презентация по английскому языку на тему Its a big world. Start travelling now!

A plane A hot- air balloon An airship A helicopter Underground A spaceship A bicycle A boat A ship A double- decker bus СамолётВоздушный шарДирижабльВертолет МетроКосмический корабльВелосипед ЛодкаКорабльДвухэтажный автобус Round Europe/ world On foot Across America Abroad To many places By plane, boat, train, bus… The North Antarctica The jungle The Gulf Stream The Sahara Desert The Bermuda Triangle The taiga The Pacific Ocean Some parts of world are full of mystery. In the western Atlantic Ocean, there is a very strange place. Lot’s of ships and even planes have disappeared in this area. This part of the ocean is called the Bermuda Triangle. Scientists try to explain why that part of the world is so dangerous and unpredictable. A huge sea animal is trying to defend itself. Pirates have taken over the area. Visitors from another planets take ships and planes with them. Earthquakes happening deep under the sea cause all the accidents. The cheapest The most expensive The most comfortable The most uncomfortable The fastest The slowest The noisiest The quietest The safest The most dangerous Comfortable Kind Pleasant Like Sure Usual Interesting Healthy Uncomfortable Unkind Unpleasant Unlike Unsure Unusual Uninteresting Unhealthy A sea voyage is most romantic way of travelling. But sometimesTravellers can faсе a lot of dangers. Do you remember the story about «Titanic»? 1.The panic began. It was discovered that there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers. 2.At 2.20 a.m. on the 15th of April the Titanic sank and took more than 1500 lives with her. 3.The Titanic was the biggest ship in 1912. the captain, Edward Smith, and the engineers were sure that she was absolutely safe and unsinkable. The ship was fantastic. First class passengers could have everything they wanted. They felt relaxed and happy. 4. A lot of people bought tickets for the first voyage across the Atlantic from Europe to America. 5.At 11.40 p.m. on the 14th of April, everybody on beard heard a terrible sound. The Titanic had crashed into an iceberg. Sailors had not noticed it in the dark, misty, cold night. 6.The liner Carpathia arrived at the site of the tragedy at 5 a.m. on the same day and rescued the people in the lifeboats. Unkind Unpleasant Unsinkable Unusual Unavoidable Unexpected Unknown Ship Number People Event Object Crash Information TITANIC WAS FANTASTIC. IT WAS CONSIDERED TO BE …UNCOMFORTABLE UNAVOIDABLE UNSINKABLE Unpleasant Unusual Unavoidable Unfortunate Unkind Unpleasant Unforgettable Unbelievable Unsinkable Unknown Unpacked Unavoidable Unattended Unfriendly Unavoidable Ship Food Book Nouns Situation Unpleasant Uncountable Uninteresting Uneatable Unsinkable GOOD OF YOU!