Внеклассное мероприятие Сумасшедшее чаепитие из произведения Алиса в стране чудес

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 5-А классаУчитель: Каравацкая Инна АнатольевнаТема: «A Mad Tea Party»
After “Alice's Adventures
In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll
Цель:  обобщение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся, полученных на уроках английского языка и актуализация новых знаний.Задачи:
 воспитывать нравственно-эстетическое отношение к миру;
 художественный вкус;
творческую активность;
развивать творческую активность;
образное представление;
развивать  внимание, восприятие.
формировать навыки работы с художественными материалами, аккуратность;
формировать интерес к изучению предмета.Оснащение: компьютер ,аудио - и видеозаписи; чайный сервиз, салфетки и муляжи продуктов питания.
 Форма организации: инсценизация сказки

Alice: Hello, boys and girls. My name is Alice. Do you remember me? I follow the White Rabbit down the rabid – house. Oh, what is this? I can see a house! It is the March Hare’s house. Because the chimneys look like ears, and the roof made from fur. Look through the window, please. I can see the March Hare and the Hatter. They are having tea at the table. A Dormouse is sitting between them. He is sleeping. So, I’m coming.

March Hare: No room! No room!
Hatter: No room! No room!
Alice: But there is plenty of room!
March Hare: Do you like more tea?
Alice: But I didn’t drink the tea yet! So I can’t have more tea!
Hatter: Do toy like less tea?
Alice: No, thank you.
Hatter: What day of the month is it today?
Alice: The fourth.
Hatter: Oh, my watch is two days wrong!
Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month, and doesn’t tell what (o’clock it is) time is it.
Hatter: Does your watch tell you what year it is?
Alice: Of course not.
Hatter: Two days wrong! It’s always six o’clock now.
Alice: Oh, I have a bright idea!!! There are many tea – things on the table (many tea-cups, spoons…)
Hatter: Yes, you are right. It is always tea-time. And we have not time to wash the things between these tea-parties.
Alice: But what do you do, when you begin tea-time again?
Поют песню «Hockey-Pockey»

Hatter: Of course, we change the tea-things.
March Hare: The young Lady, tell us a story, please!
Alice: But I don’t know any stories.
Hatter: All right, then the Dormouse do it. (Обращаясь к мышке.) Wake up, Dormouse!
Dormouse: (еле-еле открывая глаза). I am not sleeping!
March Hare: Tell us a story!
Alice: Yes, tell us a story, please!
Hatter: Tell the story quickly. Don’t sleep.
Dormouse: Once upon a time there lived three little sisters (мышь начинает быстро рассказывать), and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Jillie. And they lived it the cup very well.

Alice: Where did they live?
Dormouse: They lived in cup… (сделав паузу, добавляет)… very well.
Alice: No, they cannot live in the cup, or they were ill.
Dormouse: So, they were very ill
Alice: But why did they live in the cup very well?
March Hare: Take some more tea.
Alice: But I did not drink the tea. So I cannot have more tea!
Hatter: So, then take some less tea.
Alice: I don’t ask you about tea. So, why did they live in a cup very well?
Dormouse: Sh! Sh! You are a good girl. Finish this story for yourself.
Alice: No, please go on!
Dormouse: All right. And so these three little sisters – they were learning to draw.
Alice: What did they draw?
Dormouse: Cups. So they drew everything.
Alice: Why – everything?
March Hare: Why not?

Мышь в это время закрыла глаза и задремала.
Alice: I don’t understand you. It is the stupid tea-party. I don’t want to go there again! (Она выходит из домика и закрывает за собой дверь.) That is very bad tea-party, it is mad. But everything is mad today.
Oh, I’m sorry, my dear boys and girls. But I must go. I have many adventures today. See you later in the next adventure.
To be continued…
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