Презентация по английскому языку Фразовые глаголы (10 класс)

Приложение к учебнику Spotlight Student`s book 10Авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.ЭвансВыполнила: Журавлёва Е.А. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «СШ № 15» г.Евпатория
Phrasal verbs from Spotlight 10 out for (be careful) forward to (anticipate) up (find sb. in a list)down on(think sb. is not good enough) after (take care of) look after (resemble) out(invite someone out and pay for them) up(begin a hobby activity, career) off(remove clothes) over (gain control of sth.) in (make clothes a smaller size)take at (eat small amounts) out (choose) on (bully, criticize)go and get sb/sthlift upget betterpickup on(be powered by) out of(have no more left) away from (escape from) over (knock down with a vehicle) into(meet unexpectedly)run off (leave)on (with)(have a good relationship) around (move from place to place) by (to live, manage) in (arrive)get away(give without wanting anything in return) up (stop doing something) off (release e.g. a small, light) back (return, e.g. something you borrowed)give downup on (start a piece of equipment)overturnarrive sometimes unexpectedlyincrease the volumechange channelsTurn so the top part faces downDecrease the volumerefuse off (something stops running or operating). about (make something happen) on (cause) back (return something) up (raise a child)bring