочные материалы к УМК «Английский язык» Кузовлев В.П. для 9 класса
TEST Unit 1
1. Образуйте нужную грамматическую форму слова в скобках.
Children and adults all over the world know and love Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. However, among the readers they are better 1) _____ (KNOW) as the Brothers Grimm.
Thanks to 2) _____ (THIS) German scholars and authors who collected folklore, old fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White became popular all over the world.
The brothers were born in the late eighteenth century in the town of Hanau. Sadly, 3) _____ (THEY) father, who was a magistrate, died when the brothers were still young. Soon after that the family 4) _____ (FALL) into poverty. This event affected the brothers for many years. At university, Jacob and Wilhelm 5) _____ (STUDY) philology and began collecting folk tales. The brothers believed that old folk 6) _____ (STORY) represented a pure form of national literature and culture. Popularizing the collected folklore tales has become their passion. Between 1812 and 1857, their collection of tales 7) _____ (PUBLISH) many times, and grew from 86 stories to 200.
The popularity of the Grimm tales 8) _____ (CONTINUE) today. People 9) _____ (READ) them since childhood. However, some psychologists think some of the tales are too violent for young 10) _____ (MAN).
2. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений после него.
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Surely, that is one of the most famous lines from any dramatic play ever written. And of course everyone knows that the author of the line was William Shakespeare. Or was it?
Most scholars of Elizabethan literature agree that William Shakespeare wrote the plays and sonnets that are credited to him. But every now and then, a new essay or book is published that says it has proof that someone else, not Shakespeare, was the author of such classics as Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Hamlet.
The people who challenge Shakespeare’s authorship are called anti-Stratfordians, a reference to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. Doubting Shakespeare first became popular in the middle of the 19th century. By this time, Shakespeare had become an international icon; many said he was the greatest writer of all time. To some, this seemed unbelievable. Anti-Stratfordians argue that Shakespeare lacked the education and aristocratic experience needed to write plays like Richard III and Julius Caesar. Over the centuries, a number of important public figures have been persuaded by these arguments, including Mark Twain, Charlie Chaplin, and Sigmund Freud.
The three most popular theories are that Shakespeare’s plays were written by a group of writers, or by another professional writer of the time, or by a member of the nobility who did not want his name associated with the theater. This third theory is the basis for a 2011 movie titled Anonymous. This film argues that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. The movie is full of intrigue and mystery, centered on a plot against Queen Elizabeth I. In order to save his son from execution, de Vere agrees to never reveal that he is the true Shakespeare. The movie received mixed reviews from both film critics and audiences, and few were persuaded by the anti-Stratfordian theory.
While few people really believe Shakespeare did not write his plays, there is new evidence that he did sometimes work with other authors. This was a very common practice at the time. Shakespeare was a practical businessman as well as theater artist, and co-writing his plays would have just been the smart thing to do.
a) true b) false c) not stated
Everybody knows at least one line from Shakespeare.
Most intellectuals of Shakespeare’s time believed that he wrote all his works himself.
All anti-Stratfordians are the people who were not born in Stratford-upon-Avon.
It was only in the 19-th century when it became fashionable to doubt Shakespeare’s authorship.
Charlie Chaplin and Mark Twain argued anti-Stratfordians’ point of view.
Of hundreds versions who could hide under the name of Shakespeare there are only three reliable.
The plot of the movie Anonymous is centered around the intrigue of who the real Shakespeare was.
There could be several authors who worked with Shakespeare on all his plays.
3. Напишите ответ на письмо Сары.
...I like to read very much. Yesterday I read a very interesting book about unusual travels that I plan to use in my project. Where can you use information you get from books, if at all? What kinds of books do you like reading? Where do you get the books you read?
Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 50 - 70 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
TEST Unit 2
1. Read the text Madonna
Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958, in Bay City, Michigan. Madonna is one of the most successful artists in the history of popular music. No other female singer in music has been as successful over such a long time. At the age of five, Madonna lost her mother. Her father was extremely strict and always had her doing something productive. She was also the oldest daughter of eight, which gave her many responsibilities.
When Madonna was twelve, she entered a local Catholic high school. After Madonna left school, she attended the University of Michigan on a dance scholarship, where the ballet school owner, Chris Flynn, taught her.
After studying at the University of Michigan, Madonna decided to move to New York. She arrived in New York with thirty- five dollars, dance shoes and a bag full of tights. She spent two years working hard at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.
Madonna realized that she needed more than just dancing to have a career in this world. Madonna started her own band, with her as the lead singer. Her first single “Everybody” was number three on the dance charts. Madonna’s first album entitled ‘Madonna’ was released in 1983 and won her millions of fans and invitations to be in movies. Her career had begun.
Madonna not only had a career in singing she started her own clothing line called “Wazoo”. Madonna’s music took a new and controversial turn. Her new album “Like a Virgin” established Madonna as a popular artist.
In the early 1990s, Madonna’s career reached a new level. She had the hit songs: “Vogue,” “Hanky Panky,” “Justify My Love” “Rescue Me,” and “This Used to be My Playground” Her greatest hits album was entitled «The Immaculate Collection».
In March 1998, Madonna released another album”Ray of Light”. Madonna had also changed her look. She went from a bleach blonde girl to wearing black clothes and black hair. In December 2000 she married Guy Ritchie, a British film director.
In 2002, Madonna starred in her husband’s film, “Swept Away” which did not do well at all. Today, Madonna continues to lead the pop charts. She leads in the music industry, she writes her own music and books. She is a great author, actress and musician.
2. Find in the text. Найдите в тексте.1. имена прилагательные в превосходной степени сравнения
2. неличные формы глагола
3. глаголы в пассивном залоге
4. примеры притяжательного падежа
5. имена существительные и прилагательные, соответствующие теме «Музыка»
3. Give English equivalents to Russian words. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов:
1. чрезвычайно строгий2. линия по производству одежды
3. солист4. карьера
5. играть главную роль5. приглашения сниматься в кино
4. Indicate the numbers of passages where you find the information about. Укажите номер абзаца, в котором содержится информация о… .1. singer’s parents________________
2. her image_____________________
3. her first album_________________
4. her teacher ___________________
5. her study______________________
6. her career in cinema______________
7. her first work____________________
5. Give another title to the text. Озаглавьте текст иначе6. Choose the best answer
She lost her mother at the age of a)7b) 5c) 12
She left a) Christian school b) ballet schoolc) Catholic school
Her first album was a)Vogueb) Rescue mec) Everybody
She married a) Chris Flynnb) Alvin Aileyc) Guy Rich
She starred in the film a) Hanky-Pankyb) Wazooc) Swept Away
TEST Unit 3
1. Соотнесите абзацы текста 1 - 7 с заголовками A - H. Один заголовок лишний.
A. Light and rotation animate pictures.
B. The way of giving life to objects.
C. The first European device for animation.
D.American and Japanese styles in animation.
E.Book animation.
F.The least expensive way of animation.
G.Ancient experiences in animation.
H.Animation can be used in movies.
The history of animation
1) It’s hard to imagine animated stories before the invention of film, but in fact the origin of moving pictures is thousands of years old. In Paleolithic cave paintings, animals were sometimes drawn with extra legs, perhaps a way to suggest movement. Another early example is a 5,000 year old vase found in Iran. In five frames, it shows a goat jumping up to eat a leaf on a tree. Later, ancient Egyptian paintings used a similar technique of telling action stories in multiple panels.
2) Modern moving images date back to 1650 with the introduction of the magic lantern invented in Venice. Of course, it wasn’t really magic. It used every-day material like candles, oil and a simple glass lens to create a lantern that projected slides on a wall in a darkened room. Sometimes the slides represented moving action. The Venetian engineer Giovanni Fontana is credited with being the inventor of the magic lantern.
3) During the 19th century many artists and inventors experimented with different ways to put pictures into motion. For example, the zoetrope consists of a cylinder with drawings on the inside wall. When the zoetrope spins, and a person looks through vertical cuts in the wall, it appears that the pictures on the inside are in motion. The word “zoetrope” means “wheel of life.” A British mathematician invented the modern zoetrope in 1833, influenced by a similar device from China from 180 A.D.
4) The first flip book was patented in 1868, though children have played with something similar ever since paper was invented. The book contains a series of action pictures that gradually change page to page. When the viewer “flips” through the pages quickly, the images appear to “move.” Today, flip books are mostly toys for children, but in the 19th century they were designed especially for adults and were sold in parks and theaters. The original Victorian flip books, now over 150 years old, are worth thousands of dollars.
5) Modern animation became possible with photographic inventions by Thomas Edison and the Lumiere brothers. An early technique was called stop-motion animation. The first short film using this technique — called “The Humpty Dumpty Circus” — was made in 1897. With this method, real objects are moved around and photographed, and then the images are put together as continuous film. In the 1960s, stop-motion animation was used to make a number of popular American TV shows. Recently it has been used to make full-length movies like “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” and “The Nightmare before Christmas”.
6) A new era in animation began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened a new studio in Los Angeles. A short film featuring Mickey Mouse was Disney’s first big hit. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”, the Disney studio’s first full-length film, was released in 1937. At the same time that Disney was developing his technique, Japanese animators were developing their own unique style. Anime, as Japanese animation is known, is very popular today all around the world.
7) In the last few decades, Pixar Studios has revolutionized animation with the use of CGI (computer generated imagery). With CGI, old-fashioned hand-drawing is replaced with 3-dimensional digital modeling. The technique requires a great deal of time and money, but the results can be wonderful. The first fully-computerized full-length film was “Toy Story” (1995), which is on many people’s “Best Movies Ever” list. CGI is often used in live-action films to create back-ground scenery and even characters.
2. Кратко ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста задания 1.
1) What country is the origin of the "wheel of life"?
2) When was the studio where the first cartoon about Mickey Mouse was made opened?
3) Pixar Studios began to use 3D-graphics in animation, didn't it?
4) Who were the inventors of photographic techniques that are necessary for modern animation?
5) Were there the most ancient moving pictures in Iran or in Egypt?
6) Did only children watch animations in Victorian flip books?
3. Восстановите глагольные формы в парах предложений Direct Speech - Reported Speech.
Direct Speech Reported Speech
She said: “I live in a big apartment.” She said that she 1) _____ in a big apartment.
Maria: “Where has Jim gone?” Maria wanted to know where Jim 2) _____.
Dan said: “I 3) _____ my sister.” Dan said that he would help his sister.
Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.” Tim told his mother that he 4) _____ sleepy.
Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like fish.” Mr. Ford said that he 5) _____ fish.
I asked: «Sam, 6) _____ you ever been to France?” I asked Sam if he had ever been to France.
He asked: “Can we meet on Tuesday?” He asked if we 7) _____ meet on Tuesday.
Mother asked: “Will you invite Kevin to the party?” Mother wanted to know if we 8) _____ Kevin to the party.
4. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.
1) This event is an _____ (EXCEPT) in our life.
2) Their company uses a lot of _____ (DIGIT) services.
3) The _____ (COVER) of CNN channel is worldwide.
4) A new programme may have a low _____ (RATE).
5) They _____ (WEEK) discuss many actual issues.
6) You should read this _____ (SEARCH) about the influence of the Internet.
7) Are there any _____ (INTELLECT) serials on SyFy channel?
5. Ответьте развёрнуто (2 - 3 предложения) на вопросы.
1) What is your favourite TV host? Describe him/her.
2) Do you like reality shows? Why?
3) What is the funniest news you have ever heard?
4) How often do you read teen magazines? Why?
5) Is the Internet going to remove classic TV from our life? Give your opinion.
TEST Unit 4
1. Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1 - 5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A - F. Одно утверждение лишнее. Вы услышите высказывания дважды.A) The speaker describes his/her school library.
B) The speaker describes his/her schoolmates.
C) The speaker describes the school sports facilities.
D) The speaker talks about his/her favourite school subject.
E) The speaker explains why he/she had to change school.
F) The speaker explains why he/she was late for school.
Говорящий 1 2 3 4 5
Утверждение2. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений 1 – 8 после него. Ответ выберите из вариантов a – c.School uniform
A great fight still goes on. The question is: should students wear school uniform? As with most things, there are two sides to the debate. Some people say that all schools should introduce uniforms. Others are sure that school uniforms are old-fashioned. However, both arguments have experts on their side. There is no clear answer. Let’s look at the pros and cons of it.
Many experts believe that students who wear school uniforms study much better than those who don’t. This is because you don’t have to worry about what you are wearing each day. As a result your attention improves and you learn to concentrate better on your studies. Wearing a uniform in calming colours makes you feel more serious and responsible.
They say if you wear a uniform then you won’t behave in a violent or inappropriate way at school. A uniform is a rule and rules must be obeyed. Research showed that students in uniforms don’t play as many tricks on their classmates, tease or bully them as much as their casually dressed mates.
Everyone wants to look their best and better than their classmates. Everybody wants to be popular and wear the latest fashions. However, not all students have enough money to buy stylish clothes. Uniforms make them all equal, social differences are not seen. No one wears expensive brands. Everyone wears the same thing, exactly the same brand. With a uniform, there is less competition in class.
School uniforms, however, are not always cheap for parents, especially if there are two or more children in a family and they all go to school. Parents can’t buy any skirt or trousers they want. They can’t shop in the sales either. What is more, many schools have several uniforms such as an everyday uniform, a formal uniform for special events and a uniform for P. E. classes.
Students in uniforms look the same. Uniforms don’t give students individuality so they have to look for other opportunities to express themselves. For example, they might start using make-up early, behaving badly or wearing bright accessories as a reaction against it. It’s not the answer.
Finally, there’s comfort. Lots of students complain that they feel uncomfortable when they wear uniforms in class. Some children have sensitive skin and like to wear 100% cotton clothes. Uniforms are often made from synthetics, such as polyester which is harmful for a child’s skin, especially if the child spends the whole day at school.
And we are back to the question: to wear or not to wear? You decide.
a) trueb) falsec) not stated
1) There are different opinions about school uniform.
2) A school uniform can improve students’ marks.
3) Grey is the best colour for a school uniform.
4) A uniform makes students aggressive.
5) Fashion designers create collections of school uniforms.
6) Uniforms can be expensive for parents.
7) Students in uniforms try to find ways to look different.
8) All uniforms are made of natural materials.
3. Выполните грамматическую трансформацию слов в скобках.
Nobel Prize for Mo Yan
Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in many fields of human knowledge and literature. The 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature 1) ______ (AWARD) to Chinese author Mo Yan. He is the 2) ______ (ONE) Chinese citizen to win the Literature prize. Gao Xingjian won the prize in 2000, but by then he 3) ______ (BECOME) a French citizen.
Mo Yan 4) ______ (BEAR) in 1955 in rural China. Because of the Cultural Revolution, he 5) ______ (HAVE) to leave school when he was only 12. He 6) ______ (GO) to work in the fields, and finished his education in the army. After completing a master’s degree in Literature, he started his writing career.
Mo Yan writes historical novels about the Chinese people and 7) ______ (THEY) fight for surviving life in the countryside. His stories have 8) ______ (HUNDRED) of characters. Many of his stories are influenced by the fairy tales he 9) ______ (HEAR) when he was a child.
4. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали тексту.
Schools in Australia
School 1) ______ (EDUCATE) in Australia includes preschool, preparatory (or kindergarten), primary school, 2) ______ (SECOND) school (or high school) and senior school (or college). Schooling lasts for 13 years, from kids' 3) ______ (PREPARE) to senior levels of studying. Types of schools include government schools, non-government schools (including 4) ______ (RELIGION) schools) and schools based on educational philosophies such as Montessori and Steiner. All schools must be registered and are subject to a lot of government 5) ______ (REQUIRE). Australian schools also prepare students for life − developing the skills of 6) ______ (COMMUNICATE), self-discipline and respect for themselves. Of course, schools offer a broad curriculum in the key 7) ______ (LEARN) areas. They also believe strongly in the benefits of a rounded studying – including the teamwork, self-expression and personal 8) ______ (DEVELOP). In Australia, students enjoy a diverse environment that is as 9) ______ (PERSON) enriching as it is educational, and develop the skills and qualities needed in a changing world.
Текст для аудированияNow we are ready to start.
Speaker 1
I enjoy reading but I don’t usually have much time for it because there’s lots of homework to do. Yesterday I borrowed a book from our school library. I wanted to read it for a while before going to sleep. But the book was really interesting, I got involved and put it aside only when I had read it up to the very end. In the morning, I wasn’t able to get up on time so I missed the school bus and got to school thirty minutes after the bell had gone.
Speaker 2
I like reading, especially historical novels. That’s why I know more than most of my classmates. Our teacher often asks me to give presentations to the whole class. I may spend hours in the library or searching the Internet for information on some historical event or some historical personality. Some of my friends think that it’s boring but it’s incredibly interesting. I’m considering taking History as my major at university.
Speaker 3
Our class is very united and we often help each other in school and in life. Yes, I’m very lucky that the people around me are friendly and supportive and there’s no bullying or fighting in class. My friends have different interests but they all are very nice people. There are those who like science, those who like sports and those who like arts but everyone enjoys school parties and school trips.
Speaker 4
It was shocking news when my parents told me about their decision to move to another city. I was completely against it. I didn’t want to leave my school — I had so many friends there! I’d just joined the school volleyball team, the best team in the area! But there was no choice — my parents had to move because of their jobs. They have good jobs but we have to move too often.
Speaker 5
I have lots of friends and most of them are my classmates. We often do homework, work in a library or do sports together. Our school is a good place for doing sports — we have a gym, a football pitch, a swimming pool and even a tennis court. The swimming pool is not very large but it’s enough for practicing different swimming strokes and for water aerobics classes. I wish we had a little skate park, too!
You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds)
Now you will listen to the texts again. (Repeat)
TEST Unit 5
1. Put in the verbs in the correct form.
1. Yesterday Linda (give) the interview to the youth magazine.
2. Mike (not, get up) at six o’clock.
3. They (read) this book yesterday evening.
4. He (do) his homework tomorrow.
5. She (visit) her Granny every week.
6. Mary (speak) English and French.
7. My parents (watch) TV now.
8. We (not, going) to play football this evening.
2. Use Present Progressive.
1. Where is Mum? - She (to cook).
2. Listen! The girl (to sing) a song.
3. They (to watch) a detective film.
4. What you (to read) at the moment?
5. I (no to write) a letter now.
6. Bob (to sleep) now?
3. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive and open the brackets.
1. They (to play) tennis now.
2. They (to play) tennis every day.
3. Where is Jane? - She (to read) a new book in her room.
4. Sam usually (to read) magazines in the evening.
5. I (to write) a letter to my sister now.
6. I (to write) a letter to my Granny once a month.
4. Put in the missing words
Dear Linda,
Thank you very much for your nice Christmas _____. You asked me to write about my family. Our family is a _____ Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little sister and me) and a cat. We are a ______ family and we ____ well each other. My mum is a Science teacher. She is ______. Her _____ is painting. My dad is a ____ programmer. He is _______. He has a good sense of _____.My little sister Ann is funny and
sometimes _____. What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend
D. Korolev.
5. Put in prepositions if necessary.
1. What kind ____ music do you like to listen __?
2. Do you speak ___any foreign language?
3. We arrived at the station ____ time.
4. They have arranged to go to the theatre ___ 5 p.m.
5. In Oxford I stayed ___ my friend’s family.
6. It happened ____ April.
7. We are a close family and we get ____ well with each other.
Прослушайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений с 1 по 4 соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите букву выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите текст дважды.
1. In late February and early March, Russia celebrates Shrovetide.
A) True B) False
2. Yarilo is the god of water and the kind spirit.
A) True B) False
3. People built a wooden puppet of Shrovetide Maid
A) True B) False
4. The most important part of Shrovetide week was eating pancakes
A) True B) False
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы с 5 по 9. В каждом задании обведите одну букву A, В или C соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Welcome to London. We start our tour from Tower Bridge. On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Tower of London. It is one of the oldest buildings in London. It was begun by William the Conqueror the first Norman king in the 11th century as a fortress and a palace. Then it was a prison where many famous people died. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. A man looks after the ravens and gives them food in the morning and in the evening. The Tower of London is a museum now. The Houses of Parliament are the seat of the British government. It was designed in the Gothic style and built between 1840 and 1860. There is the Clock Tower and
the clock in the Houses of Parliament. It is the biggest clock Tower in Britain. It weighs 13,5 tongs. Now we are coming to Westminster Abbey. It was a monastery and a Norman church for a long time. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned there. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300. Many famous people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens.
5. Where you can see the Tower of London?
On the right bank of the Thames
On the left bank of the Thames
On the right bank of the Severn
6. What is the Tower of London now?
It is a prison now
It is a palace now
It is a museum now
7. What are the Houses of Parliament?
The seat of the British government
The seat of the British queen
The seat of the Scottish government
8.What was Westminster Abbey?
It was a prison
It was a monastery
It was a castle
9. What is one of the biggest treasures in Westminster Abbey
The oaken Coronation Crown
The oaken Coronation Chair
The metal Coronation Crown
Раскройте скобки и преобразуйте глагол в Future Progressive или Past Perfect, опираясь на слова сигналы в предложениях с 10 по 15.
10. I (fly)………. to Great Britain at this time tomorrow.
11. She (read)………. book about London at 2 o’clock tomorrow
12. From 10 to 12 we (have)………. an excursion around London tomorrow
13. My sister (come)………. home by the morning on the 1st of January
14. By 9 p.m. we (finish)………. decorating a new year tree
15. When I came, the St/ Valentine’s party (begin)……….
Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения с 16 по 19. В каждом задании обведите одну
букву A, В, C или D соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.
16. He …around Scotland now
Is travelled
Is travelling
Has travelled
Was travelled
17. The Tower of London…in the 11th century
Was built
Has been built
18. London…. by many people every year nowadays
Is visited
Was visited
Will visit
19. New York ….by Mr. James last week
Is visited
Was visited
Will visit
Закончите предложения с 20 по 24, дописав недостающую часть разделительного вопроса
20. St. Valentine’s is celebrated on the 14th of February,
21. Last year we went to the USA on Christmas,
22. Ann had come to the New Year party by the evening,
23. The Christmas Tree has been just finished decorating,
24. The Russians celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January,
Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения с 25 по 27. В каждом задании обведите один правильный вариант (A, В, C или D) фразового глагола.
25. He … to his house after his sister’s birthday party at night
Came back
Came round
Go on
Go out
26. “What is …?” Ann asked, when she saw police near her house
Going out
Coming round
Going on
Coming back
27. Why don’t you …and see me some day?
Go on
Go out
Come back
Come round
Раскройте скобки и преобразуйте фразовый глагол в Past Perfect в предложениях 28 и 29
28. When I came back home, my sister (go) already out for a dinner with her boyfriend.
29. Mary (come) round by 2 o’clock in the evening and we went to the cinema.
Напишите поздравительную открытку ко дню св. Валентина кому- либо из ваших друзей или родственников. (25 -30 слов)
Audio Script
In late February and early March, Russia celebrates Shrovetide, the most ancient festival. People believed that the change of seasons was the struggle between Jarilo, the god of sun, and the evil spirit. They believed that they had to help Yarilo. So, for the whole week, Russian villagers had fun and games. They built a straw puppet of the Shrovetide Maid and they burnt it on the last day of the festival. The most important part of the holiday was eating pancakes. They symbolized Yarilo. People thought that by eating pancakes, they got the power, light and warmth of the sun.
TEST Unit 6
1.Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Various activities.
B. Summer journey
C. Excitement adventure
E. No chance of coming back
F. Uneasy to organize.
G Difficult flight
1We visited Spain in summer. The purpose of the trip was to study the art and architecture of the region, particularly the mediaeval Moorish influence. And, of course, to enjoy Spanish cuisine and people. We «travelled without a guide, but well supplied with guidebooks, that allowed us to take our time and enjoy the country. Organizing all our own sightseeing and meals gave us considerable flexibility, and not being tied to a guide and a timetable turned out to be quite a bonus. Finally, we made our way back to the airport by train and bus. It was a highly successful trip in every way!
2As we departed from Twickenham, having been on the exchange before I thought that there wouldn't be anything new to me, except the language perhaps. As I found out over the next week Russia always has new experiences to offer. The Russian host families were very kind and hospitable while we spent the weekend with our hosts, so we felt as if we were back at home — well, apart from having to speak Russian, obviously! Our guides had planned a range of excursions, including cultural, sporting and entertainment centres of the city.
3Going to London was a fantastic experience as it is truly the most diverse city in the world. Apart from the usual tourist attractions there are plenty of other areas worth visiting. Also, I found the English people not to be as serious and reserved as I thought they would be. They were very friendly and good hosts. I agree that visiting any European capital is going to give a broad insight into the culture and London is no exception. It's a shame that in future we won't have an opportunity to go on this exchange because of some restrictions of our partner school!
4I and other six boys from my group drove up to the Snowdonia National Park during the half-term break for three days of climbing. On arrival we booked into the Youth Hostel. Later that day we drove to a shop to buy equipment at discount prices. The next day after our instructor gave us some instructions we climbed an assortment of routes on Spotty Rock. We lead some very difficult technical routes over the three days. Overall the trip was a huge success.
5This year I decided to organize the work experience week in Italy and with a different company. Indeed, though the week in a foreign country had been a success every time, the main problem was in the evening as the students were all staying together and, therefore, speaking English. Trying to make them speak Italian to each other, after having spent the day at their work placement trying to understand, what was going on, was a very difficult task. This time I arranged their accommodation in different families.
2.Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A6-A10 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).
Read the text and say if you have illusions towards this profession.  She is a photographer's model, high fashion. Her face is familiar one in magazine ads and on television commercials. She has been engaged in this work for eight years. She earns the city's top rate: $ 50 an hour. At first you work very hard to try to discover different looks and hairdos. After a while you know them all. Someone once asked me, "Why do high-fashion models pose with their mouths open? They look like they're catching flies." This look has been accepted for a long time. They want everything to be sexy, subtle or overt. It's automatic. They want you natural but posed. How can you feel natural with three pounds of make-up, in some ridiculous costume, standing there and looking pretty? Someone will call you at seven in the morning and say be ready at eight thirty. Can you be there in 40 minutes? You're trying to get your wardrobe together and be there in time. It's terrible. Somehow you manage to make it on time. I'm very seldom late, I'm amazed at myself. You go out of your house with your closetful on your arm. Different colors and shoes to match and purses and wigs. So I've developed these strong muscles with one shoulder lower than the other from carrying all the wardrobe about. In the middle of the winter you're fighting all the people to get a taxi. You're supposed to look fresh and your hair is supposed to be sparkling. By the time you get there, you're perspiring like crazy, and it's difficult to feel fresh under all those hot lights when you've had such a struggle to get there. Most people have strange feeling about standing before a camera. You have to learn to move and make different designs with your body. You feel like you're a clothes hanger. One day someone will say you're great. In the next studio they will say you're terrible. It changes from minute to minute: acceptance, rejection. My feelings are ambivalent. I like my life because it does give me freedom. I usually don't tell people that I am a model. I say I'm an actuary or something. I don't like to look at my pictures. I don't like to ride by and see some advertisement and tell everyone that's me. Most models, after one or two years, can't be very interested in it. But they get involved with money, so it's difficult for them to quit. And there's always the possibility of the commercial that's going to make you twenty thousand dollars at one crack. You can work very hard all year on photos and not make as much as you can on two television commercials.
A1. According the text the photographer’s models earn 50$ a week.
1) True           2) False             3) Not stated
A2. The photographer’s model says it is not easy to be natural and posed with a great amount of make up during the photo shoot.
1) True           2) False              3) Not stated
A3 .  According the text the photographer’s model should fight all the people to get to the bus.
1) True           2) False              3) Not stated
A4 . Experienced models can’t easily give up their profession because of money.
l) True           2) False             3) Not stated
3.Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами ВЗ — В9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию ВЗ — В9.
Housework and history
The history of housework is the history of everything.
B3   Housework        an amazing amount in only the last                               CHANGE
hundred years or so. The invention of electricity was very important,
B4   and it        to the arrival of the washing machine, the                    LEAD
vacuum cleaner, the dishwasher, and so on.
B5   Housework        much                BE
B6           without them fifty years ago. It's not just technology                        HARD
that's different - these days,
B7  most husbands        by their                        EXPECT
B8           to share the housework. Overall, then, we can see a                     WIFE
great improvement in relation to housework,
B9   especially for        although the environmental cost of                           WOMAN
modern housework is high.
TEST Unit 7
1.Read the text and decide, what is true, false or not stated according to the text:
Valuable Lessons
When adults praise a child for trying, despite poor work, they teach that attempt is more important than results. I once took over a class in a middle of a term from a teacher who was a generous marker. After I had returned marked papers, one boy complained about receiving a “C”. “I’m used to getting A’s” he said. When I explained that his essay was badly written, he asked: “What about the pictures? Our other teacher gave extra scores for effort.”
Real life seldom praises those who try but don’t get results. And it’s a rare boss who tolerates an employee who insists that he’s doing his best. Unmerited praise may keep children from realizing their own true abilities.
Years ago, my best friend was a naturally gifted musician. Her family saw every effort as “brilliant” but she hated practicing and often did badly at lessons. After one particularly unsuccessful performance, her mother said, “You were wonderful, but that piano needs tuning and the audience was so noisy, it’s no wonder you forgot the second movement”. Had this girl received criticism, she might have realized her dreams of becoming a concert pianist. As it was, her playing got worse, she lost interest and one day dropped out of music school.
1. The author is a teacher.
2. The boy’s mark for the essay wasn’t fair.
3. The boy did well at school.
4. If a child gets unmerited high marks, (s)he won’t discover his/her real abilities.
5. The girl received much support from her family.
6. The pianist failed to perform well because the piano was badly tuned.
7. In the end the girl managed to make a successful musical career.
2. Underline the correct word:
1. Tom went to Grammar / boarding school, so he only came home during the holidays.
2. I want my children to go to a Comprehensive / single sex school because I think it’s better for boys and girls to learn separately.
3. Most children go to State / public school where education is free.
4. My parents couldn’t afford to send me to a Grammar / private school when I was young.
5. Eton and Harrow are famous State / public schools.
3. Match the place and its purpose:
A) computer lab 1. spend breaks
B) gymnasium 2. carry out experiments
C) corridor 3. borrow school materials
D) canteen 4. spend free periods, attend meetings
E) science lab 5. play indoor sports
F) library 6. have lunch
G) staff room 7. make research on the Net
4.You received a letter from your foreign friend Andy who writes:
“… I’ve decided to take up an extra course on Biology as I’m particularly interested in this subject. Do you attend any additional classes? On what subject? Why have you decided to take this very course? What do you usually do at this lesson?....”
Answer the letter in 100-120 words; don’t forget the rules of letter writing.
Оценочные материалы к УМК «Английский язык» Кузовлев В.П. для 8 класса
TEST Unit 1
1. Образуйте нужную грамматическую форму слова в скобках.
Last summer Sasha 1) _____ (GO) camping with his class. It 2) _____ (TAKE) them five hours to get to the place. They 3) _____ (LIKE) the campsite very much because very few people 4) _____ (KNOW) about it. It 5) _____ (BE) clean, there were a lot of fish in the river and a lot of 6) _____ (BERRY) and mushrooms in the wood. They were lucky with the weather — it was hot all the time. The sun was shining, the birds 7) _____ (SING). Sasha 8) _____ (LEARN) to put up a tent and make a fire. He 9) _____ (MUST) sleep in a sleeping bag and cook on a fire. He also took a lot of pictures of his friends who liked 10) _____ (THEY) very much. Of course they lay in the sun and 11) _____ (SWIM) a lot. They also 12) _____ (CATCH) a lot of fish. At night they 13) _____ (USE) sit around the campfire and tell funny stories. The most interesting things 14) _____ (TELL) by Sasha's friend. Sasha thinks that it was the 15) _____ (GOOD) holiday of his life.
2. Соотнесите предложения по схеме «утверждение - причина».
1) They’re going to Moscow. a) We wanted to swim in the Red Sea.
2) We went to Egypt. b) They want to go camping.
3) He has just called Lena. c) I have to help Mum.
4) They’re buying a tent. d) They want to see Red Square.
5) I went to the shop for bread. e) They had to meet their friend.
6) The Browns went to the airport. f) He wants to invite her to his birthday party.
3. Прочитайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящие варианты ответа на вопросы после него.
The history club meeting
Mr Jenkins: Hello, everybody. Today I have prepared a very interesting and unusual task for you.
Emily: What is it, Mr Jenkins?
Mr Jenkins: We’re going to look at a fragment from an early medieval manuscript.
Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jenkins? We often translate them.
Mr Jenkins: Well, I have to tell you something. I can’t translate this manuscript. This time I need your help.
Emily: You’re joking, Mr Jenkins. You can translate everything.
313944015811500John: How old is the manuscript?
left10160000Mr Jenkins: I don't know. I got the text by e-mail two weeks ago. Here’s the e-mail.
John: It’s very bad. It's absolutely rude and offensive!
Mr Jenkins: Yes, it is. At first, I didn’t want to read anymore, but then I saw the manuscript and forgot about everything. It’s in runes, the ancient alphabet which Druids used for writing about secret things and magic. I know runes very well, but the runes of this manuscript are different. It’s a code. I tried to translate it but I’ve had no luck. Now I’m asking you for your help.
Emily: Don’t worry, Mr Jenkins. We’ll do it together.
Mark: What did you say, Mr Jenkins? A runic alphabet? A secret code? Let me have a look at it!
Mr Jenkins: What’s wrong with you, MacSly? Why are you smiling?
Mark: It's our family runic alphabet. I looked for this story and I’ve found it! I'll translate it for the next lesson. But... who is it from, Mr Jenkins?
Mr Jenkins: I’ve no idea! The e-mail address is reader2345@hotmail.com. You can never find a person through this e-mail address.
Emily: But why not?
Mr Jenkins: Because there are millions of users at hotmail.com — people can use the server from any computer in the world.
1) What is unusual about this manuscript?
a) It's in runes.
b) It's in computer code.
c) It's the first task in this school year.
d) Mr Jenkins can't translate it.
2) How did Mr Jenkins get the manuscript?
a) His pupils have brought it.
b) by post
c) by e-mail
d) He has found it.
3) Was Mr Jenkins able to translate the manuscript? Why?
a) Yes, he was. He can translate every manuscript.
b) No, he wasn't. The text was coded.
c) Yes, he was. He knows ancient runs.
d) No, he wasn't. He has never worked without his pupils' help.
4) Why was the e-mail rude?
a) It called Mr Jenkins "Mr Know-it-all".
b) It was too short.
c) It surprised Mr Jenkins.
d) It challenged Mr Jenkins.
5) Why was Mark smiling in the end?
a) He knew a runic alphabet.
b) He knew the code.
c) He was thinking about his family.
d) He was laughing at Mr Jenkins.
6) Who was the e-mail from?
a) Mr Jenkins
b) Emily
c) John
d) Mark
7) Has Mr Jenkins surprised the writer of the e-mail? Why?
a) Yes, he has. He has translated the manuscript.
b) No, he hasn't. He has discussed the text with his pupils'.
c) Yes, he has. He has told about manuscript and has asked for pupils' help.
d) No, he hasn't. He didn't look for the writer of the e-mail.
8) Why will nobody be able to find the writer of the e-mail?
a) The e-mail has no signature.
b) People can use any computer.
c) Internet is a global system.
d) There are many users at hotmail.com
4. Ответьте развёрнуто (не менее 6 предложений) на вопрос.
What is the nature (seasons, weather, plants, animals, landscapes etc.) of your region?
Начните: I live in ... .
TEST Unit 2
1. People like travelling. They travel on business or for pleasure. If you want to go to Britain you can do it in different ways. You can travel by train, by plane or by car. People have to cross the channel between England and France. Tourists usually go by plane. It's more comfortable and fast There are two major airports in England: Heathrow and Gatwick . They welcome passengers from different countries
Right or wrong?1. People like travelling.2. People travel on business.3. People go to Britain by plane.4. Planes are not fast and comfortable. 5. There are two major airports in the UK.
1. People often go travelling. 2. People travel for pleasure.3. You can go to Britain on foot. 4. Planes are comfortable.5. There are three major airports in the UK.
2. Travelling: pros and cons. Use the expressions from the box to complete the table below.
Discover new places, teach to be undestending, improve knowledge of foreign language, wait at airports, have to think about accommodation and food, broaden your mind, many places are polluted, teach people about art and culture, the beauty of many places has disappeared, help to relax, the beaches are always overcrowded, the most fantastic place is home, meet interesting people.
3. Translate from Russian into English.
Мы бы хотели совершить экскурсию по Лондону на красном двухэтажном автобусе.
Они предпочли бы побывать в Шотландии.
Британские студенты хотели бы совершить путешествие на теплоходе по Волге.
4. Найдите лишнее слово в каждой группе.
trip,journey, tour, holiday
airport, station, platform, port
train, underground, coach, plane
museum, gallery, camp, palace
square, town, village, city
visa, passport, ticket, computer
TEST Unit 3

1. Прослушайте диалог и выберите соответствующие его содержанию варианты для заполнения пропусков. Вы услышите текст два раза.1) Ann and Jane have already visited ______.
a) the Eiffel Tower and the Seine
b) the Galleries Lafayette and the Seine
c) the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre
2) The view from the top of ______ was amazing.
a) the Louvre b) the Eiffel Tower c) the Galleries Lafayette
3) ______ has bought a gift.
a) Ann b) Jane c) Their mother
4) The Seine is _______.
a) a palace b) a shop c) a river
5) On Thursday the girls are going ______.
a) to be on a boat trip b) to go shopping c) to visit a museum
6) Ann and Jane are planning to see Notre Dame on ______.
a) Thursday b) Sunday c) Wednesday
2. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность утверждений после него. Выберите из трёх вариантов (a, b или c).
Staying healthy abroad
Travellers look forwardto their summer holidays but are they aware of the unsafe choices they are about to make? Probably not! Thats why many will end up sick instead of out on the beach. Here are some travel tips to help tourists stay in good health while abroad.
First of all, tourists should visit their doctors. Their doctors will see if they need any vaccinations based on where they are going. Travellers should also make sure they take any required medication and a first-aid kit with them when they travel abroad.
In addition, since it is possible for travellers to fall ill even before they land, they must remember that drinking water and getting exercise during long flights is important. If not, they risk the possibility of feeling their legs and arms heavy or even serious health problems. To avoid this, stretching every hour and drinking plenty of fluids is highly recommended.
For the most part, it is important for travellers to watch what they eat and drink while on holiday. At least 20% of tourists get food poisoning. This happens because a lot of them make the mistake of believing that what they see on a menu is safe. Tourists need to stick to bottled water and drinks without ice, eat well-cooked foods, choose fruit with skin, and of course keep their hands clean.
Moreover, travellers to Asia, Africa and Central and South America should be aware of diseases like malaria that are passed on by some insects. They can protect themselves by putting on bug spray. Furthermore, if their rooms don't have air-conditioning, they should consider sleeping under a mosquito net at night.
When people are travelling to exotic places, they need to know the possible health threats they can face. After all, knowledge is the best way for tourists to protect themselves and stay healthy abroad.
a) true b) false c) not stated
1) While on holiday, travellers always use good judgement when ordering food.
2) All tourists usually visit their doctors before they travel abroad.
3) Tourists who order drinks with ice and medium-cooked meat may end up sick.
4) All insects are harmful in Central America.
5) Stretching, at least every hour, is important for passengers booked on long flights.
6) Travellers ought to know the health issues of the countries they are visiting.
7) 80% of tourists stay healthy during their journeys.
3. Выберите подходящие варианты для заполнения пропусков.
1) He _____ (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.
2) Interpreters _____ (may/must) translate without dictionaries.
3) _____ (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?
4) You _____ (could/should) stop smoking.
5) You _____ (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.
6) Liz doesn’t _____ (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.
7) You _____ (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.
8) My grandfather was retired, so he didn’t _____ (be able to/have to) go to work.
9) The fridge is full, so we _____ (must not/needn’t) go shopping.
10) We _____ (can/ought to) reserve a table for our old parents.
11) Sorry, I’m late. I _____ (needed to/had to) wait for the doctor.
12) What time do we _____ (should/have to) be at the railway station?
13) I _____ (may not/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring.
14) We have no a dishwasher, so you _____ (must/need) wash-up.
15) You look very pale. I think you _____ (need/should) stay at home.
4. Восстановите правильную последовательность реплик в диалоге. В ответ запишите последовательность букв (например, A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L).
A) I love Glasgow! Have you got any brothers or sisters?
B) No, l don’t think so. I’m John.
C) Sure!
D) Oh really? Where are you from then?
E) Yes, it’s my first day. We moved here a week ago.
F) Me too! It’s a bit lonely, isn’t it? Oh no, I’m late. I have to go! Will I see you after class?
G) A small town just outside Glasgow.
H) Where about in Scotland?
I) Nice to meet you, John. Are you new here?
J) Hi, my name is Maria. Have we met before?
K) I’m from Scotland.
L) No, I’m an only child unfortunately.
Текст для аудированияAnn: Hi, Mum! It’s me, Ann. How are you?
Mum: Oh, hello, dear. I’m fine. How are you? How’s Jane? Are you having a good time?
Ann: Whoa, Mum! One question at a time. Yes, I’m fine, Jane’s fine and we’re having a lovely time.
Mum: Sorry. I’m just very pleased to hear from you. So, have you visited the Eiffel Tower yet?
Ann: Yes, we went there on Sunday. The view from the top was fantastic.
Mum: Did you go shopping?
Ann: Yes, we went shopping and I’ve bought you a really lovely gift. I hope you’ll like it.
Mum: Oh, I’m sure I will. Where did you go shopping?
Ann: We went to the Galleries Lafayette. There were some beautiful shops but they were quite expensive.
Mum: Don’t spend all your money on gifts. Have you been on a boat trip on the Seine yet?
Ann: No, we haven’t. We’re hoping to do that on Thursday.
Mum: What about the Louvre? Have you been there yet? I’ve heard it’s a wonderful place to visit.
Ann: Yes, we have already visited the Louvre. We spent a whole day there. It was amazing.
Mum: Have you seen Notre Dame? What’s it like inside?
Ann: I don’t know — we haven’t seen it yet. We are planning to go there on Wednesday. I’ll have to go now, Mum.
Mum: OK, dear. I’ll see you when you get home. Bye!
Ann: Bye!
TEST Unit 4
I. a) Read the articles below.
1. In a FIFA-sanctioned match marked by 31 fouls, the Texas men’s soccer team was defeated 7-0 by Naberezhnye Chelny Kamaz, a Russian premiere division team, Saturday at House Park Stadium.
The game also featured 20 fouls by Kamaz and 11 by Texas, including two Kamaz yellow cards and one Texas yellow card.
2. With Smith, Holly Bull has six wins in seven races, including victories in the Blue Grass,
Florida Derby and the Futurity. He’s the 8-5 favourite in a Derby field of 15. Overall, Holly Bull is 7-for-8, his first coming with Louis Rivera aboard. Just a year ago, Smith was aboard another
Derby favourite – Prairie Bayou, who ran a game second after going six wide.3. Wimbledon, England. – Lori McNeil punched shots with unrelenting precision at Steffi Graf’s backhand, attacking her single flaw, breaking her down methodically, and dethroning a reigning Wimbledon women’s champion in the opening round for the first time in history.
“It doesn’t hurt to lose my crown – it hurt to lose,” said Graft, who three straight Wimbledon titles.
Punch shot – pазгромитьUnrelenting – безжалостноDethrone – свергать с престола4. So much of these Olympics will seem so familiar. The faces. The accent. The time slot. So much will be different. More women competing, Former Soviet athletes dispersed to new teams. Beach volleyball. No boycotting nations.
Not one nation extended an invitation by the IOC turned it down. That means a record 197 nations will be on hand, competing in 271 events in 26 sports.
To represent the new teams and old ones, there will be 10,800 athletes, about 3,800 of whom are women – a 40 percent increase over the number competing four years ago.
5. SALT LAKE CITY. – Karl Malone scored 34 points, including a 20-footer with 42 seconds to play, and the Utah Jazz held off a late San Antonio rally to win 95-90 Thursday night, eliminating the Spurs from the NBA playoffs.
Utah beat the Spurs for the seventh time in the eight games this season.
b) Look through the articles below. Decide which of the articles is about:
1. the Olympics 4. basketball
2. tennis 5. horse racing
3. soccer  c) Study the articles for five minutes and find the answers to the following questions:
1. Which team has won the football match?
2. How many races has Holly Bull won with Smith?
3. How many times has Steffi Graft a Wimbledon champion?
4. How many athletes will take part in the coming Olympics?
5. In how many sports will they compete?
6. How many times have the Utah Jazz beaten the Spurs this season?
II. Listen to the text and for the question below, choose the best answer.
1. Which of the following is not true?
a) Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
b) The games were held in Greece every four years.
c) Battles were interrupted to participate in their games.
d) Poems glorified the winners in song.
2. Why were the Olympic Games held?
a) to stop wars
b) to honor Zeus
c) to crown the best athletes
d) to sing song about the athletes
3. How many years ago did these games originate?
a) 776 years
b) 1,205 years
c) 2,277 years
d) 2,760 years
4. Which of the following contests was not mentioned?
a) discus throwing
b) boxingc) skatingd) runningIII. a) What do you call a man who can:
Wrestle, ski, skate, run, swim, play football/chess/volleyball/basketball/hockey/tennis, go boating/yachting/parachuting
b) Translate the following sentences from English into Russian, paying attention to the translation of the words in bold type.
1. Cricket is a team game.
2. She established the British long-jump record.
3. The next event will be the 100 meters race.
4. Boxing is a dangerous spectacular sport.
c) Translate into English.
1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе.
2. Британия – родина многих популярных видов спорта таких как футбол, регби, гольф, теннис, бадминтон.
3. Многие люди увлекаются плаванием.
4. Спорт укрепляет характер.
IV. Complete these sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Professor Higgins (award) a major science prize last month in London.
2. More and more countryside (destroy) every year to make new roads.
3. The Wimbledon championship (hold) since 1877.
4. Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving.
5. The castle (build) 400 years ago and (own) by two old ladies.
6. Football (play) for hundred of years.
7. The University boat-race (row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836. 
VI. You’ve got a personal letter from your English friend John. He would like to know:
what sport you go in for;
how good you are at it;
how often you go in for sport;
what sports you would like to try
Write 100-140 words.
Текст для аудированияIn 776 B.C. the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief god, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads .Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games take place.
The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads” dating from 776 B.C.
To emphasize – придавать особое значение
Therefore – поэтому
To halt – останавливатьTEST Unit 5
1. К каждому из текстов 1 - 7 подберите заголовок из вариантов A - H. Один заголовок лишний.
A) Surfing
B) Scuba-diving
C) Bungee-jumping
D) Canoeing
E) Climbing
F) Rallying
G) Air racing
H) Snowboarding
1) I once saw a TV programme about extreme sports and decided to try. I felt terrified when I was on the bridge, 80 metres above the river. I didn’t want to do it, but all my friends were watching me. I closed my eyes and jumped. It was amazing! I want to do it again.
2) I’ve always loved winter sports. I skied lots of times. But now I’ve discovered this new sport. It has all the excitement of surfing but on the snow. The main thing is to keep your balance while going down the mountain. It’s more difficult than skiing and it’s a lot faster. I love it!
3) My dad has always been interested in this sport, and he often took me with him when I was younger. Now I often spend my holidays in the mountains. It can be dangerous, of course, particularly when the weather changes suddenly. You must wear the right clothes and take the right equipment.
4) When you’re under water you're in a different world. I’ve been to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia twice. For me, it’s the best place in the world. The colours are fantastic, and you see some amazing fish, and the silence is wonderful.
5) I love the sea, and I’m lucky because I live just a few hundred metres from the beach. I bought my first board when I was 14, and now I’m an addict! It’s my life. I go to the beach most evenings. If the waves are good, I stay in the water until it gets dark.
6) I don't know what it is for me: a sport or a recreational activity. It involves only a narrow boat with a single-bladed paddle. It was very hard to begin but then I couldn't stop. I like the spirit of fast mountain rivers and streams. Perhaps I have had adrenaline addiction.
7) I want to know more about a form of motorsport that takes place on public or private roads with modified or specially built cars. Is it running not on a circuit, but in a point-to-point format in which participants and their co-drivers drive between set control points? Is it really dangerous? Are there special schools for the drivers?
2. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.
1) I am good at (SKATE).
2) These sportsmen are moving forward very (SLOW).
3) Table tennis requires good (COORDINATE).
4) They fought for their (INDEPENDENT).
5) Football is very (COMPETE) sport.
6) My friend has shown me the building of the travel (AGENT).
7) It was an (EMOTION) moment.
3. Выполните грамматическую трансформацию слов в скобках.
ZorbA zorb is a plastic ball, about three metres in height. You climb into the ball and then roll down a hill inside it.
The first zorb 1) _______ (BUILD) by an organization called the Dangerous Sports Club nearly twenty years ago. The idea 2) _______ (DEVELOP) in New Zealand in the late 1990s and by this moment it 3) _______ (DIFFUSE) by fans all over the world.
There 4) _______ (BE) two different types of zorb, a dry zorb and a wet zorb. With the dry zorb, you are fixed inside the ball. The wet zorb is different. You are not fixed in it and you can stand up and try to run while the ball 5) _______ (ROLL) down the hill. The challenge is to remain upright all the way to the bottom. This goal 6) _______ (SOUND) easy, so to make things a little 7) _______ (HARD), participants throw some warm soapy water inside, so things get very slippery. People say it 8) _______ (FEEL) a bit like being in a washing machine!
4. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.
1) Sorry, I didn't catch all letters! a) Sure! I want to become a policeman.
2) Could you tell me what "CEO" means? b) Of course, I'm in favour of your idea!
3) How nice of you to give it to me! c) I am going to visit Japan.
4) What about your summer holidays? d) B - E - I - R - U - T. OK?
5) Please, visit your doctor! e) I know what you want!
6) Are you certain about your choice? f) Sorry, I don't know. Let's ask our teacher!
7) Is it all right to travel together? g) Is it really necessary? I am not so ill.
5. Ответьте на письмо Дэна. Напишите 6 - 8 предложений.
Dear friend!
I would like to know about your opinion. Our local sports club wants to organise a number of sports that are not usual for schools: golf, horse riding, sport dancing, shooting etc. It can encourage young people to join the club. Do you think that young people should do these kinds of sports? Which unusual sports do you think would interest young people? Would you like to try an unusual sport? Why?
TEST Unit 6
1.Word building. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals.
She doesn’t like company. She is unsociable. (sociable). He won the first prize in the science competition. He is very ……(invent). My grandpa gets very …………..(emotion) when he talks about the war. She is very ……..(music): she can play the piano and the guitar well. My trip to America was an ………(forget) experience. He is ……………(rely): he promises to do things but seldom keeps his word.
2. Complete the sentences using the correct preposition or word.
Don’t stare at (to\at) people.
Don’t jump ___(-\into) the queue.
Make way__ (for\to) older people.
Give ___(up\in) your place in favour of older people.
You can shake____(hands\ a hand) if you want to.
Queue ___(in\at) line waiting___(for\-) service.
3.Read a story. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple, the Past Progressive or the Present Progressive tense of the verb in brackets.
Once I (0) entered (to enter) an athletics competition which consisted of three different events – running, jumping and throwing. There (1)…….(to be) 17 other people in the competition. I (2)……(to come) third so I (3)………( to get) a bronze award. I (4)……
(to feel) extremely proud of myself when I (5)…….(to win) the award. Before the competition I (6)…….(to practise) every day. I (7)……..(to train) really hard for the running event. Now I (8)….(to train) for the next competition. I (9)……(to hope) to get gold!
4.Match the paragraphs (1-5) with the headings (A-F). There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below.
A Cycling Club B Netball Glub C Gymnastic Club D Judo Club
E Athletics and Cross-Country Club F Canoe Club
1 The University is situated right by the river, so we can train regularly (we also have the use of a swimming pool in winter). We run day trips to the coast for surfing throughout the year and usually a longer trip once a term, for example this year we have been to the Lake District for White Water.
2 Do you enjoy touring or prefer the more energetic racing side? This is the club to join. The weekly Sunday rides are very popular. They are taken across the Norfolk countryside. Members are also offered the free use of a well equipped workshop and can find friendly and expert advice on all the aspects of bike repairing.
3 We are a large and friendly Club which trains twice a week. We have 2 teams taking part in the UAU Championships, and during the Spring Term play matches against local teams. There is also a Challenge Tournament towards the end of the season and the chance to buy our exclusive club sweatshirts and T-shirts.
4 we have a 400 m grass track, field event equipment and one of the finest middle- distance coaches around. Also, an international standard synthetic track has been built next to the University recently. The Club competes all year round, taking part in cross-country, road running, track and field and some fell-running; we are one of the most successful University teams.
5 It is the modern Olympic combat sport developed from the ancient arts of juijitsu. What is special about it? It is considered to be more than just a sport. It can help the individual to overcome day-to-day problems. It can be good therapy for students and can get them away from the worries and pressures of studying.
1 2 3 4 5
5. Imagine you visited London on holiday.Write a letter to your foreign friend about the place and how you spent your time there. (letter writing; 150-180 words)
Оценочные материалы к УМК «Английский язык» Кузовлев В.П. для 7 классаTEST UNIT I
1.Read the text
Summerhill is in Leisten in Suffolk. It’s more than seventy years old. There are only seventy students, aged from five to sixteen. The children have classes usually according to (в соответствии с) their age, sometimes according to their interests. Every Saturday the students and the teachers have a meeting where they make their own rules and laws. There is a timetable – but only for the teachers. Students can either go to the lessons or spend their time playing. They very rarely (редко) have fights–quarrels, of course. The question is: do Summerhill students ever get any qualifications? Yes. They become doctors, teachers, businessmen and lawyers. A. S. Neil who founded (основал) this school in 1921 believes that his school is possibly the happiest school in the world. Parents should pay for the teaching. It costs about £6,000 a year to go there.
2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
1). Summerhill is more than 100 years old.
2). There are only 70 students aged from 6 to 16.
3). Every week the students and the teachers have a meeting.
4). There is a timetable – but only for students.
5). They often have fights-quarrels, of course.
6). Parents should pay for the teaching.
7). A. S. Suffolk founded this school in 1921.
3.The children are talking about school and school activities.
What do the answers to the questions mean? Give the full idea of their answers
1). Jane: Are all your friends looking forward to school?
Robert: I hope so.
2). Jane: Are you going to join any club?
Robert: I think so.
3). Robert: Will John take part in the concert?
Jane: I don’t think so.
4). Robert: Are we having a math test tomorrow?
Jane: I hope not.
5). Jane: Is the history outing on the 24th of October?
Robert: I believe so.
4. Report what the children say. Use the following reporting words: to be happy, to be sorry, to be sure, to be glad, to be worried
1). Lucy: Ugh! Again that uniform. Why do we have to wear it?
2). Susan: Oh! We’ll have a lot of tests. Sometimes they are very difficult.
3). Dan: Most of the school subjects are great! We’ll do interesting projects!
4). Linda: Last year we didn’t have outings and field trips. That’s a pity!
5). Robert: I’m a new pupil at this school. I have no friends here.
5.What do you know about British schools? Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.
2. Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and math.
3. There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.
4. A school year in Britain has four terms.
5. The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Russia.
1. Read the text
Whatever your age, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers you fun, adventure and the chance to help others. The Award is open to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25 to take part in it. You may have different abilities and skills. There are three awards or levels: Bronze (for those over 14), Silver (for those over 15), and Gold (for those over 16). We assess (оцениваем) individual achievements and progress.
Each award (level) has four sections:
Service (helping people) – helping children, nature, First Aid, Public Services… more than 30 choices.
Expeditions (for adventurous people) – adventurous expeditions and explorations on foot, by bicycle, boat or canoe or on horseback.
Skills (for mastering your abilities) – Arts, Crafts, Music, Fishing, Driving, Collections, Photography… more than 200 to choose from.
Physical Recreation (for sporty people) – Athletics, Dancing, Football, Tennis, Water Sports, Yoga… choose from more than 200.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a part of the International Award Association that unites (объединяет) different countries. But the names of the Award are different. For example, the President Award (Ireland, Kenya, and others), the Prince Henrique Award (Portugal), the Crown Prince Award (Jordan), and the Congressional Award (the USA).2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
1). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is for people between fourteen and twenty-five years of age.
2). This award is for people who want to have fun.
3). Each level of the award has 6 sections.
4). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very popular in all countries.
5). In many countries there are similar awards, but they have different names.
3. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)
1). Clare dances … than Sue. (better, well, the best)
2). Mark is as … as George. (taller, tall, the tallest)
3). Peter is … student in the class. (good, the best, the goodest)
4). This is … winter for 20 years. (the baddest, the worst, worse)
5). The more cakes you eat, the … you get. (fat, the fattest, fatter)
4.. Choose the correct word-form (a verb + adverb forms)
1). I opened the door slow/slowly.
2). Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything.
3). Can you please repeat that careful/carefully?
4). Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations.
5). “Where is Diane?” – “She was here but she left sudden/suddenly”.
5.Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. There are some reports that girls are better at mathematics than boys.
2. British children can take part in the European championships.
3. In the report cards teachers write about the personal qualities of a pupil.
4. Children of your age can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
5. Louis Armstrong was a famous British violin player.

1. Read the text
RSPCA stands for the Royal Society for the Prevention (предотвращение) of Cruelty (жестокость) to Animals. It began in 1822 with the Animal Protection Act, which made cruelty to cows, horses and sheep illegal (незаконный). It is the oldest animal welfare (благоденствие) organization in the world. In 1840, Queen Victoria gave her permission (разрешение) for the organization to be called the RSPCA.
The RSPCA has got 328 inspectors. They investigate (расследуют) cases of cruelty to animals, collect money, pay visits to schools and other places and rescue thousands of animals every year.
There are also RSPCA hospitals and clinics. They treat (лечат, излечивают) over 270,000 animals every year, including wild animals. The RSPCA helps to find homes for over 80,000 animals a year! The RSPCA encourages (поощряет) pet owners to take proper care of their animals. It also works to protect farm and wild animals that are used for research (исследования, опыты).
You can phone the RSPCA at any time, day or night, about an animal that is injured (быть раненым) or treated cruelly. The RSPCA is a charity and is always working to raise money to help animals in need. Animal lovers can help by becoming volunteers (доброволец), or simply by making sure all the animals around them are safe, happy and healthy.
Answer the questions in one word or in one phrase
1). With what did the RSPCA begin?
2). Who gave the permission for the organization to be called the RSPCA?
3). How do the inspectors work with people?
4). How does the RSPCA work with pet owners?
5). At what time can you phone the RSPCA?
2. Every day the Stewards write messages to each other and stick them on the fridge.
What do the Stewards want each other to do?
1). Mum/take Paige to the dentist/Steve
2). Dad/get his shirts from the laundry/Tracy
3). Steve/return his books to the school library/Tracy
4). Tracy/take out the litter/Steve
5). Mum/go shopping/Tracy
3. Think of the best way to complete each poster
273113588900is the best way to show that you care
00is the best way to show that you care

is the best way to help our Planet
2731135146685Make your birthday a special day by
00Make your birthday a special day by
Express your love by
Spring is a good time for
4.What have you learnt about charities in Britain?
Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. Only children can join charity organizations in Britain.
2. RSPCA is a charity that helps only domestic animals.
3. Help the Aged collects money for elderly people.
4. There are special days in the year when British and American children congratulate their parents.
5. Oxfam shops give all their money to help the needy people in poor countries.
1. Read the text
Now there are 23 national parks and reserves in Russia. National parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds. Nature reserves protect plants, animals and birds. But people are not allowed to visit nature reserves.
Valday is a national park in Novgorodsky region. It was founded in 1990. Bears, wolves, foxes, otters are protected there. People come there to enjoy the countryside and to visit two beautiful lakes – Valday and Seliger.
Losiny Ostrov is a national park northeast of Moscow. 48 kinds of animals are protected there: deer, foxes, otters and many others. It was founded in 1983 for people to enjoy the countryside.
Barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in Russia. It was founded in 1916. It is 2480 square kilometres. Lake Baikal is situated there. The nature reserve was founded to protect the sable (соболь).
Finish the sentences describing the facts in the article
1). The countryside is protected in _____.
2). They don’t _____ people to visit _____.
3). Plants, animals and birds are protected in _____.
4). _____ was founded in 1983 for people _____.
5). The sable is protected in _____.
2. Fill in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (active or passive)
1). When we (pollute) the air, the climate (change).
2). Nature (damage) when people (throw) away plastic bottles.
3). Animals (hurt) when we (leave) litter in the forest.
4). When trees (break), birds (disturb).
5). When litter (throw) in the river, water pollution (cause).
3.Read the extract below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space
A lot of Americans say that they voluntarily recycled newspapers, glass, aluminum cans, (1) _____ bottles and containers in recent years. The Procter & Gamble Company has begun putting its (2) _____ in bottles made of recycled plastics. McDonald’s recycles plastic (3) _____ for food. Recyclers usually buy products which they can reuse or (4) _____ . They usually (5) _____ cloth towels and napkins.4.Answer the questions in short
1. What environment groups/organizations do you know? (name at least three)
2. What was the first national park in the world?
3. What are the two aims of national parks?
4. What is the difference between a national park and a nature reserve?
5. What are the three R’s?

1.There are a lot of children’s books about friends and friendship.
Here are two passages from one of them about a girl who had some problems with her friends.
What problem did the girl have?
She had lots of friends.
Of course she had lots of friends at school.
She had lots of friends at school but she had no friends in the neighbourhood.
No sisters and brothers!
She didn’t have any sisters and brothers.
She didn’t have sisters or brothers and she didn’t have best friends to play with.
Here is a short extract from the book ‘Ellen Tebbits’ by Beverly Clearly.
Do you think the girl (from passage 1) and Ellen Tebbits are one and the same person? Why?
Ellen had no brothers or sisters. And since Nancy Jane had moved away, there was no one of her own age living on Tillamook Street. So she had no really best friend. She did not even have a dog or cat to play with. Of course Ellen had lots of friends at school, but that was not the same as having a best friend who lived in the neighbourhood and could come to play after school and on Saturdays. Today, however, Ellen was almost glad she did not have a best friend, because best friends do not have secrets from one another. And she really had a secret.
Which of the following questions CAN you answer? Give short answers.
Where did Ellen live?
Who was Ellen’s girlfriend?
Who used to come to Ellen after school and on Saturdays?
Why was Ellen glad she didn’t have a best friend?
What secret did she have?
2. Fill in the blanks with the words that fit (who, that, which, with whom, in which) where necessary
1). Friends are people _____ we share both good and bad times.
2). I have a friend _____ is very good at repairing cars.
3). I don’t like people _____ never stop talking.
4). Friendship is a relationship _____ people know, like and can rely on each other.
5). Friendliness is a behaviour _____ shows interest in another person.
3.What do you know about friendship relationships in different cultures?
Mark the following statements true or false
1. Americans who move from city to city don’t change their ‘circle of friends’.
2. In this culture (Russian) we have similar levels of friendship with Britains or Americans.
3. People in different countries make and keep friends in similar way.
4. When children wear friendship bracelets they want to show that clothes matters much to them.
5. Friendship is universal. A close friend is a close friend anywhere.

1.Read the text
Do Flora Day celebrations have a long history?
Flora day is the highlight of the year for the townspeople of Helston, Cornwall. I think there is no other event of its kind in the world. Each year Helston is crowded with people from all over the world. The local people dress up and dance around Helston and all the children dress in white. Flora Day has been going on for thousands of years. It has a long and magnificent history. Flora Day celebrations is a beautiful and historical event. The traditional date is on 8 May. Four dances take place during the day – the midday dance is the most important dance if you compare it with other dances. It is a marvelous performance. Afterwards everyone shops at the stalls and goes to the fair. It’ll be silly of you to miss a chance to see Flora Day celebrations if you are in Cornwall in May. Flora Day celebrations are the best!
217170013335000 Read again and complete the Word Web
171450095885 place of
celebration00 place of
celebration49149009588500365760095885 date00 date
388620013525500388620013525500125730013525500400050013525500285750020955Flora Day
00Flora Day

922020160020It’s not interesting to play with action toys.
Action toys are not interesting to play with.
00It’s not interesting to play with action toys.
Action toys are not interesting to play with.
2.Rewrite the following opinions according to the model

It’s very nice to watch national holiday celebrations on TV.
It’s exciting to watch the Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow!
It’s interesting to talk to veterans of the Second World War.
It’s impossible to listen to veterans’ stories without tears.
It’s not easy for the people of Russia to forget the heroic and dramatic events of the Second World War.
3.Write the names of popular British items
1. A product Cadbury’s is famous for.
2. A bus with two floors.
3. A lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives.
4. One of the pieces of street furniture which is red in colour and which history goes back to 1853.
5. A famous stadium in England where football matches take place.

1.Read the text
Why is Christopher Columbus famous all over the world?
In the 15th century people knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew nothing about such big continents as America. A man who discovered America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus. He became a sailor at his early age. Knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach India sailing to the west. He tried to arrange an expedition, but didn’t have any money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last the king of Spain gave him enough money for the expedition. He set sail in 1492. The voyage was very dangerous and difficult. On the 12th of October his ship reached the land. When they landed, they saw strange trees and flowers. Men and women with olive-coloured skins gathered around the sailors and looked at them with great surprise. Columbus was sure that he had discovered a new way to India. Some time later the other sailor reached America. The name of the sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was a new continent.
Which statement is true and which is false?
In the 15th century people knew much about America.
Christopher Columbus was rich and he arranged the expedition.
The voyage wasn’t very dangerous and difficult.
The sailors saw strange trees and flowers, olive-coloured men and women.
Though (хотя) it was Columbus who discovered America, the continent was named after (в честь) Amerigo Vespucci.
2.We respect some people for their deeds and achievements.
What are these people famous for? Choose from the suggested words in brackets
1. German Titov was the second Russian cosmonaut (who/to) orbit the Earth.
2. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer and politician (who/whose) ideas and actions made the Indians free from the British crown.
3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer (who/whose) music is loved and admired by musicians and the public.
4. Queen Victoria was the only British monarch (who/to) ruled (правила) for 64 years.
5. Stephen King is a popular American writer (who/whose) books are read all over the world.
3.What do you know about world famous people?
Choose the correct answer
1. Nikita Mikhalkov is a world-known Russian
a) actor and a film-maker
b) poet
2. Svyatoslav Fedorov was a world famous
a) doctorb) fairy-tale writer
3. Anatoly Pugachev is a famous Russian
a) composer
b) folk hero
4. Francis Ford Coppola is a very popular American
a) actor
b) film maker
5. Arthur Conan Doyle is a popular British
a) detective
1.Nearly 20 million British children have a collection – and it’s not just coins and stamps.
What is each article about? Match the title with the story
I. The more – the better
II. comic crazy
III. sweet tooth
A. Do you love ‘The Beano’? So does 12-year-old Anna Clark. She started piling up (накапливать) her bedroom with ‘Beano’ books and comics two years ago. “They’re such fun to read. I love Dennis the Menace because he’s so naughty!”
B. Gareth Miles from London started collecting packets of sweets from over the world four years ago. His favourites include a nose with green gum and bubble gum bubbles. “I got the idea after reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’,” he explains. “It’s fun, cheap and makes it easy for people to buy me presents when they go on holidays!”
C. Justin Pressland has more than 10 collections, including old toy metal motorboats from Japan, James Bond toys and rare Action Men. But he started his first, when he was 8. “I was always fascinated by cars, so I collected car sales brochures from garages. I’ve kept them all and still pick up new ones whenever possible.
Match the survey questions to the information in the articles (number each question in the correct order)
What book gave you the idea?
Why did you collect car sales brochures?
How many years ago did she begin pilling up her bedroom with these books?
What do his favourites include?
At what age did he start his first?
Why does she like reading comics?
What makes it easy for people to buy him presents?
2.Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings
1). We were (surprising/surprised) at the news.
2). I think horse racing is very (thrilled/thrilling).
3). John is the most (bored/boring) boy I’ve ever met.
4). I’m not much (interested/interesting) in darts.
5). Some parts of the ‘X-Files’ are (terrified/terrifying).
3.Rewrite in one word or in a phrase
1. Something that British children do for interest and entertainment regularly.
2. A person who prefers staying at home and watching TV to going out.
3. This is an American teenage playful but foolish trick.
4. A musical channel.
5. An indoor game in which a ball is rolled at an object or a group of objects.

1.Moscow and its Kremlin have a long history.
What is the symbol of Russia and Moscow? Write out the sentence which is the answer to the question
The old part of Moscow is the Kremlin. This is the main tourist attraction in Moscow. The Kremlin stands at the heart of the city. The word “Kremlin” means “fortress”, and the Moscow Kremlin used to be a fortress. In 1156 a small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a wooden wall, and became a Kremlin. The town and the Kremlin were burnt in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invasion, but they were rebuilt. In 1367 Prince Dmitry Donskoy built a white-stone wall around the Kremlin. Later the Kremlin was surrounded by a new red-brick wall.
20 towers of the Kremlin wall were built in the end of the 17th century for decoration. Five of the towers were gates. The Tainitskaya Tower had a secret passage to the Moskva river. The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow. It has a famous clock. There is the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Uspensky Cathedral and a famous group of churches. The Uspensky Cathedral is the largest one. It was built in 1479; Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there. In the Archangel Cathedral one can see tombs of Ivan the Terrible, his sons Ivan and Fyodor. Blagoveschensky Cathedral was built in 1484. It is noted for its frescoes by Andrei Rublyov and his pupils.
Granovitaya Palata is another masterpiece inside the Kremlin wall. Moscow tsars held magnificent receptions in honour of foreign ambassadors there. The Tsar Cannon (16th century) and the Tsar Bell attract crowds of tourists as well.
Outside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square. Tourists can have a look at the magnificent Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, the Lenin Mausoleum and the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.
Choose the correct statement
a) The old part of Moscow is the Kremlin.
b) The old part of Moscow is the Red Square.
a) A small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a stone wall.
b) A small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a wooden wall.
3. a) The towers of the Kremlin wall were built for decoration.
b) The towers of the Kremlin wall were built as a defense from the enemy.
4. a) The Tainitskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow.
b) The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow.
5. a) Inside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square.
b) Outside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square.
2.There is a cathedral in Russia that has a long and tragic history. It is the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
What is special in its history? Fill in the blanks using the Simple Past Active or Simple Past Passive forms of the verbs in brackets
The cathedral (1) (build) in the 19th century. Ordinary (простые) people (2) (collect) the money for it. The cathedral was devoted (посвящён) to the victory of the Russians over the Napoleon’s army in the Patriotic War of 1812. The cathedral (3) (start) in 1839 by the Russian architect Konstantin Thon. Many famous painters (4) (decorate) it. The construction work (строительство) (5) (finish) in 1883. In the 1930s the cathedral (6) (destroy) by Bolsheviks. They wanted to build the Palace of Soviets (Дворец Советов) in the place of the magnificent cathedral. The Great Patriotic War (Великая Отечественная война) (7) (destroy) their plans. After the war a swimming pool (8) (build) there. But the cathedral was still in the hearts (сердцах) of many Russians. On the 7th of January, 1995 the new Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (9) (start). In five years the copy (10) (build).3.What do you know about world famous places of interest? Choose the correct answer
1. a) London was started as a fortress by the Romans.
b) London was started by the Romans as their northern capital.
2. a) Westminster Abby is a beautiful church.
b) Westminster Abby is part of the Houses of Parliament.
3. a) The Metropoltian Museum is a famous museum in London.
b) The Metropoltian Museum is a famous museum in New York City.
4. a) The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror.
b) The Tower of London was founded by the Romans.
5. a) The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by France.
b) The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by Britain.

Оценочные материалы к УМК «Английский язык» Кузовлев В.П. для 6 класса
1. Соотнесите части словосочетаний.
1. a handsome a. monster
2. to look b. blouse
3. a silk c. man
4. to care d. like
5. an ugly e. about2. Выберите верный ответ.
1) Where is _____ pullover?
a) Jake b) Jake's c) Jakes d) Jake'
2) He is not as _____ as his brother.
a) tallest b) taller c) more tall d) tall
3) This building is a bit _____ than our house.
a) bigger b) big c) biggest d) more big
4) She is the _____ girl in our class.
a) smart b) smarter c) smartest d) most smart
5) My new dress is _____ more beautiful than all my clothes.
a) more b) bit c) most d) much
3. Прочитайте текст и соотнесите портреты 1 - 4 с именами персонажей a - e. Одно имя лишнее!
1 2 3 4

a) Lady Janе MaсWizard c) Sir Еdward MaсWizard b) Lady Diandra MaсWizard
d) Sir Walter MaсWizard e) Robin MaсWizardThe family history
Rosy and Robin are talking in the big old castle.
Thеrе are a lоt of interesting things in our housе. Lеt mе tеll you about thе history of оur family and show you our family portraits. You'll sее all our anсеstors (предки) and living rеlativеs.
This is my grеat-grandmothеr Lady Janе MaсWizard. She was short and fat, hеr hair was blondе and straight, and hеr mouth was vеry big. Hеr niсknamе was Jane thе Gnomе. Shе wasn't beautiful, but shе was very smart and shе was Quееn Viсtoria's bеst friеnd.
And this is hеr husband Sir Еdward MaсWizard. Hе was a vеry brave man and a good soldiеr. Hе was blondе and his еyes wеrе bluе. His niсkname was Еdward Strong Arm.
This is Lady Janе's fathеr, Sir Walter MaсWizard. His niсknamе was Ravеn bесausе his nosе and еars wеrе vеry big. Hе was a vеry niсe, kind man.
This is Lady Diandra MaсWizard. Shе was thе seсond wife of our grеat-grеat-great-great-grеat-great-great-grеat-great-great-great-grandfathеr. Shе was vеry beautiful. Hеr rеd hair was long and сurly and shе was vеry slim. A lot of men wеre in lovе with hеr.
This is a portrait of hеr stеpson (пасынок), Robin MaсWizard. He was very strangе. Thе lеgеnd says: hе сould fly. Hе сould prеdiсt (предсказывать) thе futurе and hе сould travеl in timе. Look at his long dark hair, big brоwn еyеs and small straight nosе. Hе looks... I don't bеliеvе it... Hе lоoks likе you, Robin!
Oh! That's intеrеsting. Can you tеll mе thе lеgеnd about him?
4. Используя текст задания 3, кратко ответьте на вопросы.
1) Whose nickname was Raven?
2) What сolour was Diandra's hair?
3) Was Diandra bеautiful?
4) Was Sir Еdward MacWizard Lady Jane’s father?
5) Who had long dark hair?
6) Who was Quееn Viсtoria's bеst friеnd?
5. В каждом из случаев напишите слово, которое соответствовало бы данному описанию.
1) thing you wear on feet;
2) thing keep you warm;
3) thing that only women wear;
4) thing that men and women can both wear;
5) thing you wear on your head.
6. Представьте, что вы потеряли в школе какой-то из предметов своей одежды. Чтобы найти его, вы дали объявление в школьную стенгазету. Закончите это объявление.
My name is _____. I have lost my _____. Its colour is _____. Its size is _____. I think it happened near/in _____ in our school/schoolyard. You can return my _____ to me in my classroom (number _____, on the _____ floor). Thank you for your help.
1.Прочитайте текст, поймите содержание и согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения
On Sunday
It is Sunday morning. Dima is in bed, he is sleeping. He does not go to school on Sundays. His mother opens the door, comes into his room and says:
“Get up, Dima. It’s late.”
“ All right, Mum. What time is it ? “
“ It’s half past eight . “
“ But today is Sunday . “
“ Yes, breakfast is on the table. In the morning we are going to Aunt Tamara’s. “
“ All right, Mum. I am getting up. “
Dima gets up. He washes his face and hands with cold water. Then he comes back to his room and puts on his new shirt and his grey suit. He goes to the dining-room.
“ Good morning, Dad. “
“ Good morning, Dima. “
The family is at table. They are having their breakfast. For breakfast they have tea, milk, bread and butter.
“ Mum, may I go with my friends to the cinema in the afternoon? “
“ Yes, you may. “
2.Дайте перевод слов:
Turned – up nose
3.Выберите верный вариант перевода:
Такой же высокий какa) as tall as b) as high as c) as small as
Не такой большойa) not so small b) not so large c) not so little
Более быстрый, чемmuch faster than b) more fast c) much slower than
Самая милаяa) the ugliest b) the happiest c) the prettiest
Такой же некрасивый какa) as pretty as b) as ugly as c) as handsome as
СтаршеA) Older b) the oldest c) more old
4.Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных :Good
5.Раскройте скобки употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных:
My father ( old) than my mother.
This book ( interesting)
We are ( good) class in our school.
4156710260350001. В соответствии с рисунком плана квартиры заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами: in, on,next to, opposite, between, behind
1) There is a bed _____ the bedroom.
2) The desk is _____the bed.
3) The fridge is _____ the cooker.
4) The computer is _____ the desk.
5) The bathroom is_____ the bedroom and the dining room.
6)The cat is _____ the sofa.
2. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.
1) Excuse me, is there a bank near here? a) Don't worry! Take it easy!
2) Tell me please, what's the time? b) It's fantastic!
3) How far is the library from here? c) It's twenty to three.
4) Can I give you a hand with that sofa? d) Please! Hurry! It's really heavy.
5) Be careful! This vase is very expensive! e) There's one next to the post office.
6) Let me show you around my new flat. f) It's about a three-minute walk.
3. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами: on, can, has, are, in, of, and, to, Kate, but
Dear Danny,
Hi! How are you? I hope everything is ok! I really love our new place. It's a beautiful big house by the sea and just outside the village.
The house 1) _____ got two floors. There are three large bedrooms and a bathroom 2) _____ the first floor. The living room and the kitchen are on the ground floor and there is another bathroom next 3) _____ the kitchen. The kitchen is very big and it has got lots of cupboards. The living room is fantastic. It has got my grandmother's antique sofa 4) _____ a lovely fireplace in it. There 5) _____ three comfortable armchairs in front of the fireplace.
My favourite room is my bedroom. It is on the first floor opposite my parents' bedroom. There is a computer on my desk and lots of posters on the walls. I've got a nice bed and a big wardrobe next to the window, 6) _____ I haven't got a TV 7) _____ my room yet. There is a big garden in front 8) _____the house and there is a garage for our two cars.
That's our new house! I hope you 9) _____ come and visit us soon. I miss you.
10) _____
4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.
1) Usually it (to take) me two hours to do my homework.
2) Has she ever (to visit) this town?
3) Now it (to be) time to tell funny stories!
4) Last week we (to buy) a new armchair.
5) Did you (to see) their big car?
6) I have already (to write) the letter.
7) There (to be) three cakes on the table yesterday.
5. Рассмотрите объявление о сдаче дома в аренду и выпишите из него:
1) числительное, обозначающее расстояние
2) имя собственное – название населённого пункта
3) порядковое числительное
4) имя собственное – фамилию
5) прилагательное, встречающееся в нём два раза.
This beautiful, fully-furnished cottage is in the countryside five km from the village of Priston.
On 0the ground floor is the kitchen, a large living room and a dining room. The kitchen is modern, with fitted cupboards and an electric cooker.
There are three bedrooms with wardrobes on the first floor and a bathroom with a shower.
The cottage has a large garden and there is a new garage with space for two cars.
For more information call Mrs Miller
Tel: 015437 34507
1. Прослушайте текст и выберите соответствующие его содержанию варианты ответа на вопросы.
1) How many children does the woman have?
a) 2 b) 5 c) 7
2) When do her children get up?
a) at 5 o'clock b) at 6 o'clock c) at 7 o'clock
3) Where does she go early in the morning?
a) to the shop b) to the kitchen c) to the gym
4) What does she do on Mondays?
a) goes to school b) goes shopping c) makes breakfast
5) Who likes cooking in their family?
a) her husband b) her sons c) she
6) How often does she visit her father?
a) twice a week b) everyday c) three times a week
7) How often do they visit their friends?
a) never b) sometimes c) very often
2. Выберите подходящие варианты для заполнения пропусков.
I always have a big breakfast before I leave for school. I start with 1) (some/many) orange juice and eggs. After that I have 2) (a/an) small bowl of corn flakes with 3) (much/а) little milk. Sometimes I eat 4) (some/a) chocolate or 5) (a/an) apple with my corn flakes. I take 6) (one/ones) from the big plate in our kitchen. When mum makes her special pancakes, I have 7) (a few/much) with 8) (а/some) big glass of milk. My older sister always cries because I eat so 9) (much/many) food. Yesterday we 10) (quarrelled/were quarrelling) from 10 a. m. till 11 a. m.3. Прочитайте текст "Шляпник и Мартовский Заяц" (по мотивам книги Л. Кэрол "Алиса в Стране Чудес") и подберите к каждому из пропусков 1 - 7 подходящее предложение из вариантов A - G.
The Hatter and the March Hare
1036320175450500In the garden Alice saw the Cheshire cat. Only the face. 1) _____. “Haven’t you got a body?’ Alice asked the cat. “Oh yes,” it said. “I know where my head is, but I don’t always know where my body is. Do you like it here?” the cat asked. ’’Everything is very strange,” Alice replied. “Where can I go now?’ she asked. “If you go left, you can see the Hatter,” said the cat. “If you go right, you can visit the March Hare”. 2) _____. Alice decided to visit the Mad Hatter.
There was a table under a tree in front of the house. The March Hare and the Hatter were having tea. 3) _____. The table was full of dirty plates and cups. There was also an enormous teapot in the middle. Alice sat down at the table. “Would you like some wine?” the March Hare asked Alice. “I can’t see any wine on the table,” she said. “No, there isn’t any,” said the Hatter. “Would you like some lemonade?” continued the Hatter. “No, thank you. 4) _____.” “Would you like a cup of tea?” he asked. The cups on the table were huge. “Yes, please, but only half a cup,” said Alice. 5) _____. “Here you are, half a cup.” “That wasn’t very nice of you,” said Alice. “I know,” answered the March Hare. “I’m not nice and I’m not handsome. I’m mad.” The door mouse opened one eye and said, “Yes, you are mad. You and the Hatter are both mad. I am the only one who is ok.” 6) _____. “What day of the month is it?” the Hatter asked Alice. “It’s the fourth of June,” she said. “Oh dear, my watch says the second of March,” said the Hatter. 7) _____. “That’s a funny watch,” said Alice. “Does it tell the time?” “Not usually,” answered the Hatter and put his watch in his cup of tea!
A) I don’t like lemonade.
B) “It’s always March.”
C) The March Hare broke a cup in two pieces and gave one to Alice.
D) They are both mad.
E) It was in a tree.
F) The door mouse went back to sleep.
G) There was a door mouse sleeping between them.
4. Восстановите в диалоге реплики Алекса. Выберите подходящие варианты из предложений A – F в рамке.
383857583820А) I think I’ll have the chicken.
В) I’ll have the chocolate cake, please. Thank you.
C) Chips, please.
D) A glass of mineral water, please.
E) For starters, I’ll have a salad, please.
F) I still prefer the chicken, thank you.
00А) I think I’ll have the chicken.
В) I’ll have the chocolate cake, please. Thank you.
C) Chips, please.
D) A glass of mineral water, please.
E) For starters, I’ll have a salad, please.
F) I still prefer the chicken, thank you.
Waiter: Good evening. What can I give you?
Alex: 1) _____.
Waiter: And as a main dish?
Alex: 2) _____.
Waiter: Can I suggest the roast beef? It’s very good.
Alex: 3) _____. Maybe next time.Waiter: Would you like chips or vegetables with that?
Alex: 4) _____.
Waiter: And would you like something to drink?
Alex: 5) _____.
Waiter: Would you like anything for desert?
Alex: 6) _____.
5. Переведите список покупок в деревенской лавке на английский язык.
1) кувшин молока
2) две коробки сыра
3) буханка хлеба
4) бутылка подсолнечного масла
5) три пакета орехов
6) двести грамм соли
7) два литра яблочного сока
8) семь помидоров
Текст для аудированияMy weekdays
My weekdays are fast and exciting! I have two sons, Dylan, 7, and Dakota, 5. Every morning I get up one hour before them, at 6.00, and go to the gym. I come home and make breakfast. Then I take them to school. On Mondays I always go shopping. I buy all the food for the week. I often cook dinner in the evenings, but not every day because I don’t like cooking. Fortunately, my husband, Don, loves cooking. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I visit my father. He lives on the next block. Every afternoon I pick up the kids from school. In the evenings Don and I usually relax, but sometimes we visit friends. We never go out on Friday evenings because I start work so early on Saturdays.
600710250190001. Соотнесите персонажей на картинке и их болезни.
1) Mr Pale a) a toothache
2) Mr Spook b) a stomachache
3) Mr Book c) a sore throat
4) Mr Clark d) a headache
5) Mr Dull e) a broken leg
6) Mr Fine f) an earache
7) Mr Cool g) a cold
8) Mr Slim h) a high temperature
9) Mr Jones i) different illnesses
2.Заполните пропуски словами: headache, health, surgeon, medicine, cold, dentist, flu.
Одно слово лишнее.
1) My teeth are not very good and I must visit my _____.
2) Close the windows, please. We can catch a _____.
3) He is very pale and has a high temperature. I think it's _____.
4) She needs some _____ for her sore throat.
5) Don't speak so loudly. Mary has a _____.
6) The _____ consults Ted about his broken arm.
3. Выберите верный вариант для заполнения пропуска.
1) I am very ill and I _____ stay at home.
a) may b) can c) must d) might
2) This week my classmate _____ his leg.
a) is hurting b) has hurt c) hurt d) hurted3) We are used to _____ a lot of fresh oranges.
a) eating b) eat c) ate d) eaten
4) You _____ clean your teeth every day.
a) must b) can c) may d) should
5) Our cat _____ a mouse three days ago.
a) has caught b) catched c) caught d) has catched4. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.
1) How are you? a) Yes, thank you for your help.
2) Shall I give you a hand? b) OK! It isn't tasty but I am very ill.
3) You should take aspirin. c) You can always apologize.
4) Can I have a look at this souvenir? d) I don't feel well.
5) I'm so sorry! e) OK! But its price is enough high
5. Познакомьтесь с 3 мини-биографиями. Соотнесите утверждения 1 - 6 с прочитанными текстами A - C. В каждом случае верным ответом будет только одна буква.
1) He lived in the castle. 4) The first film about him was in the 20th century.
2) He created a monster. 5) There are many songs about him.
3) He lived in the forest.6) The first book about him was in the 19th century.
Did they really live?
A) Dracula
Dracula appears in many horror films, but did he really live? The British writer Bram Stoker invented the character in his book “Dracula”. It appeared in 1897. Stoker used a real person for some ideas in his book. A king, Vlad Tepes, lived around 1450. He lived in a castle in Eastern Europe, now it’s a part of Romania. Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian actor, starred in the first Dracula film in 1931.
B) Frankenstein's Monster
A scientist called Frankenstein lived — as a character in a book, but not as a monster. Frankenstein appeared in a novel by Mary Shelley (1818). In the book Frankenstein created a monster. The monster wanted people to love him, but they are scared of him. The monster was lonely and unhappy and in the end he killed Frankenstein. There are many horror films about this story.
C) Robin Hood
Robin Hood didn’t really live. In songs and stories he lived in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham in England. He robbed rich people and helped poor people. The first songs and stories appeared about five hundred years ago. Robin Hood is still a famous person, and there are many films and books about him.
6. Прочитайте историю Марка. А когда в последний раз болели вы? Используя историю Марка как образец, напишите свой рассказ.
Hi! My name is Mark. Last time I was ill three months ago. I had a stomachache. I had to call a doctor and take some medicine. Then I couldn't eat tasty things and go to school. My mum took care of me. I felt better in five days. So I'll never eat a lot of ice cream and three hot dogs at once. Finally, now I always think about healthy food.
1. Посмотрите на картинку. Какие из утверждений ей соответствуют (поставьте "+"), а какие - нет (поставьте "-")?
1) The bird is flying in the sunshine.
2) The tree is freezing.
3) The snowman is melting.
4) It's a humid day.
5) The temperature is below zero.
6) It can be January.
2. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант.
1) It’s too cold. I think I (will / am going to) close the window.
2)Jennifer (is flying / will fly) to Egypt on Saturday. She has already bought a ticket.
3)Ben has come to the post office. He (will / is going to) send a letter.
4)Tonight we (will have / are having) dinner with the Smiths.
5)Ann is visiting Paris. She (will / is going to) see the Eiffel Tower.
6)Now it’s sunny outside. So I (am going to / will) wear my sunglasses.
7) If it (will be / is) foggy, we'll stay at home.
8)This suitcase is too heavy! I (will / am going to) help you carry it.
9)Look! We haven’t got any oranges. (Will you buy/ Are you buying) some?
10) We (won't / don't) go to the zoo, if there are no lions and tigers.
3. Прочитайте текст и определите истинность высказываний после него. Ответ выберите из вариантов a и b.Sochi
The city of Sochi is a popular Russian holiday resort on the Black Sea coast. It is about 1,500 miles south of Moscow. The city is famous for its warm weather, beautiful landscapes, golden beaches and health spas.
Every summer, more than 1.5 million visitors from Russia and abroad spend their holidays there. People travel to Sochi by both air and sea. It has got an international airport with flights to most major Russian cities, as well as Europe. Its port has a sea link with Turkey, Greece, Georgia and Ukraine. Most tourists visit the city in the summer, but the winter season attracts skiers to Krasnaya Polyana. As well as skiing, visitors can enjoy hunting, fishing and mountain climbing. There are also lots of festivals in Sochi and every year in June there is the international film festival. In the evening, Sochi is full of colourful street cafes and restaurants where you can eat delicious food at good prices.
Sochi is a city that has got something to offer everyone. If you want to spend time on the ski slopes or at the beach, Sochi is the ideal choice for you.
1) Sochi is not far from the central part of Russia. a) trueb) false
2) Only people from Russia visit Sochi.
3) There are flights from the big cities to Sochi.
4) In Sochi summer is the worst season.
5) In winter the tourists can ski in Krasnaya Polyana.
6) The tourists can find cheap food in Sochi.
4. Выберите подходящие варианты для заполнения пропусков в высказываниях трёх персонажей о погоде.
Al Wheeler from Canada: ”We have long, cold winters and short, hot summers. We have a holiday house near a lake, so in summer I go 1) ______ a lot and I play baseball, but in winter I often play ice hockey and go ice-skating. My favourite season is 2) ______, or fall, as we say in North America because I love the colours of the trees — red, gold, orange, yellow and brown.”
Manuela da Silva from Portugal: ”People think it’s always warm and sunny in Portugal, but January and February are often 3) ______, wet and grey. I don’t like winter. I usually meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat. Sometimes we go to a Brazilian bar. I love Brazilian music. But then suddenly it’s summer, and at weekends we drive to the 4) ______, sunbathe and go swimming. I love summer.”
Toshi Suzuki from Japan: “I work for “Pentax cameras”, in the export department. I don’t have a lot of free time, but I have one special hobby — taking photographs! I like taking photos of the first 5) ______, of course, in spring. Sometimes after work l relax in a 6) ______ near my office with friends. My friend, Shigeru, likes singing pop songs. This place has a special name, “karaoke”. I don’t sing — I’m too shy!”
1) a) dancing b) swimming c) riding d) climbing
2) a) spring b) summer c) autumn d) winter
3) a) cold b) hot c) red d) nice
4) a) forest b) field c) city d) beach
5) a) animals b) flowers c) clouds d) snowmen
6) a) cinema b) theatre c) bar d) shop
1 Выберите нужный вариант ответа:
1 Unit 11 is about….a) profession b) education
2 Policemen and rescue team are…..professions. a) modern b) important
3 …….are popular professions a) actors and singers b) pilot and drives
4 School leavers enter…. A) institute b) offices
2 Прочитайте текст
Согласитесь или опровергните предложения после текста
Harriet: When I am big I will be a spy (шпион). I will go to one country and find out its secrets and then I will go to another country and tell them. And then I find out their secrets and I go back to the first one and rat (доносить) on the second. Then I will go to the second and rat on the first. I will be the best spy and I will know everything. Maybe when I grow up I can have an office. People will come in and tell me who to go and spy on. I would have to have a gun (пистолет) and follow people.
Russell: Fifty years ago parents still (все еще) asked boys if they wanted to grow up to be President. A great number of little boys said yes and meant. When they asked me I said NO. I didn’t want to grow up to be President.” Well, what do you want to be then when you grow up?” asked my uncle. I loved to collect empty (пустые) bottles, tin cans with pretty labels, and old magazines. “I want to be a litter men” I said.
Harriet wants to know everything about people and what they do.
Harriet will have to have a gun and follow people.
Harriet will have an office.
Harriet will have a rat in her office.
A surprising number of little boys want to grow up to be President.
Russell liked to collect empty bottles.
Russell didn’t collect old magazines.
Most of all Russell didn’t want to be litter men.
3 Поставьте в предложение have to/has to и продолжите подходящими словами: to know laws well, to carry heavy things to answer the telephone, to get up, to use the computer well, to work,
Laura is a secretary, so she often_____________
Mr. Bixby is a lawyer, so he_______________
Mrs. Lee had apart –time job, she____________at weekend.
They work tomorrow, so they_________________early.
Joel wants to be a computer operator, he ____________well.
Mr. Green ____________becouse he was a construction workeОценочные материалы к УМК «Английский язык» Кузовлев В.П. для 5 класса
I. Выберите правильное определение для слов.1) to miss a) to be late, to feel sad, b) to leave, to go out, c) to have no time
2) foreigna) your own, b) somebody’s country, c) connected with a country that is not your own
3) to spend a) to pass time, b) to do something, c) to show something
4) nickname a) an informal name used instead of your real name, b) the name of your grandparents, c) your short name
5) a uniform a) a dress you wear outdoors, b) a dress you wear when you go to the party, c) a dress or a suit you wear at school
II. Выберите правильное слово.
1) What … are you in? – I am in the fifth …
a) room, b) form, c) party
2) What … do you study at school? – Russian, Literature, Maths, P.E., History…
a) timetable, b) subjects, c) words
3) Do you … a uniform at your school?
a) study, b) wear, c) give
III. Соотнесите слова из двух столбиков.
1) answer                        a) a uniform
2) discuss                        b) poems by heart
3) explain                        c) questions
4) wear                        d) problems
5) listen to                        e) rules
6) learn                        f) a walkmanIV. Напишите антонимы.
Lazy, bright, to start, difficult, to laugh
V. Напишите правильную форму глагола.1) I always … my classmates during my summer holidays.
a) missed, b) miss, c) misses
2) They … their winter holidays in Paris last year.
a) will spend, b) spent, c) spend
3) We … Biology next year.
a) study, b) studied, c) shall study
VI. Переведите на русский язык.
Проводить время, ездить за границу, фотографировать, пропускать уроки, проводить выходные, рассказывать детям сказки, останавливаться у родителей, говорить на английском языке.
I. Выберите правильное определение для слов.1) a partner a) a person who does  an activity with, b) a person who lives nearby, c) a person who studies with you
2) local a) a particular place, b) the area you live in, c) the place you were born
3) aninvitation a) a written or a spoken request to do something or to go somewhere, b) a letter, c) a programme, c) a written or spoken request
4) a rucksack a) a bag, b) a watch, c) a racket
II. Выберите правильное слово.
1) Let’s … apicnic.
a) arrange, b) spend, c) meet
2) We are … for social programme.
a) local, b) responsible, c) foreign
3. We invited our … partners to visit us in April.
a) social, b) foreign, c) local
4. They usually … when they meet in the morning
a) say ‘Good bye’, b) go out, c) shake their hands
III. Соотнесите слова из двух столбиков.
1) local                a) in the hotel
2) to arrange        b) task
3) group                c) a date and time
4) social                d) tennis competition
5) stay                e) life
IV. Напишите антонимы.
Stay, early, leave, late, take off
V. Дополните предложения вопросами «с хвостиком».1) They always kiss their mum on both cheeks before going to bed, …?2) She said ‘Good night’ before going to bed, …?3) I am responsible for social programme, …?4) We decided to arrange a party, …?5) I shall arrive on time tomorrow, …?VI. Составьте предложения.
1) he/ going/to/ his/is/do/homework.
2) my/are/sister/going/I/and/arrange/to/picnic/a.
VII. Переведите на русский язык.
Пожимать руки, целовать в обе щёки, держать дверь открытой, снимать обувь, прийти вовремя, прибыть раньше или позже.
I. Выберите правильное определение для слов.1) a nurse 1 a) a person who helps a doctor   b) a person who works in an office   c) a doctor
2) parents a) mother and father, b) uncle and aunt, c) a sister and a brother
3)impolite a) caring, b) rude, c) kind
4) talkative a) loving, b) sociable, c) friendly
II. Выберите правильное слово.
1) Would you mind … places?
a) sitting, b) changing, c) standing
2) Next year her school is going to arrange an English-Russian …
a) change, b) interview, c) exchange
3) Linda is giving an interview to a … of a youth magazine.
a) a librarian, b) a lawyer, c) a correspondent
4) When you have some problems with your teeth you must see a ….
a) dentist, b) driver, c) doctor
III. Соотнесите слова из двух столбиков.
1) typical                        a) an interview
2) office                        b) friends with
3) give                        c) family
4) make                        d) worker
5) computer                        e) exchange
6) students’                        f) programmer
IV. Напишите правильную форму глагола.
1. Where are the children? – They … in the yard.
a) play, b) are playing, c) is playing
2. She is an engineer. She … for a big company.a) is working, b) work, c) works
3. Look! Nancy … a photo of an elephant.a) takes, b) are taking, c) is taking
4. Bodyguards … their clients.
a) protect, b) are protecting, c) protects
V. Напишите антонимы.Friendly -…., real - …, usual -…, polite - …, famous - …, possible - …, athletic - …, known - …, pleasant - …, dependent - …
VI. Составьте предложения.
1) they/TV/watching/now/are                3) needs/a/who/bodyguard?
2. is/she/an/giving/now/interview?        4) for/ works/Sasha/a/company/big/
I. Выберите правильное определение для слов.1) to take off a) to put off, b) to go away, c) to have nothing
2) a palace a) a big house that is or was the home of a queen or a king, b) a museum, c) a castle
3)a stadium a) a sport club, b) the place where people do sports, c) a yard
4) a capital a) the main city, b) a town, c) a country
II. Выберите правильное слово.
1. Last week three famous rock groups … in the concert at the stadium.
a) took place, b) took part, c) took care
2. …. the pennies and the pounds will … themselves.
a) take care of, b) take part, c) take place
3) The bell … 13,720 kilograms.
a) has, b)weighs, c) puts
4) When the Queen is in London, she stays in ….
a) Westminster Abbey, b) the Houses of Parliament, c) Buckingham Palace
III. Напишите правильную форму глагола.
1. What … you …? – I … some tea.
a) do…want, want   b) are …wanting, am wanting
2. Listen! Who … … the drums? – It’s my little brother. He … the drums well.
a) are playing, plays, b) is playing, plays
3. … you … snakes? – No, I … them.
a) do … like, hate, b) are … liking, hate
4. Listen! …you … the steps?a) are … hearing, b) do … hear
IV. Дополните предложения вопросами «с хвостиком».
1. Bodyguards teach their clients how to avoid dangerous situations, … ?2. Animals are very important to people, …?3. He would like to be a vet, … ?4. They learnt the poem by heart yesterday, … ?5. The sick animals can kick, bite or scratch, … ?V. Составьте предложения.1. big/is/a/Ben/really/bell/
2. the/Tower/ history/has/Bloody a/ blood/of
3. Abbey/built/King/Westminster/was/in/Edward/1065/by
VI. Переведите на русский язык.
Знаменитая столица, известный театр, кровавая легенда, старое здание, городской музей, смена караула, Букингемский дворец, Тауэр.TEST Unit V
I. Выбери правильный вариант.1.        Tom …a lot of books.
a)        read   b) reads
2.        They always … home work.
a)        Do     b) does3.        The children often … in the park.
a)        Walk b) walks
4.        I … reading books.
a)        Like   b) likes
5.        We … students.
a)        Are b) is
II. Поставь предложения в отрицательную форму.
1.        I walk my dog after school.
2.        My Dad is good at sport.
3.        We play computer games.
4.        She listens to music.
5.        My dog hates cats.
III. Заполни пропуски словами usually, sometimes, often, always.
1.        We go for a walk … on Sunday.
2.        I … see him in school.
3.        It’s … sunny in the south.
4.        They … play football.
IV. Переведи на английский.
Всегда, обычно, часто, иногда.
VI. Напиши в отрицательной форме.
Do –
Are –
Is –
Has –
Does –
Can –
I.        Вставьте правильный вариант.1.        My friend … from London.
a)        am     b) is   c) are
2.        He lives in …   . He is English.
a)        England  b) Wales  c) Russia
3.        Mr. Williams … got a parrot.
a)        have  b) having  c) has
4.        Does Richard … computer games?
a)        plays  b) play  
5.        Do you … sport games?
a)        watch  b) watches
6.        … do you do on Sundays?
a)        when  b) what c) how
7.        … classical music yourfavourite?
a)        are b) is  c) does
8.        We don’t go to school … Sundays.
a)        at   b)  in    c) on
9.        A car is … than a bicycle.
a)        fasterb) slower  c) good
10.        We … on picnics every Sunday.
a)        gob) goes  
11.        He … visits his granny.
a)        Every day b) last week  c) sometimes
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11
a b c II. Вставьте формы глагола “to be”(B1, B2, B3).      
B1. I … Lily.B2. We … students.B3. She … very beautiful.III.Заполни пропуски “there is, there are”.(B4, B5, B6, B7)
B4. There … no supermarket.
B5. There … four shops.
B6. …there three cafes?B7.There … no parks.IV. Вставь “have got, has got”(B8, B9, B10,B11)
B8. We … got three books.
B9. She … got five brothers.
B10.I … got a cat.
B11. They … havegot a big pizza.VI. Вставь «Past Simple or Future Simple Tense».(B12, B13, B14)
B12. She … here a year ago.a)came     b) will come    
B13.  I … my mother soon.a)Will help   b) helped
B14.  My father … me a dog next week.a)Will buy   b) bought
B1 B8 B2 B9 B3 B10 B4 B11 B5 B12 B6 B13 B7 B14 TEST Unit VII
I. Заполните пропуски there is/ there are:
1.        There __________some pens on the table.
2.        _______________ there a café near your school?
3.        How many pupils ___________ there in your class?
4.        There __________ any book on the shelf.
5.        There ________ a lot of money in his bag.
II. Составьте словосочетания.
1.        A computer                              a) pool
2.        A swimming pool                    b) shop
3.        Comfortable                             c) transport
4.        Convenient                               d) club
5.        Apete) flat
III. Заполните таблицу.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
fast cold slow good interesting bad comfortable much little IV. Заполните пропуски там, где необходимо:
1.        There’s a park on the corner __________ the street.
2.        The magazine is __________ the chair.
3.        __________ the left is a food shop.
4.        There are two chairs __________ the middle _________ the room.
5.        The post-office is in front __________ the supermarket.
6.        We usually travel _______ car.
V. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки:
Home place, prefers, advise, way of travelling, near
1.        I __________ you to visit Red Square.
2.        My brother ____________ fishing.
3.        The park is __________ the church.
4.        The most popular ____________________ is travelling.
5.        Arbat is my ____________________
VI. Переведите на английский язык:
1)        Мы собираемся в путешествие летом.
2)        Я куплю сувениры в Эдинбурге.
3)        В городе Йорк есть Центр викингов.
4)        Это саамы большой город в стране.
5)        Она поедет в Глазго на поезде.
6)        Твои родители любят проводить свой отпуск в городе?
7)        Мы ездили к родителям прошлым летом.
8)        Питер только что посмотрел этот фильм.
9)        Я еще не прочитал его книгу.
10)        В каком музее вы уже были?
I. Вставь нужные слова.1)        I __________ going to Scotland next summer.
2)        They _____________ going to travel to the USA.
3)        She ____________ learn many interesting things next year.
4)        _______________ you visit your granny?
5)        He ______________not going there by train.
II. Переведите на русский язык:
1)         The weather is going to be fine.
2)        We are leaving tomorrow.
3)        They will have a tour around the City next month.
4)        I’m going to read this poem.
5)        Jack will visit the theatre in November.
III. Ответьте на вопросы:
1)        Will you go travelling next summer?
2)        Will you go by plane?
3)        Will you go with your parents?
4)        Will you stay at the hotel?
5)        Will you take photos, buy souvenirs and visit museums?
IV. Составьте словосочетания:
1)        To travel                                  a) time
2)        To arrive                                  b) a long history
3)        To stay                                     c) at the hotel
4)        To spend                                  d) by train
5)        To have                                    e) in a big city
V. Заполните таблицу недостающими формами глаголов.V1 V2 V3
see be have build buy make come wear do eat go VI. Вставь Past Simple или Present Perfect.
1.        He ________ never _________ to Africa.
a)        was                        b) has been
2.        They _________ their holidays in the country last summer.
a)        have spent              b) spent
3.        Last year we __________ this town.
a)        visited                    b) have visited
4.        She ________________ the film already.
a)        has been                 b) saw
5.        She __________ here a year ago.
a)        has come                b) came