Презентация к 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов на английском языке Герои среди нас

The heroes among us I want to tell about one of a few veterants who still lives in our town Sevsk. Sofia Petrovna Zyukina (Mashkova) was born on September 30, 1922. Sofia Petrovna is 93 years old but she is interested in life and is often visited by the pupils of our school. Made by Dmitry Volkov, 8 form; Novo-Yamskaya school, Bryansk Region Teacher: Poplavskaya E.V. In December 1941 the fascists occupied her native village Aleshkovitchy. They shoot some people who were communists and Comsomol members. The villagers organized a partisans group and Sofia with her sister joined it. One of her stories excited us most of all. The partisans attacked the village Maltzevo where a large group of fascists was located. It was a hard battle and a lot of partisans were killed among them was Sofia’s sister. Her name is commemorated in the memorial complex «Partisan Polyana» near Bryansk. At that time Sofia Petrovna received her first medal. Her husband Nicolay Gavrilovich Mashkov also took part in the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately he died many years ago but people still remember him. Mashkov Nicolay Gavrilovich was born in the village Radogotch Komarichsky region. When the war began he was sent to Germany. But on the way he jumped out of a lorry and ran away. Then he joined the military unit, but he didn’t tell his real age. At that time he was only 16. He took an active part in the liberation of Byelorussia, the Ukraine and Poland. He was wounded but after the hospital Nicolay returned to the front and fought for Berlin.