Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Pregnancy. Object clauses — Ж?ктілік. Толы?тауыш ба?ыны??ы с?йлем

Lesson 53Text: PregnancyGrammar: Object clauses Read and translate the textPREGNANCY Pregnancy is a period of excitement, expectancy and a bit of fear and nervousness for the future mother. It should be an exciting experience, and for that, love and consideration of the family as well as knowledge of what changes are taking place in the body and what to expect, is important. The first 3 months of pregnancy are important because during this period the baby's organs, like brain, heart, kidneys, limbs, eyes and ears are being formed.Avoid any medicine during this period. Some medicines can be harmful to the growing baby and so no medicines, particularly pills for sickness, headaches and anxiety should be taken without the advice of the doctor. The normal time the baby is in the mother's womb is about 40weeks-9 months and 1 week, but a few days earlier or later is within the range of normality.A baby who is born earlier than his time is called premature.  Vocabulary1. pregnancy - жүктілік 2.to expect – күту 3.to avoid – бас тарту 4.advice – кеңес 5.womb – жатыр 6.range – көлем 7.premature – шала 8.excitement – толқу 9.expectancy – үміт Answer the questions1. Is pregnancy a period of excitement and expectancy?2. What period is more important for a future mother?3. Is it harmful to take some pills during the pregnancy? Object clauses / Бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлем Бағыныңқы толықтауыш сөйлем сөйлем күрделі сөйлемде төл және төлеу сөздің толықтауыштың қызметін атқарып олар what? не? аbout what? Не жайында? for what? не үшін? Деген сұрақтарға жауап береді. Олар басыңқы сөйлемге that-не whether, if-егер, сияқты көмекші сөздер арқылы және who (whom)-кім (кімді), whose-кімдікі, what-не қандай, which-қайсы, when-қашан, where-қайда, how-қалай, why-неге, деген көмекші сөздер арқылы байланысады. For ex: He told us that he felt ill – Ол ауырып тұрғаны жайлы бізге айтты. Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with following conjunctions: until while although because where when1. I hate school uniform ________________ it is very practical.2. I used to like it ________________ I became fashion conscious.3. I have to wear it ________________ I am at this school.4. I only wear it ________________ if I don’t I’ll get done.5. I won’t wear it ________________ I leave.6. Then I’ll go to college ________________ you don’t have to wear one Exercise 2. Translate into Kazakh:1.The doctor’s advice was that my brother should go to the south immediately. 2. We have never discovered who did it.3. You may rely upon what he says.4. I think he is in the library. 5. I cannot understand why he did it.6.I am not satisfied with what I have written. 7. The question is whether they will arrive in time to take part in this work.