Сочинение на английском языке Молодежные субкультуры

На участие в районном лингвистическом конкурсе
для обучающихся 8-11 классов
«Эссе на английском языке»
Номинация конкурса«Молодежь в мире культурных ценностей»
Название работы«The modern generation»
ФИО участникаФилатова Татьяна ПетровнаВозраст14 летОбразовательное учреждениеМБОУ «Усть- Канская СОШ»
Класс8 «а»
ФИО учителя – руководителяИртаева Эркелей ВалерьевнаПочтовый адресс. Усть – Кан, пер. Детский 8, 649450
Электронный адресirtaevae@mail.ruКонтактный телефон89139920633

На участие в районном лингвистическом конкурсе
для обучающихся 8-11 классов
«Проект на английском языке»
Садыкова Марина, обучающаяся 8 «б» класса
Тема «260 лет вхождения Республики Алтай в состав России»
Учитель Иртаева Э.В.
Ust – Kan secondary school Linguistic contest
“Essay on English”
(“Young people in a world of cultural values”)
This work was written by the pupil
of the 8th grade Filatova Tatyana
The teacher is Irtaeva E.V.

Ust – Kan, 2016
The modern generation
Teenage time is the most beautiful time in everybody’s life. School, first love, close friends are the most memorable moments when you can stand out in the culture of society. It’s a confusing stage when young people are learning themselves and deciding what to do with their behavior.
There are actual problems of teenagers: pressure, bullying, body image issues, underage drinking, teenage pregnancy, drug use, high school rates and social independence in the modern life.
I would like to focus on subcultures of teens. They may be different. I know such cultures as Hippies, Hipsters, Tumblers (new), Goth and Emo.
I think subculture is formed by confident, interesting people. Their name is “Rebels”. Teenagers want to be similar to their idols. They have superficial opinion, knowledge about subculture. Authority is very important for teens.
The image of it lives in teen’s heads, helps to know about priorities, ideals, desires. If the parents have such authority, their child does not occur in a bad company.
As I know, the society dislikes such styles as Emo and Goths. All is doom and gloom. They can harm their health. That is why some parents are against of such a hobby of their child. And I am absolutely agree with the opinion of parents, because stabbing on a tattoo, piercing my young and fresh body is not nice and can lead to necrosis of the skin or what is worse, to death.
Does a subculture mean a company? I think, it is not. As I am fourteen years old, I am also a teenager. So I can say that the older generation thinks that young generation is lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude. This attitude is brightly showed in my favorite film “Freaky Friday”. The plot is about a mother and her daughter, who simply could not understand each other’s preferences. As in true life they have absolutely different views on clothes, hair, music, duties and even people. At the end, both begin to understand and respect the other’s point of view.
It’s necessary for the young generation to keep culture values. As Faina Ranevskaya said: “Today’s generation is awful, but the most awful thing is that the older generation is not in it”.