Романенко Галина Владимировна,
учитель английского языка,
слушательница курсов ПК
Сроки выполнения:
06.04 - 18.09.2015
Обучении письму на разных этапах в школе проявляется в постепенном усложнении предметного содержания, объема и характера продуцируемых учащимися текстов, степени сложности языковых трудностей, в большом разнообразии используемых языковых средств.На старшем этапе обучения школьники учатся писать личные письма и сообщения. Учащиеся 10-11 классов должны уметь писать сочинение, проявляя при этом способность не только описывать события, факты, явления, запрашивать у партнера по переписке соответствующую информацию, выражать свое мнение, аргументировать его, но и сопоставлять свой собственный опыт с опытом своего сверстника-носителя языка.
В качестве конечных требований в области обучения письму выдвигается: развитие у обучаемых умения письменно выражать свои мысли. Выпускники гимназий должны уметь в рамках указанных в программе сфер и тем общения описывать различные факты, явления, события, делать учебные записи, заметки по прочитанному материалу и писать развернутый план устного, письменного сообщения.
В основе создания почти всех форм письменного сообщения лежат такие умения, как:
- передача основной информации, главной идеи прочитанного или прослушанного текста;
- описание, сравнение, сопоставление описываемых фактов;
- доказательство/аргументация;
- выражение оценки, собственного отношения к излагаемому.
Основными причинами написания личного письма являются следующие намерения:
- сообщить информацию;
- запросить информацию;
- предложить что-нибудь;
- попросить разрешения;
- дать совет и т.д.
Этап 1. Рецептивные упражнения.
Чтение текстов и их анализ с целью выявления важных моментов с точки зрения организации текста, употребления языкового материала, логики высказывания.
Этап 2. Репродуктивные упражнения.
Закрепление полученных знаний в ходе выполнения ряда тренировочных упражнений
Этап 3. Продуктивные упражнения.
Учащиеся самостоятельно составляют высказывания на иностранном языке.
(на основе учебника SPOTLIGHT 10)
Ex.1 Match the beginning (1-8) to the ending (A-H). SB p.18, ex.1a.Which type of letter is each pair from?
A letter giving your news
A letter congratulating someone
A reply to a party invitation
A letter asking for suggestions
A letter asking for advice
A thank-you letter
A letter of apology
Ex.2 An informal letter is a letter to an English-speaking friend. In this kind of letter we should/could include:
informal greetings such as Dear..
contraction verb forms like I’m and hasn’t
phrasal verbsinformal expressions such as a bit (for ‘a little’)
an informal ending such as Best wishes
a friendly and personal tone
Can you think of anything else to add to the list?
Find examples of informal style. SB p.18, ex.1a.Ex.3.  Read the letter and match the paragraphs with the headings below.
SB p.19, ex.3. (структура письма)
Ex.1 Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences:
I’m writing to tell you about my last holiday (just a quick note).
I’d like to thank you for your help (thanks a lot).
I was really glad to get your letter (great to get).
It’s a shame you didn’t get the job (sorry to hear).
Ex.2. Use the phrases to make the suggestions for the following:
I think I/you/we should…
How/What about +…ing…?
Why don’t I/you/we…?
Would you like to…?
spend next weekend with us
go camping together
get a puppy for your sister
go to a concert together
meet you at the train station
Ex.3  Analyze an informal letter
А. Work in pairs. Read models A and B, and say which one is appropriate. Think about whether:
the paragraphs are clearly organizedthe style is appropriateMODEL A
Dear Tim,
Hi – how are you? I’m good but I have exams this week at school. I write to answer your letter in which you ask me for my advice.
There are a range of options you could choose from. But before I begin with those, I like to say it’s a shame you can’t take extra lessons. I had extra lessons when I wanted to improve my French and that it helped a lot, but that was also because of my teacher. She was the best! Anyway, you could listen to the English music more often.
Of course you shouldn’t spend hours to listen to music. That’s just a waste of time! Listening to songs in English is a good way to learn new vocabulary, and it’s fun too! Furthermore, if I was you I’d read more in English. You can also have conversations with a friend in English, and then correct each other’s mistakes.
I recommend that you accept these advices on the matter.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Dan,
Thanks for your last letter. I think it’s great you want to brush up on your English and of course I’m only too glad to help you. Here are a few things you could try.
First of all, it would be a good idea to start reading more in English. You probably won’t have time to read novels but there are plenty of magazines that also help you improve your English. As you are so fond of nature, why don’t you take out a subscription to Natural Geographic?
Another suggestion is to watch films on DVD without the subtitles. That way you force yourself to listen to the language very carefully.
The best advice I can give you is to get more English-speaking pen-friends and email friends. That method really worked for me when I wanted to improve my Italian.
I hope these ideas will help. And remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t give up too easily! Write and let me Know how you get on.
PamВ. In pairs answer the following questions about model A.
What irrelevant information has the writer included in the main body?
Has the writer used the correct style?
How could the paragraphs have been better organized?
Correct the grammatical mistakes.
C. In pairs answer the following questions about model B.
What style has the writer used?
Has the writer organized the points clearly into paragraphs?
What is the topic of each paragraph?
Underline the topic sentences. Replace them with other appropriate ones.
A friend of yours has sent you a letter asking for your advice as he and his parents disagree about what he should study at university. Write a letter giving him your advice.
You have just been offered a very good job abroad. Write to your best friend, giving details of your news and plans.
You have been invited by your friend to spend the weekend on his father’s farm. Write a letter accepting or refusing this invitation.