Презентация по английскому языку Животные нуждаются в нашей помощи (4 класс)

4 класс. “A walk in the wild! Animals need our help!” What animal do you see in the pictures?Koala
Read some facts about koalas and say which is NOT true.A koala is a small bear.A koala can climb very well.A koala doesn’t sleep at night.A koala eats leaves from a tree.A koala can swim. This, that,These, those.Snap your fingers,Touch your toes.This, that,Those, these.Shrug your shoulders,Bend your knees. World Wildlife FundВсемирный фонд дикой природы bison Save-спасатьReserve-заповедникAdopt-усыновлять, удочерятьDonate-жертвовать, даритьRaise-растить What does WWF do?How many reserves and nationals parks are there in Russia?Where are the bison reserves?What can people do to help animals?When is a Day of Adopters in the bison reserves?