Презентация к проекту Мой любимый предмет- английский язык

Автор: Смирнова Виктория, 4 класс Руководитель: Валова А.Ф., учитель английского языка МБОУ Щенниковская ОШMy favorite subject -ENGLISHУчебный проект по английскому языку
I would like to present you my project about my favorite subject. My name is Victorya.I study in the forth grade of a secondary school.
style.rotation We study lots of subjects at school, such as Maths, Geography, Biology and many others. I think all these subjects are interesting and useful, however.
First of all, English is the most popular language in the world nowadays. It is very important that it’s the international computer language. I like foreign languages and my favorite subject is English. Коэффициент значимости языка.
ppt_yppt_yppt_y Secondly, English is a very melodic language and has a long history. Many traditions of English people are reflected in their language.
Our English lessons are always varied and exciting.
Thank you for your attention!style.rotation